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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Trading in private shares is growing rapidly, though its hard to _ exact numbers.问题1选项A.boil downB.pin downC.turn downD.count down【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. boil down 归结,浓缩 B. pin down 确定,明确C. turn down 调低,调小 D. count down 倒数,倒计时【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处与下文的“exact numbers(确切的数额)”构成动宾逻辑,its hard to do sth.句式意为“很难做某事”,表示很难怎么样确切的数额。though引导了一个让步状语从句,根据从句内容所得出的某种预期应与主句“内部股票的交易正在迅速增长(growing rapidly)”之间存在相反的逻辑关系,说明该预期应为“不清楚交易的增长情况”。通常来说只有确定了增长的数额,才能清楚交易的增长情况,由此可知从句部分所表达的应该是“很难确定确切的数额”。同时,由“exact(确切的)”也可推出应该是“确定”一个具体的数额。pin down指准确地表述或解释某事物,因此B选项pin down“确定,明确”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项boil down“归结,浓缩”指通过删去不重要的部分使事物或信息变得更简短精炼,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项turn down“调低,调小”指通过操作按钮或开关等控制装置来降低某物的音量、温度等,不能和“确切的数额(exact numbers)”进行搭配;D选项count down“倒数,倒计时”指按从大到小的倒序数,可引申为密切注意在某一特定时刻或事件发生前还剩多少时间,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】尽管很难确定确切的数字,但内部股票的交易正在迅速增长。2. 不定项选择题Chances are that, were you to be asked to imagine a victim of fraud, youd think of a little old lady being cheated out of thousands of poundsin person, on the phone or, increasingly, online. In fact, according to a recent report by the Better Business Bureau in the United States, this is far from the case.“Weve bought into stereotypes about scam victimsthey are usually seen as vulnerable and elderly, or gullible and poorly educated,” says the papers co-author, Emma Fletcher, product manager at the BBB Institute. “These stereotypes are strongly heldand they are wrong. We are all at risk, but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be scammed.”Similarly, a 2016 report by Norton, the antivirus company, found that 44 percent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year, compared with just 16 percent of baby boomers. Research by Barclays this year backs this up. The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses. Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks, millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive actions, such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer breach.Why is this? After all, millennials are meant to have data running through their veins. There are several reasons. One is what is known as optimism biasthe idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better. Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the older generations. But, perversely, this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe, whereas, perhaps surprisingly, older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason. Younger people spend far more time online. They shop more there (meaning their card details are entered more often and stored in numerous databases) and they share much more personal information online. According to Ofcoms 2016 Media Use and Attitudes report, more than 90 percent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts. For those aged between 55 and 64, this figure drops to 51 percent. For those 65 and over, its 30 percent.Interestingly though, according to the Office of National Statistics, older people are more likely to be victims of repeat fraud. This may be because they tend to be more trusting. Research at the University of California suggests that this isnt just because they grew up in more innocent times. Rather, age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older, they tend to trust more and question less.42. The belief that old women are more likely to be cheated is _.43. The 2016 report by Norton mentioned in Paragraph 3 shows that _.44. We can learn from the research by Barclays that _.45. According to Paragraph 4, younger peoples optimism bias refers to their idea that _.46. In Paragraph 5, the decrease of the number of old peoples social-media accounts explains why the elderly _.47. According to the research by the University of California, older people are more trusting because they _.问题1选项A.proved to be wrongB.confirmed by a surveyC.changing over the yearsD.shared by both genders问题2选项A.young people are less likely to use antivirus software than the elderlyB.young people are more likely to be cheated online than the elder generationC.online cheating is common in the 21st centuryD.young people are more likely to be cheated online than in person问题3选项A.its research results echo those of Norton research in 2016B.most of the online fraud victims are between the ages of 18-24C.it is of great importance to install anti-virus software to prevent fraudD.the younger generation are likely to take counteractions against fraud问题4选项A.they are more knowledgeable than the older generationB.they are guarded by more Internet protectionC.they are stronger than othersD.they are less likely to fall victims to frauds问题5选项A.are more likely to suffer from repeat fraud onlineB.experience more online scams than young peopleC.leave less personal information online than the youngD.spend far less time shopping online than the young问题6选项A.were taught to be innocent when they were growing upB.suffer from age-related changes as they get oldC.are more experienced in judging peopleD.enjoy communicating with people both in person and online【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C第6题:B【解析】42. 【选项释义】The belief that old women are more likely to be cheated is _. 认为老年妇女更容易被骗的观点_。A. proved to be wrong A. 被证明是错误的B. confirmed by a survey B. 被一项调查所证实C. changing over the years C. 多年来一直在变化D. shared by both genders D. 两种性别都有【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词old women可以定位到文章第一段“如果让你想象(imagine)一个诈骗的受害者,你可能会想到一个被骗走数千英镑的小老太太(a little old lady)不管是当面、在电话中或者越来越多在网上受骗的情况。事实上,根据美国商业改善局最近的一份报告表明,情况远非如此(far from the case)。”,说明在人们的想象中,老年妇女更容易上当受骗,但美国商业改善局的报告表明这一观点是不对的。因此A选项“被证明是错误的”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“被一项调查所证实”,文章说的是这一观点被证明错误,而不是被证明正确,属于反向干扰;C选项“多年来一直在变化”和D选项“两种性别都有”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有。43. 【选项释义】The 2016 report by Norton mentioned in Paragraph 3 shows that _. 第三段中提到的诺顿公司2016年的报告显示_。A. young people are less likely to use antivirus software than the elderly A. 年轻人使用杀毒软件的可能性比老年人低B. young people are more likely to be cheated online than the elder generation B. 年轻人比长辈更容易在网上受骗C. online cheating is common in the 21st century C. 在21世纪,网上诈骗很普遍D. young people are more likely to be cheated online than in person D. 年轻人在网上受骗的可能性比当面受骗的可能性大【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Norton可以定位到文章第三段第一句“同样,杀毒软件公司诺顿2016年的一份报告发现,在过去的一年里,百分之四十四的千禧一代(millennials)是网络犯罪的受害者,而婴儿潮一代(baby boomers)的比例仅为百分之十六。”,千禧一代指的是年轻人,婴儿潮一代指的是老年人,说明年轻人比老年人在网络上受骗的比例要多。因此B选项“年轻人比长辈更容易在网上受骗”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“年轻人使用杀毒软件的可能性比老年人低”,这是巴克莱的研究报告结果,而不是诺顿公司的,属于张冠李戴;C选项“在21世纪,网上诈骗很普遍”,这份报告只显示了过去一年的结果,不能说明在21世纪都很普遍,属于推理过度;D选项“年轻人在网上受骗的可能性比当面受骗的可能性大”,文章中没有提及在网上受骗和当面受骗可能性的对比,属于无中生有。44. 【选项释义】We can learn from the research by Barclays that _. 我们可以从巴克莱的研究中得知,_。A. its research results echo those of Norton research in 2016 A. 其研究结果与2016年诺顿的研究结果相呼应B. most of the online fraud victims are between the ages of 18-24 B. 大部分网上诈骗的受害者年龄在十八至二十四岁之间C. it is of great importance to install anti-virus software to prevent fraud C. 安装杀毒软件对防止诈骗是非常重要的D. the younger generation are likely to take counteractions against fraud D. 年轻一代有可能采取反欺诈的措施【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Barclays可以定位到文章第三段第二句“巴克莱今年的研究也支持这一点(backs this up)。”,this指代的是上文诺顿公司的研究结果,说明巴克莱的研究报告支持诺顿公司的报告。因此A选项“其研究结果与2016年诺顿的研究结果相呼应”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“大部分网上诈骗的受害者年龄在十八至二十四岁之间”,文章只是说十八至二十四岁的人之中成为受害者的比例大,并不代表大部分的受害者都在这个年龄段之间,属于曲解原文;C选项“安装杀毒软件对防止诈骗是非常重要的”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“年轻一代有可能采取反欺诈的措施”,文章中说的是年长的人更容易采取措施,属于反向干扰。45. 【选项释义】According to Paragraph 4, younger peoples optimism bias refers to their idea that _. 根据第四段,年轻人的乐观主义偏见是指他们认为_。A. they are more knowledgeable than the older generation A. 他们比老一代人更有知识B. they are guarded by more Internet protection B. 他们受到更多的互联网保护措施C. they are stronger than others C. 他们比别人更强大D. they are less likely to fall victims to frauds D. 他们不太可能成为欺诈行为的受害者【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词optimism bias可以定位到文章第四段第四句“一种是所谓的乐观主义偏见(optimism bias)认为其他人可能比你更脆弱,而你知道得更多。”,说明乐观主义偏见指的是认为其他人可能更容易上当受骗,而对自己心里有数,不可能成为受害者。因此D选项“他们不太可能成为欺诈行为的受害者”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“他们比老一代人更有知识”是年轻人产生乐观主义偏见的原因,而不是乐观主义偏见的具体内容,属于曲解原文;B选项“他们受到更多互联网的保护措施”和C选项“他们比别人更强大”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有。46. 【选项释义】In Paragraph 5, the decrease of the number of old peoples social-media accounts explains why the elderly _. 在第五段中,老年人的社交媒体账户数量的减少解释了为什么老年人_。A. are more likely to suffer from repeat fraud online A. 更有可能在网上重复受骗B. experience more online scams than young people B. 比年轻人经历更多的网络诈骗C. leave less personal information online than the young C. 在网上留下的个人信息比年轻人少D. spend far less time shopping online than the young D. 花在网上购物的时间比年轻人少得多【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词social-media accounts可以定位到文章第五段,本段中说到“年轻人花在网上的时间要多得多。他们在网上购物的次数更多,他们在网上分享的个人信息也更多(much more personal information)。”,说明老年人的社交媒体账号比年轻人的要少得多,所以暴露的个人信息也就少得多。因此C选项“在网上留下的个人信息比年轻人少”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“更有可能在网上重复受骗”,这是因为他们更容易信任别人,和社交媒体账号的多少无关,属于答非所问;B选项“比年轻人经历更多的网络诈骗”,文章中说的是年轻人更容易经历网络诈骗,属于反向干扰;D选项“花在网上购物的时间比年轻人少得多”,更多的网上购物意味着信用卡信息更容易被记录,和社交媒体账号无关,属于答非所问。47. 【选项释义】According to the research by the University of California, older people are more trusting because they _. 根据加利福尼亚大学的研究,老年人更容易信任,因为他们_。A. were taught to be innocent when they were growing up A. 在他们成长过程中被教导要纯洁B. suffer from age-related changes as they get old B. 随着年龄的增长,他们受到与年龄有关的变化的影响C. are more experienced in judging people C. 在判断人方面更有经验D. enjoy communicating with people both in person and online D. 喜欢与人当面和网上交流【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词University of California可以定位到文章第六段第三、四句“加利福尼亚大学(University of California)的研究表明,这不仅仅是因为(this isnt just because)他们成长在更加纯真的时代。相反,大脑中与年龄相关的变化意味着,随着人们变老,他们倾向于更多地信任,更少地质疑(tend to trust more and question less)。”,说明加利福尼亚大学的研究对老年人更加轻信的解释是随着人们年龄的增长,他们倾向于更加信任他人,而更少质疑他人。因此B选项“随着年龄的增长,他们受到与年龄有关的变化的影响”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“在他们成长过程中被教导要纯洁”只是次要的原因,属于本末倒置;C选项“在判断人方面更有经验”和D选项“喜欢与人当面和网上交流”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有。3. 单选题Culture is transmitted largely by language and by the necessity for people in close contact to cooperate. The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people becomein toleration of diversity if nothing else. Members of a culture or a nation are generally in closer contact with one another than with members of other cultures or nations. They become more like each other and more unlike others. In this way, there develops “ national character”,which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns.Frequently, the members of one culture will interpret the “national characteristics” of another group in terms of their own values. For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered “lazy” by citizens of some industrialized nations. On the other hand, it may be that the islanders place a great value on social relationships but little value on “productivity”,and crops grow with little attention. The negative connotation of the label “lazy” is thus unjustified from the point of view of the island culture.Stereotypes, such as “lazy”,“inscrutable,” and “dishonest” give people the security of labels with which to react to others in a superficial way, but they are damaging to real understanding among members of different cultures. People react more to labels than to reality. A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans. The “we-they” distinction applies to whatever characteristic the “ wes have and the “ theys do not haveand the characteristics attributed to the “theys” are usually ones with a negative value.The distinction becomes most obvious in times of conflict. For this reason, it is often suggested the only thing that might join all men together on this planet would be an invasion from outer space. “We”,the earthlings, would then fight “them”,the outsiders.Given the great diversitiesreal and imaginedamong people of the world, is there any foundation for hope that someday all men might join together to form a single and legitimate world government? The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.1.What makes people more tolerant of diversity between different groups?2.“National character” is built among people who( ).3.To some industrialized nations, the mentioned South Pacific islanders are( ).4.With stereotypes, people tend to( ).5.What is true about the black American Peace Corps volunteer?6.It is possible to form a single and legitimate world government only when( ).问题1选项A.Extensive communications.B.Language development.C.Close cooperation.D.Direct interactions.问题2选项A.like each otherB.share the same valuesC.speak the same languageD.think in the same way问题3选项A.idleB.carefreeC.inefficientD.well-organized问题4选项A.react to each other on a regular basisB.see different cultures in different waysC.take their own culture as the best of allD.describe other cultures with labels问题5选项A.He was wronged by his fellow African Americans.B.He was considered as a distinguished volunteer.C.He was discriminated against by the whites.D.He was excluded from the black Africans.问题6选项A.people are willing to abandon their “national character”B.people of different nations hold similar political viewsC.human beings as a whole have one common enemyD.human beings are able to contact beings in outer space.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D第6题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第二句。“The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people become(交际网络越广泛,思想和信仰的交流就越多,人与人之间的相似之处也就越多。)”,从而得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干信息。可将信息点定位至原文第一段最后一句。 “In this way, there develops national character, which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns(这样,就形成了“民族性”,这是一群人分享价值观和遵循相似行为模式的统计趋势)”,即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。“For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered lazy by.(例如,南太平洋岛屿的居民可能被认为是“懒惰的”)”,从而得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第一句。根据 “give people the security of labels with which to react to others(给人们安全的标签,让他们对他人做出反应)”,即可得出本题答案。5.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第三句。根据“A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans.(例如,美国和平队的黑人志愿者被非洲黑人认为是白人,并被称为白人。)” 即可得出本题答案。6.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。“The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.(其结果可能将取决于人类的政治演变。)”从而得出本题答案。4. 单选题Many foreign students have the ( )belief that British English is somehow more pure and perfect than American English.问题1选项A.indistinctB.subjectiveC.erroneousD.communistic【答案】C【解析】考察形容词辨析。indistinct “不清楚的,模糊的”;subjective “主观的”;erroneous “错误的”;communistic “共产主义的”。句意:英式英语较美式英语更加纯正、更加完美。根据常识,这一观点是错误的。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题Physical exercise has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings, to ( )the calories consumed in food and to control body size.问题1选项A.make upB.pass onC.work offD.mark down【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。 make up “构成,编造”;pass on “传递”;work off “发泄,排除”;mark down “降低价格,记下”。句意为:体育运动有以下作用:可以用于控制情绪,排除从食物中所吸收的卡路里,并且控制体重。选项C符合句意。6. 单选题Studies have proved that smart people tend to be smart across different kinds of( ) .问题1选项A.institutionsB.occasionsC.charactersD.realms【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。institution “机构,制度”;occasion “场合,机会”;character “性格,角色”;realm “领域,范围”。句意为:研究表明,聪明的人容易在各个不同的领域都表现得很聪明。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题Of course, there are pictures which can be interpreted in more than one way, and even pictures for which there is no ( )interpretation.问题1选项A.plausibleB.applicableC.reliableD.comprehensible【答案】A【解析】考察形容词辨析。plausible “看似合理的”;applicable “可应用的”;reliable “可以信赖的”;comprehensible “可以理解的”。句意:当然,有些画作可以从多种角度来理解,而有些画作却难以得到合理的解读。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题It rained heavily, and ( ) a flood came destroying everything in the valley.问题1选项A.consequentlyB.yetC.subsequentlyD.thus【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。consequently “因此,结果”;yet “但是”;subsequently “随后,后来”;thus “因此,从而”。句意:雨下得很大,_洪水摧毁了山谷中的一切。空格处后是大雨造成的结果,因此选项A符合题意。9. 单选题Weve all heard about endangered animals. Creatures like the critically endangered black rhinoceros are famous. But what are the most endangered plants? They might not be as exciting or loveable as animals, but they are just as important to the ecosystem一and humanity relies on that ecosystem.Here are three of the most threatened plants today.(1) These plants occupy some of the most inaccessible, remote parts of our planet. They are threatened by habitat destruction, illegal collection, poaching, and competition with invading species.Attenboroughs pitcher plant is known only from the relatively inaccessible summit of Mount Victoria in Palawan in the Philippines. There are thought to be only a few hundred of them.(2)Attenboroughs pitcher plant is one of the biggest, with pitchers up to 30cm in height that can trap insects and rats. It was only discovered in 2007 when a team of botanists, tipped off by two Christian missionaries, scaled Mount Victoria.(3)The suicide palm is a gigantic palm found only in remote parts of north-west Madagascar. It lives for about 50 years, then flowers only once, and dies soon after. Suicide palms were discovered in 2005 by a cashew plantation manager during a family outing, and formally described in 2008. With trunks reaching 18m in height, and huge fan-leaves up to 5m across, the palms can be seen on Google Earth.(4)The coral tree, with its bright red flowers and spiny trunk, occurs only in the remote forests of south-east Tanzania.(5)However, the forest patch was cleared to grow biofuels, and the species was feared to have gone extinct again until it was re-rediscovered to 2011. There are now fewer than 50 mature individuals in the wild, in a single unprotected location.问题1选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题2选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题3选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about


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