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2022年考博英语-东华大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 per cent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four rail roads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service. Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyones cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. It is a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. “Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace” asks Mar- tin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be his with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortuning fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10. 2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrails net railway operating income in 1996 was just $ 427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Who is going to pay for the rest of the bill. Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.1. According to those who support mergers, railway monopoly is unlikely because_.2. What is many captive shippers attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?.3. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that_.4 The word “arbiters” most probably refers to those_.5. According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by_.问题1选项A.cost reduction is based on competitionB.services call for cross-trade coordinationC.outside competitors will continue to existD.shippers will have the railway by the throat问题2选项A.IndifferentB.SupportiveC.IndignantD.Apprehensive问题3选项A.shippers will be charged less without a rival railroadB.there will soon be only one railroad company nationwideC.overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate reliefD.a government board ensures fair play in railway business问题4选项A.who work as coordinatorsB.who function as judgesC.who supervise transactionsD.who determine the price问题5选项A.the continuing acquisitionB.the growing trafficC.the cheering Wall StreetD.the shrinking market【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】:事实细节题。题目问的是支持并购的人为什么认为铁路行业内不会形成垄断。根据题干关键词“支持者,合并,不可能”可以定位到第二段。支持者认为“Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. ”意思是因为要和卡车竞争,所以不存在垄断的可能。”因此C最符合文章原意。A不对,文章说支持者认为合并能降低成本,而不是竞争降低成本。B不对是因为文中只是说可以更好协调服务,而不是跨行业。D把主语和宾语弄反了,而且也不是支持者的观点,所以也是错误的。因此,答案为C。2.【试题解析】:观点态度题。题目问的是许多受控制的托运商对铁路合并的态度是什么。注意问的不是作者的态度 ,,是货主的态度,,根据文中第三段由于铁路运输业之间的合并使得发货商只能求助于一家公司,他们所付的运费要高出20%30%,如果他们觉得收费过高,他们有权提出申诉要求降低费率,但这一过程既昂贵又耗时而且只有在真正极端的情况下才有效果;根据第五段首句“Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases”根据关键词worry一词,可得发货商对于继续增加费用的担忧。所以发货商对于铁路运输业的合并是“充满担忧的”,而选项A“漠不关心的”,以及选项B“支持的”和选项C“义愤的”原文中并没有提及。因此,答案为D。3.【试题解析】:判断推理题。A的意思是说没有竞争的铁路运输公司,运输公司的费用会少一些。根据原文第三段第二句“Railroads typically charge such captive shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.”可知,费用是高了百分之二十到三十,而不是少了些。根据文中第三段首句,大多数托运商将由一家公司服务,但B答案是说只剩下一家公司,意义完全不同。C答案根据原文第三段可知,货主们如果认为铁路公司收费过高,可以向联邦政府的机构申请降低费率。但是申诉的过程耗时费钱,可以推断出他们提出申诉的可能性比较小。D答案是说政府可以保证铁路行业内的公平竞争,文中并没有提及,属于无关选项。因此,答案为C。4.【试题解析】:语义推测题。arbiter的意思是“仲裁者”,词义题一般可以根据其上下文推断出来其含义,根据这个单词定位到原文的第四段的“Do you really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace? ” “It is a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.”由此,可以得出“arbiter”的意思是能够决定成败,决定输赢的一个职位,即选项B最符合题意。5.【试题解析】:事实细节题。题目问的是铁路成本提高的主要原因,根据关键词“cost increase”,定位到原文中的最后一段的第一句话,可得知许多“受制” 托运商担心他们很快将遭遇一轮新的费率大涨价。目前的铁路公司所赚的钱不足以支付为满足不断增长的运输需要而进行的固定资产投资,然而铁路公司仍然继续贷款数十亿美元来进行收购。因此,铁路的经营成本提高。选项B,文中虽然提到铁路公司还没有足够的钱去满足不断增长的运输需要,但是这并不是经营成本提高的原因。C、D选项文中并没有依据。因此,答案为A。2. 单选题The _ that she suggested for discussion were based on the most recent medical research.问题1选项A.contributionsB.occupationsC.expostulationsD.amendments【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“contribution”,意为“贡献,捐款”;B选项“occupation”,意为“占有权,职业”;C选项“expostulation”意为“劝导,忠告”;D选项“amendment”,意为“改善,修正建议”。句意:她建议讨论的修正案是基于最新的医学研究。因此,D选项符合题意。3. 单选题Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in World War and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionagespying as a “profession”. These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovans vocation as well.The latest revolution isnt simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemens e-mail. That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying. The spooks (间谍) call it “open-source intelligence”, and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi. The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.Among the firms making the biggest splash in this new world is Straitford, Inc., a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Texas. Straitford makes money by selling the results of spying (covering nations from Chile to Russia) to corporations like energy-services firm McDermott International. Many of its predictions are available online at www. S.Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymasters dream. Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine. “As soon as that report runs, well suddenly get 500 new Internet sign-ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And well hear back from some of them.” Open-source spying does have its risks, of course, since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. Thats where Straitford earns its keep.Friedman relies on a lean Staff of 20 in Austin. Several of his staff members have military-intelligence backgrounds. He sees the firms outsider status as the key to its success. Straitfords briefs dont sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. Straitford, says Friedman, takes pride in its independent voice.1. The emergence of the Net has _.2. Donovans story is mentioned in the text to _.3. The phrase “making the biggest splash” (line 1, paragraph 3) most probably means _.4. It can be learned from paragraph 4 that _.5. Straitford is most proud of its _.问题1选项A.received support from fans like DonovanB.remolded the intelligence servicesC.restored many common pastimesD.revived spying as a profession问题2选项A.introduce the topic of online spyingB.show how he fought for the USC.give an episode of the information warD.honor his unique services to the CIA问题3选项A.causing the biggest troubleB.exerting the greatest effortC.achieving the greatest successD.enjoying the widest popularity问题4选项A.Straitfords prediction about Ukraine has proved trueB.Straitford guarantees the truthfulness of its informationC.Straitfords business is characterized by unpredictabilityD.Straitford is able to provide fairly reliable information问题5选项A.official statusB.nonconformist imageC.efficient staffD.military background【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“网络的出现已经”。第一段最后一句These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovans vocation as well.(如今,网络已经改变了购书和寄信等日常娱乐活动,也正在重塑Donovan的情报员职业)可知,网络的出现是改造了情报部门的工作。A项“得到了Donovan等粉丝的支持”,文中第一句Wild bill Donovan would have loved the Internet.(Donovan会爱上互联网的),这里用的虚拟语气,且从后面的内容也可以得知,在Donovan做情报员期间互联网还没有出现,所以A项错误;C项“恢复/还原许多普遍的消遣活动”,文中说的是互联网改变了人们日常生活的方式,如买书、发邮件等,这里是改变而不是恢复,因此C项错误;D项“复兴了间谍这个职业”,原文没有提到间谍行业消失的信息,所以复兴一词不正确。该题B项“重塑了情报行业”正确。2.【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“文中提到Donovan的故事是用来”。A项“介绍网络间谍的主题”,B项“展示他是如何为美国而战”,C项“信息战争的一段插曲”,D项“向他对中情局的贡献致敬”。文章开篇引用Donovan的例子来证明互联网的发展重塑了间谍行业,从而来引出接下来对间谍行业的论述,因此该题A项正确。3.【试题解析】语义推测题。题干意思是“第三段第一行making the biggest splash这个短语的意思最有可能是”。A项“制造最大的麻烦”,B项“尽最大的努力”,C项“取得最大的成功”,D项“有最广泛的名气”。第三段讲的内容是作为一家私人情报分析公司,Straitford通过将间谍活动的成果(覆盖从智利到俄罗斯的国家)卖给其他公司来赚钱;它的许多预测都可以在网站上看到;由此可以推断Straitford公司是这个间谍行业的佼佼者,因此A项和B项都不符合题意;另外,文中对Straitford公司的名气并没有特别提到,所以该题C项最符合题意。4.【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“从第四段可以知道”。第四段主要讲的是Friedman将互联网作为一个双向的工具,既用来收集信息,又用来发布信息;A项“关于乌克兰的语言被证实是真的”,文中只说了Straitford公司做出了关于乌克兰局势的预测,原文并没有说明预言是否成真,所以A项错误;B项“Straitford公司保证信息的真实性”,第四段倒数第二句提到Open-source spying does have its risks, of course, since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad(当然公开来源的间谍活动的确有它的风险,因为很难区分正确与错误的信息),最后一句提到这正是Straitford公司赚钱的原因,所以由此可以推断出Straitford公司就是靠辨别真伪情报赚钱的,它能提供相当可靠的信息,但是没有保证情报百分百的准确,B项太绝对;C项“Straitford公司商业的特点是不可预测性”在文中找不到依据;因此该题D项“Straitford公司能提供相当可靠的信息”最符合题意。5.【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“Straitford公司对自己的什么最自豪?”。A项“官员地位”,B项“不墨守成规的形象”,C项“有效率的员工”,D项“军事背景”。文章最后一句提到Friedman, takes pride in its independent voice.(弗莱德曼说,Straitford公司为其独立的声音而感到自豪)可知,Straitford公司引以为豪的是其独立的立场,A项没有依据,C项和D项都不是Straitford公司引以为豪之处。因此B项最符合题意。4. 单选题Although he is very rich, his undutiful children are the _ of his life.问题1选项A.torchB.tormentC.topicD.topper【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项torch“火把、火炬”;B项torment“折磨、痛苦”;C项topic“主题”;D项topper“第一流人物、大礼帽”;句意:虽然他很有钱,但他那些不孝顺的孩子是他生活中的折磨。因此该题B项正确。5. 单选题After working with Ellen for many years, we knew each other very well and established a good_.问题1选项A.rapportB.rapineC.prospectD.rapture【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“rapport”,意为“亲善;融洽;和睦关系”;B选项“rapine”,意为“掠夺;劫掠”;C选项“prospect”,意为“前途;预期;景色”;D选项“rapture”,意为“狂喜;欢天喜地;兴高采烈”。句意:和艾伦一起工作多年后,我们彼此非常了解,并建立了_良好的关系_。本句表示“因为和艾伦一起工作多年,彼此也十分了解,两人之间建立了亲密、和谐的良好关系”。因此A选项符合题意。6. 单选题The proposal he put forward two days ago has been supported by people on all sides of the political_.问题1选项A.spectrumB.ambitionC.expectationD.strength【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“spectrum”,意为范围,幅度,B选项“ambition”,意为“抱负,志向”,C选项“expectation”,意为“期望,期待”,D选项“strength”,意为“力气,力量”。句意:他两天前提出的建议得到了政治力量各方面人士的支持。因此,D选项符合句意。7. 单选题I could see that my wife was _having that raincoat, whether I approve of it or not.问题1选项A.adequate forB.intent onC.short ofD.deficient in【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“adequate for”,意为“胜任的,适合的”, B选项“intent on”,意为“专心于,决心实行”,C选项“short of”意为“缺乏,不足,除以外”,D选项“deficient in”,意为“不足,缺乏”。句意:不管我赞成与否,我能看出我妻子一心想要那一件雨衣。因此,B选项符合句意。8. 单选题The measures are little more than_ that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.问题1选项A.blind faithB.window dressingC.good impressionD.winning image【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“blind faith”,意为“盲目的信念”;B选项“window dressing”,意为“装点门面”;C选项“good impression”,意为“好的印象”;D选项“winning image”意为“赢者的形象”,句意:这些措施不过是装点门面,一旦投资者仔细观察,它们很快就会消失。因此,B选项符合句意。9. 单选题Faced with the _ difficulties, they are determined to carry on their program.问题1选项A.satisfactoryB.attributableC.innocentD.intangible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项satisfactory“满意的”;B项attributable“可归于的、可归属的”;C项innocent“无辜的、无罪的”;D项intangible“无形的、触摸不到的”;句意:面对无形的困难,他们决心把计划进行下去。因此该题D项正确。10. 单选题_ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the German economy actually is.问题1选项A.To giveB.GivenC.GivingD.Having given【答案】B【解析】考查given的用法。A项to give不定式;B项given 过去分词作介词放句首,表“考虑到”;C项giving现在分词;D项having given现在完成时;句意:考虑到有关德国经济实力的说法,德国经济实际上是相对较小的,这多少有些令人惊讶。因此该题B项正确。11. 单选题_ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.问题1选项A.Making upB.Doing upC.Putting upD.Sizing up【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配的用法。A项make up“构成、化妆”;B项do up“扎、捆”;C项put up“举起、建造”;D项size up“判断、估量”;句意:我们估量了一下这面墙,决定需要三罐油漆。因此该题D项正确。12. 单选题After winning the Championship the team members _the head coach to their shoulders in shouting triumph.问题1选项A.tiltedB.hoistedC.hauledD.accompanied【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“titled”,意为“授予称号,加标题于”,B选项“hoisted” ,意为“提起,升起”,C选项“hauled”,意为“拖,拉”,D选项“accompanied”,意为“陪伴,伴随”。句意:赢得冠军后,队员们把主教练举到肩膀上欢呼胜利。因此,B选项符合句意。13. 单选题According to legal provisions, the properties will either _the original owners or else be sold at auction.问题1选项A.commit toB.take toC.romp toD.revert to【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“commit to”,意为“交付,把投入,对作出承诺”,B选项“take to”,意为“带到,养成(做)的习惯”,C选项“romp to”,意为“轻松”,D选项revert to,意为“回复,归还”。句意:根据法律规定,这些财产要么归原有者所有,要么被拍卖。因此,D选项符合句意。14. 单选题The rise of multinational corporations, global marketing, new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.Surprisingly, since modern PR was largely an American invention, the U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries. Ten years ago, for example, the worlds top five public relations agencies were American-owned. In 1991, only one was. The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate planning activities, compared to about one third of U.S. companies. It may not be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race? First, Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs. Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country. Secondly, Americans lag behind their European and Asian counterparts in knowing a second language. Less than 5 percent of Burson-Marshalls U.S. employees know two languages. Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage. Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language. Finally, people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs. In the financial PR area, for instance, most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas, their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and the Economist, publications not often read in this country.Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “foreign” would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such thing as foreign.41. According to the passage, U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened because of_.42. London could soon replace New York as the center of PR because_.43. The word “provincial” (Line 2, Para.3) most probably means “_”.44. We learn from the third paragraph that employees in the American PR industry_.45. What lesson might the PR industry take from Ted Turner of CNN?问题1选项A.an unparalleled increase in the number of public relations companiesB.shrinking cultural differences and new communications technologiesC.the decreasing number of multinational corporations in the U.S.D.increased efforts of other countries in public relations问题2选项A.British companies are more ambitious than U.S. companiesB.British companies place more importance on PR than U.S. companiesC.British companies are heavily involved in Planning activitiesD.Four of the worlds top public relations agencies are British-owned问题3选项A.limited in outlookB.like people from the provincesC.rigid in thinkingD.interested in world financial affairs问题4选项A.speak at least one foreign language fluentlyB.are ignorant about world geographyC.are not as sophisticated as their European counterpartsD.enjoy reading a great variety of English business publications问题5选项A.American PR companies should be more internationally-minded.B.The American PR industry should develop global communications technologies.C.People working in PR should be more fluent in foreign languages.D.People involved in PR should avoid using the word “foreign”.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题解析】事实细节题。题干问的是美国在公共关系业中的领袖地位受到威胁的原因是什么,根据关键词leadership定位到文章首句“The rise of multinational corporations, global marketing, new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.”可得知,选项A、C以及D所提及的三点都是公共关系业迅速发展的原因,与题干原意相反。选项B,,根据第二段首句可得知选项B符合原意。2.【试题解析】事实细节题。题干问的是不久伦敦就会代替纽约成为公共关系业的中心的原因是什么,根据关键词London,, replace可定位到文章第二段的最后一第四句,“The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate planning activities, compared to about one-third of U. S. companies.” 这句话的意思是英国的公司比美国的公司更强调公共关系的重要性, 由此可见选项A为正确答案。3.【试题解析】:语义推测题。根据题干所选单词定位到原文第三段,“Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country. ”这个国家的世界地理知识从来就不强可得知他们对于世界地理的了解限制了,比较狭隘。由此,答案A为正确选项。4.【试题解析】:事实细节题。根据原文定位到第三段的 “Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country.”可得知,为选项B的同义替换。选项A与原文的第二点相反。选项C和选项D原文中没有涉及。因此,选项B为正确答案。5.【试题解析】:判断推理题。根据原文定位到最后一段的前两句“Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “fo


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