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牛津版八年级英语上Unit 13词组归纳1. something to drink / eat 一些吃喝的 / 吃的2. some more food 再来一些食物3. nothing else 没有别的东西4. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享5. invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事6. write to sb. 写信给某人7. keep secrets / keep a secrert 保守秘密8. make sb. /sth. + 形容词 使某人如何 make me happy 使得我高兴9. make sb. do 使某人做某事make him look smart 使他看上去时髦 10. make sb. / sth. + 名词:使某人/ 某物成为。make you the winner 使你成为冠军11. share my joy 分享我的快乐12. clean and tidy 干净和整洁13. believe what he / she says 相信他 /她说的话14. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事15. asas 和一样16. be willing to do 愿意 / 乐意做某事17. be ready to 愿意 / 准备做某事18. (at)any time 任何时候19. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事 20. help sb. (to) do 帮助某人做某事21. give seats to sb. = give sb. seats 让座22. people in need 需要帮助的人23. want to be/ become 想成为24. travel around the world 环游世界25. grow up 长大, 成长26. each other 彼此,互相27. a friend called / named Max 一个叫做Max的朋友28. have poor eyesight 视力不好29. because of 因为(后跟单词与短语)30. at night 在夜里31. wear round glasses 戴圆眼镜32. have a good sense of humour 有一个很好的幽默感33. feel bored 感到无聊34. tell funny jokes 说滑稽的笑话35. go / walk past = pass 经过36. knock over 撞翻37. think of 想起,想到38. shoulder-length hair 披肩发39. a true friend 一个真实的朋友40. say a bad word / bad words about sb. 说某人坏话41. be generous to 对某人慷慨42. be good at = do well in = learn sth. well 擅长 / 学好43. vote for 为投票44. round face 圆脸45. square face 方脸46. not as / so as 不如47. both and 。和。都48. be kind to 对某人友好49. listen to peoples problems 聆听人们的问题50. help people solve problems 帮助某人解决问题51. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友52. a Grade 8 student 一个8 年级的学生53. try / do ones best to do 尽最大努力做某事54. would like to do = want to do 想要做某事55. a social worker 一个社会工作者56. be happy to do 高兴做某事57. my future plans 我将来的计划58. Its good / great to do 做某事是很好的59. in the future 在将来60. on the left / right 在左边 / 右边 61. next to 紧靠着,旁边62. a reader of your magazine 一个你们杂志的读者63. these days 这些日子,最近64. have some problems with 在某方面有问题65. move to 搬家66. know very well 很了解67. during lunchtime 在午饭期间68. sit alone in / on the playground 独自坐在操场上69. miss my classmates from my old school 想念我旧学校的同学70. give sb some advice 给某人一些建议71. next door 隔壁72. smiling eyes 微笑的眼睛73. wear a smile on ones face 面带微笑74. work with children 和孩子一起工作75. have a friend like Ann 有一个象Ann那样的朋友Unit 21. ground floor 一楼(英式)2. secondary school = high school 高中3. Year 8 = Grade 8 = the 8th grade 八年级4. a mixed school 一个混合学校5. have lessons together 一起上课6. Home Economics 家政7. learn sth. learn to do = learn how to do 学习做某事8. teach sb. sth. teach sb. to do = teach sb. how to do 教某人某事9. cook healthy and tasty meals 做健康可口的饭菜10. a reading week 一个阅读周11. read any books from the school library 读学校图书馆的任何书12. bring (in) books and magazines from home 从家里带书和杂志13. near the end of each class 在每堂课快结束时14. as well 也15. life in a British school = British school life 英国的学校生活16. driving lessons 驾驶课17. drive me to school 开车送我去学校18. twice a week 一个星期2次19. after school 放学后20. spend on sth. / doing sth. 花费(时间或金钱)21. a senior in 12th grade 一个12年级的毕业生22. have a good / great / wonderful / nice time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴23. have a great / good / time doing 做某事很高兴24. an article by sb. 一篇某人写的文章25. at lunchtime 在吃午饭时26. buddy club 好朋友俱乐部27. at age 16 = at the age of 16 = when sb. was 16 在16岁时28. Computer Studies 电脑学习29. free time 空闲时间30. the morning assembly 晨会31. be the same as 一样32. be different from 和。不同33. The number of students is 学生的数量是。34. length of summer holiday 暑假的长度35. have a week off 放一个星期的假36. in the summertime = in summer 在夏天37. take the school bus 乘校车38. mind the rain 介意下雨 mind doing 介意做某事39. hurt ones leg 伤了某人的腿40. in hospital 住院41. be on TV 上电视42. get a pet 养宠物43. have cakes for supper 晚饭吃蛋糕44. go on a trip 进行一次旅行45. my ideal school 我理想中的学校46. get up late 起床迟47. have lots of time for after-school activities = have a lot of time to do after-school activities 有很多时间进行课外活动48. dining hall 餐厅49. listen to pop music 听流行音乐50. onethe other 一个。另一个51. tennis court 网球场52. swimming pool 游泳池53. half an hour of homework 半个小时的家庭作业54. at weekends 在周末55. go on a school trip to sp. 进行一次学校旅行去。56. the same colour / size as 和。一样的颜色 /大小57. table tennis 乒乓球58. paper clip 回形针Unit 31. a day out 外出一天2. climb the hill / mountain 爬山3. need to exercise 需要锻炼4. keep fit / healthy 保持健康5. take a boat trip 乘船进行一次旅行6. take care of = look after 照顾7. by the river 在河边8. the president of the USA 美国总统9. the White House 白宫10. a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 一个带有一个大花园和许多树的漂亮的建筑物11. Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院12. join in their school trip to 参加他们学校的旅行去。13. join in 参加(活动)14. the World Park 世界公园15. at the beginning 在开始 = at first at the beginning of 在。的开始16. in the end 在末尾 = at last at the end of 在。的末尾17. at the school gate 在学校大门口18. get on 上车19. get off 下车20. feel sick 感到恶心21. a lot of / much / lots of traffic 交通拥挤22. arrive at / in = get to = reach 到达23. be made of 由。制成(看出材料)24. be made from 由。制成(看不出材料)25. notany more / longer 不再26. in front of 在前面 27. in the front of 在前部28. over = more than 超过,多于29. places of interest 名胜古迹30. all over the world 遍及全世界31. song and dance parade 歌舞游行32. on the Internet 在英特网上33. teach oneself to do / how to do 自学34. make a home page 制作主页35. for everyone to look at 给每个人看36. for oneself = by oneself = oneself 亲自37. feel better 感觉好点了38. look like 看上去像 = be like 像39. the Palace Museum 故宫40. the Summer Palace 颐和园41. Tiananmen Square 天安门广场42. take / have a look at 看一看。43. in the past 在过去44. drink special Beijing tea 喝特殊的北京茶45. enjoy wonderful Beijing opera 欣赏精彩的北京京剧46. the red maple leaves 红色枫叶47. walk slowly around the lake 沿着湖慢慢的散步48. feel the beauty of the old park 感受老公园的美49. ride a bike /bicycle 骑车50. railway station 火车站51. the center of Beijing 北京市中心52. learn /know more about 了解更多关于。53. on Daniels home page 在Daniel的主页上54. show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. 给某人看某物55. the busy traffic 繁忙的交通56. at Christmas 在圣诞57. go horse riding 去骑马58. take photos of 为。拍照59. hurt oneself 伤了自己60. help oneself to 随便吃点。61. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏62. pull oneself up on the rocks 奋力向上爬63. keep ones secrets to oneself 暗自保守秘密64. in this years final 在今年的决赛中65. the trip to watch the final 观看决赛的旅途66. go to the final 打进决赛67. take place 举行;发生 = happen68. cheer for our team 为我们的队喝彩69. bus fare 车费70. with your support 有了你的支持71. receive the cup and medals 接受奖杯和奖牌72. receive ones letter = hear from sb. 收到某人来信73. the Great Wall 长城74. 467,000square metres 467,000 平方公里75. in the world 在世界上76. go boating 去划船77. go shopping 去购物78. write down = put down 写下,记下79. find out 弄清楚,弄明白80. make a plan 制定一个计划81. work out 算出82. plan a day out 计划外出一天83. change to the bus 改乘公共汽车84. all the way 一路85. make it a really fun day 使它成为真正有趣的一天86. as soon as possible 尽快87. as as possible = as as sb. can 尽可能。88. win the basketball final 赢了篮球决赛89. stay (at) home 呆在家里90. pack my bags 收拾 / 整理 / 打包我的包91. play badly at first 首先打的很糟92. in the second half 在后半场93. go climbing on rocks 去爬岩石94. thank you / thanks for doing 感谢某人做某事95. come on 来吧,快点96. coffee shop 咖啡馆,小吃部97. shuttle bus 短程公共汽车动词用法参见笔记其他词组和句子参见书和笔记。别忘了评价手册,学英语和我们平时做的卷子哦!


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