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Unit1必背词组work with friends/ a group 和朋友一起学习,小组学习make word carks 制作单词卡片read the textbook 读教材listen to tapes 听录音ask the teacher for help 求助于老师watch videos 看录相read aloud to practice pronunciation 朗读训练发音take notes 作笔记have conversation with friends 和朋友对话write e-mails to pen pals 给笔友写电子邮件repeat out loud 大声重复出来keep a diary in English 写英语日记learn from mistakes 从错误中学习draw mind maps绘制思维导图(in) that way 用那种方法(in) this way 用这种方法speaking skills 说的技巧spoken English 英语口语increase reading speed 提高阅读速度make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误be born with与生俱来的connect with 把和联系起来pay attention to 注意give a report 作报告get the main ideas获得/理解主要意思read word by word 一个单词一个单词地读remember information bit by bit一点一点地记住信息word groups词群a bad dream一个恶梦so that 如此以至于so that 为了be afraid to do 害怕做be afraid of害怕an English movie called Toy Story 一部名叫Toy Story的英语电影fall in love with 爱上begin to do 开始做body language 身体语言the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘诀look up in a dictionary 有词典里查(单词)have a better understanding of 对有更好的理解a lifelong journey 终身旅程develop smart study skills 养成聪明的学习技能on ones own= by oneself 独自地over and over again 反反复复Unit2必背词组1. the Water Festival 泼水节2. the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节3. the Chinese Spring Festival 中国春节4. the Lantern Festival 元宵节5. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节6. Mothers Day 母亲节7. Fathers Day 父亲节8. Halloween 万圣节9. Christmas 圣诞节10. Easter 复活节11. on ones vacation 在度假期间12. eat out 在外吃饭13. put on five pounds 增重5磅14. in two weeks 两周后15. be similar to与相似16. Dai people in Yunnan Province 云南省的傣族17. the time of the Thai New Year 泰国新年时候18. a time for cleaning 清洁卫生的时机/机会19. go on the streets 走上街头20. throw water at each other 相互泼水21. wash away bad things (bad luck) 冲去(洗去)坏运气22. be in the shape of 呈的形状23. a full moon 圆月24. traditional folk stories 传统的民间故事25. shoot down射下26. magic medicine 神奇的药物27. refuse to do something 拒绝做28. fly up to the moon/ the sky 飞下月亮/天空29. lay out .摆出30. the tradition of admiring the moon 赏月的传统31. share with somebody 与某人分享32. as a result, 因此,33. two special days for parents 父母亲的两个特殊日子34. on the second Sunday of May 五月的第二个星期日35. give gifts to somebody 送礼物给某人36. ways to show our love 展示我们的爱的方法37. dress up as cartoon character/ ghosts 打扮成卡通形象/ 鬼(的样子)38. play a trick on somebody作弄某人,开某人的玩笑39. turn off the lights and light candles 关掉电灯,点亮蜡烛40. the Spirit of Christmas 圣诞精神41. the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us 分享并给予爱和快乐给我们身边的人的重要性42. a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens 查尔斯.狄更斯所写的一部著名的短篇小说(注意过去分词用法)43. an old man named Scrooge 一个叫做斯克鲁奇的老人(注意过去分词用法)44. think about oneself 考虑自己45. care about关心46. get/ be used to do过去曾经做47. make more money 挣更多的钱48. change ones ways 改变某人的态度,方法49. change ones life 改变某人的生活50. end up like me 像我一样死去(终其一生)51. end up with 以作为结束(终结)52. take him back to his childhood 把他带回他的童年时代53. remind somebody of 让某人想起54. promise to be a better person (promise to do something) 发誓成为更好的人(承诺做)55. celebrate Christmas with relatives 和亲人一起庆祝圣诞节56. tread everyone with kindness and warmth 用温暖和友善对待每一个人57. spread love and joy everywhere 处处洒播爱和欢乐58. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始59. give birth to给.生命,生下60. a symbol of new life 新生命的象征61. create good business创造良好商机62. trick or treat不招待就捣蛋unit 3必背词组1. get some money 取钱2. save some money 存钱, 节约钱3. change some money 换零钱4. get /buy some magazines /a newspaper /some stamps /a pair of shoes 买杂志/报纸/邮票/一双鞋5. get some information 获取信息6. ask for some information politely 咨询信息7. go along / downuntil/ till 沿着走到8. go east along this street 沿着这条街向东走9. on the right /left of somebody = on ones right / left 在某人的右边/ 左边10. turn left /right at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左/右转11. take the second turning on the left /right 在第二个拐角处向左/右转12. go past / by = walk past /by = pass / pass by路过,经过,走过13. start with 以开始/ 开场14. start doing something = start to do something 开始做15. go on a new ride 乘坐一种新的骑乘设施16. come on 赶快,加油17. get hungry 饿了18. one the way to=on ones way to 在某人去 的路上19. a rock band 摇滚乐队20. walk up to 向 走去21. come a little earlier to get a table 早点来占桌子22. the Italian restaurant nearby = the nearby Italian restaurant 附近的意大利餐馆(注意nearby的用法)23. excuse me, 劳驾,24. pardon me,劳驾,/ 对不起, 请再说一次25. mail a letter= post a letter 寄信26. in the shopping center在购物中心27. the Fine Arts Museum 精品艺术博物馆28. a foreign country外国29. an underground parking lot 地下停车场30. less polite较不有礼貌31. much more polite礼貌得多32. a very direct question 非常直接的问题33. e-mail address 电子邮件地址34. spend time doing something 花时间做35. spend time on something花时间在上面36. lead in to引出37. communicate better with other people 与他人交流得更好38. on the corner of Main and Center Streets在Main and Center Streets 的交界处39. at the corner of在的拐角处(外面)40. in the corner of在的角落里(里面)41. in a rush = in a hurry忽忙地42. winter clothes冬衣43. meet someone for the first time 第一次见到某人44. a good choice好的选择45. make a choice作选择(巩固内容)46. make a plan制定计划(巩固内容)47. make a decision作决定(巩固内容)48. make a progress取得进步(巩固内容)49. make a face做鬼脸(巩固内容)50. make a mistake犯错误(巩固内容)51. make a good wish 许愿(巩固内容)52. make a call打电话(巩固内容)53. make a noise制造噪声(巩固内容)54. make up ones mind下定决心(巩固内容)55. make a big difference 取得重大成就(巩固内容)unit 4必背词组used to do something 过去曾经做be /get used to doing something 习惯于be /get used to do something 被用于be /keep / remain silent 保持沉默be brave enough to do something 做足够勇敢get good grades/ scores 取得好成绩be interested in = get interested in= become interested in= show interests in(变得)对 感兴趣become active in 在中变得活跃be on/ in a swim team = be a member of a swim team 是一个游泳队员from time to time = sometimes 有时turn red变红get cold 变冷the girls around him 身边的女孩子a 19-year-old Asian pop star 一个19岁的亚洲流行歌星take up doing something 从事deal with 应付, 处理dare to do something 敢做not anymore= no more 不再get tons of attention 得到许多关注worry about = be worried about 担心the whole school 整个学校become famous/ well-known 变得闻名appear to others 在他人面前露面be careful about对小心谨慎be nervous about.对感到紧张hang out with somebody 和某人一起闲逛be prepared to do something 准备好做give up your normal life 放弃你的寻常生活the road to success通向成功的道路think about考虑think of想起fight on 继续战斗a number of 大量的,许多the number of 的数量books on European history = books about European history 关于欧洲历史的书pop/ country / classic / rock music流行/ 乡村/ 经典/ 摇滚音乐scary/ action / love / story movies 恐怖/ 动作/ 爱情/ 故事片read at least six books a year至少每年读6本书wear/ eat / do / whatever we like 想穿/ 吃/ 做什么穿/ 吃/ 做什么be absent from 缺席fail examinations 考试失败make a decision作决定send something to 送到send for a doctor 派人去请医生a boarding school 寄宿制学校take a 24-hour train 乘24小时的火车take pride in = be proud of 以 为荣,以为骄傲even though = even if 即使have communication with somebody = communicate with somebody和某人交流have a long talk with somebody 和某人进行长谈in person私下地in public 公开地have a great influence on somebody 对某人产生具大影响give a general self-introduction 作精略的自我介绍a job interview 工作面试play well in = be good at = do well in 擅长于a couple days 两天mind doing something 介意做a primary school 小学unit 5必背词组1. be made of 由制成(可以看出材料)2. be made from 由制成(由知识判断出材料)3. be made in 在何地被制造4. be made by 由某人制造5. be made into 被制成6. be made with 用(工具)来制造7. be famous for= be well-known for= be widely known for 以闻名,因而闻名8. be famous as. = be well-known as= be widely known as 作为而闻名9. the art and science fair科学艺术展10. both in the past and now 在过去和现在11. many diffident areas 不同的地区12. as far as I know, 就我所知13. on the sides of mountains 在山坡上14. by hand 手工15. places around China 中国的地方16. be good for对有好处17. be good at 擅长于18. be good with 和相处得好19. search for 搜寻, 寻找20. avoid doing something 避免做21. everyday things 日常用品22. high-technology products 高科技产品23. get better at doing something 变得更擅长于做24. in all parts of the world 在世界各地25. shopping experiences 购物经历26. things made in China 中国制造的东西27. be allowed to do something 被允许做28. children under 18 18岁以下的孩子29. on the last Friday of each month 每个月的最后一个周五30. the earths surface 地球的表面31. careless driving 粗心驾驶32. traffic accidents 交通事故33. go on a vacation度假34. many different kinds of kites 不同种类的风筝35. kite flying 放风筝活动36. fly a kite 放风筝37. the international kite festival 国际风筝节38. be held in 在(何时或何地)被举行39. be painted with colorful drawings 被涂上了彩色图案40. beauty in common things 普通事物中的美41. according to根据, 就看来42. sky lanterns 孔明灯43. sent out送出44. sentup 送上45. be in trouble 遇到麻烦46. be covered with由所覆盖47. rise into the air 升上天空48. hot-air balloons 热气球49. be seen as .被看成50. be regarded as被看成51. Chinese clay art 中国陶艺52. be cut with scissors 被剪所剪53. be put on被张贴在54. Chinese fairy tale 中国童话故事55. Historical story 历史故事56. be shaped by hand 被手工塑形57. air-dry 凉干58. be fired at a very high heat 被非常高的热所烧59. light the lanterns点亮灯笼60. watch them rise into the sky with their wishes 带着他们的愿望看着它们升上天空61. turn into变成62. a beautiful piece of art 一件美丽的艺术品63. celebrate the Spring Festival 庆祝春节64. things such as cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales 诸如可爱的孩子或是中国童话故事中的角色65. traditional Chinese art forms 传统的中国艺术形式66. at midnight 在半夜67. research on 研究, 对的研究68. classic films 传统电影69. attend for free 免费参加70. used wood and glass 用过的/ 废旧的木材和玻璃71. environmental protection and recycling 环境保护和回收利用72. creative ideas 有创意的主意73. a city famous for kites 一个因风筝而闻名的城市74. something as simple as kite flying 像放风筝活动一样简单的事情unit 6 必背词组1. shoes with special heels 带特别鞋跟的鞋子2. daily life = everyday life 日常生活3. have a point 有道理4. be used widely 被广泛使用5. be used for被用于6. be used as 被用作7. become popular 变得受欢迎8. by accident = by chance 偶然地9. by mistake 失误地10. fall into.= drop into 掉入11. drinking water 饮用水12. over an open fire 在露天的火炉上13. produce a nice smell 产生/散发香味14. a few thousand years later 几千年以后15. the saint of tea 茶圣16. the finest tea leaves 最优质的茶叶17. be brought to 被带到, 被传播到18. less than 不到,少于19. the popularity of tea 茶的普及20. tea culture 茶文化21. the nature of tea 茶的性质22. without doubt 毫无疑问23. all of a sudden = suddenly 突然24. ring the bell 按铃25. break the rule 违反规定 follow the rule 遵守规定26. make the customer happy 让顾客高兴27. in the end= finally = at last 最后,终于28. a cook called George Crum 一个叫做George Grum的厨师29. put salt on 放盐在30. a much-loved sport 一项备受喜爱的运动31. an event at the Olympics = Olympic event 奥运会的一个项目32. be asked to do something 被要求做33. a college teacher一个大学教师34. divide into 把分成35. players on the same team 同一个队的队员36. work together 合作,协作37. get the ball in the other teams basket 把球投入另一个队的篮框38. stop somebody from doing something 阻止某人做39. the competing team 对手队40. young people dreaming of becoming famous players 梦想着成为著名球员的年轻人41. not only but also不但 而且42. look up to = admire 敬仰,尊敬43. encourage somebody to do something 鼓励某人做44. achieve ones dreams 实现梦想45. at a low/ high price 以低/高价46. translate into 把翻译成, 把编译成47. an instrument similar to a telephone 一种类似于电话的设备48. the invention of telephone 电话的发明49. potato chips = French fries 薯片50. the professional basketball groups 专业篮球队51. the personal computer 个人电脑52. someone elses idea 另外的人的主意53. lead to 导致,引起unit 7 必背词组shopping center 购物中心get ones drivers license 获得驾驶证sixteen-year-olds 16岁的孩子sixteen-year-old 16岁的should be allowed to do something 应该被允许做have/ take part-time jobs= work part-time 做兼职工作have full-time jobs 做全职工作get ones ears pierced 穿耳洞choose ones own clothes 独自选择服装be serious enough 足够认真be serious about (doing) something 认真地对待cut ones hair= get/ have ones hair cut 理发need to do something 需要要做spend time with friends 和朋友一起消磨时光be excited about 对感到兴奋must not take photos 不准照相a tiny baby crying all night 一个整夜哭闹的小babysing to somebody 对某人唱歌stay by my side 陪伴在我身旁give me warm arms to sleep in 给我温暖的臂弯让我入睡give somebody a hug= hug somebody 拥抱某人give teenagers chances to do something 给青少年机会做have a chance to do something有机会做make sure 确保,务必keep me from danger 让我远离危险keep teenagers away from the Internet让青少年远离网络lift somebody up 把某人扶起来talk back 顶嘴awful dreams= scary dreams 噩梦think back to those times 回顾过去那些时光regret doing something 遗憾做了regret to do something 遗憾要做be encouraged to do something 被鼓励做make ones own decisions 自己做决定do social work 做社会工作manage their own lives= manage to make their own lives 设法独自谋生in most Asian societies 在亚洲的大多数国家continue to do something= continue doing something 继续做go on doing something 继续做go on to do something 接下来做take the test 参加考试take the test later 参加补考pass the test通过了考试fail a test 考试失败get to class late= be late for class= arrive late for class 上课迟到get in the way of 挡的路,阻碍了, 影响了a running star 跑步明星a professional sports star 专业运动明星other possible jobs 其它可能的工作enter university 进大学study hard in the evenings 在晚自习课上努力学习make ones choice 作选择dream jobs 梦想的工作support ones dream 支持某人的梦想teenagers under eighteen 18岁以下的青少年practice their hobbies as much as they want = practice their hobbies as much as they can= practice their hobbies as much as possible 尽量多地训练他们的爱好have nothing against 一点也不反对be strict with somebody 对某人要求严格unit 8 必背词组1. belong to 属于2. the only little kid 唯一的小孩子3. at the picnic 在野餐4. favorite writer 最喜爱的作家5. attend a concert 出席音乐会6. the music hall 音乐厅7. pink hair band 粉红的发带8. go to a picnic去野餐9. the rest of 其余的,剩下的10. pickup 把拾起来11. strange noises 奇怪的声音12. outside our windows 在我们的窗外13. next-door neighbor 隔壁邻居14. feel uneasy 感到不安15. feel sleepy感到困倦16. in our neighborhood 在我们周围17. have no idea= dont know 不知道18. the noise-maker 噪声制造者19. the trouble-maker 麻烦制造者20. create fear 制造恐怖21. go to the pool =go swimming 去游泳22. in the laboratory 在实验室23. hear water running 听到水流的声音24. see the sun rising 看太阳升起25. on the longest day of the year 在一年中最长的那天26. cough a lot 咳得很厉害27. a rock circle 石头圆环28. famous historical places 著名的历史地方29. ancient leaders 古代首领30. communicate with the gods 与神交流31. arrive in / at= reach= get to 到达32. point out 指出33. another popular idea 另一个流行的观点34. a kind of calendar 一种日历35. look kind of afraid 看起来有点害怕36. be put together 被放在一起37. in a certain way 以某种方式38. have a medical purpose 蕴含着医疗目的39. prevent illness 阻止疾病40. keep people healthy 保证人们健康41. the position of the stones 这些石头的位置42. for a special purpose 因为特别的目的43. a burial place 墓葬之地44. a place to honor ancestors祭拜/ 缅怀祖先的地方45. celebrate a victory over an enemy 庆祝战胜敌人的胜利46. over a long period of time 经历很长时期以后47. one of the greatest mysteries 最大的迷团之一48. a group of English volunteers 一群英国志愿者49. that bright light 那道亮光50. be a bit late for迟到一点点51. talk to somebody on the phone 和某人通电话52. at work 在工作53. right now 现在54. toy truck 玩具卡车55. be on the tennis team 在网球队56. down the street 沿着街道57. in the sky在空中58. run after追59. a woman with a camera 一个拿着相机的女人60. make a movie 制作电影61. stop/ prevent somebody from doing something 阻止某人做62. anything valuable/ strange/ else 值价的/ 奇怪的/ 另外的东西63. something unusual 不同寻常的东西64. go away 离开Unit9 1.既然那样/那样的话 in that case2.坚持/固守 stick to3.大量/充足 plenty of4.关上 shut off5.偶尔/间或 once in a while6.总共/合计 in total 7.随着跳舞 dance to8.随着唱歌 sing along with9.空闲时间 spare time/ free time10.取决于/依靠 depend on11.使振作 cheer sb up12.尽某人最大努力去做try ones best to do13.有一个快乐的结局 have a happy ending14.使感到 make sb feel adj15.及时 in time16.害怕be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing17.中国民间音乐演奏会a concert of Chinese folk music18.用二胡演奏 play on erhu19.查阅 look up sth20.被写 be written by sb21.出生 be born22.教做 teach sb to do sth23.例如 for example/such as24.因而出名 be famous/ known for25.赚钱 make money26.结婚 get married27.继续做 go on to do/ continue to do sth28.以这种方式 in this way29.到末 by the end of30.遗憾的是 Its a pity that 31.想要做 feel like doing32.悦耳的音乐 smooth music33到.末尾 by the end of 34.表达遗憾的 It,s a pity that 35. prefer名词或动名词“宁愿”,“更喜欢”。prefer to do “愿意做”。prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做”prefer A to B. (prefer doing to doing “宁愿做.而不做. I prefer tea to milk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶I prefer watching TV to going out. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做.而不做.” =would do rather than doUnit 10 1.顺便拜访 drop by2.毕竟/终归 after all3.大动肝火/气愤 get mad4.作出努力 make an effort5.把擦掉 clean sth off6.脱下/起飞 take off7.特地/格外努力 go out of ones way to.8.使某人宾至如归 make sb feel at home9.习惯于 be used to doing10.握手 shake hands11.被期望做/应该做 Sb be supposed to do12.被期待着做 Sb be expected to do13.(做)是重要的 be important to do 14.首次见面 meet for the first time15.犯一些错误 make some mistakes16.欢迎晚会 the welcome party17.交朋友 make friends18.被期待着 be expected to do19.伸手 hold out the hand20.使惊讶的是 to ones surprise21.晚到点 arrive a bit late22.做计划做 make plans to do sth23.按时/准时 on time24.邀请某人做 invite sb to do sth25.避开交通高峰期 avoid heavy traffic26.用手(拿)饭吃 eat with ones hand27.插入里 stick sth into 28.在盘子里 on the plate29.撞击一个空碗 hit an empty bowl30.用指点 point at sb with sth31.最大的挑战 the biggest challenge32.玩得高兴/过得愉快 have a good timehave fun / enjoy oneself33.学会怎样做 learn how to do sth34.用法语和我谈话 talk to sb in French35.由于/因为 because of 36.与不同 be different from37.相当奇怪 pretty strange38.切开 cut up sth39.使得某人 make sb adj40.显而易见/ 到场 show up41.到达 arrive in/at, get to /reach42.盼望做 look forward to doingUnit 111.宁愿 would rather2.使人发疯/发狂 drive sb. Crazy/mad3.成为某人的朋友 be friends with sb4.越.越. The more .the more5.忽略,不提及 leave out6.首相 prime minister7.招来,叫来 call in8.既不.也不 neither .nor9.起初,开始时 to start with10.使失望 let. down11.开处某人 kick sb off12.对某人严厉 be hard on sb13.而不是 rather than14.齐心合力,通力合作pull together15.使我昏昏欲睡 make me sleepy16.共同的 in common17.感到受冷落 feel left out18.想要做 feel like doing19.没毛病 nothing wrong with20.三天的时间 in three day,s time21.即使 ,虽然 even though 22.停止做. stop doing 23.没有得分 miss scoring that goat 24.由于 because of 25.没说一句话 without another word26.让他进来 let him in 27.对.太苛刻 be too hard on yourself28.从错误中吸取教训 learn from your mistakes 29.充满勇气 with courage30.使他惊讶和松口气的是 to his surprise and relief31.一致in agreement32.在一个成功的团队 on a winning team33.从经验中学习 learn from the experience34.轻柔的钢琴音乐 soft piano music35.感到幸运. feel lucky to doUnit 121.在.之前 by the time2.捎某人一程 give sb a lift3.(与.)成一排 in line with 4.赶到,露面 show up5.(在时间点)之前 by the end of6.化妆晚会 costume party7.卖光 sell out8.充满意外 full of the unexpected9.把. 落在. .leave sth +地点10.发出响声 go off11.一直睡觉 keep sleeping12.穿上 put on 13.冲出门外 rush out of the door14.上课迟到五分钟 be five minutes late for class15.世界贸易大厦 World Trade Center16.即将做某事 be about to do sth17.排队等候 wait in line18.发生什么事,


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