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第 1 页 共 11 页 鄂教版 2020 年备战中考初中英语专项训练 阅读理解 科普环保类 D 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 52 分 1 10 分 阅读理解 There is a lot of salt on the Earth and it mixes very well with water There is some salt in all water Water on the land runs into lakes and rivers These rivers run into the seas and oceans They carry a little salt with them Some of the ocean water moves into the air and clouds It evaporates Salt cannot evaporate It stays in the oceans The water in the oceans has more salt than river water There is about 3 5 salt in the ocean water Some seas have more salt than others Some of the water leaves the lakes It evaporates but the salt cannot These lakes are very salty There are two famous lakes like this They are the Dead Sea in the Middle East and the Great Salt Lake in Utah 犹他州 in the United States They are much saltier than the Atlantic Ocean 大西 洋 and the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 1 Where may some water in the oceans go A It runs into lakes B It runs into bigger rivers C It goes into the Dead Sea D It moves into the air and clouds 2 What does the underlined word evaporates mean in Chinese A 消失 B 上升 C 蒸发 第 2 页 共 11 页 D 聚集 3 Which of the following is the saltiest A The Atlantic Ocean B The Dead Sea C The Pacific Ocean D The Dongting Lake 4 Which of the following is TRUE A There is some salt in lakes and rivers B Only water in the seas and oceans is salty C Salt in the oceans doesn t evaporate while salt in the lakes does D Salt cannot mix well with water 2 12 分 阅读理解 The idea of being able to walk on water has long interested humans greatly Sadly biological facts prevent us ever accomplishing such a thing without artificial aid we simply weigh too much and all our mass pushes down through our relatively small feet resulting in a lot of pressure that makes us sink However several types of animals can walk on water One of the most interesting is the common basilisk Basilicus basilicus a lizard 蜥蜴 native to Central and South America It can run across water for a distance of several meters avoiding getting wet by rapidly hitting the water s surface with its feet The lizard will take as many as 20 steps per second to keep moving forward For humans to do this we d need huge feet that we could bring up to our ears in order to create adequate hitting But fortunately there is an alternative cornflour By adding enough of this common thickening agent to water and it does take a tot you can create a non Newtonian liquid that doesn t behave like normal water Now if the surface of the water is hit hard enough particles 粒子 in 第 3 页 共 11 页 the water group together for a moment to make the surface hard Move quickly enough and put enough force into each step and you really can walk across the surface of an adequately thick liquid of cornflour Fun though all this may sound it s still rather messy and better read about in theory than carried out in practice If you must do it then keep the water wings handy in case you start to sink and take a shower afterward 1 Walking on water hasn t become a reality mainly because humans A are not interested in it B have biological limitations C have not invented proper tools D are afraid to make an attempt 2 What do we know about Basilicus basilicus from the passage A It is light enough to walk on water B Its huge feet enable it to stay above water C It can run across water at a certain speed D Its unique skin keeps it from getting wet in water 3 What is the function of the cornflour according to the passage A To create a thick liquid B To turn the water into solid C To help the liquid behave normally D To enable the water to move rapidly 4 What is the author s attitude toward the idea of humans walking on water A It is risky but beneficial 第 4 页 共 11 页 B It is interesting and worth trying C It is crazy and cannot become a reality D It is impractical though theoretically possible 3 10 分 2017 九上 海淀期中 根据短文理解 选择正确答案 Every minute someone is setting up an Internet company somewhere in the world Each one is searching for the one great idea that could make his web company click in a big way And they are trying all kinds of tricks to attract people towards their websites While some websites offer sounds cartoons and amazing photos on screen to make their sites almost a movie like experience for the viewers others provide free downloads and competitions A company in California US has decided to offer online smells to people who visit its website That is if a pizza image comes on screen your nose will catch the smell of bread and cheese All you need to do is to connect a device 设备 called iSmell with your computer This smart little device contains 包含 some chemicals that can create different kinds of smells The company has invented software that changes the chemical composition 成分 of different smells into digital signals 数字信号 An onscreen image which is programmed with the proper digital signal will start the iSmell device The device will use the software to change the digital signal again and let go of the correct smell This device reads the digital smell code 代 码 from the website and creates the proper smell from its store of chemicals This smell is then made to blow softly in the direction of the user with the support of a small fan In order to let go of the correct smell the company has created a Scent Registry which contains a digital index of thousands of smells The company plans to allow website developers to integrate 合成 the proper smells in digital code to their games and images The company is also hoping that Hollywood filmmakers will use the smell technology in their movies Imagine audiences getting the smell of rocket fuel as a spacecraft takes off on the cinema screen Of course filmmakers will have to be careful not to shoot in dirty neighborhoods which have a lot of rubbish lying around 第 5 页 共 11 页 1 Internet companies try their best to search for great ideas to A join in the Internet fever B offer movie like experience C provide free downloads and contests D attract people to their websites 2 According to the passage people experience smells online by A using iSmell device B ordering food C buying special software D changing chemicals 3 What does iSmell do after being started by the onscreen image A It reads the smell code and sends it to the user B It blows the smell to the user with the help of a fan C It rechanges the signal and lets go of the correct smell D It changes the chemical composition into digital signals 第 6 页 共 11 页 4 The best title of the passage probably is A Some Useful Devices B The Internet Fever of People C An Unusual Company D A New World of SMells Online 4 10 分 2017 九上 澄海期末 阅读理解 Autistic 患自闭症的 children may learn better from robots than from human beings according to a study at a school in Birmingham Two robots like humans Max and Ben have been helping teach autistic children at Topcliffe Primary School since March last year The school is the first in the UK to try the new way Ian Lowe the head teacher said The robots have no feelings so autistic children find that they are less terrible than their teachers He added They are really cute looking Autistic children are hard to communicate with adults and other children but for some reasons they like these robots Some children are not able to communicate with others But they come into school and start to communicate through the robots The robots are knee high and move like children The school is using them to teach phonics 声 学 and play cards or memory and imitation 模仿 games with children from five to ten Dr Guldberg said We do many different activities with the robots acting as a model for the children s behavior It is amazing to see how interested and concentrated the children can be when they are working with the robots It can be very difficult to get autistic children to concentrate He added If you can meet the needs of autistic children you can meet the needs of all children And you know when people feel safe and interested they learn much better 1 According to Ian Lowe teachers are in autistic children s eyes A kind B serious 第 7 页 共 11 页 C terrible D strict 2 Which is TRUE about Max and Ben A They are robots with feelings B The can move like teachers C They are interested in autistic children D They can make autistic children concentrate 3 The school uses the two robots to teach the following things EXCEPT A phonics B playing cards C imitation games D sports games 4 According to Dr Guldberg people can when they feel safe and interested A communicate better with others B learn much better C behave more politely D learn more quickly 5 The best title for the passage is 第 8 页 共 11 页 A Robots help autistic children learn B Two cute looking robots C How to help autistic children learn D Autistic children can learn 5 10 分 2016 柳州 阅读理解 D Are you nervous Maybe you should sit in a blue room Are you always cold Maybe you should sit in a room painted in a warm colour such as soft orange Are you often sad Maybe you should sit in a yellow room Some researchers believe that colour has the power to influence our feelings They believe that colours affect 影响 everyone in the same way One study was in a workplace The researchers painted heavy boxes white and light boxes black They want to see how colour affected the workers feelings Which boxes do you think were more difficult to lift The heavy white ones No The white boxes were heavier but they looked light The researchers think that this is because light colours seem light Another study was at school Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton Canada studied children with behaviour problems in their classroom When the walls were brown and yellow the children s heart rate went up and they were over active However when the walls were dark blue the children s heart rate was slower and the children were much calmer If this is true we can think carefully about the colours around them not just in our homes but also in offices in schools in hospitals in gyms in museums in restaurants and even in prisons 根据短文内容 选择最佳的答案 1 According to Paragraph 1 it s better for a person who fails in the exam to sit in aroom A yellow B white C black 第 9 页 共 11 页 2 According to Paragraph 1 it s better for a person who fails in the exam to sit in aroom A yellow B white C black 3 The boxes painted white look A heavy B light C cold 4 The boxes painted white look A heavy B light C cold 5 Which of the following is true A It s certain of that colours affect everyone in the same way B The result of the second study can be widely used C Colours can change the weight of a box 6 Which of the following is true A It s certain of that colours affect everyone in the same way B The result of the second study can be widely used C Colours can change the weight of a box 7 The best title for the passage can be A How Colours Affect Feelings 第 10 页 共 11 页 B How Colours Affect Children with Bebaviour Problems C How Colours Are Used in Science Research 8 The best title for the passage can be A How Colours Affect Feelings B How Colours Affect Children with Bebaviour Problems C How Colours Are Used in Science Research 9 The passage probably comes from A a computer textbook B a government report C a science magazine 10 The passage probably comes from A a computer textbook B a government report C a science magazine 第 11 页 共 11 页 参考答案 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 52 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略


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