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Module5 Unit1.Daming is having a birthday party.教学案一、学习目标:1.Learning task:1).Daming is having a birthday party. 2).Daming is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.2.Ability:Talk about one thing is happening,but another thing is happening. a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:读课文完成下列句子:1) Daming is having a birthday party, but the is .2) Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the is .3) Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the is . 4) Daming is playing the trupet ,but the is .三、导学案:Step1.Greeting:T: Hello! Boys and girls! T: Whats the weather like today? Its sunny. Whats the weather like yesterday? It was windy.Whats the weather like tomorrow? It is going to be sunny.T: Sit down ,please.Step2.RevisionRevise the present continues tense: the subject +be+doingaccording to the game from the last word to the first word1.E,g:picnic-a picnic-have a picnic-having a picnic-Were having a picnic.The teacher should make the similar sentences withfootball,piano,swim,hambergur2.At last,the teacher shoud let them give thema word partyParty-birthday party-a birthday party-have a birthday party-having a birthday party Daming is having a birthday party.3.Show the name of unit2Step3.Text:1.LET students look at the questions :1.Who is the birthday party for? 2. What is Daming doing? 3.What is the day like for Daming?2.Play the tape for studetns ,then let them try to answer the questions.1)Daming is having a birthday party.2)Daming is playing the trumpet.3)Daming is having a great birthday!3.Open the books ,play the tape again,students listen and underline the new words,and guess the meaning of the words.Then the teacher should write down the words and teach to read.4.Then the teacher should explain the difficulty in the text.1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the phone is ringing.2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing.3)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the doorbell is ringing. 4)Daming is playing the trupet ,but the dog is singing.4.Let students describe the pictures in Engish,they should answer the questions:1)What is Daming doing?2)What is another thing happening?Let them pay attention to the use of but.Then the teacher should let students try to make a whole sentence.The teacher let studetnts describe a picture,then others guess which picture he is describing.Step5.The whole class should finish Ex,1四、课堂检测:单项选择:1.I am watching TV, my mum is calling me.A. and B. but C.from2.She listening to the radio,but they laughing.A.is;is B. are;is C.is;are3.We having class,but they singing loudly.A. are;are B. am;is C is;is五、课后作业:1.写三句自己的经历,用“but”表达出来。2.收集在生活中出现的适合用今天知识描述的句子3-5个。六、板书设计:Module5 Unit1.Daming is having a birthday party.Party-birthday party-a birthday party-have a birthday party-having a birthday party Daming is having a birthday party.1)Daming is having a birthday party,but the phone is ringing.2)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing.3)Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the doorbell is ringing. 4)Daming is playing the trupet ,but the dog is singing.七、教学反思:本课教师能让学生从亲身体验中感受“but”的意义,能够用到听音阅读的教学方式,设计应该说是比较成功的。


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