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2022年考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The reception was attended by( )members of the local community.问题1选项A.noticeableB.prominentC.conspicuousD.excellent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项noticeable表示“显而易见的,显著的”;B选项prominent表示“突出的,显著的,杰出的”;C选项conspicuous表示“显著的,显而易见的”;D选项excellent表示“卓越的,杰出的”。根据句意“来参加这场邀请会的都是当地的杰出人物”,可排除A、C选项,prominent是指名誉和地位很突出,相比excellent语义更重,故本题正确答案为B选项。2. 单选题Professor Johnson is said( )some significant advance in his research in the past years.问题1选项A.makingB.having madeC.to makeD.to have made【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。Sb is said 后接动词不定式,表示“据说某人.”。用不定式的完成式表示已经发生的动作。此句相当于It is said that Professor Johnson has made some significant advance in his research in the past year句意:据说约翰逊教授去年在他的研究中取得了重大进展。故本题正确答案为D项。3. 单选题The manager spoke highly of such( )as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.问题1选项A.virtuesB.featuresC.propertiesD.characteristics【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。virtue “美德,优秀品质”;feature “特征,特点”;property “特性,性能,财产”;characteristic “特征,特点”。句意:经理高度赞扬了员工所体现的忠诚、勇敢和诚实的优秀品质。题干中的loyalty,courage和 truthfulness都属于“优秀的品质”,因此答案选A。4. 单选题Its good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually( )from the Bible.问题1选项A.acquireB.resultC.obtainD.derive【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项acquire表示“获得,取得”;B选项result表示“结果,导致”;C选项obtain表示“获得,取得”;D选项derive表示“源于,得自”。根据句意可知,很多流行的英语表达实际上来自圣经。因此,本题选择D项最符合句意。5. 单选题Writing is a slow process, requiring( )thought, time, and effort.问题1选项A.significantB.enormousC.considerableD.numerous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。significant “有重大意义的,显著的”; enormous “巨大的, 庞大的”;considerable “相当多(或大、重要等)的”;numerous “众多的,许多的” 一般用来修饰可数名词。句意:写作是一个缓慢的过程,需要大量的思考、时间和努力。根据题干中的“thought, time, and effort”可知C项符合题意。因此答案选C。6. 单选题As a developing country, we must keep( )with the rapid development of the world economy.问题1选项A.paceB.moveC.stepD.speed【答案】A【解析】考查词组的固定搭配。A选项pace表示“步速,步伐,速度”;B选项move表示“行动,举措,改变”;C选项 step表示“脚步,步骤,步伐”;D选项speed表示“速度,进展”。词组keep pace with是一个固定搭配,表示“与.并驾齐驱,保持一致”。因此本题正确答案为A选项。7. 单选题Color and sex are not relevant ( )whether a person is suitable for the job.问题1选项A.onB.forC.toD.with【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配的介词。be relevant to表示“与相关的”,句意:人种和性别与一个人是否适合工作无关。因此,本题正确答案为C项。8. 单选题2. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly|( )to another subject.问题1选项A.committedB.switchedC.favoredD.transmitted【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。commit to“致力于”;switch to“转换到.”;transmit to. “传送到”; favor不与to sth.搭配使用。句意:最开始演讲者讲述的是有关该国家环境污染的问题,但她演讲到一半就突然转到别的话题上去了。根据but和another subject “别的话题”可知,B项符合题意。故答案选B。9. 单选题Someones future blurs and goes blank as anticipation( )nothingness.问题1选项A.smashes intoB.squeezes intoC.fades intoD.jams into【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项smash into表示“猛撞在”;B选项squeeze into表示“挤入;硬塞进”;C选项fade into表示“渐渐融入于,逐渐变成”;D选项jam into表示“挤进”。根据Someones future blurs and goes blank (个人的未来变得渺茫,成为空白)可知,期望应当是逐渐变成虚无,故C项fade into符合语境。句意:当期望逐渐变得虚无,个人的未来也会变得渺茫,成为空白。10. 翻译题Translate the following into Chinese.Most people benefit from international trade, for the same general reasons that most people benefit from the division of labor within nations and within localities. By participating in a broader community within which individuals and groups sell what they can produce with the greatest (comparative) efficiency, people can secure a far greater quantity and variety of goods than each individual could possibly obtain if he had to produce every one himself. There are, of course, many instances when blocking or limiting trade can bring advantages to particular groups at the expense of the broader society. But the more these groups succeed in enforcing such restrictions, the lower the standard of living and the slower the pace of economic growth for the community as a whole.As with communities, so too with nations. Specific interests can gain from import restrictions and economic theory even recognizes cases in which a trade barrier might leave an entire nation better off albeit at the expense of other nations. In most circumstances, however, open trade - by maximizing economic efficiency enhances the welfare and the standard of living of the nation and of the wider world.【答案】大多数人从国际贸易中获益,这跟大多数人从国家内部和地方内部的分工中获益的原因大致相同。通过参与一个更广泛的社区,这个社区中个人与团体以最高的(相对)效率出售他们所能生产的产品,人们获得的商品数量与种类远远超过自己能生产的。当然,在很多情况下,组织或者限制贸易能够给某些特定群体带来好处,代价是整个社会的利益。但是,这些团体越是成功地执行这些限制,整个社区的生活水平就越低,经济增长的速度就越慢。 社区如此,国家也是如此。特定的利益能够从进口限制中获得,经济理论甚至承认,在某些情况下,贸易壁垒可能常会使国家经济变得更好,尽管是以别国利益为代价。然而,在大多情况下,开放贸易通过最大化经济效率提高国家和更广泛世界的福利和生活水平。 11. 单选题We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to ( ).问题1选项A.ascendB.descendC.declineD.plunge【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。ascend “上升,升髙,攀登”; descend “下降,下倾”,表示空间方位的变化;decline “(数量、价值、质量等的)减少,下降”;plunge “使 突然前冲(或下落),(价格、温度等)暴跌”。句意:我们成功到达山顶,半小时后我们开始下山。根据题干的逻辑关系可知B项符合题意,因此答案选B。12. 单选题Ive become somewhat physically unfit, so Ive started going to the gym once a week to see if I can( )my body.问题1选项A.tidy upB.tone upC.take upD.eat up【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项tidy up表示“收拾,整理”;B选项tone up表示“増强;提高(声调等)使更健康”;C选项take up表示“拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)”;D选项eat up表示 “吃光;耗尽;击垮”。根据somewhat physically unfit(身体有点不健康)可知,空缺处应为“使更健康”,故B项正确。因此本题正确答案为B项。句意:我的身体已有些许不适,所以我开始每周去一次健身房,看看是否可以让身体更健康。13. 单选题Everyone interviewed had been ( )to unfair treatment.问题1选项A.subjectedB.adjustedC.devotedD.entitled【答案】A【解析】考察动词词义辨析。subject “使隶属;使屈从于”;adjust “调整,使适合”;devote “致力于;奉献”;entitle “定名为;使有权利”。根据后面的unfair treatment (不公平待遇)可推测空格处应该填入一个带有贬义的词,be subject to是一个固定词组,意思是“遭受”,选项A符合题意。句意:每个被采访的人都遭遇过不公平的对待。14. 单选题Over a third of the population was estimated to have no( )to the health service问题1选项A.assessmentB.accessC.assignmentD.exception【答案】B【解析】考查词组的固定搭配。A选项assessment表示“评定,估价”;B选项access表示“进入,通道,机会”;C选项assignment表示“分配,任务”;D选项exception表示“例外,异议”。词组have access to可表示“使用,接近,可以利用”,其余3项不可与have构成搭配。句意:估计有超过三分之一的人口没有享受到医疗服务。因此本题正确答案为B选项。15. 翻译题A. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.According to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, well officially welcome the Year of the Horse following the arrival of Spring Festival.The horse has played an important rote throughout human history all over the world. Horses were used for thousands of years as a means of transport, a weapon of war and a plougher of fields, but the horse was more than just a vehicleit had more character than a car, a tank or a tractor. In the Middle Ages in Western societies, the horse was a symbol of chivalry (骑士精神) and nobility. In fact, the word chivalry,coines from “cheval” in Old French, which meant horse. The idea of chivalry helped to fashion the 19th-century concept of the “gentleman”,which was related to courtesy, courage and loyalty to friends. Nowadays, because of economic development, people in Modem societies are less likely to see or ride horses. People living in cities, in particular, hardly ever experience horses except through movies, paintings or books.Besides their physical strengths, horses have powerful brains. Maybe thats why the Chinese idiom says: “An old horse never gets lost”. Since the horse is honored as a symbol of vigor, loyalty, persistence and intelligence, people bom in the Year of the Horse are said to share such good qualities.B. Translate the following paragraphs into English.中国作为文明古国,同样有着辉煌的城市发展史。中国的城市也具有自身特色。改革开放30多年来,中国工业化、城镇化(urbanization)步伐明显加快,城镇居民从1.7亿人增加到近7亿人,形成了一批有重要影响与发展活力的城市群,促进了经济发展和社会进步。 城市化对经济、社会、文化都有巨大而深远的影响。面向未来,中国致力于推动科学发展, 加快转变经济发展方式,把城镇化作为现代化建设的重大战略。【答案】A.按照中国农历,随着春节的到来,我们将正式迎来马年。在世界各国,马在人类历史上都扮演着举足轻重的角色。数千年来,马被用作运输工具、战争武器以及犁地农具。但其实,马不仅仅是一种交通工具,其地位要远超汽车、坦克和拖拉机。在中世纪的西方社会,马是骑士精神和贵族的象征。实际上,骑士精神chivalry词来源于古法语中的“马(cheval)”。在骑士精祌的推动下,19世纪代表礼貌、勇气和真诚的“绅士粘祌”成为一种风尚。如今,随着经济的发展,现代社会的人很少看到马或骑 马。尤其是城市中的人们,除了通过电影、绘画和书籍,几乎没有接触过马。马除了健壮的体魄外,还拥有强大的头脑,这或许就是成语“老马识途”的由來吧。马是活力、忠诚、毅力和智慧的象征,因此传说属马之人也具备这些优良品质。B.China, a country with an ancient civilization, also has a proud history of urban development. Chinese cities are also unique in their own ways. Since the launching of reform and opening-up program over 30 years ago, China has quickened the pace of industrialization and urbanization, with urban population increasing from 170 million to some 700 million. The emergence of a number of city clusters with strong influence and dynamism for development has boosted economic development and social progress. Urbanization has a tremendous and profound impact on economy, society and culture. Going forward, China will pursue development in a scientific way, accelerate shift of the growth model and take urbanization as an important strategy for promoting modernization.16. 单选题Museum is a slippery word.It first meant (in Greek) anything consecrated to the Muses: a hill, a shrine, a garden, a festival or even a textbook.Both Platos Academy and Aristotles Lyceum had a mouseion, a muses shrine.Although the Greeks already collected detached works of art, many temples notably that of Hera at Olympia (before which the Olympic flame is still lit) had collections of objects, some of which were works of art by well-known masters, while paintings and sculptures in the Alexandrian Museum were incidental to its main purpose.The Romans also collected and exhibited art from disbanded temples, as well as mineral specimens, exotic plants, animals; and they plundered sculptures and paintings (mostly Greek) for exhibition, Meanwhile, the Greek word had slipped into Latin by transliteration (though not to signify picture galleries, which were called pinacothecae) and museum still more or less meant “Muses shrine”The inspirational collections of precious and semi-precious objects were kept in larger churches and monasteries which focused on the gold-enshrined, bejeweled relics of saints and martyrs.Princes, and later merchants, had similar collections, which became the deposits of natural curiosities: large lumps of amber or coral, irregular pearls, unicorn horns, ostrich eggs, fossil bones and so on.They also included coins and gems often antique engraved ones as well as, increasingly, paintings and sculptures.As they multiplied and expanded, to supplement them, the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined.At the same time, visitors could admire the very grandest paintings and sculptures in the churches, palaces and castles; they were not collected either, but site-specific, and were considered an integral part both of the fabric of the buildings and of the way of life which went on inside them and most of the buildings were public ones.However, during the revival of antiquity in the fifteenth century, fragments of antique sculpture were given higher status than the work of any contemporary, so that displays of antiquities would inspire artists to imitation, or even better, to emulation, and so could be considered Muses shrines in the former sense.The Medici garden near San Marco in Florence, the Belvedere and the Capitol in Rome were the most famous of such early inspirational collections.Soon they multiplied, and gradually, exemplary modem works were also added to such galleries.In the seventeenth century, scientific and prestige collecting became so widespread that three or four collectors independently published directories to museums all over the known world.But it was the age of revolutions and industry which produced the next sharp shift in the way the institution was perceived: the fury against royal and church monuments prompted antiquarians to shelter them in asylum galleries, of which the Musee des Monuments Francais was the most famous.Then, in the first half of the nineteenth century, museum funding took off, allied to the rise of new wealth: London acquired the National Gallery and the British Museum, the Louvre was organized, the Museum-Insel was begun in Berlin, and the Munich galleries were built.In Vienna, the huge Kunsthistorisches and Nalurhistorisches Museums took over much of the imperial treasure.Meanwhile, the decline of craftsmanship (and of public taste with it) inspired the creation of improving collections.The Victoria and Albert Museum in London was the most famous, as well as perhaps the largest of them.1.The sentence Museum is a slippery word in the first paragraph means that( ).2.The idea that Museum could mean a mountain or all objects originates from( ).3.the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined in the third paragraph means that( ).4.Painting and sculptures on display in churches in the 15th century were( ).5.Which is the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.the meaning of the word didnt change until after the 15th centuryB.the meaning of the word had changed over the yearsC.the Greeks held different concepts from the RomansD.princes and merchants added paintings to their collections问题2选项A.the RomansB.FlorenceC.OlympiaD.Greek问题3选项A.there was a great demand for fakersB.fakers grew rapidly in numberC.fakers became more skillfulD.fakers became more polite问题4选项A.collected from elsewhereB.made part of the buildingsC.donated by peopleD.bought by churches问题5选项A.The evolution of museumsB.Collection and collectorsC.Modem museums and their functionsD.The birth of museums【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。slippery意为狡猾的,不稳定的。再根据下一段的内容可以推测,这里是指它的意思多年来已经改变了。所以选项B正确。2.细节事实题。根据第一段第二句“It first meant (in Greek) anything consecrated to the Muses: a hill, a shrine, a garden, a festival or even a textbook. 它最初的意思是(在希腊语中)是献给缪斯的任何东西:一座小山、一座神殿、一座花园、一个节日,甚至是一本教科书。”由此可知选项D正确。3.细节事实题。根据原文句意:随着它们的增加和扩大,作为补充,造假者的技艺变得越来越精湛。选项C符合原文。4.细节事实题。根据第四段第一句“they were not “collected” either, but “site-specific”, and were considered an integral part both of the fabric of the buildings.”它们不是被“收藏”,而是“特定场地的”,被认为是建筑不可或缺的一部分。选项B符合原文。5.主旨大意题。结合全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了“museum”一词的演变及其现代意义的由来,所以选项A最能概括本文主旨。17. 单选题In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals, a farmer must indeed be ( ).问题1选项A.restlessB.skilledC.strongD.versatile【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。restless “坐立不安的,不耐烦的”;skilled “有技能的,熟练的”;strong “强壮的,强健的”;versatile “多才多艺的,多用途的” 。句意:为了修缮谷仓、建立栅栏、种植庄稼以及饲养牲畜,事实上,农民必须是多才多艺的。根据句意可知,农民应该是多才多艺的,故答案选D。18. 单选题Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets. Of all the birds on these cliffs, the black-legged kittiwake gull is the best suited for nesting on narrow ledges. Although its nesting habits are similar to those of gulls that nest on flat ground, there are a number of important differences related to the cliff-nesting habit,The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives from foxes, which cannot scale the sheer rocks, and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty in landing on narrow ledges to steal eggs. This immunity has been followed by a relaxation of the defenses, and kittiwakes do not react to predators nearly as fiercely as do ground-nesting gulls. A colony of Bonapartes gulls responds to the appearance of a predatory herring gull by flying up as a group with a clamor of alarm calls, followed by concerted mobbing, but kittiwakes simply ignore herring gulfs, since they pose little threat to nests on cliffs. Neither do kittiwakes attempt to conceal their nest. Most gulls keep the nest area clear of droppings, and remove empty eggshells after the chicks have hatched, so that the location of the nest is not given away. Kittiwakes defecate over the edge of the nest, which keeps it clean, but this practice, as well as their tendency to leave the nest littered with eggshells, makes its location very conspicuous.On the other hand, nesting on a narrow ledge has its own peculiar problems, and kittiwake behavior has become adapted to overcome them. The female kittiwake sits when mating, whereas other gulls stand, so the pair will not overbalance and fall off the ledge. The nest is a deep cup, made of mud or seaweed, to hold the eggs safely, compared with the shallow scrape of other gulls, and the chicks are remarkably immobile until fully grown. They do not run from their nests when approached, and if they should come near to the cliff edge, they instinctively turn back.1. What aspect of the kittiwake gull does the passage mainly discuss?2. The word “immunity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to( ).3. Why is it difficult for ravens to steal the kittiwakes eggs?4. The author mentions that eggshells litter the nests of kittiwakes in order to( ).5. According to the passage, it can be inferred that which of the following birds conceal their nest?问题1选项A.Its defensive behaviorB.It interactions with other gull speciesC.Its nesting habitsD.Its physical difference from other gull species问题2选项A.distanceB.transitionC.protectionD.reminder问题3选项A.The kittiwakes can see the ravens approaching the nest.B.The ravens cannot land on the narrow ledges where kittiwakes nest.C.The kittiwakes eggs are too big for the ravens to carry.D.The female kittiwakes rarely leave the nest.问题4选项A.demonstrate that kittiwakes are not concerned about predatorsB.prove how busy kittiwakes are in caring for their offspringC.show a similarity to other types of gullsD.illustrate kittiwakes lack of concern for their chick问题5选项A.Bonapartes gullsB.Atlantic puffinsC.Kittiwake gullsD.Northern gannets【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。分析文章内容可知,第一段主要讲不同于其它海鸥,三趾鸥习惯在峭壁上筑巢;第二段讲三趾鸥在峭壁上筑巢的优势;最后一段讲了三趾鸥如何适应在峭壁上筑巢。由此可知,本文叙述的主要内容是三趾鸥的筑巢习惯。因此,本题正确答案为C项。词汇题。2.由原文第二段The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives from foxes,which cannot scale the sheer rocks, and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty in landing on narrow ledges to steal egg可知,三趾鸥在在悬崖上筑巢的一大好处就是更安全,可以躲避无法攀登峭壁的狐狸和那些难以在陡峭岩石上立足的乌鸦和其他鸥类,防止鸟卵被偷走。因此,本题的正确答案为C项。3.细节事实题。由原文第二段The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives from foxes, which cannot scale the sheer rocks, and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty in landing on narrow ledges to steal eggs.可知,乌鸦无法偷走三趾鸥鸟卵的原因是它们难以在三趾鸥的巢边落脚。因此,本题正确答案为B选项。4.推理判断题。根据原文第二段Kittiwakes defecate over the edge of the nest, which keeps it clean,but this practice, as well as their tendency to leave the nest littered with eggshells, makes its location very conspicuous可知,三趾鸥会在巢边排便,以保持巢内干净,但这种做法以及它们倾向于在鸟窝里乱丢蛋壳的行为,使得它们巢的位置非常显眼。这里的描述是为和大多数海鸥作对比,说明三趾鸥也不会试着去隐藏它们的巢(Neither do kittiwakes attempt to conceal their nest)。根据上下文可知三趾鸥之所以这样做是因为它们在峭壁上筑巢比在地面上筑巢更有优势,无需在意捕猎者,因此本题正确答案为A项。5.推理判断题。原文第二段中指出,三趾鸥对捕食者的反应不像在地面筑巢的海鸥那么强烈。接着举出了Bonapartes gulls的例子,说明Bonapartes gulls和三趾鸥的筑巢习惯不同。大多数的海鸥在平地上筑巢,所以它们在雏鸟出生后会把蛋壳拿走,尽量不暴露鸟巢的位置。因此,可推测Bonapartes gulls也是这样的习惯,所以才会暴露自己的位置。由此可知,本题正确答案为A项。19. 单选题This transformation is marked by several developments. Almost all the major armed conflictsin the world today are internal, there are unfolding within (1) boundaries and typically are being fought by multiple semi-autonomous armed groups. These conflicts are(2) by a particular brand of lawlessness, cruelty and chaos. In particular, they are defined by the systematic and widespread targeting of civilian (3).(4) these situations, warring parties routinelyignore international humanitarian law, which has


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