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定语从句专项训练关系代词、关系副词练习题1) 用适当的关系代词填空1. This is the way _he did it.2. He lives in the room, the window of _ faces south.3. This is Mr. John for_ I bought a book yesterday.4. This is Mr. John for_ son I bought a book yesterday.5. Yesterday I helped an old man_ lost his way. 6. I wish to thank Tom, without_ help I would never have got this far.7. This is the book_ cover is blue.8. Do you know the girl_ father died in Iraq?9. The woman_ we talked about is my sister.10. He told everything_ he had seen in the traffic accident.11.The first thing _I will do this evening is to write a report.12. I dont like the girl _you are talking about.13. He is the student_ mother is a very famous singer. 2)用适当的关系副词填空1. Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment_ they live.2. I will never forget the year_ my father worked in the factory.3. Do you know the reason_ he is absent from school?4. Great changes have taken place since then in the company_ we are working.5. Well put off the outing(远足) until next week_ we wont be so busy.6. This is the reason_ he came late to school.7. He is such a clever boy_ we are all fond of.8. He often goes back to the place_ he once lived when he was young.9. This is the hotel_ they stayed last month.10. Do you know the year_ the Chinese Communist Party was founded?11. The factory_ well visit next week is not far from here.12. This is the reason_ he didnt come to the meeting.3) 将下列句子改为含有定语从句的复合句1. I have a friend. He likes listening to classical music. I have a friend2. Last week Mary was wearing the dress. I gave it to her.Last week Mary was wearing the dress.3. The girl is from America. Her father is a Chinese.The girl is from America.4. My grandparents live in a house. It is more than 100 years old.My grandparents live in a house4)单句语法填空1. I can never forget the day_ we worked together and the day _ we spent together.2. The old temple_ roof was damaged in a storm is under repair.3. The building_ top can be seen from here has just been completed.4. I am looking forward to the day my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.5. Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school_ I met in the English speech contest(竞赛) last year.6. Please think of a situation_ this idiom can be used.7. People_ work in big companies like to eat in the fast food restaurants.8. This is the film_ director is Zhao Wei.9. This is the reason_ he is leaving now.10. This is the farm_ we picked apples last year.11. Beth comes from a tradition_ people dress up for sporting events.12. The Great Wall is the place_ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.13. She brought with her three friends, none of_ had ever met before.14. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana; a city_ name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.15. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of_ are beyond our control.16. We went through a period_ communications were difficult in the rural areas.17. He pulled out a gold watch, the hands of_ were made of small diamonds.18. Do you know the man_ I spoke to?5) 改正下列句子的错误,并写在横线上。1. This is the lady whom wants to see you.2. It is the old factory that Jack parks his car._3. I didnt know the reason which he was dismissed.4. I still remember the day in which I first came to the school.5. I shall never forget those years which I lived in the farm which you visited last week._6. The day will come which the people all over the world will win liberation._7. He is a man of great experience, from who much can be learned._8. Please put the letter which he can easily find it.非限定性定语从句填空题1. There is no simple answer, _is often the case in science.2. We have launched another man-made satellite, _ is announced in todays newspaper. 3. It is third time that she has won the race, _ has surprised us all. 4. A lot language learning, _ has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.5. Your speech given at the meeting, _ everyone is talking into careful consideration, means much to us all. 6. The Science Museum, _ we visited last summer, is one of Londons tourist attractions.7. He came late this morning, _ made the teacher very angry.8. I can never forget the day, _ I think, is the most important in our life.9. The road conditions there turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect.10. Whenever I met her, _ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile. 11. English, _ I have mastered well, is important in middle school. 12. They have again invited me to visit their country, _ is very kind of them.13. _ is known to all, water is an important kind of natural resource.14. The leader of the team is a 44-year-old Frenchman, _ wife is also a team member.15. Im to fly to Kunming, _ it is warm in this season.16. He said he would come to my house to see me tomorrow afternoon, _ I will have some other friends to play together.介词加关系代词根据句意填入相应的介词+关系代词:1. She brought forward a plan _ _ we didnt agree.2. The invention _ _ she spent two years will do good to the world.3. Tom, _ _ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.4. Tom, _ _ bicycle I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. 5. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ _ he could see what was happening inside the house.6. The age _ _ children can go to school is seven.7. Do you know the building _ _ is flying a red flag?8. The dog, _ _ she used to be afraid, is her favorite animal now.9. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m. _ _ time many people have gone home.10. The speed _ _ Tom drives his car is too high.11. Tom is the boy _ _ I went to the cinema together.12. The stories about Lei Feng, _ _ this is one example, are well written.13. The two things _ _ Marx was not too sure were grammar and some of idioms.14. The wolf _ _ the sheep was killed was shot15. Hes the man _ _ I learnt the news.16. The English play _ _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.17. There are 52 students in our class, _ _ nearly 40 are League members.18. I know a lady the husband _ _ is a Nobel Prize winner.19. Do you know the driver who caused the traffic accident _ _ a man was killed?20. This is the way _ _ she studies English.21. The 25 yuan _ _ he paid the book was given by his friend.22. The story about Shakespeare, _ _this is one example, is well written.23. The old man always wears his glasses _ _ he cant see anything.24. The key_ _ she was opening the door broke.25. The library _ _ we often go on Sundays is not far from our school.26. No one knows the reason _ _ she is leaving so early.27. At last they came to a river _ _ a new bridge is being built. 28. The boy was staying in the room _ _ window he could climb down.29.She has three children, all _ _ are at school.30.His bike _ _ he went to work was stolen last night 31.It is a beautiful school, _ _ we are proud32.This is the house _ _ the window was broken yesterday.33. She brought with her three friends, none of _ I had ever met before.34. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, _ _ New York is an example.35. By nine oclock, all the Olympic torchbearers (持火炬者, 领导人) had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_ _ appeared a rare rainbow soon.36. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ _ they can be controlled on purpose.37. Eric received training in computer for one year, _ _ he found a job in a big company.38. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ _ they are being trained. 39. The place _ _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross river traffic is the heaviest.40. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ _ people were eaten by the tiger.41. Franks dream was to have his own shop _ _ to produce the workings of his own hands.42. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ _ are sold abroad.43. Good advertisement often uses words _ _ people attach positive meanings.定语从句综合练习一. 对比练习1. The man _she married last year was a soldier. A.whom B. to whom C. with whom D. whose The man _she was married was a soldier. A. whom B. to whom C. with whom D. who2. The reason _she gave up teaching was not accepted. A. for that B. for what C. who D. why The reason _she gave for doing that was her serious illness. A. that B. for which C. which D. for what3. The day _she spent with us was never to be forgotten. A. / B. on which C. when D. in which The day _she played with us was never to be forgotten. A./ B. on which C. that D. which4. Is this the factory _you visited last week? A.where B. which C. to which D. in which Is this factory _you visited last week? A.that B. where C. in which D. the one5. The house _window faces south is for the doctor. A.which B. that C. whose D. of which The house _faces south is for the doctor. A.which B. whose C. who D. where6. She brought forward a plan _we didnt agree. A.that B. which C./ D. to which She brought forward a plan _we couldnt accept. A./ B. for which C. to which D. of which7. The invention _she spent two years will do good to the world. A.which B. that C. on which D. when The invention_ _took her two years will do good to the world. A.which B./ C. on which D. it8. English, _I do well, is important in middle school. A.which B. that C. in which D. at which English, _I have mastered well, is important in middle school. A.which B. that C. in which D. at which9. Tom, _I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. A.whom B. who C. with whom D. whose Tom, _bicycle I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. A.whom B. who C. whose D. on whose10. The place _you visited during your holiday is where I used to live for years. A.where B. which C. in which D. to which The place _you stayed for 3 years is where an ancient city used to be. A.where B. which C. that D .to which The place _interests the children most is Disneyland. A.that B. where C. it D. in which11. She will fly to Washington, _is the capital of the U.S. A. that B. where C. which D. in which She will fly to Washington, _she can enjoy herself. A.where B. that C. which D/12. The story happened on a day _the weather was wet and cold. A.when B. which C. in which D. on when The story happened on a day _was wet and cold. A.when B. on which C. which D./13. The sun heats the Earth, _we all know. A.that B. when C. as D. where The sun heats the Earth _makes it possible to grow crops. A.which B. that C. as D. where14. Tom, _we had expected, got the first place in the competition. A.as B. which C. whom D. who Tom, _we had expected to help us, didnt even show his face. A.as B. whom C. that D. which15. This is one of the best novels _published last year. This is the only one of the best novels _published last year. A.which were B. which was C. that were D. that was16. Is this flat _you once lived in? Is this the only flat _you have lived in? Is this the flat _you once lived ? Is this the flat in _you once lived ? Is it this the flat _you once lived ? A.which B. where C. that D. the one17. She has two skirts, _were brought last summer. She has two skirts. _were brought last summer. A.Both of which B. both of them C. both of which D. Both of them18. He has many children, some of _are workers. He has many children, some of _are workers. A.which B. that C. them D. whom19. All_ we need is more food. All_ is needed is more food. A.which B. that C/ D.B and C20. I was surprised that he did the same _I had done. I was surprised that he didnt like the way _I had done the job. A.that B. which C. on which D. as二选用合适的关系词填空1)Do you know the man1_wrote this book? He was Jason, one of the engineers2_came from Russia in the 1950s.He worked in the same factory3_my father once worked. When he came to China,the first thing4_he did was to visited the factory5_did research on trolleybuses and found out the reason6_China was so backward in it. Then he spent every minute7_he could spare to help China develop transportation.8_is mentioned above, Jason was a foreigner9_made great contributions to our country and was a kind man10_we should say thanks.2)Mary,I received the letter1_you sent me last week. Thank you for sending me the photos2_reminds me of the happy time3_we spent together. Do you still remember the lake besides4_we took a photo? How are those friends5_once played with us? Last night I had a dream in6_we were at the cinema. By the way, I have brought the English book7_you want. If I have time on the weekends, Ill post it to you. Tom三用正确的关系词填空1. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house _ I would be staying.2. There is no simple answer, _ is often the case in science.3. Finally he reached a lonely island _ was completely cut off from the outside world.4. The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those _lives were affected.5. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, _ made one of the Chinese peoples long-held dreams comes true.6. Many countries are now setting up national parks _ animals and plants can be protected.7. We have launched another man-made satellite, _ is announced in todays newspaper.8. Happiness and success often come to those _ are good at recognizing their own strengths.9. He wrote a letter _ he explained what had happened in the accident.10. Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment _ they live.11. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of _ are family members.12. An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area _ interact with one another.13. We live in an age _more information is available with great ease than ever before.14. Ellen was a painter of birds and nature, _, for some reason, has withdrawn from all human society.15. The air quality in the city, _ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.16. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _help I would never have got this far.17. It is the third time that she has won the race, _ has surprised us all.18. Sales director is a position _ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.19. The old town has narrow streets and small houses _ are built close to each other.20. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _ it will keep for two or three weeks.21. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, _ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.22. The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imagination.23. Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and T-shirt, _ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.24. As a child, Jack studied in a village school, _ is named after his grandfather.25. I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault.26. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go traveling, _ turned out to be a wise decision.27. I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.28. Its helpful to put children in a situation _they can see themselves differently.29. -What do you think of teacher, Bob? - I found its fun and challenging. It is a job _you are do something serious but interesting.30. Life is like a long race _ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.31. The house I grew up _ has been taken down and replaced by a office building.32. Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.33. The road condition there turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect.34. We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in rural areas.35. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing.36. Chans restaurant on Baker Street, _ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.37. Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a great chance of having heart disease than those _ dont.38. The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.39.Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still suffering.答案:关系代词、关系副词练习题1) 1. that 2. which 3. whom 4. whose 5. who 6. whose 7. whose 8. whose 9. whom 10. that 11. what 12. whom 13. whose.2) 1. where 2. when 3. why 4. where 5. when 6. why 7. as 8. where 9. where 10. when 11.where 12. why3) 1. who likes listening to classical music2. that/which I gave to her3. whose father is a Chinese4. which is more than 100 years old 4) 1. when 2. whose 3. whose 4. when 5. whom 6. where 7. who 8. whose 9. why 10. where 11. where 12. whom 14. whose 15. which 16. when 17. whom 18. whom 5) 1. whomwho 2. thatwhere 3. whichwhy 4. in whichwhen 5. whichwhen 6. whichwhen 7. whowhom 8. whichwhere 非限定性定语从句填空题1. as 2.which 3.which 4.which 5.which 6.which 7.which 8.which 9.which 10.which 11.which 12.which 13.as 14.whose 15.where 16.when介词加关系代词填空题:1.to which 2.on which 3.with whom 4.on whose 5.through which 6.at which 7.over which 8.of which 9.by which 10.at which 11.with whom 12.of which 13.about/of which 14.by whom 15.from whom 16.in which 17.which of 18.of whom 19.by whom 20.in which 21.for whi


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