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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ( ).问题1选项A.gapsB.rateC.lengthD.intervals【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。根据题意本题表述的是每隔一段时间可以去周边旅游,因此选项A、B、C均与题意不符,而选项D是固定搭配at regular intervals “每隔一段时间”因此选项D项正确。句意:学生和老师可以每隔一段时间参加岛屿周围美丽的海滩活动。2. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.2. Like the stone of Roman wall, which were held together both by the regular design and by the powerful Roman cement, the various parts of the Roman realm were bonded into a massive entity by physical, organizational, and psychological controls.3. When this kind of damaging activity is carried out online, how can the offender ever be held accountable for their actions when they are almost entirely untraceable in a virtual world?4. The harmony of man and nature in the flow of the great stream of rhythm makes the Chinese garden more than something merely secular. It is true that no one would look upon the Chinese garden as a religious structure.5. We anticipate a personal loss will be more painful than an identical gain will be pleasant, so the benefit of winning must be disproportionately large for us to take a bet.【答案】1.人类学家在十九世纪末二十世纪初提出的最为广泛接受的理论认为戏剧是神话和仪式的产物。2.就像通过常规设计和强有力的罗马水泥而结合在一起的罗马城墙上的石头,罗马王国的各个部分通过身体的、组织的和心理的控制而被结合成一个巨大的实体。3.当这种破坏性活动在网上进行时,在虚拟世界中几乎完全无法追查的情况下,如何追究犯罪者的行为责任?4.在有韵律的极好的溪流的流动中人与自然的和谐让中国园林不只是一些世俗的东西。 确实没有人会将中国园林看成是一种宗教的建筑物。5.我们预料,相比一个完全相同的收获带来的愉快,一个人的损失带来的不快更多,因此对我们去打赌而言,获胜的好处一定是不成比例地大的。3. 单选题Although sports( )the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family traditions and routine.问题1选项A.overwhelmedB.affectedC.dominatedD.influenced【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管体育运动在Joe的家庭中占主导地位,但是当这些运动影响到家 庭传统和日常事务时,他会放弃体育运动。考查动词辨析。overwhelm 淹没,受打击,覆盖;affect 影响,感染;dominate 控制,支配:influence 影响。根据后半句句意 “当这些运动影响到家 庭传统和日常事务时,他会放弃体育运动”以及转折连词although可知,C符合句意。4. 单选题One might predict that the easiest and fastest adjustment would be made by the flexible, tolerant person who had chosen to come to the new country and who had a job. Additionally, (1)would be easier for someone whose culture and language are(2)to those of the new country.(3),a person who has a lot of support(4)friends and family would probably adjust more quickly. Undoubtedly, in many (5)these would be good predictors of a relatively smooth adjustment. However, sometimes there are surprises in peoples cultural(6)to a new country.Some newcomers (7)a society does well in their first year of cultural adjustment.(8), they may have a more difficult time later. Perhaps they expected the second year to be(9)easy and successful as the first year, but are not prepared to deal with obstacles(10)arise during the second year. (11)who had problems from the beginning may(12)find the second year easier(13)they are used to solving problems. They expect difficulties and arent surprised by them.There is yet another unpredictable variable in cultural adjustment. Sometimes people come to a second(14)speaking the new language very well, but still do not have an easy adjustment. The newcomers think,(15)because they have a good(16)of the language, they will not have much difficulty.(17), if people think that the new country is very similar to their country of origin(18), in fact, it is not, they may actually adapt more slowly. This is because the ewcomers only imagine the similarity between the two cultures. Therefore they may(19)that differences exist. Cultural differences do not(20),of course, just because a person denies that they exist.问题1选项A.predictionB.adjustmentC.adaptabilityD.expectation问题2选项A.similarB.newC.superiorD.inferior问题3选项A.ParticularlyB.PersonallyC.SometimesD.Finally问题4选项A.fromB.inC.ofD.on问题5选项A.occasionsB.casesC.placesD.parts问题6选项A.adoptionB.applicationC.adaptationD.subjection问题7选项A.inB.ofC.toD.from问题8选项A.MoreoverB.HoweverC.HenceD.Actually问题9选项A.soB.asC.moreD.very问题10选项A.whenB.of whichC.whatD.that问题11选项A.ThoseB.AnyC.ThatD.Some问题12选项A.reallyB.alwaysC.typicallyD.actually问题13选项A.whenB.whatC.becauseD.due问题14选项A.cultureB.schoolC.locationD.city问题15选项A.whatB.thatC.thisD.which问题16选项A.seizeB.graspC.snatchD.thinking问题17选项A.HoweverB.In generalC.In factD.In addition问题18选项A.whichB.whereC.whenD.that问题19选项A.refuseB.ignoreC.denyD.neglect问题20选项A.go awayB.go offC.get awayD.get off【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B第6题:C第7题:C第8题:B第9题:B第10题:D第11题:A第12题:D第13题:C第14题:A第15题:B第16题:B第17题:D第18题:C第19题:C第20题:A【解析】第1题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:prediction “预报,预言;选项B:adjustment“调整,调节器”; 选项C:adaptability “适应性,可变性”;选项D:expectation “期待,期望”。由于前文已经有出现adjustment这个词,根据文章逻辑以及句意可知,本题正确选项为B。句意:此外,对于那些文化和语言与新国家相似的人来说,调整适应会更容易。第2题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:similar“相似的”;选项B:new “新的,新鲜的”;选项C:superior “上级的;优秀的”;选项D:inferior “下级的;下等的”。根据文章逻辑可以推测出句意:此外,对于那些文化和语言与新国家相似的人来说,调整适应会更容易。由题意可知,本题正确选项为A。第3题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:particularly“特别地,具体地”;选项B:personally“亲自地,个别地”;选项C:sometimes“有时,间或”;选项D: Finally“最后,最终”。首先,选项A、B、C在使用时一般情况下不需要逗号隔开,因此可以排除。其次前文已经出现了additionally这样的顺序连接词,通过逻辑推理可知此处也需要同样性质的词,因此选项D正确。第4题:考查固定搭配。根据题意可知本题考查了一个常用的固定搭配have support from sb. “得到来自某人的支持”而选项B、C、D均与题意不符,因此选项A为正确答案。句意:一个有很多朋友和家人支持的人可能会适应得更快。第5题:考查固定搭配。选项A:occasion “场合,机会”;选项B: cases “情况,案例”选项C:place “地方,住所”;选项D:part “部分, 角色,零件。由句意可知these指代的是前文所举的案例,又in cases属于常用的固定搭配,所以本题选项B更切合题意,正确。句意:毫无疑问,在许多情况下,这些都是一个相对平稳调整的良好预测指标。第6题:考查名词辨析。选项A:adoption“釆用,收养,接受”;选项B:application“应用,申请”;选项C:adaptation “适应,改编”;选项D: subjection“ 隶属,服从,征服”。根据题意可知,选项C更切合文章,正确。句意:然而,人们对一个新国家的文化适应有时也会有令人惊讶的地方。第7题:考查固定搭配。根据题干和选项可知本题考查固定搭配,Newcomers to表示初来乍到,句意:一些刚进入一个社会的人在第一年的文化适应中表现得很好。所以本题选项C正确。第8题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:moreover “而且,此外”;选项B: however “然而”;选项C: hence“因此,今后”;选项D:actually “实际上,事实上”。通过逻辑推理可知,本句与前文存在转折关系,因此选项B符合题意,正确。句意:然而,他们以后可能会遇到更困难的时候。第9题:考查固定搭配。由题意可知此处考查固定搭配be as+形容词+as sth. “与一样”所以选项A、C、D均不符合题意,选项B为正确选项。句意:也许他们希望第二年能像第一年一样轻松成功。第10题:考查关系代词。选项A:when“什么时候”;选项B:of which“哪一个“;选项C:what”什么“; 选项D:that”那个“。由文章可以知道此处需要一个指代前文obstacles 的一个关系代词充当从句主语,因此选项D符合题意。第11题:考查指示代词。选项A:those“那些”;选项B:any“任何一个”;选项C:that“那个“;选项D:some“一些”。由句意可知此处需要一个表示复数的指示代词,所以可以排除选项B和C,而又因为指示代词是指代前文出现过的事情,因此选项A更符合题意。第12题:考查副词辨析。选项A:really “真正地,真实地”;选项B:always “一直”;选项C:typically “典型地”;选项D:actually “实际上,事实上”。根据句意可知,选项D符合题意,正确。句意:实际上,那些从一开始就有问题的人可能会发现第二年更容易。第13题:考查逻辑关系。通过逻辑推理可知本句前后为因果关系,因此可以排除选项A和B,又因为due 表示原因时需要与to连用,并且不可以直接接句子,所以本题正确选项为C。句意:因为他们习惯于解决问题。第14题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:文化;选项B:学校;选项C:位置;选项D:城市。通过逻辑推理可知,此处应该选择与前文cultural adjustment相关的选项,因此选项B、C、D均可排除,正确选项为选项A。第15题:考查关系代词。根据题意和选项可知本题考查关系代词在从句中的运用,题干句子需要关系代词既充当think的宾语又引导后面的从句,由此可知本题选项B 符合题意。句意:新来的人认为,这是因为他们对语言掌握得很好。第16题:考查固定搭配。选项A:seize “抓住,夺取”;选项B:grasp“握,领会,权力”;选项C:snatch “夺得”;选项D:thinking “思考,想法”。由题干可知本题考查固定搭配have a good grasp of sth. “对某事有很好的理解”因此选项B 符合题意,正确。第17题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:however “然而”;选项B:in general “通常,一般而言”;选项C:in fact “实际上”;选项D:in addition“此外,另外”。通过逻辑推理可知,前后存在并列关系,因此选项D更符合题意,正确。第18题:考查关系代词。选项A表示哪一个,选项B表示哪里,选项C表示什么时候,选项D表示那个。由句意可知,选项C更符合题意,正确。句意:此外,如果人们认为新的国家与他们的原籍国非常相似,而当实际上并非如此时,他们可能实际上适应得更慢。第19题:考查逻辑关系。选项A:refuse “拒绝”; 选项B:ignore “忽视”;选项C:deny “否定,否认”;选项D:neglect “疏忽,忽视。通过推理可知前后存在因果对应关系,因此根据题意可知,选项C符合题意,正确。句意:这是因为新来的人只是想象两种文化之间的相似性。因此,他们可能忽略了差异的存在。第20题:考查动词短语辨析。选项A:go away “离去”;选项B:go off “爆破,动身”;选项C:get away “逃脱, 出发”;选项D:get off “下车,下来”。句意:当然,文化差异不会因为一个人否认它们的存在而消失。由句意可知,选项A更切合题意,正确。5. 单选题When I was still an architecture student, a teacher told me, We learn more from buildings that fall down than from buildings that stand up. What he meant was that construction is as much the result of experience as of theory. Although structural design follows established formulas, the actual performance of a building is complicated by the passage of time, the behavior of users, the natural elements - and unnatural events. All are difficult to simulate. Buildings, unlike cars, cant be crash-tested.The first important lesson of the World Trade Center collapse is that tall buildings can withstand the impact of a large jetliner. The twin towers were supported by 59 perimeter columns on each side. Although about 30 of these columns, extending from four to six floors, were destroyed in each building by the impact, initially both towers remained standing. Even so, the death toll was appalling - 2,235 people lost their lives.I was once asked how tall buildings should be designed given what wed learned from the world Trade Center collapse. My answer was, Lower, The question of when a tall building becomes unsafe is easy to answer. Common aerial fire-fighting ladders in use today are 100 feet high and can reach to about the 10th floor, so fires in buildings up to 10 stories high can be fought from the exterior. Fighting fires and evacuating occupants above that height depend on fire stairs.The taller the building, the longer it will take for firefighters to climb to the scene of the fire. So the simple answer to the safety question is Lower than 10 stories.Then why dont cities impose lower height limits? A 60-story office building does not have six times as much rentable space as a 10-story building. However, all things being equal, such a building will produce four times more revenue and four times more in property taxes. So cutting building heights would mean cutting city budgets.The most important lesson of the World Trade Center collapse is not that we should stop building tall buildings but that we have misjudged their cost. We did the same thing when we underestimated the cost of hurtling along a highway in a steel box at 70 miles per hour. It took many years before seat belts, air bags, radial tires, and antilock brakes became commonplace. At first, cars simply were too slow to warrant concern. Later, manufacturers resisted these expensive devices, arguing that consumers would not pay for safety. Now we do - willingly.1.The first paragraph tells us that ( ).2.What can we learn from the WTC collapse?3.Ideally, the policy in city construction should be( ).4.Why are there still high buildings, or even skyscrapers in many cities?5.What is the most important lesson of the WTC collapse?问题1选项A.architecture is something more out of experience than out of theoryB.architecture depends just as much on experience as on theoryC.it is safer for people to live in old buildingsD.we learn not so much from our failure as from our success问题2选项A.Despite the two strong buildings, the death toll was still very shocking.B.The structure of the two buildings was of the first class.C.The structure of the two buildings was not so strong as people had expectedD.The structure of the two buildings was strong enough to withstand any accidents.问题3选项A.lower than ten storiesB.the lower, the betterC.the higher, the betterD.higher than ten stories问题4选项A.Because they are the symbol of modern times.B.Because many cities now lack building space.C.Because they are an important financial source of a citys budget.D.Because they represent the level of a countrys science and technology.问题5选项A.We should wear seat belts while driving.B.We should build low buildings just as we should drive slowly.C.We should make tall buildings illegal.D.We should pay for safety while constructing tall buildings.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。第一段第二句指出:What he meant was that construction is as much the result of experience as of theory (他的意思是建筑物既是经验的结果,也是理论的结果)。由此可知B项“建筑不仅依赖于理论,也依赖于经验”正确。第2题:判断推理题。根据题干关键词WTC collapse定位至第二段: Even so, the death toll was appalling - 2,235 people lost their lives (即使(两座建筑物没有倒塌),付出的伤亡代价却是惊人的2235人失去了生命)。由此推断A项“尽管两座建筑物很牢固,但付出的伤亡代价却是惊人的”正确。第3题:事实细节题。第三段指出: So the simple answer to the safety question is “Lower than 10 stories.”(所以安全问题的简单答案是“低于10层楼”)。因此A选项“低于十层”正确。第4题:事实细节题。第四段指出: So cutting building heights would mean cutting city budgets (因此削减楼层高度等于削减城市预算)。因此在许多城市里还有高楼大厦,甚至摩天大楼是因为“它们是城市预算的重要财政来源”。答案为C。第5题:判断推理题。最后一段提到从世贸中心倒塌事件得到的一个重要经验: Later, manufacturers resisted these expensive devices, arguing that consumers would not pay for safety. Now we do willingly (之后,厂商拒绝使用这些昂贵的设施,认为消费者不会为安全买单。 但是现在我们的确愿意了)。因此D项 “在建造高层建筑时,我们应该为安全问题买单”正确。6. 单选题This research has attracted wide ( ) coverage and has featured on BBC televisions Tomorrows World.问题1选项A.messageB.informationC.mediaD.data【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。media coverage表示“媒体报道”。句意:这个研究已吸引了广泛的媒体报道且成为英国广播公司的“未来世界”的特别节目。7. 单选题Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat. One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the suns rays. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grants gazelles. The overheated body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This is an advantage since the heat of the first few hours of daylight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive buildup of heat does not begin until well into the day.Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for non-adapted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight. An equally important adaptation is the ability to replenish this water loss at one drink. Desert animals can drink huge volumes in a short time, and camels have been known to imbibe (吸收)over 100 liters in a few minutes. A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to rehydrate at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication. The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert,as animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse pastures. Desert-adapted mammals have the further ability to feed normally when extremely dehydrated. It is a common experience in people that appetite is lost even under conditions of moderate thirst.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.Why light in color is important to large animals in deserts?3.What will be fatal to non-adapted animals?4.What does the author imply about desert-adapted mammals?5.What is the following strategy NOT mentioned by the author?问题1选项A.Animals developed different strategies to survive.B.Large animals can take strategies to reduce the effect of extreme heatC.Animals can tolerate the loss of body water.D.A very dehydrated person can drink enough water to rehydrate问题2选项A.It helped them maintain a constant normal body temperature.B.It reflects rather than absorbs the sun-lightC.It helps them see their peers at nightD.It helps them keep cool during the night问题3选项A.Keeping a normal body temperatureB.Drinking polluted waterC.Drinking huge volumes of water in a short timeD.Feeding when dehydrated问题4选项A.They do not need to eat much food.B.They can eat large quantities quicklyC.They easily lose their appetitesD.They can travel long distances looking for food.问题5选项A.The body temperature can be extremely high and coldB.Tolerate the loss of body water and replenish it immediatelyC.Lost appetite under the condition of moderate thirstyD.To be light in color【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。本文主要内容是:为了降低酷热的影响,生活在沙漠中的大型动物已经进化来适应这种环境,如:颜色变浅,调节体温,忍受身体水分丧失等。因此,A项 “动物发展出不同的生存策略”符合文章大意。第2题:细节事实题。第一段指出:One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the suns rays(一种适应是让自己颜色变浅,反射而不是吸收太阳光线)。由此可知,浅色对沙漠中的大型动物很重要,是因为浅色反射太阳光。故选B项。第3题:细节事实题。第二段指出:A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to rehydrate at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication(另一方面,一个极度脱水的人,不能一次性地喝大量的水来补充所缺水分,因为人的胃不够大,而且体液的迅速稀释会导致水中毒而引起死亡)。因此,C项 “短时间饮大量的水”正确。第4题:判断推理题。A: 它们不需要吃很多食物。B: 它们可以快速地大量进食。A项与B项在文中并未被提及。C: 它们很容易失去食欲。第二段指出:Desert-adapted mammals have the further ability to feed normally when extremely dehydrated(适应沙漠的哺乳动物还有在极度脱水时正常进食的能力)。因此C项不符合原文所述。D: 它们可以长途跋涉寻找食物。第二段指出:The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert, as animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse pastures(在沙漠中,能够忍受水分流失是一个明显的优势,这样动物不必待在水源附近,而是可以从广阔的牧场获得食物)。由此可知,能忍受水分流失的动物能长途跋涉来喂饱自己。因此D项正确。第5题:细节事实题。A: 体温可以非常高和低。第一段指出:desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height(沙漠哺乳动物允许它们的体温上升到一般认为发烧的温度),以及:indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel(事实上,到黎明时分,气温会降得异常低,骆驼体内的温度会低到34摄氏度)。因此A项有被提及。B:忍受体内水分的流失,并立即补充水分。第二段指出:Another strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for non-adapted animals(大型沙漠动物的另一种策略是忍受体内水分的流失,这种流失对那些还没有适应环境的动物来说是致命的),以及:An equally important adaptation is the ability to replenish this water loss at one drink(一种同样重要的适应能力是在一次饮水中补充损失的水分)。因此B项有被提及。C:中度口渴的情况下没有食欲。D: 颜色变浅。第一段指出:One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the suns rays(一种进化是让自己变成浅色,反射而不是吸收太阳光线)。因此D项也有被提及。四个选项中,只有C项不是沙漠动物为适应环境形成的进化,故选C。8. 单选题( )before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.问题1选项A.Had they arrivedB.Would they arriveC.Were they arrivingD.Were they to arrive【答案】D【解析】句意:如果他们能够在我们后天出发之前赶到,我们就能晚上一起聚餐了。语法题。考查虚拟语气。主句部分为should have a wonderful dinner party,因此这里为与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。故从句部分应该是If they were to arrive。从句部分可以省略if,把should/were提前,构成省略倒装。故选D。9. 单选题Americans love a juicy story. We want intimate details, and the media is happy to comply, but we forget that peoples lives are at stake. A crime is not a form of entertainment from which to derive perverse pleasure. It is the failure of a person to live up to his or her obligations as a law-abiding citizen, and tile media should report it as such.Recently, several major crimes have been sensationalized. As far as the media is concerned, the more gruesome the crime, the better. Take the Menedez brothers case or the trial of the policemen who beat Rodney King. If a famous person is accused, members of the press appear to smack their lips and writing their hands in anticipation. Insert sex or race, as in the O. J. Simpson murder trial, and the journalists oddest dreams come true. But such exploitation is not harmless entertainment. It tears at the core of the American Judicial system a fair trial by an impartial jury. A juror is supposed to be objective and has no preconceived opinion about the guilt or innocence of the


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