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Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceClass _ Name _【学习目标】通过本课时学习,学生能熟练掌握101102页上Unit 9的单词favorite-hourI. 教与练(Teaching and practice) 学习任务一: 语音训练1. 跟读下列音标和单词。o /oldhomesofamost/,/:/or/:/longclockdollaroffice/lovesomecolordoveoo/u:/foodcoolschooltooth/goodbooklookfootou/a/foundsoundaboutourow/a/howbrownnowtown/knowshowyellowsnow学习任务二:会读写101102页上Unit 9的单词favorite-hour过程: (1)小组合作读单词,相互检查读音,并记忆单词10分钟 (2)从每个小组里挑几名同学展示,其他同学默写在学案上,小组长交换批改。特别喜爱的(人或事物)_学科;科目_科学_体育_音乐_数学_语文;汉语;汉语的_地理(学)_历史_为什么_因为_星期一_星期五_星期六_无疑,肯定_空闲的_妙极的,酷的_星期二_星期三_星期日_上午_下午;午后_有意的,有用的_从开始_从 到 _(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太,夫人_完成;做好_课;一节课_小时_在星期五_在学校_音乐教师_中国历史_下课后_上数学课_学习任务三:运用生词根据句意及首字母填空。 1.My f_ subject is math. 2.Can you speak C _? Of course, I can. I am from China. 3.Why do you like music? B_ it is relaxing. 4.Lunch is f_ 12:30 _ 1:30. 5.What are you doing in your f_time? 6.Mary likes history,she thinks it is u_. 7.I like that bike,it is so c_. 8.We study nine s_ at school. 9.S_ is the seventh day of a week. 10. We have science on T_ and W_. 11.Lets have some ice cream,its h_ favorite food. 12. Our school is big. We have many t_ in our school. Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 第二课时语法知识学案 Class _ Name _v 思维导视图SubjectsChinese,math.English,history,geography,science,music,artDescription Easy,difficult,cool,boring,important,fun,interesting,exciting,usefulStructuresA:Whats your favorite subject ? B:My favorite subject is math.A:Why do you like math? B:Because it is interesting?A:Who is your math teacher? B:My math teacher is Mr.Wang.A:When do you have math? B.On Wednesday.School subjects学习任务一:学习favorite的用法,仔细观察下面例句:1. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science.2. Whats his favorite sport? His favorite sport is basketball.3. Whats her favorite friend? Her favorite friend is Lucy. 归纳总结:1.favorite 前接_或名词的所有格形式。 2.favorite是形容词,意为“最喜欢的,最喜爱的”。相当于like best。 例如:Her favorite fruit is strawberries. = He_ strawberries _. 3. favorite 还可用作名词,意为“最喜欢的人或物”。 例如:Hamburger is Bobs favorite. White T-shirt and blue jeans are her favorites. 强化练习:1.-Whats _ (他的)favorite color? -_ favorite color is pink. 2.-Whats _ _(他父母的)favorite day? -_ _ favorite day is Friday. 3.-Whats_ _ (她姐妹的)favorite sport? -_ _ favorite sport is volleyball. 4.Their favorite day is Sunday. = We _Sunday _. 5.White T-shirt and blue jeans are her _ 学习任务二:学习特殊疑问句,仔细观察下面的例句: 1:Whats your favorite subject ? My favorite subject is math. 2:Why do you like math? Because it is interesting? 3:Who is your math teacher? My math teacher is Mr. 4.When do you have math? On Wednesday.定义:特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问的句子,也称wh- 问句。构成: What疑问句:what+be动词+主语 Why疑问句:why+助动词do(does)+主语+谓语? Who疑问句:who+be动词+主语 When疑问句:when+be动词+主语注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序。强化练习:1) 你最喜欢的食物是什么? _ 2) 她最喜欢的颜色是什么? _ 3)你为什么喜欢地理? _ 4)他为什么喜欢打篮球? _ 5) 谁是你的英语老师? _ 6)谁是她的语文老师? _ 7)你什么时候上历史课? _ 8)你弟弟的生日是什么时候? _ 学习任务三:学习why和because的用法。1)Why是疑问副词,意为“为什么”,用来询问原因或理由。用“Why + 一般疑问句?”构成特殊疑问句,其答语通常为:Because 。 Eg:A: Why do you like math? B:_ they are useful. 知识链接:汉语中的“因为所以”常常连用,但在英语中because和so不能 同时连用Eg: The book is very interesting, so we all like it. = Because the book is very interesting, we all like it. 强化练习: 1._does she like red? Because the color makes her beautiful. A. What B. Where C. Why 2. I like music _ its relaxing. A. because B. but C. And 3. Why dont you like history? Because its_ . A. interesting B. fun C. difficult 4. _is the woman in the car? I think she is Mrs Zhou. A. What B. Who C. Why 5. Mr Li teaches _math. We like _class very much. A. me, her B. me, his C. us, his 6.When _he have P.E?He _it on Monday. A. does, have B. does, has C. is, has Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 第三课时 听力训练学案 Class _ Name _Section A I.听前(Pre-listening) 1.词组互译:(1)语文_ (2)美术_ (3)历史_ (4)地理_ (5)特别喜欢的科目_ (6)星期二_ (7)星期三_ (8)星期四_ (9)星期六_(10)特别喜欢的科目_(11)Whats your favorite subject? _(12)My favorite subject is Chinese. _(13)Why do you like Chinese? _ (14)Because Chinese is difficult but interesting. _(15)When do you have history? _(16)I have history on Wednesday and on Thursday. _II.听中(While-listening)1.SectionA1b 听录音,圈出所听到的学科。 PE art science music math Chinese geography history2.Section A 2a, 在下列句子后面用数字标注正确的顺序. My favorite subject is math Whats your favorite subject ? Because it is interesting? Why do you like math?3. SectionA2b,在学科名后面标注正确的形容词序号。art science music P.E. math geography history a.fun b.interesting c.boring d.difficult e.relaxing Section B I.听前(Pre-listening) 1)了解星期 Monday 星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期 Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日注意:Monday is the second day of a week. Saturday is the last day of a week. 知识链接:在中,上帝用六天来创造世界,最后一天休息。后来因为敬神要远比劳作重要,而周日对应太阳之神,所以就认为星期日为一周的第一天,而星期六就变成了第七天。II.听中(While-listening)1. Section B 1b, 听录音,在所听到的形容词后面打勾。 boring difficult busy easy interesting fun free cool 2.Section B 1c听录音,回答问题.( )1.What subject does David worry about? A. Chinese B. math C. history( )2.Does Davids father think math is interesting?A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt( )3.Whats David favorite subject? A. Chinese B.history C. science ( )4.When is not David Chinese class?A .Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday( )5. what subject does David have besides(除了) math on Tuesday? A. geography B.science C.ChineseIII.听后(After-listening) 1. 听后跟读,模仿磁带中的语音语调,注意一般疑问句要用升调。 2. 小组合作,大声朗读对话。 3. 请学生分角色朗读对话,各小组推选两名同学进行展示,教师打分。选择题:( )1.Ken and Lindas favorite subject _ P.E. A.areB.isC.am ( )2.I like my music teacher.Hes _. A.funnyB.relaxingC.boring ( )3.He usually has a shower _ he goes to bed. A.beforeB.afterC.when ( )4.We have math _ Monday. A.inB.onC.at ( ) 5.He likes science _its very interesting. A.andB.soC.because ( ) 6.Every day I can play computer games _ one hour. A.onB.forC.a ( ) 7.All my classes finish _ 4:00 p.m. A.inB.onC.at ( )8.Whats _ favorite subject? A.KenB.Ken isC.Kens Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 第四课时 对话练习学案 Class _ Name _I. 导入(Lead in)翻译练习 (1) Hows your day? _(2) Whats your favorite subject? _(3) Whats your favorite day? _(4) Why do you like math? _(5) Who is your math teacher? _(6) When is your math class? _ (7)Theyre my favorites subject. _ (8)I think math is difficult but interesting. _II. 教与练(Teaching and practice)学习任务一:两个人一组,一个人询问对方最喜欢的科目并问其喜欢该科目的原因。另外一个人则回答自己最感兴趣的科目并说出喜欢这门科目的充分理由。喜欢的科目可以是Chinese,math,English等等。描述自己喜欢的原因可以用interesting,fun,relaxing等形容词来表达自己的感情。然后写出其中的两个对话。Eg: A:Whats your favorite subject? B:My favorite subject P.E.A: Why do you like P.E.B:Because its relaxing.(1) A: B: (2) A: B: 学习任务二:角色扮演(Role-play).1.Turn to page 50根据图片,猜测图中认人物的对话内容。2.让学生结对练习对话,并验证刚才的猜测是否正确。3.语言点学习:1). Hows your day? 是比较口语化的表达方式,常用于问候对方今天过得怎样?回答一般有Very good(很好),Its OK (还可以),Fine(不错),Just so so(一般般),Terrible(很不好)。接下来就可以详述你今天碰到的值得分享的事。2).Why do you like history? why是疑问副词,意为“为什么”,用来询问原因或理由。 because 用作连词,其后接从句,陈述原因或理由,用于回答why提出的问题4.播放录音,逐句跟读,模仿单词发音和句子语调。5.学生分组分角色练习对话。随机抽取几组学生表演对话,依据他们的表演语音语调进行评价。学习任务三:对话表演1. 根据上下句提示,完成小对话。(1)A: ?B: Im Fine.Thank you.A: favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is geography.I think its but interesting.A: ?B:Mr. Liu.He always plays games with us.A:Thats great.B: ?A:WednesdayB: ?A:Because I have P.E. on that day,its fun.B:Thats for sure.I like Wednesday too. 2.根据所给模板编写你自己的对话。要求脱稿进行对话表演。 对话模板 A:Hows your day? B: Im OK.Thank you.A: Whats your favorite subject? B:My favorite subject is Chinese .I think its interesting.A:Who is your Chinese teacher? B:Mr. Li.He always plays games with us.A:Thats great. B:Whats your favorite day?A:Friday B:Why?A:Because I have music ,its relaxing. B:Thats for sure.I like Friday too.编写你自己的对话A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 第五课时 阅读训练学案 Class _ Name _I. 读前(Pre-reading) 1. Brainstorming Subjects:_ _ _ _ _Adjectives(形容词) ,写出左边单词与右边的反义词匹配 boring easy interesting difficult fun free busy coolDays of a week:Monday,_ _ _ _ _ _Sunday is the first day of a week.Monday is the _ day of a week. Saturday is the _ day of a week.2.使用下面的形容词描述相应的学科,P53,根据例句,写出你自己的喜欢或不喜欢的学科及理由。relaxing interesting fun cool magic easy boring useful difficult eg: I like P.E., because its easy and fun. I dont like math, because its difficult. _ _3观察下面的图片,回答问题 1). What is she doing? _ 2).Is she at home or at school? _ 3) Guess(猜测): Is she writing about her school life or life at home? _II.读中(While-reading) 1.Skimming :快速浏览SectionB2b ,回答下列问题 1)Whats the main idea(主旨大意) of the article?_ 2.再次阅读短文,在Yu Mei 喜欢的学科下划线,在她不喜欢的学科上打圈3阅读完成下表: Friday TimeSubjects/ActivitiesTimeSubjects/Activities8:00 to 8:5012:00 to12:509:00 to 9:501:00 to 1:5010:00 to 10:502:00 to 4:0011:00 to 11:50III.读后(Post-reading) 1.根据上表复述短文:Dear Jenny,I am very_ on Friday. At 8:00 I have_. It is not fun. The teacher says it is _, but I think it is _. Then at 9:00 I have_. It is _but_. At 10:00 I have_After that, I have_at 11:00. It is _ and _. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have_. It is my_ subject. Our Chinese_, Mrs. Wang, is great fun.My classes_ at 1:50, but after that I have _ _ lesson for two hours. It is really _!How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject?Your friend,Yu Mei2知识点学习1). When do you have +科目 ?你什么时候上课? I have + 科目 everyday/on+星期几 我每天(星期)上课?2)For+段时间 I have a math class for an hour.3)be busy /be free be busy doing sth =be busy with sthI am busy_(play ) computer games.=I am busy_ computer games.4)重点词组学习:have math =have a math class/lesson have volleyball =play volleyballbe busy be useful be difficult be interesting be boring be relaxing be funafter lunch after class for two hours Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 第六课时 写作训练学案 Class _ Name _I热身 (Warming up) 1、根据阅读文章2a,归纳信件的常用的格式Dear _,.Your friend/Yours/Best wishes_2. 完成课本P54页3a,3b. 根据3a,归纳邮件的基本格式。(1) To: _.com(2) Subject: _(3) Message:(3a) Salutation: Dear_, Hi_(3b) Body: Thank you for your e-mail (3c) Closing and Signature: See you later! TomTimeSubjects8:00-8:40 a.m.Art9:00-9:40a.m.Chinese10:00-10:40 a.m.English3:00-3:40 p.m.P.E.4:00-4:40 p.m.mathIn the morning, I have_ at 8:00, it is_. Then , I have _ at 9:00, it is _. In the afternoon, I have _ at 3:00, it is _.II作文解析 假设你叫David,根据下表信息请你介绍一下自己学习和生活情况,60词左右。AgeFavorite subjectFavorite DayFavorite teacherTeachers hobbyFavorite subject15mathFridayMiss KingPlay ping-pong with ussciencereasonReasonReasonReasonusefulhave musicgreat funrelaxing interesting高分模板: 自我介绍 :My name is.I am 喜欢的事及原因:favorite subject.because 表达情感:We all like her very much!美文欣赏: My name is_. I am_. My favorite subject_ because its _.Myfavorite day is_,because I have _._is my favorite teacher,because he is_He likes_ _ _ _ _. We all like her very much!III小试身手:仿照2b进行写作。


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