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Unit 9重点单词Motivation(动力,诱因) technique(技术,技巧) fluently(流利地) achievement(成就) percentage(百分比) exist(存在) variety(种类,品种) defeat(战胜,击败) earn(挣得,赚得) determine(确定,决定) enjoyable(使人快乐的) concern(关于,关系到) pleased(高兴的,满意的) aware(知道的,意识到的) greedy(贪婪的,贪心的) journalist(新闻工作者,记者) rude(粗鲁的,无礼的) carpet(地毯) bargain(交易,讨价还价) product(产品,出品) enthusiastic(热情的,很感兴趣的) ashamed(羞耻的,惭愧的) firm(坚定的,稳固的) aggressive(好斗的,有进取心的) clothing(衣服) annoy(打搅) comment(评论,评价) amusement(乐趣,娱乐活动) appeal(吸引,引起兴趣) soil(泥土,土壤) contain(包含,含有) balance(平衡) economy(经济) puzzle(使困惑) behave(举止,表现) advance(取得进展,改进) practical(实际的,实用的) useless(无用的,无效的) signal(信号,暗号) freedom(自由) automatic(自动的) focus(焦点,中心) noisy(嘈杂的,喧闹的) customer(顾客) translation(翻译) electric(用电的,与电有关的) bath(浴缸) Warm up&Lesson 1重点词组搭配及其用法1、percentage n.百分比,百分率Percent 相当于“%” 前面加一个具体的数字,表示百分之几Percentage 前面只能跟high , low等形容词修饰2、variety n.种类,品种 A variety of +复数名词 表示各种各样的 A variety of +单数名词 表示一种,某种.3、defeat v.战胜,击败 Sb. defeat sb. defeat后面可以用人做宾语, 表示在大型的战争中打败敌人与win, beat的区别: Sb win sth win后面只可以用物做宾语,表示赢得了某物(奖牌,比赛之 类的) Sb beat sb beat和defeat用法一样,不同的是defeat用于小型的游戏比赛 中,打败对手4、earn v.挣得,赚得 earn a living 谋生 (通过努力)获得 当“获得”讲时,与gain, obtain的区别 Earn:经过努力或奋斗获得某种利益或报酬 His achievement earned him respect and admiration Gain:通过某种努力获得某种好处 I hope you will gain victory this time. Obtain:如意地达到目的或得到希望的东西 He obtained his wish after a long period of hard labour.5、greedy adj.贪婪的,贪心的,贪吃的 Be greedy for 渴望 6、rude adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 Be rude to sb 对某人无礼的 He was punished because he was rude to his teacher.7、determine v.决定 Determined adj.有决心的,意志坚决的 Determine to do sth.下决心做某事(表动作) He determined to prove his friends innocence. Determine on sth 下决心某事 He determined on proving his friends innocence. Be determined to so sth 决心做某事(表状态) We are determined to overcome all the difficulties which may be met. Determine sb against sth使某人决定不做某事 Determine sb to do sth使某人决定做某事8、enjoyable adj.使人快乐的 These games cam make learning more enjoyable.Enjoy v.喜爱,享受的乐趣 Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事9、concerned adj. 关心的,担忧的 Be concerned about 关心,挂念 She was concerned about her grandma. Vt. 涉及,牵涉(某人) That doesnt concern us. 那与我们无关 使(某人)担忧 What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the changes.n. 担心,忧虑 There is growing concern about violence on television. 人们对电视上的暴力镜头日渐忧虑。10、pleased adj.满意的, Be pleased with 对感到满意的The boss is not pleased with his work at all. 他的老板对他的工作一点也不满意 Be pleased to 很高兴做某事I am pleased to meet you. 我们高兴见到你。Please v.使满意,使高兴Pleasing adj.使人愉快的,合意的 The news was very pleasing to us.11、drunk adj.(酒)醉的 Get drunk 喝醉Drunk做表语,放在be 动词之后 He was too drunk to remember what happened last night. 表示“喝醉的”,用作定语,放在名次前时,用drunken 12、practise v.练习 Practice doing sth 练习做某事 She practices singing every day.她每天练习唱歌Practice n.练习, 实践 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Practiced adj.有经验的,熟练的Practical adj.实际的,实用的13、quantity n.数量 He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭 A (large) quantity of 修饰可数或不可数名次,做主语时,谓语动词用单数 A (large) quantity of people is needed here.这里需要很多人。 (large) quantities of 修饰可数或不可数名词,做主语时,谓语动词用复数 Quantities of nuts are on the table. 桌子上有很多坚果。14、moment 的用法 At the moment 用于现在时态,“此刻”;用于过去时态,“那时” I am busy at the moment. For the moment “暂时,目前” Stop discussing for the moment, please.请暂停讨论。 For a moment “片刻,一会儿” For a moment I thought of my childhood. 我一时想起了我的童年。 In a moment “立即,立刻” It was done in a moment.一会儿它就完成了。 The moment 用作连词,“一.就.” He felt a thrill the moment he got into the theatre.他已进入剧院就感到一阵激动。 “一.就”的用法 As soon as : As soon as the lessons were over, the children hurried to the playground. Hardly.when. : We had hardly got on the train when it began to pull out. No soonerthan.: He had no sooner entered the office than the telephone rang.Hardlywhen和no sonnerthan句型中前半句用过去完成时,后半句用一般过去时 当hardly或者no sooner放句首时,前半句要倒装,把过去完成时中的had提前,其他照抄。 比如:Hardly had we got on the train when it began to pull out.15、get 相关的词组搭配 Get along with 进展,相处 get away走开,离开 get back 回来,取回 Get hold of 抓住,拿到 get in收获,进去 get in a word插话 Get on well with与.相处融洽 get out 出去,离开 get rid of 摆脱,除掉 Get ready for 为准备好 get together 欢聚,碰头 get through 通过,接通电话16、turn 的用法 Take turns to do sth Take turns at doing sth 轮流做某事 Do sth by turns Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 以上要注意的是turn 的单复数形式!Turn相关的词组: Turn against 背叛 turn down关小,拒绝 turn from side to side 辗转反侧 Turn in 上交 turn off关掉 turn out结果是 turn over打翻,翻身 Turn up 出现 turn ones back on 不理睬 turn back to 重新翻到17、dream up 凭空想象 dream of 梦想18、furniture n U 不可数名词, 做主语时谓语动词用单数 表示“一件家具”时, a piece of furniture The furniture at your home is very beautitul.19、make sure Make sure that +句子 “确保” Make sure that you dont upset any of them. 确保你不会使他们中任何人不安。 Make sure of “确保,确定” He has made sure of the time and the place. 他已经确定了事件和地点。 Sure 的用法 Be sure to do sth.“一定会做某事” It is a really good film, you are sure to like it. Be sure that+句子 “确信” I am sure that he will come. 我确信他会来。 Be sure of doing sth “确信会做某事” He is sure of passing the exam. 他确信考试会及格 Be sure about/ of sth “对某事有把握” He said he was not sure about grammar . 他说他对语法没有把握。 Be sure to do sth & be sure of doing sth 的区别 Be sure to do sth 表示主语肯定会做某事 Our football team is sure to win. Be sure of doing sth 表示主语对做某事有信心 You are sure of passing the exam if you work hard.20、appreciate v.感谢,欣赏 Appreciate +doing sth 后面直接doing 而不用to do 的动词有:enjoy享受 mind介意 consider考虑 Finish 完成 risk冒险 avoid避免 excuse原谅 imagine想象 practise练习 Miss错过 deny否认 suggest建议 advise建议 delay推迟21、tired adj.疲乏的,劳累的 Be tired of 厌倦 I am tired of your speech.你讲的话我听腻了。 Be tired from 由于而劳累了22、make 的用法 Make 做使役动词时,“使,让.” Make + 宾语+宾补 Make sb adj/ n.使某人怎么样 The bad news made us sad.这个坏消息使我们伤心。 Make sb do sth使某人做某事 They made me retell the story.他们让我重述这个故事 当make 是被动语态(be made)时,后面do 要变成to do I was made to retell the story 我被要求重述这个故事 通常情况下,make 后宾语是反身代词(oneself)时,宾补要用过去分词(done) Will you please make yourself known to us in English?23、aware adj.知道的,明白的 Be aware of “知道,意识到” I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。 Be aware that +句子 “知道,意识”24、fun n.玩笑,乐趣 Be fond of fun 喜欢开玩笑 Be full of fun 好玩的很 For fun开玩笑地 He is fond of fun. 他喜欢开玩笑 Make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 They often make fun of me for this. 为此他们常和我开玩笑。25、drop v. 落下;下降;让某人下车;断绝与某人来往;顺便走访 Where shall I drop you ? 我应在什么地方让你下车? Price dropped.价格下降了。 He dropped most of his friends. 他停止与他的大部分朋友来往了。相关词组: Drop behind 落后 drop into 滴入 drop off放下(某物),下车 drop in顺便走访 Drop in on sb 顺便走访某人 drop out 退出,退学 drop down落下,倒下Drop & fall的区别 Drop可以做及物动词,不用加介词,直接跟宾语,但是fall不行 表示无意或故意“掉下”时,用drop,不用fall He fell to the ground.他摔倒在地上。26、go back to 重新开始做某事 后面加doing He went back to cleaning the window. To 后接doing的短语有:look forward to 盼望 devoteto.奉献 be used to习惯于 Stick to坚持 get down to 开始认真做 pay attention to注意 lead to导致语法:不定代词的用法 一、some & anySome 和any 表示“一些”时,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。 I have some books. Do you have any money?在would you like句型中,虽然是问句,但是仍然要用some,表示询问 Would you like some soft drink?Some 表示“某个/某种”时,后面跟单数可数名词 Everyone likes some form of music.每个人都喜欢某种形式的音乐。Any用于肯定句中,表示“任何一个”,语气较强烈 Any student should obey the school rules.任何学生都应该遵守校规。二、each & every Each 强调个体,指两个或两个以上中的“每一个” Every强调整体,指“所有的,每个都”,后面不与of搭配 可以说Each of us has a computer. 不可以说Every of us has a computer. 表示“每隔”时,只用every Every three days.每隔3天三、no one, nothing & none No one“没有人”,只指人,不能指物,不可与of搭配,谓语动词只能用单数形式,回答who引导的问句 Who is in the classroom? No one! Nothing“没有东西”,一般回答what引导的问句 What is in the cave? Nothing None 既可指人,也可指物,强调数量,意思是“一点儿也不,一个也不”谓语动词既可用单数,也可用复数,常与of 连用,通常指“三者以上的人或物中没有一个”,回答how many 或者how much的问句 How many students are there in the classroom? None!四、all & both All 指三者以上都,both指两者都,两个都表示肯定意思,如果与not 连用,表示部分否定 Not all the children slept.并非所有的孩子都睡着了。 Both of them are not students.他们两个并非都是学生。五、neither & either Neither表示否定意义,“两者中的每一个都不” Either表示肯定意义,“两者中的每一个都” Both teams are in hard training, neither is will to lose the game. Do you want tea or coffee? Either. I dont mind.六、other, another, others, any other & the other Other表示泛指,“别的,其他的”常与复数名词或者不可数名词连用,如果其前面有the, this, some, any, each, every, no, one以及形容词性物主代词修饰时,后面可以接单数名词 I have no other place to go. Another 常用于指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个”泛指单数。可单独使用,也可后接名词,如果接复数名词,表示“再,又,还” This cap is too small for me, show me another one. Others是other的复数形式,表示泛指,“别的人”,但不指全部。特指时前面可以加the. He has more concern for others than for himself.他关心别人比关心自己多。 Any other表示一个之外的其他任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。 China is larger than any other country in Asia. The other表示两者中的另外一个,可单独使用,也可接单数名词 No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.因为双方都不愿意让步所以讨论中没有达成一致。Lesson 21、be of +名词 相当于名词所对应的形容词的意思,说明被修饰词具有某种特征或属性。常用名词有:use, importance, help, value, interest, quality, service, benefit, necessity I dont want to hear what you are saying. It is of no interest to me. (of no interest= not interesting)Be of+名词 名词是表示种类,数量,度量等时,表示不同的人或物的共同的特征,此时名词钱通常有冠词。 常用名词:size, kind, type, price, height, depth, width, length, weight, age, shape, colour等 We are of the same age.我们同岁。2、in order to 为了 In order to +do sth In order that +从句 So that +从句 So as to +do sth以上都表示目的,in order to 可以与so as to互换,in order that可以与so that互换,但是in order to 可以放在句首,也可以放在句中,但是so as to只能放在句中。 In order to find the book, he searched the whole house. He gets up early so as to be early for school.3、bargain n. 协定,协议;买卖合约;廉价货;谈判,讲价 v.交换,做生意 bargain sth for sth 用换 I bargain my watch for a meal. Bargain相关的其他词组: Bargain for 准备,预料 bargain on 依靠,依赖 bargain on doing sth商定做某事 Make a bargain with sb.与某人达成协议 bargain over the price讨价还价 Bargain with sb. about the price 与某人讨价还价4、bad adj.坏的;有害的;严重的 Be bad about 对感到抱歉或羞愧的 I felt bad about not being able to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. 昨晚未能出席你的生日聚会我深感抱歉。 Go bad变质 Not too bad不太坏 Be bad for 对有害处 Smoking is bad for my health. 5、ashamed adj.羞耻的,惭愧的 Be ashamed to do sth 以做某事为耻 I was too ashamed to tell her I had failed. Be ashamed of 对感到羞耻,内疚,惭愧 He was ashamed of having lied to her.他因对她说了谎而感到内疚。 Be ashamed that.很惭愧 He was ashamed that he has lied.他很惭愧自己说了谎。6、annoy v.打搅,烦恼 Be annoyed with sb 生某人的气 I was annoyed with him because he was late. Be annoyed at sth因某事而生气 I was annoyed at his bad habits. Be annoyed with sb for/at sth.7、enthusiastic adj.热情的,很感兴趣的 Be enthusiastic about/ over对.热情 He was enthusiastic about our plans.Enthusiasm n.热情,热衷的事情 Show enthusiasm for 对表现出热情 She shows a enthusiasm for the work.8、worth 表语形容词,也就是说只能放在be动词之后,但是不可以修饰名词 通常用well来修饰,放在worth前,“非常” Be well worth doing sth很值得做某事 This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得读。 Be worth +钱 价值 The house is worth 300,000dollars.9、comment v.评论,评价 Comment on/upon 对发表评论 He commented on the weather. n. 意见,解释,评论 make comment on/ about 对做评论 Critics made comments on the TV play.评论家们对这部电视剧进行评论。10、clothing .衣服 Cloth, clothing, clothes, dress区别 Cloth指做衣服用的材料,它是物质名词,不可数,没有复数形式 A piece of cloth 一块布料 Cloth指具体用途的布时,是可数名词 A table cloth一块桌布 Clothing是衣服,服装的总称,只有单数形式,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。 Our clothing protects us from the cold.衣服使我们免受寒冷。 Clothes 统指各种衣服,不能用作单数,也不能与具体数目的数词连用,不能表示a clothes,six clothes,但可以说many/ these/a few clothes。做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 He had to buy a good many clothes.他不得不买了很多衣服。 Dress指外面穿的衣服,尤指妇女的连衣裙以及一些场合穿的服装 Evening dress晚礼服 working dress工作服Lesson 31、 短暂性动词come, go, start, begin, leave, return, sail, open, arrive, stop等可以用一般现在时或现在进行时表示将来的动作,常用来表示已经决定的,有计划的,或即将发生的行为,通常句子中带有时间状语。 The train starts out at four oclock. Tom is leaving tomorrow afternoon.下列动词通常不用于进行时:感官动词:see, hear, smell, taste, feel, notice, look, seem, appear表示感觉类的动词:hate, love, like, want, wish, prefer, refuse, forgive表示存在的动词:be, exist, remain, stay表示占有,从属的动词:have, possess, own, obtain, contain, belong, consist, form表示思考,理解的动词:understand, know, believe, think, doubt, forget, remember2、 stop v.停止 stop doing sth.停止做某事 Stop walking, please. Stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 Lets stop to help her work.3、 improve v.改善,改良 在方面做出改进,常与on或upon连用 I am unable to improve on my experiment. 我不能在我的实验方面做出改进了4、deal with & do with 的区别两者都表示“处理” Deal with 与how连用:How can we deal with the problem? Do with与what连用:What can we do with the problem?5、 not的用法not 通常与be动词,助动词或情态动词连用构成否定,如果与非谓语动词连用,则放在非谓语动词的前面,表示否定意义。 He warned me not to be late.他警告我不要迟到。Not用在动词think, suppose, believe, expect, hope, seem,以及副词probably, perhaps后面,则代替that引导的表示否定意义的从句。 Will they come to tomorrow? I suppose not.(=I suppose they will not come tomorrow)6、情态动词的用法在表示否定意义的句子中,cant 表示“不可能”, may not 表示“可能不”, mustnt表示“禁止,不允许”The offices light isnt on, he cant be in the office. (cant 是有前提条件下才会使用的)He may not be at home.他可能不在家。You mustnt leave the clothes in the floor like this.在表示肯定意义的句子中,must表示可能性最大,接下来是can, may, could.You must be tired.你肯定很累吧。You could be very tired. 你或许很累吧。在疑问句中,can表示推测Someone is knocking at the door. Who can it be?会是谁呢?7、appeal v.吸引,引起, 常与to 连用 She appeals to me.她对我很感兴趣。 呼吁,恳求 The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府正在呼吁每个人都节约用水 n. 热切或急切的要求,恳求 an appeal for aid 恳求援助 吸引力,感染力 A city with appeal for tourists 一个对游客有吸引力的城市8、instead adv.代替,顶替 句子中用instead时,表示这个动作是被“取”的 Last summer I went to Qingdao, This summer I am going to Dalian instead. Instead of 是介词短语,代替,而不是,相当于in place of,后面接名次,代词,动名词或介词短语, of 后面的动作是被“舍”的,也就是不去做。 Instead of going to Qingdao, I am going to Dalian this summer.9、keep v. 保存;遵守;赡养;保守(秘密);使处于某种状态;保持 He kept all the money in the bank.他把所有的钱都存入了银行 One should keep his promise.一个人应当遵守自己的诺言。 He has a large family to keep.他有一个家子人要养活。 Can you keep a secret?你能保守秘密吗? You should keep the classroom clean.你应该保持教师干净。 与keep相关的搭配:Keep an eye on 注意,提防 keep back 忍住,隐瞒 keep in mind记住Keep in touch with与保持联系 keep on doing sth继续走某事 keep off远离Keep up with跟上,不落后 keep down控制,镇压10、cause n.动机,理由,根据 There is no cause for concern, for the windstorm was not too serious.那场风暴不太厉害,没必要担心。 目标,理想 Fight for the cause of world peace 为世界和平的理想而战 v. 引起,促成 cause sb sth= cause sth to sb给某人带来 His absence caused me much trouble.他的缺席给我带来很大的麻烦。 Cause sb to do sth让某人去做某事 促使,致使 What caused his failure?什么使得他失败了?Cause的相关搭配: Give cause for引起 have cause for 有理由 in the cause of 为而. Make common cause with 与同心协力 11、agree v.同意 关于讨论的题目,后面接about They never agree about the polities. 要确定意见事情时,后面接on, 主语要用复数,因为是多人达成一致 Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 同意一个建议或计划时,后面接to He has agrees to our suggestion about the holiday. 同意一个想法,解释,分析以及同意某人时,后面接with They might not agree with his opinion. Agree后还可以接动词不定式(to do sth)和that从句 We agree to leave at once.我们同意马上离开。12、if so 如果这样It is time for sb to do sth.是某人干某事的时候了。 It is time for you to go to school.13、since句型 Since“自从,从起” Since 后可以+名词/ 动名词/介词短语/ then +句子(用一般过去时) 主句多用现在完成时She has worked hard since leaving school.It has been three years since he came here.I was graduated in 1989, I have been in this country since then. (从那时起)14、remember v.记得 Remember doing sth记得做过某事 Remember to do sth记得去做某事 Remember sb to sb带某人向某人致意 Please remember me to your mother.请代我向你妈妈致意。15、future n将来 In the future 将来,未来 We will be able to buy our own cars in the future.将来我们要买自己的车。 In future (=from now on)从现在起,今后 In future I must do better than that.今后我做得一定比那更好。16、use v.使用 Used to do sth过去常常做某事 Be used doing sth习惯做某事 Be used to do sth被用来做某事 Be used for被用作 The seals fur can be used for coats.海豹皮可用来做大衣 Be in use在使用 The lab is in use until three oclock实验室一直到3点都有人使用 Make use of利用We should make full use of our time.我们应该充分利用我们的时间。Lesson 4&Communication wok shop1、go through 穿过;经历;仔细检查;表演,演奏 He went through the students papers. We went through many hells with while working on this project.执行这个计划时我们受了很多苦。 I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.我用30分钟演奏完了这首奏鸣曲。类似的搭配: break through突围 get through接通电话 look through浏览,查阅 Putthrough 接通的电话2、move around 不停地走动,经常到处跑(=move about) Move相关搭配:move along使往前走 move away搬走,离开 move in搬到某处 Move off离开 I could hear someone moving around in the room above.我听见楼上有人来回走动。3、amazing adj.令人惊奇的Amaze v.使惊讶 Be amazed at sth.对感到惊讶 (=be surprised at) He was amazed at the news. Be amazed to do sth做某事吃惊 Mary was amazed to see the snake on the ground. Amaze sb.使某人吃惊 His coming amazed me.4、loud adj.声音大的, adv.非常吵 The teachers voice is very loud. He speaks loud and clear. Loud, loudly, &aloud的区别 三个都可以当副词, loud意为“高声地,大声地”,loudly意为“喧闹,嘈杂”,aloud意为“大声地”Loudly的比较级和最高级是more loudly和most loudlyAloud没有比较级 loud的比较级和最高级是louder和loudest loud常与speak, talk, laugh, say, shout连用,指谈笑方式 loudly指含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,有“喧闹”之意 aloud含有“出声地”的意思,5、electric adj.用电的,与电有关的 An electric generator发电机 Electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 Electricity n.电,电能 Electrician n电工,电器技师 Electric & electrical 的区别 electric 指“用电来驱动的,有电产生的” electrical指“与电有关的an electric torch一个电筒 an electrical engineer一个电气工程师6、no在比较级中的用法No在比较级结构中,表示对两者的否定,意为“两者都不” He has no more books than I.他的书并不比我的多。Not在比较级结构中, He is not taller than I. 他没有我高。7、convenient adj.方便的,便利的 不用来修饰人,常用来指事,常用结构:Its convenient for sb to do sth. It is convenient for us to have two TV sets.对我们来说有两部电视是非常方便的。8、weigh v.称重量 He weighed the fish.他把鱼称了一下。 重 It weighs 12 kilos.它重19千克。Weigh相关搭配:weigh down使负重,压迫 Weigh on使烦恼 Weigh out称出9、fun nU,乐趣,快乐,前面不加a,词尾也不加s We had a lot of fun at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很开心。 Fun doing 做很有趣 It is fun learning English.学习英语很有趣。 Fun相关的搭配: For fun开玩笑,不是认真地 For the fun of为了取乐 Make fun of sb.嘲弄某人10、economy nC经济,经济制度 Economical adj.经济的,节约的 Economic adj.经济上的,经济学的 Our countrys economy is growing rapidly.11、puzzle v.使困惑,使迷


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