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2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Ours is a society that tries to keep the world sharply divided into masculine and feminine, not because that is the way the world is, but because that is the way we believe it should be. It takes unwavering belief and considerable effort to keep this division. It also leads us to make some fairly foolish judgments, particularly about language.Because we think that language also should be divided into masculine and feminine we have become very skilled at ignoring anything that will not fit our preconceptions. We would rather change what we hear than change our ideas about the gender division of the world. We will call assertive girls unfeminine, and supportive boys effeminate, and try to change them while still retaining our stereotypes of masculine and feminine talk.This is why some research on sex differences and language has been so interesting. It is an illustration of how wrong we can be. Of the many investigators who set out to find the stereotyped sex differences in language, few have had any positive results. It seems that our images of serious taciturn (沉默的) male speakers and gossipy garrulous (饶舌) female speakers are just that: images.Many myths associated with masculine and feminine talk have had to be discarded as more research has been undertaken. If females do use more trivial words than males, stop talking in mid-sentence, or talk about the same things over and over again, they do not do it when investigators are around.None of these characteristics of female speech have been found. And even when sex differences have been found, the question arises as to whether the difference is in the eye-or ear-of the beholder, rather than in the language.Pitch provides one example. We believe that males were meant to talk in low pitched voices and females in high pitched voices. We also believe that low pitch is more desirable. Well, it has been found that this difference cannot be explained by anatomy.If males do not speak in high pitched voices, it is not usually because they are unable to do so. The reason is more likely to be that there are penalties. Males with high pitched voices are often the object of ridicule. But pitch is not an absolute, for what is considered the right pitch for males varies from country to country.1. The passage implies that the authors attitude towards the division of feminine talk and masculine talk is _.2. What does the word “effeminate” (Para 2) mean?3. The author uses pitch as an example in order to indicate _.4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the stereotype of feminine talk?5. Males do not speak loudly because _.问题1选项A.assertiveB.snobbishC.approvingD.critical问题2选项A.Unfeminine.B.Powerful.C.Obedient.D.Unmasculine.问题3选项A.that pitch is not a good example to explain the sex differences in languageB.that males should talk in low pitched voices and females in high pitched voicesC.that sex differences in language cannot be well illustratedD.that sex differences lie in eye or ear of the beholder, rather than in the language问题4选项A.Always using trivial words.B.Repeat the same thing over and over.C.Stop talking when the sentence is not finished.D.None of the above.问题5选项A.males are unable to do soB.males are afraid of being laughed atC.high pitch is a characteristic of female speech rather than male speechD.anatomy has proved that males tend to have lower pitches than females【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The passage implies that the authors attitude towards the division of feminine talk and masculine talk is _. 1. 这篇文章暗示了作者对女性话语和男性话语划分的态度是_。A. assertive A. 肯定的,独断的B. snobbish B. 势利的C. approving C. 赞成的D. critical D. 批判的【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】根据第一段最后两句“要保持这种划分,需要坚定的信念和相当大的努力(considerable effort)。它也会让我们做出一些相当愚蠢(fairly foolish)的判断,尤其是在语言方面。”,从considerable和fairly foolish可以看出,作者对于男性和女性语言上的划分是批判的态度。因此,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“肯定的,独断的”、B选项“势利的”曲解原文;C选项“赞成的”与原文相反,反向干扰。2.【选项释义】2. What does the word “effeminate” (Para 2) mean? 2. 第二段中的effeminate是什么意思?A. Unfeminine. A. 不像女性的。B. Powerful. B. 强大的。C. Obedient. C. 顺从的。D. Unmasculine. D. 无男子汉气概的。【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】根据effeminate定位至第二段最后一句“我们会说自信的女孩是非女性化的(unfeminine),能给予支持和帮助的男孩是effeminate,并试图改变他们,同时仍然保留我们的男性和女性谈话的刻板印象”,从中可知,effeminate与unfeminine是相对应的,自信的女生被认为是非女性化,那么能给予支持和帮助的男孩会被认为非男性化,所以推测effeminate表示“非男性化”的意思。D项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“不像女性的”与原文相反,属于反向干扰;B选项“强大的”、C选项“顺从的”属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. The author uses pitch as an example in order to indicate _. 3. 作者以音高为例来表示_。A. that pitch is not a good example to explain the sex differences in language A. 这个音高并不能很好地解释语言中的性别差异B. that males should talk in low pitched voices and females in high pitched voices B. 男性应该用低音调说话,女性应该用高音调说话C. that sex differences in language cannot be well illustrated C. 语言中的性别差异无法很好地说明D. that sex differences lie in eye or ear of the beholder, rather than in the language D. 性别差异在于观察者的眼睛或耳朵,而不是语言【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先,根据关键词pitch定位至倒数第二段,该段讲述了以pitch为例的内容:我们习惯认为男性是低音调,女性是高音调,但是解剖学也无法解释这种音高差异;也就是说音高中的性别差异无法很好地说明。然后看到上一段讲到“这些女性语言特征都没有被发现。即使已经发现了性别差异,问题还是出在观察者的眼睛上或者耳朵上,而不是语言上。”,可知即使知道了性别差异,也是我们的眼睛或者耳朵发现的,并不能从语言上来很好区分,作者以pitch为例就是做一个类比,所以同样地,语言中的性别差异也无法很好地说明。C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“这个音高并不能很好地解释语言中的性别差异”并不是作者以音高为例的目的,张冠李戴;B选项“男性应该用低音调说话,女性应该用高音调说话”并不是使用音高作为例子的目的,属于曲解原文;D选项“性别差异在于观察者的眼睛或耳朵,而不是语言”也与题干无关,张冠李戴。4.【选项释义】4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the stereotype of feminine talk? 4. 以下哪一项不属于女性谈话的刻板印象?A. Always using trivial words. A. 总是使用琐碎的词汇。B. Repeat the same thing over and over. B. 一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情。C. Stop talking when the sentence is not finished. C. 句子还没说完就停止说话。D. None of the above. D. 以上都不是。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据倒数第三段第二句“如果女性确实比男性使用更多的琐碎词汇,或者在句子中间停止说话,或者一遍又一遍地谈论同样的事情,当调查人员在场时,她们就不会这样做”,以及第四段第一句“这些女性语言特征(characteristics of female)都没有被发现”,综合理解可知,女性语言特征是使用更多的琐碎词汇、话没说完就停止说话和不断谈论同样的事情,这是我们对女性谈话的刻板印象。只有D项“以上都不是”明显和原文相悖,但符合题意,故选择D项。【干扰项排除】A选项“总是使用琐碎的词汇”、B选项“一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情”、C选项“句子还没说完就停止说话”均符合原文,属于反向干扰。5.【选项释义】5. Males do not speak loudly because _. 5. 男性不大声说话是因为_。A. males are unable to do so A. 男性不能这样做B. males are afraid of being laughed at B. 男性害怕被嘲笑C. high pitch is a characteristic of female speech rather than male speech C. 高音是女性说话的特点,而不是男性说话的特点D. anatomy has proved that males tend to have lower pitches than females D. 解剖学证明,男性的音高往往比女性低【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至文章最后一段“如果男性没有高声说话,通常并不是因为他们不能这样做。原因更有可能是处罚(penalties)。嗓音尖的男性常成为嘲笑(ridicule)的对象。”,综合理解可知,男性不会高声说话的原因是他们怕被别人嘲笑,B项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“男性不能这样做”与原文相反,属于反向干扰;C选项“高音是女性说话的特点,而不是男性说话的特点”是男性被嘲笑的原因,而不是不能高声说话的原因,属于张冠李戴;D选项“解剖学证明,男性的音高往往比女性低”定位至倒数第二段最后一句“人们发现这种差异无法用解剖学来解释”,其中差异指的是音高差异,可知该项属于反向干扰。2. 单选题What kind of human being will the future spaceman be? Will he need bones of steel and powerful muscles to resist rocket thrust, the lungs of a glass blower, a mighty heart, the calmness of an acrobat, unconscious death urges, or a schizophrenic (患精神分裂症的) drove toward isolation? Popular ideas of a spaceman tend to be funny composites of fiction and fact.A more realistic portrait emerges from the young science of bioastronautics, the newest and strangest of medical disciplines. The astronaut may be described as a young man of high intelligence who is normal to an abnormal degree. On earth he may well have been a high jumper, or acrobat. He must be highly motivated, carefully trained, and he must want to come back.His heart and lungs must be healthy but need not be exceptionally developed, for his cabin will be pressurized. Huge muscles may actually be disadvantageous, for he will have almost no way to get exercise, and he will find that the strength of a year-old child is adequate in the weightlessness of space. A firm body and a short, strong neck will help him to withstand the tremendous forces encountered at take-off. Most important physically, his digestive system must be one that will not be upset by weightlessness; he must not be subject to motion sickness.46. All the following are popular beliefs about the future spaceman EXCEPT that _.47. Which of the following is NOT considered by the author as a more realistic image of the future spaceman?48. Bioastronautics is mostly related to _.49. “normal to an abnormal degree” (Para. 2) means _.50. To the future spaceman, what is most physically important is that _.问题1选项A.faced with isolation, he is brave enough and not liable to go madB.he needs to have a strong death complexC.he must have strong bones and powerful musclesD.he must be cool-headed问题2选项A.He must have superior intelligence.B.He is young.C.He should have a strong desire to survive.D.He doesnt get upset easily.问题3选项A.literatureB.the science of medicineC.biologyD.disciplines and regulations问题4选项A.seemingly normal but actually abnormalB.so ordinary that he is undistinguished in every wayC.extremely healthy, and there is nothing abnormal with himD.so normal that no one believes it is true问题5选项A.his vital capacity must be as great at a glass blowersB.he must have a short and firm neckC.his heart must be comparatively largeD.his digestive system should not be upset by weightlessness【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】46.【选项释义】46. All the following are popular beliefs about the future spaceman EXCEPT that _. 46. 下面这些都是关于未来宇航员流行的信念,除了_。A. faced with isolation, he is brave enough and not liable to go mad A. 面对孤立,他是足够勇敢的,不会发疯B. he needs to have a strong death complex B. 他需要有强烈的死亡情结C. he must have strong bones and powerful muscles C. 他必须有强壮的骨骼和强壮的肌肉D. he must be cool-headed D. 他必须头脑冷静【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干的关键信息popular beliefs定位至文章第一段,第二句对此有描述“他需要钢铁般的骨骼和强壮的肌肉来抵抗火箭的推力(bones of steel and powerful muscles),需要吹玻璃者的肺,需要强大的心脏,需要杂技演员的冷静(the calmness of an acrobat),需要无意识的死亡冲动(unconscious death urges),还是需要一个被推向孤立的精神分裂症?”,从中可知,只有A项不符合原文,文中虽然提到了“孤立”,但重点是“精神分裂症”,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B选项“他需要有强烈的死亡情结”、C选项“他必须有强壮的骨骼和强壮的肌肉”和D选项“他必须头脑冷静”都包括在内。47.【选项释义】47. Which of the following is NOT considered by the author as a more realistic image of the future spaceman? 47. 以下哪一项不是作者认为的更现实的未来宇航员的形象?A. He must have superior intelligence. A. 他一定有过人的智慧。B. He is young. B. 他是年轻的。C. He should have a strong desire to survive. C. 他应该有强烈的求生欲望。D. He doesnt get upset easily. D. 他不容易生气。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干中的信息a more realistic image定位至文章第二段,文中对于未来宇航员现实的形象有描述:宇航员可以被描述为一个智力超群的年轻人(a young man of high intelligence),他的正常程度达到了不正常的程度。在地球上,他很可能是个跳高运动员,或者杂技演员。他必须有高度的积极性,经过仔细的训练,他必须想要回来(he must want to come back)。从中可知,只有D项“他不容易生气”在文中是没有提及的,属于无中生有。所以,该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A选项“他一定有过人的智慧”、B选项“他是年轻的”和C选项“他应该有强烈的求生欲望”都符合原文。48.【选项释义】48. Bioastronautics is mostly related to _. 48. 生物航天大多与_有关。A. literature A. 文学B. the science of medicine B. 医学科学C. biology C. 生物D. disciplines and regulations D. 规程和规定【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据关键词Bioastronautics定位至第二段第一句“生物航天(Bioastronautics)这门年轻的科学是最新、最奇特的医学学科(medical disciplines),它的描绘更为现实”,可知,生物航天是一门医学学科,所以它与医学相关。因此,该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A选项“文学”、C选项“生物”和D选项“规程和规定”没有提及,无中生有。49.【选项释义】49. “normal to an abnormal degree” (Para. 2) means _. 49. 第二段“正常到不正常的程度”的意思是_。A. seemingly normal but actually abnormal A. 表面上正常,实际上不正常B. so ordinary that he is undistinguished in every way B. 他是如此平凡,以至于在各方面都不出众C. extremely healthy, and there is nothing abnormal with him C. 他非常健康,没有什么不正常的D. so normal that no one believes it is true D. 如此正常没人相信这是真的【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位到第二段第二句“宇航员可以被描述为一个智力超群的年轻人,他的正常程度达到了不正常的程度(normal to an abnormal degree)”,这是作者在文章中对于现实的未来宇航员的描述,结合后一句“在地球上,他很可能是个跳高运动员,或者杂技演员”,综合理解可推断,作者认为现实中未来宇航员也是一个普通的人,所以normal to an abnormal degree在这里是指“普通到不能再普通的地步了”,B选项“他是如此平凡,以至于在各方面都不出众”符合这一描述。【干扰项排除】A选项“表面上正常,实际上不正常”、C选项“他非常健康,没有什么不正常的”和D选项“如此正常没人相信这是真的”理解错误,属于曲解原文。50.【选项释义】50. To the future spaceman, what is most physically important is that _. 50. 对于未来的宇航员来说,最重要的是_。A. his vital capacity must be as great at a glass blowers A. 他的肺活量肯定和吹玻璃的工人一样大B. he must have a short and firm neck B. 他的脖子一定又短又结实C. his heart must be comparatively large C. 他的心脏一定比较大D. his digestive system should not be upset by weightlessness D. 他的消化系统不会因为失重而紊乱【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干中的关键信息“most physically important”定位至文章最后一句话“对身体最重要的是(Most important physically),他的消化系统必须不会因失重而紊乱”,从中可知,对于未来的太空人来说,最重要的事情就是他的消化系统不会由于失重而紊乱。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“他的肺活量肯定和吹玻璃的工人一样大”和C选项“他的心脏一定比较大”定位至最后一段第一句“他的心脏和肺必须是健康的,但不需要特别发达(need not be exceptionally developed),因为他的机舱将有压力”,可知这两项曲解原文;B选项定位最后一段倒数第二句“一个结实的身体和一个短而强壮的脖子将帮助他承受在起飞时遇到的巨大的力量”,可知,“他的脖子一定又短又结实”确实是未来宇航员具备的,但不是最重要的,属于张冠李戴。3. 单选题Harvard University and MIT are _ the fourth and fifth largest employers in the area.问题1选项A.representativelyB.respectivelyC.respectablyD.respectfully【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. representatively 典型地 B. respectively 分别地,各自地C. respectably 相当好地,可敬地 D. respectfully 尊敬地【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】由空格后面的the fourth and fifth largest employers(第四大和第五大雇主)可知,“分别地”符合句子意思。因此,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合句子意思。【句意】哈佛大学和麻省理工学院分别是该地区第四大和第五大雇主。4. 翻译题Youth is not a time of life it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty, more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals.【答案】【参考译文】青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。5. 单选题If reading is to accomplish anything than _ time, it must be active.问题1选项A.spendingB.passingC.wastingD.idling【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. spending 花费 B. passing 通过C. wasting 浪费 D. idling 混时间,无所事事【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】由前半句句子意思“如果阅读是完成一件事,而不是_时间”可知,空格处应该表示“消磨时间”,pass time表示“消磨时间、打发时间”。因此,B项符合句意。【干扰项排除】A选项spend time(花费时间)、C选项waste time(浪费时间)和D选项idle time(停工时间、空闲时间)不符合句子意思。【句意】如果阅读是完成一件事,而不是消磨时间,那么它必须是积极的。6. 翻译题You should, for example, dress neatly and modestly. If you dress too informally, the interviewer may think that you are not serious about the interview or that you may be casual about your future work. Clothes that are too expensive or too colorful may suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job. It may not be true that “clothes make the man”, but the first and often lasting impression of you is determined by the clothes you wear.【答案】例如,你应该着装整洁且恰当。如果你穿得太随便,面试的人可能会认为你对面试不认真,或者认为你不在意未来的工作。太贵或太鲜艳的衣服可能表明你不懂什么行为适合这份工作。“人靠衣装”这句话也许不对,但你给人的第一印象,往往是持久的印象,这是由你的着装所决定的。7. 单选题Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be _ controlled and modified.问题1选项A.deliberatelyB.noticeablyC.delicatelyD.instinctively【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. deliberately 故意地,有意地 B. noticeably 显著地,明显地C. delicately 微妙地,精致地 D. instinctively 本能地【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】主句意思是“人类的面部表情与动物不同”,结合定语从句的意思“它们可以被控制和修改”,其中they指的是人类的面部表情,综合理解可推测,空格处填入“有意地”符合句子意思。因此,该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合句意。【句意】人类的面部表情与动物的不同之处在于,它们可以被有意地控制和修改。8. 单选题It is incongruous that the number of British institutions offering MBA courses should have grown by 254 percent during a period when the economy has been sliding into deeper recession. Optimists, or those given to speed, assumptions, might think it marvelous to have such a resource of business school graduates ready for the recovery. Unfortunately, there is now much doubt about the value of the degree not least among MBA graduates themselves, suffering as they are from the effects of recession and facing the prospect of shrinking management structures.What was taken some years ago as a ticket of certain admission to success is now being exposed to the scrutiny of cost-conscious employers who seek “can-dos” rather than “might-dos”, and who feel that academia has not been sufficiently appreciative of the needs of industry or of the employers possible contribution.It is curious, given the name of the degree, that there should be no league table for UK business schools; no unanimity about what the degree should encompass; and no agreed system of accreditation. Surely there is something wrong. One wonders where all the tutors for this massive infusion of business expertise came from and why all this mushrooming took place.Perhaps companies that made large investments would have been wiser to invest in already existing managers, perched anxiously on their own internal ladders. The Institute of Managements 1992 survey, which revealed that eighty-one percent of managers thought they personally would be more effective if they received more training, suggests that this might be the case. There is, too, the fact that training alone does not make successful managers. They need the inherent qualifications of character; a degree of self-subjugation; and, above all, the ability to communicate and lead; more so now, when empowerment is a buzzword that is at least generating genuflexions, if not total conviction.One can easily think of people, some comparatively unlettered, who are now lauded captains of industry. We may, therefore, not need to be too concerned about the fall in applications for business school places, or even the doubt about MBAs. The proliferation and subsequent questioning may have been an inevitable evolution. If the Management Charter Initiative, now exploring the introduction of a senior management qualification, is successful, there will be a powerful corrective.We believe now that management is all about change. One hopes there will be some of that in relationship between management and science within industry, currently causing concern and which is overdue for attention. No-one doubts that we need more scientists and innovation to give us an edge in an increasingly competitive world. If scientists feel themselves undervalued and under-used, working in industrial ghettos, that is not a promising augury for the future. It seems we have to resolve these misapprehensions between science and industry. Above all, we have to make sure that management is not itself smug about its status and that it does not issue mission statements about communication without realizing that the essence of it is a dialogue. More empowerment is required and we should strive to achieve it.21. What is the writers view in the reading passage?22. According to the passage, employers _.23. According to the passage _.24. In the writers opinion _.25. Which of the information is true according to the passage?问题1选项A.He believes that there are too many MBAs.B.He believes that the degree is over-valued.C.He believes that standards are inconsistent.D.He believes that the degree has dubious value.问题2选项A.feel that they have not been consulted sufficiently about their needsB.consider that cost-consciousness is the most important qualificationC.are more concerned about the value of the degree than graduates themselvesD.feel that MBAs will not be necessary because of shrinking management structures问题3选项A.managers need a degree and the ability to communicateB.training need to be done in groups to be successfulC.managers today must have good communication and leadership skillsD.industrial managers do not need to write letters问题4选项A.science increases competitionB.scientists are undervaluedC.the management of science needs reassessmentD.management feels smug about its


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