三年级英语上册 Unit 11(6)课件 湘少版.ppt

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英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 基础知识梳理 基础知识梳理 重点短语 英汉短语互译1 洗餐具 2 整理床铺 3 叠衣服 4 处理琐事 做家务 5 照看 照顾 6 搭车 7 过得愉快 8 借一些钱 9 度假 10 打扫起居室 dothedishes makeone s thebed foldone s theclothes dochores takecareof lookafter getaride havefun borrowsomemoney onvacation cleanthelivingroom 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 基础知识梳理 11 takeoutthetrash 12 sweepthefloor 13 workon 14 dothelaundry 15 buysomedrinksandsnacks 16 stayoutlate 17 gotothestore 18 needsomehelp 19 take forawalk 20 invitemyfriendstoaparty 邀请我的朋友去参加聚会 倒垃圾 扫地 从事 忙于 洗衣服 买饮料和小吃 晚归 去商店 需要 些帮助 带 去散步 重点句型 Unit11 基础知识梳理 根据汉语意思完成句子1 彼得 你能倒垃圾吗 当然 妈妈 Peter youpleasethetrash Sure mom 2 我能用你的电脑吗 对不起 我将用它工作 Iyourcomputer Sorry I mtoworkonit could take out Could use going Unit11 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标 RJ 3 不要忘记整理他的床铺 Don ttocleanhisbed 4 我喜欢洗自行车 因为我可以在外面待着 Ilikecleaningthebike Ioutside 5 我的父母和我打算去度假 MyparentsandIonvacation 6 当你星期六来的时候 你能帮我扫地吗 youonSaturday couldyouhelpmesweepthefloor When come over are going because can be forger 英语 新课标 RJ 语法解读 Unit11 基础知识梳理 A 情态动词could的用法1 could为的过去式 表示过去的能力和可能性 其肯定回答和否定回答都用 如 Couldyouplaybasketballwhenyouwere5yearsold 当你5岁时 你会打篮球吗 Yes Icould No Icouldn t 是的 我会 不 我不会 could can Unit11 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标 RJ 2 could用于表示请求的问句could可用于表示请求的问句中 其表现形式有两种 1 Couldyoupleasesth 用于请求对方做某事 如 Couldyoupleasehelpmecleantheroom 你能帮我打扫房间吗 2 CouldIdosth 用于请求对方允许自己做某事 如 CouldIuseyourbike 我可以借用你的自行车吗 do Unit11 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标 RJ 3 表示请求的问句的回答could表示请求时 其肯定和否定回答都could 肯定回答常用 Certainly 当然 Yes please It sOK Allright 等 否定回答常用 Sorry I mafraidnot I msorry youcan t I msorry but Ofcoursenot 如 Couldyoupleasedothedishes 请你洗洗盘子好吗 Sorry I mafraidnot Ihavetodomyhomework 对不起 恐怕不行 我得做作业 CouldIuseyourcomputer 我可以用你的电脑吗 Certainly 当然可以 Ofcourse Sure 不用 Unit11 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标 RJ B 精题精练 1 Couldyou outthetrash Sure A takepleaseB pleasetakingC pleasetakeD pleasetotake 2 CouldIlookatyourpicture Yes ofcourseyou A couldB canC willD may B C Unit11 基础知识梳理 英语 新课标 RJ 3 CouldIborrowyourbike butpleasereturn 归还 itbySaturday A I msorryB OfcourseC LetmeseeD No thanks 4 youpassmeapen I dliketowritedownthetelephonenumber A NeedB CouldC MustD Should 5 Couldyoupleaseanswerthephone I mtoobusyatthemoment A That srightB NoproblemC SureD Sorry Ican t B B D 英语 新课标 RJ 能力提升训练 Unit11 能力提升训练 单项填空 1 Couldyoumakeyourbedandwashyourclothes A ExcusemeB AllrightC WithpleasureD Goodidea 2 Look It srainingheavily takearaincoatwithyou Well I lltakeonerightnow A WhynotB Whydon tC WouldyoumindD Wouldyoulike 3 Willyoubeabletocomeandhelpuscleantheroom butI mdoingmyhomework A I dlovetoB IhopenotC IdocareD I mafraidnot B A A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 4 CouldIuseyourdictionary Maryisusing A meB herC mineD yours 5 Manuel couldIuseyourcomputer Sorry I mgoingto itnow A workinB workatC workonD workover 6 Couldyoupleasebuy apples Sorry Idon thave money A some anyB any anyC some someD any some 7 Iwant theroom Couldyouplease me A toclean tohelpB cleaning helpingC toclean helpD cleaning tohelp C C A C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 8 Feedthedogandthen hisbowl A towashB washesC washD washed 9 Iinvitedhim ourschoollastyear A tovisitB visitedC visitingD visits 10 Itakemydogfora everymorning A runB walkC sleepD meal B A C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 完形填空ItwasSaturday Afterdinner Marywouldliketoseeafilmwithher 1 buthermothersaid Couldyoupleasedothedishes Mary Ihavetogoto 2 yourbrother Mary sbrotherMikewasillin 3 Theirfatherworkedinanothertownandhewasvery 4 andcouldn tcomeback Maryhadtohelphermotherdosomechores ButhermotherusuallydideverythingandMarydidn tknow 5 todoit Marydecidedto 6 herfriendacallfirst Onthetelephone shetoldherfriendtowaitforherathome ThenMary smother 7 herhowtodothedishes Before 8 Mary smothersaid Be 9 Mary Don tdropthem Don t 10 Mommy saidMary They relight Idon tthinkthey llhurtmyfeet 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 1 A brotherB fatherC friendD mother 2 A lookafterB lookforC lookatD lookup 3 A shopB hospitalC villageD school 4 A busyB fullC freeD tired 5 A whenB whereC whatD how C A B A D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 6 A takeB giveC bringD wait 7 A askedB saidC madeD showed 8 A movingB finishingC leavingD working 9 A carefulB fastC sureD good 10 A careB worryC rememberD tell B A C D B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 阅读理解Doteenagersinsmallvillagesdochoresathome Howabouttheteenagersinbigcities Hereisasurvey Weasked4 000teenagersinChinaseveralquestions HalfofthemcomefrombigcitieslikeBeijing ShanghaiandGuangzhou Theothersarefromsmallvillages Wemakeadiagram 图表 oftheresultofoursurvey Let shavealookatit 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 Wefoundoutthatteenagersfromsmallvillagesdomorechoresthanthosefrombigcities Maybeitisbecausetheyliveaharderlife Ouradvicetoparentsinbigcitiesisthatparentsshouldgivetheirchildrensomechorestodo Doingchoresteachesteenagerstotakecareofthemselves 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 1 Theysurveyed teenagersfromsmallvillages A 1 000B 2 000C 4 000D 3 000 2 Thereare1 000teenagersfromthecitieswho A takeoutthetrashB dothedishesC makethebedD foldtheclothes 3 Fewerthan teenagersinbigcitiessweepthefloorandmakethebed A 500B 1 000C 1 500D 1 200 B D C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 4 Thenumberofteenagers inbigcitiesisbiggerthanthatinsmallvillages A makingthebedB takingoutthetrashC foldingtheclothesD doingthedishes 5 Whydidtheymakethesurvey A Becausetheydidn twantteenagersinChinatodochoresathome B Becausetheythoughtitwouldhelpteenagerstotakegoodcareofthemselvesathome C BecausetheywantedtoknowifteenagersinChinadidchoresathome D Becausetheythoughtitwasnotnecessaryforteenagerstolookafterthemselves C A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 词汇 A 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1 Lilylikestodochores Sheoftenhelpstosthefloor 2 Afterdinner Lisausuallyhelpshermotherdothed 3 Couldyoupleasefyourclothes 4 Mygrandmaisill Ihavetotakecofher 5 Myfriendoftenbmypenbutneverreturnsitintime 及时 weep ishes old are orrows 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 B 用所给词的适当形式填空 6 Wouldyou take outthetrash OK butIwant sweep thefloorfirst 7 Thanksfor take careofmydog 8 He forget toturnoffthelightwhenhelefttheroom 9 They llinviteus have dinnerwiththemthisevening 10 Cindyhatesdoing chore onSaturday chores tohave forgot taking tosweep take 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话A Mom couldIinvitesomefriendstomypartyonSundayevening B 1 Butyouhavetodosomechoresfirst A WhatdoIhavetodo B Well firstyoushouldsweepthekitchenfloor A OK 2 B Thenyoushouldtakeoutthetrash A Yeah 3 B Andyouneedtocleanyourroom A Wow Iamgoingtobetootiredtogotomyownparty B 4 Iwillgotothestorefordrinksandsnacks A 5 C A F B D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 任务型阅读MrsReadistellingyouaboutherchildren Myfive year olddaughterhastocleanuphertoysandherbedroom helpwiththedishes helpcleanthetableaftersupperandhelpdaddywiththedogs gettingthemtheirwaterandfood Shetoldmeshewantedtomop 拖 thefloor butI mnotreadyforhertodothat Ifsheisgoodanddoesallthatsheneedstodofortheweek shegets 5 00andamovie Mythree year olddaughterhastocleanuphertoys herbedroom andanymessthatshemakes Ifsheisgoodanddoesallthatsheneedstodofortheweek shegets 3 00andamovie Mytwo year oldsondoesn thaveanychoresyet Hewillnotbeso lucky nextyear 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 根据短文内容回答问题 1 Doallofthechildrenhavetodochores 2 Whatwillthemothergiveherlittledaughterifshedoesallthatsheneedstodofortheweek 3 Whatdothetwodaughtersbothhavetodo 4 Whatdidtheelder 大的 sisterwanttodo V 5 Whenwillthemotherletherlittlesondochores No notallthechildrenhavetodochores Shewillgiveherlittledaughter 3 00andamovie Theybothhavetocleanuptheirtoysandbedrooms Shewantedtomopthefloor Nextyear 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 书面表达根据下表所提供的内容 把Jane的下周安排写成一篇70词左右的短文 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 能力提升训练 Onepossibleversion Janehasalotofthingstodonextweek OnSunday sheisgoingtovisitheruncle SheisfinishinghersciencereportonMonday OnTuesday Sheisgoingtothedentist sandonWednesdayeveningsheishavingapianolessonfrom18 00to20 00 OnThursday sheisstudyingforamathtest OnFriday sheisgoingtothemovieswithLilyintheevening SheisplayingtenniswithherfriendsonSaturday Howbusysheisnextweek 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 易错点针对训练 易错点针对训练 1 Doyouwanttohave beef A someB manyC anyD much 2 Idon thave questionstoaskyou A someB manyC anyD much A C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit11 易错点针对训练 3 Mymotherasksme earlyinthemorning A gettingupB getupC togetupD getsup 4 NeedIgotoschoolbybus No you Youcantakemycar A mustn tB can tC shouldn tD don thaveto 5 Shehates soccer butshelikes A play singB playing singC play singingD playing singing D D C


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