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2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题In addition, findings reveal that males receive more teacher attention than females, boys receive more specific comments about their academic performance, Athat there are differences Bfavoring males in task assignment, in Cteachers expectation of students behavior based on gender, as well as in such areas as overall curriculum design, classroom activities, and educational tracking (particularly in math, science, vocational courses, Dand extracurricular activities).问题1选项A.that there are differencesB.favoring males inC.teachers expectation of students behaviorD.and extracurricular activities【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。表示某方面有区别时,应使用there are differences in,B和C选项应为并列关系,B选项前少了一个in。2. 单选题Another concern ( )has to do with the effect ones living will might have on insurance premiums. Can ones insurance rates go up if they request total care instead of minimal care during their final days?问题1选项A.to be raisedB.having raisedC.being raisedD.raising【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中还有might have,可知空格处为非谓语动词形式,其逻辑主语是concern,由句意判断,concern与raise之间是被动关系,且表示正在出现的情况,因此C选项符合题意。3. 单选题Many rape crisis and battered womens programs also have educational components focusing on youth. However, most of these approaches depend upon individual class presentations without ensuring other aspects of necessary ( ) support, including thorough staff training, supportive services for male and female victims, and rehabilitative and disciplinary programs for abusers.问题1选项A.stylizedB.dogmatizedC.formalizedD.institutionalized【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项stylized “非写实的;程式化的”;B选项dogmatized“武断的”;C选项formalized“形式化的;正式的”;D选项institutionalized“约定俗成的;使成惯例的”句意:许多强奸危机和受虐妇女项目也有针对青年的教育内容。然而,这些方法大多依赖于个别的课堂报告,而没有确保其他方面的必要的的支持,包括彻底的工作人员培训、对男女受害者的支持服务、对施虐者的康复和纪律方案。由句意判断可知缺少制度化的支持,D选项符合题意。4. 单选题Now power properly understood is( ) the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political, and economic change.问题1选项A.nothing butB.anything butC.all butD.all【答案】A【解析】考查不定代词。第二句说到“它是改变社会、政治和经济所需要的一种力量”,这是对第一句的解释,可知第一句中说的“权力”无非是达到目的的一种能力。因此A选项nothing but“只不过,无非”符合题意。5. 单选题Terrorism proves to be a more serious problem than anticipated, and it challenges both policymakers burdened with the design of countermeasures and social scientists who are called upon to explain it Terrorisms unique nature is revealed by two phenomena. First, public perception of threat and danger seems to be disproportionate to terroristsactual capabilities. Second, terrorism, more than any other form of warfare, has an impact on a target group immensely larger than that of the immediate victims and often on populations beyond that terrorism bears primarily on individuals perceptions, on the “public mind”; in other words, it is a form of psychological warfare.The psychological impacts of political terrorism are potentially manifest in individuals emotional and attitudinal responses. In the realm of emotions, the fear and concern for personal safety, which terror tactics might give rise to, is a revealing indicator of their effectiveness. One could argue, of course, that terroristsability to sow widespread fear hardly needs proof as it is obvious that violence and particularly the terroristshallmark, randomly targeted violence, are anxiety inducing. It should be noted, however, that terrorism has claimed relatively few casualties to date, and that in most countries the actual probability of incurring harm from terroristic activity is only a fraction of, say, the risk of death or injury in vehicle accidents or common crimes. Hence, the power of terrorism to intimidate should not be taken for granted.Intimidation and the induction of fear are not the ends of terroristsactivity but rather means to effect political change. Their violence is predicated on two assumptions: (a) Violent action can force the causes pursued by terrorists into the forefront of an indifferent publics awareness; (b) faced with the choice between continuing violence and acceptance of the terroristsdemands, the public might opt for the latter. Thus, the attitudes that the targets of political terrorism develop toward its perpetrators, their objectives, and the actions that ought to be undertaken visrd-vis them constitute telling measures of the effectiveness of terrorism.The present investigation sought to assess the psychological reactions of a public which has been exposed for a considerable length of time to the threats and actions of terrorist. Regarding emotional impacts, the data suggest that terrorisms ability to intimidate, to induce worry and concern, disproportionally exceeds the actual damage it causes. According to the data gathered, the actual probability of being victimized by terrorist activity was extremely low; estimated at less than 1/20 of the likelihood of being hurt in a road accident. Yet a large majority of the respondents expressed worry about the risk of personally incurring the consequences of terrorism. It might be uncontrollability dramatically enhance its impact. Thus, while the risk of vehicle driving might be far greater than the danger of terrorism, the car driver is usually reassured by a subjective feeling of control which the potential victim of terrorism lacks.The survey results indicate that terrorism has failed to produce the change in attitudes sought by its perpetrators. Most respondents favored, instead, the reliance on extreme counterterrorist measures. The hardening of Israelis attitudes toward terrorists and their objectives was also revealed by the respondentsunanimity of opinion. Taken together, the data concerning the emotional impact of terrorism and its effects on attitudes did not bear out the rationale which governs terroristic action. Despite the widespread concern and worry revealed by these data, there was no evidence of any willingness to politically concede to terrorists. On the contrary, and as already noted, the majority advocated the adoption of harsh measures against terrorists. Thus, at least insofar as Palestinian terrorism and the Israeli public are concerned, proves to be counterproductive.1.According to the author, which of the following is true about terrorism?2.The author states that injury or death is more likely to be sustained from automobile accidents than by terrorism, and from this we can conclude that( ).3.According to the author, fear of terrorism is intensified by( ).4.The author compares public perception of the threat of terrorism to the risk of vehicle injury or death in order to( ).5.Which of the following best summarizes the authors conclusions?问题1选项A.Public fear is inversely affected by terrorists capacity for destruction.B.Resolving the problem of terrorism requires cooperation between governments and terrorists.C.Terrorism incites fear in populations besides that targeted and on a greater scale.D.Terrorism is an inevitability and must be eradicated.问题2选项A.terrorism is irrelevant and more time and effort should be allotted to other social demandsB.the efficacy of terrorism can be witnessed by the emotional response of the publicC.anxiety resulting from terrorism should be clinically treatedD.the psychological effects of terrorism are inferior to that of vehicle accidents问题3选项A.the seemingly haphazard and unsystematic attacksB.the increased risks of personal injury by terrorismC.ever-collapsing social order due to endless global terror attacksD.the inability of government to control terrorism问题4选项A.further evaluate the differences and similarities between the twoB.show that one is more likely to die from daily routines than by terrorismC.reveal the inability of a person to influence the outcome of a terror attackD.exemplify chaos theory and reveal the consequences of each act问题5选项A.The objectives of terrorists are met with public disdain and as a result the Israeli government and Israelis have adopted stringent action to counter terrorism.B.The Israeli public unanimously believed that the government should concede to terrorists demands, and the government should adopt policies in favor of terrorists in order to reduce violence.C.Terrorists should be punished strictly and swiftly with little regard for the terrorists autonomy when concerning imprisonment and torture.D.Israeli public perception of terrorism has not changed, and harsh measures for counterterrorism must be adopted; however, governments should try to work with terrorist groups where applicable to reduce casualties.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.判断推理题。文章第一段提到“Second, terrorism, more than any other form of warfare, has an impact on a target group immensely larger than that of the immediate victims and often on populations beyond that terrorism bears primarily on individuals perceptions, on the public mind”,恐怖主义对目标群体的影响远远大于对直接受害者的影响,它是对“民心”施加影响。C选项符合题意。第2题:2.判断推理题。文章第二段第一句说到“The psychological impacts of political terrorism are potentially manifest in individuals emotional and attitudinal responses. In the realm of emotions, the fear and concern for personal safety, which terror tactics might give rise to, is a revealing indicator of their effectiveness.”由此可知恐怖主义的心理影响体现在每个人的情绪和态度反应上。B选项表示“公众的情绪反应可以证明恐怖主义的效力”符合题意。第3题:3.事实细节题。文中第四段说到“Yet a large majority of the respondents expressed worry about the risk of personally incurring the consequences of terrorism. It might be uncontrollability dramatically enhance its impact.”大部分人很担心恐怖主义带来的人身伤害风险,这加剧了恐怖主义对人们的心理影响。B选项符合题意。第4题:4.判断推理题。第四段最后一句说到了两者比较“Thus, while the risk of vehicle driving might be far greater than the danger of terrorism, the car driver is usually reassured by a subjective feeling of control which the potential victim of terrorism lacks.”尽管交通事故比恐怖主义事件的危险大得多,但司机觉得自己能控制车辆,而恐怖袭击事件却是不可控的。C选项“揭示了个人对恐怖事件的无能为力”符合题意。第5题:5.主旨大意题。文章最后一段做出了总结,没有证据表明会对恐怖主义做出政治让步的意愿,大多数人主张对恐怖主义分子采取严厉措施。以色列对恐怖主义及其目的的强硬态度与受访者观点一致。A选项符合题意。6. 单选题That was a man-made disaster that clearly Acould have averted if the federal government,specifically the Federal Emergency Management Agency,Bhad quickly marshaled Cthe political will and resources to evacuate those without access to cars,instead of promoting on its Web site a faith-based charity Dthat was clearly no match for the problem.问题1选项A.could have avertedB.had quickly marshaledC.the political willD.that was【答案】A【解析】考查被动语态。A选项前的主语a man-made disaster“人为的灾难”,与avert“避免”之间应为被动关系,应将could have averted改为could have been averted。7. 单选题Under Oregons Death with Dignity Act, which came into force in 1997, physician-assisted suicide has accounted for between 0.06 and 0.14 percent of total deaths, or somewhere around 40 per year. The estimate for deaths in Britain,( ), is 650.问题1选项A.should the proposed legislation become lawB.as long as the proposed legislation became lawC.soon after the proposed legislation becomes lawD.the proposed legislation should become law【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。由空格句中的词estimate可知这一立法建议目前在英国尚未被采纳,因此是虚拟。当if引导的虚拟条件句中谓语动词部分含有助动词should时,可省略if并把should前置,形成倒装。因此A选项符合题意。8. 单选题The threat of nuclear destruction seems to have stimulated the human minds dualistic tendencies, the inclination to divide its universe into conflicting or contrasting pairs. This dichotomizing quality can be useful if it helps us to structure our perception of reality and to see the world more sharply. It can also be employed to straitjacket or distort reality and to deepen conflicts between human groups with differing views or interests.I wish to discuss another kind of human dichotomy, more fundamental perhaps, with which, I believe, we will have to come to terms if planetary survival is to be possible. It is a division in our natures that needs to become an acknowledged ground of discourse for us all. I refer to the division between what might be characterized as the dark side of our being the hate filled, destructive element that dominates so much of our individual and group life and the more loving, nobler side of ourselves. Notwithstanding the fact that man is capable of much goodness, we are, in the depths of our natures, also primitive beasts, inclined, at times with little provocation, to indulge in savagery, brutality, war, and vengeance or to comply willingly with those who provide examples of such behavior.William Broyles describes the deep and intense pleasure that he and other soldiers in Vietnam derived from killing and destroying. The political cause and hatred of the enemy do not seem to have been important for Broyles soldiers. Broyles enumerates the many elements which contribute to how it can be that thoughtful men may love war while hating it at the same time. He includes comradeship, the freedom and escape from everyday bonds, the chance to test ones physical and emotional limits, the seeming power over life and death. But most importantly, Broyles says, “The love of war stems from the union, deep in the core of our being, between sex and destruction, beauty and horror, love and death.”Psychoanalysts and others have documented the strong association between love of violence, or murderous hatred in adult life, and childhood or adolescent hurt, shame, and humiliation. Salman Rushdie, in his political novel Shame, dramatizes the connection in both individual and collective life between wounded pride and violence. “Humiliate people for long enough and a wildness bursts out of them,” Rushdie writes. “The power of the Beast of Shame cannot be held for long within any one frame of flesh and blood, because it grows, it feeds and swells, until the vessel bursts.”Yet when it comes to war-making there seems to be something more general, more universal, operating. Rosemary Daniell, in a recent article, tells about a lover of hers, an army sergeant she calls “Zane”. Zane, like Broyles Vietnam soldiers, likes to kill. But now it is 1982 and Zane, a skydiver and paratrooper, is training “young maggots how to kill”. Zane drills boys who are forced to yell “kill” with every step. One of his T-shirts bears the Green Beret motto, “Live by Chance, Love by Choice, Kill by Preference”. But it is not Zanes brutality, or the eroticism connected with it for both of them, which, for Daniell, as for Broyles, is most important. Rather, it is her own capacity for destruction, or for attaching herself to someone elses evil.The central idea here is that none of this is unusual. Not far below the surface in each of us are impulses of hatred and violence which can be aroused with a minimum of provocation. We may need only an opportunity to avenge some real or imagined hurt, the right political or military conditions and supporting ideology, and a properly designated enemy, so that we may participate, actively or passively, in killing without responsibility or guilt. I have stressed this dark, violent side of our natures because I believe more effort to understand its role in political life, especially in the conduct of international relations, needs to be undertaken if we are to order more effectively our collective life.1.According to the author, what psychological effect does “the threat of nuclear destruction” have?2.What does the author mean when he refers to the “dark side” of human nature?3.The author uses Broyles and his troops as an example to show ( ).4.According to the author, what is the relationship between a debased individual and that individuals predisposition for violence?5.According to the author, what is the relationship between Rosemary and Zane?问题1选项A.The effects are real but limited; they should be disregarded or treated on a case-by-case basis.B.The effects are multifaceted and can provide a more defined view of reality or misrepresent reality and create further social divergence.C.The effects can be both positive and negative; on the one hand creating global awareness of the issue, and, on the other hand, causing extreme psychosis in some individuals.D.The effects are mostly detrimental, bringing about social dishevelment and anarchy.问题2选项A.Humans are inherently evil in nature.B.Humans are nihilistic and therefore savage and brutal towards one another.C.Humans are unpredictable and cannot be trusted.D.Humans are animalistic despite our apparent civility.问题3选项A.the dualism of human natureB.the results of political motivationC.the intense hatred that compels a murdererD.the human infatuation with the power to create and destroy问题4选项A.Degrading an individual increases that individuals chances of committing violent acts.B.Debasing an individual leaves the individual prostrate.C.Shaming an individual ensures that the individual will grow up to be a delinquent.D.Demoralizing an individual induces catatonia.问题5选项A.Rosemary is attracted to Zane for his masculinity.B.Zanes infidelity is what draws Rosemarys affection.C.Rosemary lives vicariously through Zanes brutality.D.Zane, being an avid killer, appalls Rosemary.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:1.事实细节题。由题干关键词“the threat of nuclear destruction”定位到文章第一段,后两句中说到“it helps us to structure our perception of reality and to see the world more sharply. It can also be employed to straitjacket or distort reality and to deepen conflicts between human groups with differing views or interests”,由此可知,核毁灭的威胁帮助我们构成对现实的认知,让我们更敏锐地观察世界。它还可以用来约束或扭曲现实,加深不同观点或兴趣的人类群体之间的冲突。说明核毁灭带来的心理影响是多方面的,对比选项可知B选项符合文意。第2题:2.作者意图题。由题干关键词定位到文章第二段第三句,但并未作出进一步说明,在下一句中作者说到“Notwithstanding the fact that man is capable of much goodness, we are, in the depths of our natures, also primitive beasts, inclined, at times with little provocation, to indulge in savagery, brutality, war, and vengeance or to comply willingly with those who provide examples of such behavior”,尽管人类有能力做很多好事,但在我们的本性深处,我们也是原始的野兽,有时很少受到挑衅,倾向于沉迷于残暴、野蛮、战争和复仇,或心甘情愿地服从那些提供此类行为榜样的人。作者想表达的就是“人类的兽性”,因此D选项符合题意。第3题:3.作者意图题。 题干中关键词“Broyles and his troops”出现在文章第三段,这是一个实例,理论依据还是在上一段。第二段中说到“I wish to discuss another kind of human dichotomy it is a division in our natures”,作者想要讨论人类的另一种双重性,也就是人类本性的分歧。因此对比选项可知A选项正确。第4题:4.判断推理题。文章第四段第一句就说到“Psychoanalysts and others have documented the strong association between love of violence, or murderous hatred in adult life, and childhood or adolescent hurt, shame, and humiliation”,精神分析学家和其他人已经证明,成人生活中对暴力的热爱,或杀人的仇恨,与童年或青少年受到的伤害、羞耻和羞辱之间有着密切的联系。具体表现体现在下文中引用萨尔曼拉什迪书中的一句“Humiliate people for long enough and a wildness bursts out of them”,长时间地羞辱别人,他们就会爆发出野性。说明羞辱人会增加其实施暴力行为的可能性。A选项符合题意。第5题:5.判断推理题。Rosemary 和Zane出现在文章第五段中,文中说到“Zanelikes to kill. But now it is 1982 and Zane, a skydiver and paratrooper, is training “young maggots how to kill”,可知赞恩喜欢杀人。但现在是1982年,跳伞运动员兼伞兵赞恩正在训练“年轻的男孩们如何杀人”。在本段最后提到Rosemary与Zane在一起的原因“it is her own capacity for destruction, or for attaching herself to someone elses evil”,这是她自己毁灭的能力,或者是她依附于别人的邪恶的能力。可知他们在一起的原因是Rosemary把自己与他人的恶行联系起来,间接地感受到了Zane的暴行。对比选项可知C选项“罗斯玛丽通过赞恩的残忍间接地活了下来”符合题意。9. 单选题Ancient Greeks believed that the gods, who resembled humans, lived on Mount Olympus, where they had a hierarchical society. Individual gods became associated with three main( )the sky or heaven, the sea, and the earth.问题1选项A.paradigmsB.regimesC.domainsD.regimens【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项paradigm“范例;词形变化表”;B选项regime“政权;政体;管理制度”;C选项domain“领域;地产”;D选项regimen“养生法;生活规则”。句意:古希腊人认为,与人类相似的诸神生活在奥林匹斯山上,那里是一个等级森严的社会。个别的神与三种主要的联系在一起天空或天堂,大海和大地。天空、大海和大地属于地域。因此C选项符合题意。10. 单选题One major obstacle Ato economic development is population growth. BThe populations of most developing


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