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2022年考博英语-南京师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题With the combination of intelligence and ( )skills, people have found ways to use plant and animal resources, mineral ores, fuels, and many other of Earths materials and resources.问题1选项A.plausibleB.elegantC.exteriorD.manual【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。plausible“看似可信的,花言巧语的”;elegant“优雅的”;exterior“外部的,外面的”;manual“体力的,手控的”。句意:通过智慧和动手技巧,人们已经找到了利用动植物资源、矿石、燃料以及地球上许多其他物质和资源的方法。只有D项符合句意。2. 单选题He always has a lot of( ) ideas in his mind, and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.问题1选项A.novelB.minuteC.explicitD.solemn【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。novel“新奇的,异常的”;minute“微小的,详细的”;explicit“明确的,清楚的”;solemn“庄严的,严肃的”。句意:他总是有许多( )的想法,有时候我们甚至不知道他在想什么。由后半句“我们有时候不知道他在想什么”可推知他的想法是很新奇的,故A项符合题意。3. 翻译题学问是自己的事,不能依靠别人。环境好,图书设备充足,有良师益友指导启发, 当然有很大的帮助,但是这些条件具备,也不一定能保证一个人在学问上就有成就。世间也有不少在学问上有成就的人,并不具备这些条件。最重要的因素,还是个人自己的 努力。求学是一件艰苦的事,许多人不能忍受那必经的艰苦,所以不能得到成功。【答案】Learning is ones own business, and one can not rely on others. Obviously it will be very helpful to learn knowledge if one has good conditions, such as good environment, enough books and equipment and guidance and enlightenments from scholarly mentors and beneficial friends. However, even if these conditions are provided, it is not sure that one will have success in learning. There are many people making achievement in learning with no those conditions. The most important factor in learning lies in the individuals own endeavor. Learning is tough, and many people can not bear the hardship they must experience, so that they can not achieve success.4. 单选题It is more important to( ) the way for childrens desire to know than to put them on a diet( )of facts they are not ready to assimilate.问题1选项A.tackleB.submitC.shieldD.pave【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。tackle“应付,处理”;submit“使服从,主张”;shield“遮蔽,包庇”;pave“铺砌,铺路”。pave the way for为做好准备,为铺平道路。句意:对于孩子们来说,更重要的为他们想要了解的东西铺平道路,而不是让他们去接受那些他们还没有准备好去吸收的事实。5. 单选题His( )in English, French and Italian made him a prominent interpreter in the country.问题1选项A.ProficiencyB.diversionC.immersionD.involvement【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。proficiency精通,熟练;diversion转移,消遣;immersion沉浸,浸入;involvement参与,牵连。由后半句的prominent interpreter著名的翻译家可知他对这三种语言很熟练。故A项正确。6. 单选题The advancement of science and technology has demonstrated that a fact appearing to contradict to certain theory may actually be ( ) a more advanced formulation of that theory.问题1选项A.consistent withB.eliminated byC.in opposition toD.incompatible with【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。be consistent with与一致,符合;in opposition to与相反;be incompatible with与不相容的;句意:先进的科学技术证明了如果一个看似与某一理论相悖的事实,实际可能与一个更先进的理论形式相符。由actually可知前后有相反的意味,故此空意思应与contradict意义相反,故A项正确。7. 单选题Even though the Red Cross had( ) large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster, many people perished.问题1选项A.alienatedB.alternatedC.allocatedD.ascertained【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。alienate使疏远,离间;alternate交替,轮流;allocate分配;ascertain确定,查明。能与large sum搭配的只有分配。故C项正确。句意:尽管红十字会划拨了一大笔款项来缓解遭受灾难的人们,但仍有很多人因这场灾难而死亡。8. 单选题Nobody knows( ) how many people are to be blame for the coal-mine accident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident.问题1选项A.inwardlyB.honestlyC.cleverlyD.precisely【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。inwardly“向内地,在内部”;honestly“真诚地,公正地”;cleverly“聪明地”;precisely“精确地,恰恰”。句意:没有人( )知道有多少人要为煤矿事故负责,所以政府正尝试查明整个事故的全部真相。由后半句“政府决定查明整个事情的真相”可推知没有人非常准确地知道这个事故。故D项符合句意。9. 单选题I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a conviction enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. Students must be incorporated, made, so far as possible, an integral part of the learning process. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. Of Ezekiel Cheever, the most famous schoolmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, his onetime student Cotton Mather wrote planned his lessons that his pupils “came to work as though they came to play, “and Alfred North Whitehead, almost three hundred years later, noted that a teacher should make his/her students “glad they were there.”Since, we are told, 80 to 90 percent of all instruction in the typical university is by the lecture method, we should give close attention to this form of education. There is, I think, much truth in Patricia Nelson Limericks observation that “lecturing is an unnatural act, an act for which God did not design humans. It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak while others remain silent. But to do this regularly, one hour and 15 minutes at a time for one person to drag on while others sit in silence? I do not believe that this is what the creator designed humans to do.The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully. To show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, unobjective; it is to appeal to the students emotions rather than their intellect. Thus the ideal lecture is one filled with facts and read in an unchanged monotone.The cult of lecturing dully, like the cult of writing dully, goes back, of course, some years. Edward Shils, professor of sociology, recalls the professors he encountered at the University of Pennsylvania in his youth. They seemed “a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal. Some read from old lecture notes and then haltingly explained the thumb-worn last lines. Others lectured from cards that had served for years, to judge by the worn edges. The teachers began on time, ended on time, and left the room without saying a word more to their students, very seldom being detained by questioners. The classes were not large, yet there was no discussion. No questions were raised in class, and there were no office hours.”1. The author believes that a successful teacher should be able to( ).2. The majority of university professors prefer the traditional way of lecturing in the belief that( ).3. What the author recommends in this passage is that( )4. By saying “They seemed a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing.” (Lines 3-4, Para.4), the author means that( ).5. Whose teaching method is particularly commended by the author?问题1选项A.make inspired play an integral part of the learning processB.make dramatization an important aspect of students learningC.improve students learning performanceD.make study just as easy as play问题2选项A.it draws the close attention of the studentsB.it conforms in a way to the design of the CreatorC.it presents course content in a scientific and objective mannerD.it helps students to comprehend abstract theories more easily问题3选项A.college education should be improved through radical measuresB.more freedom of choice should be given to students in their studiesC.traditional college lectures should be replaced by dramatized performancesD.interaction should be encouraged in the process of teaching问题4选项A.professors are a group of professionals that differ in their academic ability but behave in the same wayB.professors are like priests wearing the same kind of black gown but having different roles to play.C.there is no fundamental difference between professors and priests though they differ in their meritsD.professors at the University of Pennsylvania used to wear black suits which made them look like priests问题5选项A.Alfred North Whiteheads.B.Ezekiel Cheevers.C.Cotton Mathers.D.Patricia Nelson Limericks.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a conviction enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. 我在学院和大学里教了几年书,从那时起我就坚信,表演,戏剧化是最成功的教学形式。可知作者认为戏剧化教学是最成功的教学方式。故B项正确。2.细节事实题。由第三段“The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully. To show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, unobjective; it is to appeal to the students emotions rather than their intellect. Thus the ideal lecture is one filled with facts and read in an unchanged monotone. 奇怪的、几乎不可理解的事实是,许多教授认为他们应该枯燥地讲课,就像他们觉得必须枯燥地写作一样。表现出热情就有可能显得不科学、不客观;这是为了吸引学生的情感而不是他们的智力。”因此,理想的演讲应该是充满事实,以不变的单调语调进行的。可知教授们喜欢以传统方式上课的原因是传统授课方式以一种科学的、客观的方式展现课程内容。故C项正确。3.判断推理题。由第二段“There is, I think, much truth in Patricia Nelson Limericks observation that “lecturing is an unnatural act, an act for which God did not design humans. It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak while others remain silent. But to do this regularly, one hour and 15 minutes at a time for one person to drag on while others sit in silence? I do not believe that this is what the creator designed humans to do. 我认为,帕特里夏纳尔逊利默里克(Patricia Nelson Limerick)的观察有很多道理,她说:“讲课是一种非自然的行为,这种行为不是上帝设计给人类的。”有时候,一个人被说话的冲动所控制,而其他人却保持沉默,这是完全正常的。但要经常这样做,一次一小时十五分钟,让一个人讲下去,而其他人则安静地坐着?我不相信这是造物主设计人类去做的。”可知作者认为老师一个人讲课,而其他人保持沉默是不好的,他推崇老师与听众之间有互动。4.语义题。They seemed “a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal. 他们似乎是“一个祭司,他们的优点不一样,但他们的举止却很一致;他们从来没有涉及任何个人的事情。由该句教授们虽然专业能力不一样,但是他们的行为一致。故A项正确。5.判断推理题。由第一段末尾Ezekiel Cheever, the most famous schoolmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, his onetime student Cotton Mather wrote planned his lessons that his pupils “came to work as though they came to play马萨诸塞湾殖民地最著名的校长Ezekiel Cheever曾是学生Cotton Mather的老师,他在书中写道,他的学生“来工作就像来玩耍一样”可知作者推崇Ezekiel Cheever的教学方式。故B项正确。10. 单选题The waves( )violently against the shore, people couldnt hear them crying for help.问题1选项A.beatingB.had beatenC.beatD.were beating【答案】A【解析】考查独立主格结构。前后半句的主语不同,分别为the waves和people,故本题考查的独立主格结构,wave与beat之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,A项正确。句意:大浪激烈地拍打海岸,人们不能听到他们呼救的声音。11. 单选题In 1798 the political economist Malthus predicted that in time mankind would face starvation, having outgrown the available food supplies. Today, a century and a half later, there are still experts who forecast the same global disaster unless urgent measures are taken to prevent it.By the end of the present century there may well be over five thousand million people living on this globe, an increase of over fifty percent of todays figure. In order to keep pace with this increase in mankind the farmers of the world would have to step up their production of food by at least two per cent every year. Such a rate of increase has never been maintained in any country by conventional methods of agriculture, despite modern mechanization and the widespread use of fertilizers. There are no large worthwhile reserves of potential farmland remaining, and good fertile land is continually being diverted to industrial use. Moreover, erosion of the soil takes a constant toll.Intensive research, carried out over many years in all manner of climatic conditions, has produced a revolutionary method of growing crops without using any soil at all. Hydroponics, as this technique is called, may well be the answer to all our food worries. Already it has accomplished wonders in producing huge crops. Hydroponics was once a complicated and expensive business; now it is well out of the experimental stage. Labor costs are far lower than when normal methods of agriculture are employed. In fact, it is a completely automatic system. There is no hard manual work, no digging or plowing, and no weeding to speak of .Yields can be far higher than they are in soil.1. Which of the following best sums up the whole passage?2. The phrase “having overgrown the available food supplies” in the first paragraph implies that( ).3.According to the author, 2 percent annual increase in the production of food can not be achieved. Which of the following is not the explanation he gave for the problem?4. Which of the following statements is not true of hydroponics?5. Judging from the passage, the most important advantage of hydroponics should be( ).问题1选项A.Hydroponics is a new development in agriculture.B.Malthus prediction has been proved to be correct by modern expertsC.Hydroponics may be the answer to the world food shortage in the future.D.Conventional methods of agriculture should be improved to step up food production by two per cent every year.问题2选项A.the available food supplies will be enough to feed world populationB.the earth is too exhausted to support its increasing populationC.world population will grow at a rate faster than food productionD.food supplies will be too much available for world population问题3选项A.There are not enough potential farmland reserves left.B.Land is being lost through erosion and industrialization.C.Conventional methods of agriculture arc still prevailing all over the world.D.Modern mechanization and the use of fertilizers are not well popularized in the world.问题4选项A.Hydroponics has created wonders in agriculture.B.Hydroponics is too complicated and expensive for practical use.C.Hydroponics is considered a revolutionary method of agriculture.D.Hydroponics has already been employed in food production.问题5选项A.higher yieldB.lower labor costsC.more automationD.less hard manual word【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文第一二段讲述了粮食危机,第三段提出了解决粮食危机的办法-水培法,Hydroponics, as this technique is called, may well be the answer to all our food worries. 水培法很可能是解决我们所有食物问题的答案。故C项“水培法可能是解决未来世界粮食短缺的方法。”正确。2.推理判断题。In 1798 the political economist Malthus predicted that in time mankind would face starvation, having outgrown the available food supplies. 1798年,政治经济学家马尔萨斯预言,人类迟早会面临饥饿,因为人类的粮食供应已经远远超过了人类的需求。可知人类面临粮食危机的原因在于人类的增长速度超过了粮食的供应速度,粮食供应不足才会导致粮食危机。故C项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段Such a rate of increase has never been maintained in any country by conventional methods of agriculture, despite modern mechanization and the widespread use of fertilizers. There are no large worthwhile reserves of potential farmland remaining, and good fertile land is continually being diverted to industrial use. Moreover, erosion of the soil takes a constant toll. 尽管现代机械化和化肥的广泛使用,但任何一个运用传统农业生产方式的国家从来没有保持过这样的增长率。没有大量有价值的潜在农田储备,肥沃的土地不断被用于工业用途。此外,土壤的侵蚀会造成持续的损失。可知D项“现代机械化和化肥的使用在世界上还没有很好地普及。”与原文“despite modern mechanization and the widespread use of fertilizers.”不符,故答案D。A项“没有足够的潜在耕地储备。”;B项“土地正因侵蚀和工业化而丧失。”;C项“传统的农业方法仍然在世界各地盛行。”在该段都能找到依据。4.推理判断题。由最后一段Intensive research, carried out over many years in all manner of climatic conditions, has produced a revolutionary method of growing crops without using any soil at all. Hydroponics, as this technique is called, may well be the answer to all our food worries. Already it has accomplished wonders in producing huge crops. Hydroponics was once a complicated and expensive business; now it is well out of the experimental stage. Labor costs are far lower than when normal methods of agriculture are employed. In fact, it is a completely automatic system. There is no hard manual work, no digging or plowing, and no weeding to speak of .Yields can be far higher than they are in soil. 多年来在各种气候条件下进行的深入研究产生了一种革命性的不用任何土壤就能种植作物的方法。水培法,这种技术被称为水培法,很可能是解决我们所有食物问题的答案。它已经创造了巨大作物产量的奇迹。水培曾经是一项复杂而昂贵的产业;现在它已经远远超出了实验阶段。劳动力成本远低于正常的农业生产方式。事实上,这是一个完全自动化的系统。没有艰苦的体力劳动,没有挖掘或耕作,也没有除草,产量可以比在土壤里高得多。可知B项“水培法对于实际应用来说过于复杂和昂贵。”与原文“Hydroponics was once a complicated and expensive business; now it is well out of the experimental stage. 水培曾经是一项复杂而昂贵的产业;现在它已经远远超出了实验阶段”不符,水培法在过去是一种复杂而昂贵的产业,现在已经运用于生产。A项“水培法在农业上创造了奇迹。”正确;C项“水培法被认为是一种革命性的农业方法。”正确;D项“水培法已经在食品生产中得到应用”与原文“now it is well out of the experimental stage. 它已经远远超出了实验阶段”相符。5.推理判断题。本位主要讲述了粮食危机,并提出了解决办法-水培法。尽管水培法有很多优点,但最重要的优点是产量高,这样才能从根本上解决粮食问题。最后一句Yields can be far higher than they are in soil. 产量可能远远高于土壤中的产量。故A项正确。12. 单选题In the dim light, I managed to discern the shadowy figure of a big dog among the trees.问题1选项A.make offB.make outC.make upD.make over【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。make off逃走,离开,匆 忙离开;make out理解,辨认出,说明,填写,设法应付;make up组成,补足,化妆,编造;make over转让,移交,修改。句意:在暗光下,我在树丛中辨认出一只大狗的影子。B项符合题意。13. 单选题For about three centuries we have been doing science, trying science out, using science for the construction of what we call modern civilization. Every dispensable item of contemporary technology, from canal locks to dial telephones to penicillin, was pieced together from the analysis of data provided by one or another series of scientific experiments. Three hundred years seems a long time for testing a new approach to human inter-living, long enough to set back for critical appraisal of the scientific method, maybe even long enough to vote on whether to go on with it or not. There is an argument.Voices have been raised in protest since the beginning, rising in pitch and violence in the nineteenth century during the early stages of the industrial revolution, summoning urgent crowds into the streets on the issue of nuclear energy. Give it back, say some of the voices, “It doesnt really work, weve tried it and it doesnt work. Go back three hundred years and start again on something else less chancy for the race of man.”The principle discoveries in this century, taking all in all, are the glimpses of the depth of our ignorance of nature. Things that used to seem clear and rational, and matters of absolute certaintyNewtonian mechanics, for examplehave slipped through our fingers; and we are left with a new set of gigantic puzzles, cosmic uncertainties, and ambiguities. Some of the laws of physics are amended every few years; some are canceled outright; some undergo revised version of legislative intent as if they were acts of Congress.Just thirty years ago we call it a biological revolution when the fantastic geometry of the DNA molecule was exposed to public view and the linear language of genetics was decoded. For while, things seemed simple and clear: the cell was a neat little machine, a mechanical device ready for taking to pieces and reassembling, like a tiny watch. But just in the last few years it has become almost unbelievable complex filled with strange parts whose functions are beyond todays imagining.It is not just that there is more to do, there is everything to do. What lies ahead, or what can lie ahead if the efforts in basic research are continued, is much more than the conquest of human disease or the improvement of agricultural technology or the cultivation of nutrients in the sea. As we learn more about fundamental processes of living things in general we will learn more about ourselves.1. What CANNOT be inferred from the first paragraph?2. The principle discovery in this century shows( ).3. Now scientists have found in the past few years( ).4. The writers main purpose in writing the passage is to say that( ).5.The writers attitude towards science is( ).问题1选项A.Scientific experiments in the past three hundred years have produced many valuable items.B.For three hundred years there have been people holding a hostile attitude toward science.C.Modern civilization depends on science so man supports scientific progress unanimously.D.Some people think three hundred years is not long enough to set back for critical appraisal of scientific method.问题2选项A.man has overthrown Newtons laws of physicsB.man has solved a new set of gigantic puzzlesC.man has lost many scientific discoveriesD.man has given up s


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