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Unit8 Is there post office near here1. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. 这附近有医院吗? 有。(1) 表示“某处存在.”时,用there be 结构,其一般疑问句要将be 动词提到句首,句末加问号。Eg. Are there any boys in the room? No, there arent.(2) Near 介词,意为“在.附近” Eg. The park is near house.【特别提示】near 还可作副词或形容词,作副词时,意为在“在.附近”, 作形容词时,意为“近的”。 Eg. They live quite near the small town.他们住的离小镇很近。 The post office is very near from here. 邮局离这儿不远。2. 常用介词的区别应用(between. and, on, across from,与next to )(1) between 是介词,其短语结构为between . and, 表示在.两者之间。它只限于在A和B之间。如果是三者之间,就用among,而不用between. Between 和and 之间可以是两个人,也可以是两个不同的物或两个点(时间、数字、场所等)(2) on 作介词,常用于表示方位和地点,侧重指紧贴着某物,意为“在.上面”。(3) across from 相当于介词,在美式英语中表示在“.的对面,在.的对策”(4) next to 相当于介词意为“紧挨着,紧靠着”。在介词to之后常接名词和代词,Eg:I see some money on the desk next to me.3. Across, over, through, cross 的区别应用across介词:在.的对面,在.对侧Every day I go across / over the bridge to our schoolover介词:表示“越过,跳过”You must jump over/ across the river.through介词:穿过,从.中通过The road goes through the forest. cross动词:穿过,走过Look around when you go / walk across the street = Look around when you cross the street.4. Just go straight Bridge Street.沿着大桥街笔直向前走(1) just 的用法常用作副词,表示意义为“正好,恰好,刚刚(多用于完成时态)”。常构成的短语有:just as 正像,正当;just now 刚才(用于过去时);just then 就在那时,Eg: They have just left. 他们刚离开(2) straight 的用法Straight 可作为副词和形容词。作副词时,表示意义为:“径直地,直接地”;作形容词时,表示意义为“直的,直率的,正直的”等Eg:I want you give me a straight answer. (adj)She went straight to school. (adv.)5. Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left.(1) turn right 意为“向右转,与turn to the right 表示同义(2) left 可以作名词或形容词,作名词时,意为“左边”;作形容词时,意为“左边的” on the left 意为“在左边”; to the left 意为“靠左,向左”Eg. The post office is on the left side of the street.【知识拓展】 turn right at the first crossing = take the first crossing on the right.6. I like to spend time there on weekends. 我喜欢周末待在那里 Spend 的主要意思是“花费,消费,消耗”,主语一般是人,主要有两个句子结构: (1) spend.on sth, 花费/ 消耗。在某物/某事上,这里的on 不可以省略Eg. He usually spends his money on books. 他经常将钱花在书籍上 He always spend his time on study. 他总是将时间用在学习上 (2) spend time on / in doing sth. 花费/ 消耗时间在某物上,这里的on/ in 可以省略。Eg. He always spends much time on/ in doing homework. 【知识拓展】 cost, take 和pay 表“花费”时的用法比较: Cost 的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下: (1) sth. Costs (sb.) + 金钱, 某物花了(某人)多少钱,Eg. A new computer costs me a lot of money. (2) (doing) sth. Costs (sb.) + 时间, 某物(做某事) 花了(某人)多少时间 Eg. Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. Take 后面常跟双宾语,常见句型:It takes sb. + 时间+ to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间 Eg. It took them three years to build this road. Pay 的基本用法是:pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买. Eg. I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.6. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. Watch 在此作及物动词,意为“注视,观看” watch 还可用作名词,意为“手表” Eg. Lucy has a new watch. Watch 作及物动词,有以下用法: 短语 watch sb. do sth. 看着某人做了某事 Eg. I watched him put on his coat. 我看着他穿上衣服 短语:watch sb. doing sth. 注视着某人(正在)做某事 Eg. He watched him eating. 他看着他们吃【辨析】see, look, read, watch(1) see 意为“看到”,表示视觉器官有意识或无意识地看到物体,强调看见或没看见什么内容,表示看到得结果,常用作及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,Eg.What can you see in the picture? I can see five books on the desk.其他用法: see a film 看电影 go to see sb.去拜访、看望某人(2) look 意为“看”, 表示有意识地观看,强调“看”的动作,作动词,看静态东西,通常是没有看的目标,是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,作语气词,引起某人的注意,单独用的时候表示提醒对方注意。 Eg.Look! There are many birds flying in the sky. Look at 是一个常用的词组,意为 “看着.” 表示看的动作和目的,但不一定能看得见或看得清楚, Eg. Im looking at the blackboard, but I cant see the words on it.(3) read 通常是指读书、看报、看杂志,常用于看一些文字性的东西(4) Watch 意为“观看,注视”,指以较大的注意力观看,常用作及物动词,通常是指看一些运动着的事物 Eg. Watch TV watch the football match on watch(值班)7. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.那里很安静,我喜欢在那里读书 动词enjoy 的主要用法有: (1) enjoy 后接名词或代词,即enjoy sth, 意为“喜欢., 享受.” Eg. Enjoy the party, please! (2) enjoy doing sth. 意为“喜欢做.” 其后的动词要用-ing形式,Eg. They enjoy playing soccer on the playground. Young children enjoy helping around the house.【知识拓展】 和enjoy 用法类似的还有:practice doing sth.练习做某事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事 (3) enjoy oneself, 意为“过得很快乐”,相当于 have a great (good/nice) time Eg. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? I hope you enjoy yourselves this evening. We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.考例分类详析例1. All the teachers in our school _ for Shenzhen on vacation next week. A.leave B.leaving C.are leaving D.will leave例2. The teacher tells us that the foreigners _ to visit our school next week. Thars too great.A. will arrive B.arrive C.arrived D.are arriving例3. Leo, _ no milk or eggs in the fridge. Oh, Ill go and buy some right away.A.it is B.there is C.there are 例4. There _ going to be a basketball match this afternoon.A.are B.is C.have D.will例5. I spend half an hour doing morning exercise every day. (改为同义句) It _ me half an hour _ _ morning exercise every day.例6. Excuse me, wheres the post office? Is it _ the supermarket? Yes,theyre opposite to each other.A. next to B.across from C.between D.through例7. You must have a look at the traffic lights before you want to _ street. Its right. The street is always busy.A.across B.cross C.through D.over例8. Oh, so many people in the park! Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A.in B.on C.at例9. How does your father_ the factory? He usually gets _ there by bike.A.arrive, to B.get to, / C.reach, to D.reach, at例10. There goes the bell. Lets _ on the playground. Good idea. A.go to walk B.to go walk C.to go to walk D.go to walking例11. _ smoke here.Smoking has been banned in public places. A. Dont be B. Dont C. Not to be D. Be not例12. Why are you standing there, Naggie? I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two boys are sitting _ me. A.behind B.in front of C.beside 例13. Can you fly _ the Atlantic Ocean? Yes, but it needs to go _ through for hours. A.across, through B.through, across C.across, across D.through,through例14. Water Park is a good place _ . A.to have fun B,have C.having fun D.to have a fun例15. The moonlight goes _ the window and makes the room bright. A.across B.through C.over D.in 单元检测1. My friend will _ Shanghai next Friday.A. get in B.arrive in D.reach at2. There _ a school and three hotels on this street.A. is B.are C.be 3. Go _ the street and then turn left _ Center Street.A. along, on B.down, at C.staight, on4. My grandmother has a house _ a small beautiful garden in this busy street.A. with B.in C.on 5. The boy over enjoy _ TV very much.A. to play B.watching C.to watch D.watches6. At the _ of each term the students in our school come to school very early and do some cleaning.A. begin B.beginning C.opening D.open7. Its a good habit _walk after supper.A. to have B.to have a C.have D.having 8. He lives in China, but he can only speak _ Chinese.A. little B.many C.much D.a little 9. You can _ some music here.A. listen B.see C.enjoy D.look 10. There is a big desk between _ and _.A. he, I B.he, me C.him, I D.him, me 11. I can tell you the way _ the airport.A. to B.on C.in D.at 12. Yesterday I downloaded a new program _ the Internet. Now I can watch TV and movies _ my computer.A. from, on B.with, in C.in, with D.on, from13. Excuse me, are there any bookshops? Yes,_. A.it is any B.they are some C.there are some D.there are any14. Theresgoingto_intomorrowsnewspapers.A.havesomethingnew B.havenewsomethingC.besomethingnew D.benewsomething15.-Thereisnoairorwateronthemoon.Isthere?-_.A.Yes,thereareB.No,thereisntC.Yes,thereisntD.No,thereis16. Thereisnt_paperinthebox.Willyougoandgetsomeforme?A.anyB.someC.aD.an17. Alicespendstoomuchtime_computergames. A.play B.plays C.toplay D.playing18. My fatherhasahabitofjogging_theJinchuanRiverforanhourinthemorning. A.betweenB.alongC.overD.through19. “Dont _ to strangers on your way and from school,” mother often _ to me.A. speak, says B.speak, tells C.talk, speaks D.talk, tells 20. More and more like _ shopping on the Internet. Youre right. My mother is the newest one.A. go B.to go C.going D.goes21. Im new in this city. I have _ friends here. Im busy working here. But I dont have _ time to stay with you.A.a few, a little B.few, little C.few, a little D.little, a few完形 填空 Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a _1_ building in the _2_ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He_3_ a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He_4_ to work early. Every day he leaves his_5_and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It _6_him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to _7_bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from _8_home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes_9_. He works in a factory about ten_10_ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5. 1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large 2. A. country B. town C. city D. village 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings 7. A. an B.a C. the D. / 8. A. his B. he C. him D.himself 9. A. by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air 10. A. meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours阅读理解 Johnson likes swimming in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Johnson goes with his family. Their new house has a garden, but the garden is very small Johnson is not very happy. “Is there a river near the house?”He asks his father on the first morning. “ No, there isnt. But there is a big park near here. And theres a pool in it. We are going there this afternoon. “says his father. Johnson is happy. Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk near the pool. But he sees a sign. His father reads it to him: “Warning: This pool is dangerous.365 people fell into it. “Johnson looks into the pool carefully, then he says,”I cant see them. 1.There is a _ near Johnsons new house. A. small river B.big park C. small garden D. big pool 2.John isnt very happy because _. A. there isnt a big park B. theres a pool C. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isnt a river near the new house. 3.There is a _ near the pool. A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree 4.The warning tells people _ near the pool. A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it 5.Which isnt right ?A. There isnt a small river near Johnsons house. B. Johnsons father gets a new job in a big city. C. Johnson is afraid to walk near the pool D.Johnson goes to the big city with his father. (B) A man and his wife want to move to a new house. They look for a long time and find a nice one. They look at the house together and want to buy it, but they have to learn something about the neighborhood first. Would the neighbors be nice or not?An old man is walking in front of the house,so they go to him to get some information(信息).“Sir,” says the husband(丈夫), “my wife and I are looking at this house. It looks great and we may buy it. But first,could you please give us some information about the neighborhood?What are the people around here like?” The old man looks at them and then replies(回答)with a question. “What kind of people lives near you in your home now?”“Theyre bad,” The husband answers. “Theyre always making trouble. Thats why we want to move.”“Well,dont move here,” says the old man. “Youll find the same kind of people here.”The couple(夫妇)thank the old man and drive off. Then another couple drives up.” Sir,” the second husband says,“could you please give us some information about the neighbors here?We may want to buy this house.” “How are the neighbors around your home now?”“Theyre very excellent,” is the husbands reply. “Everybody is helpful,friendly and happy. We never have any trouble. It will be bad to have to move away from them.” “Theyre happy,eh?” says the old man. “Well,youll find the same kind of people here.”6.Why do the first couple want to buy a new house?A. To get away from their old neighbors. B. To learn form their neighborhood.C. To have a quiet house. D. To have a big house.7.What does the old man think of the first couple?A. Theyre very kind. B. Theyre very poor. C. Theyre not nice D. They are too noisy.8.The second man and his wife.A. are bad to their neighbors B. are friendly to their neighborsC. are very rich D. dont like their old neighbors9.The phrase “making trouble” in the passage means.A.挣钱 B.找机会 C.找麻烦 D.交朋友10.What is the main(主要的)idea of this passage?A. People should not ask strangers(陌生人)questions.B. Do not believe your neighborsC. Nice people can be happy in any place.D. It is difficult to find good neighbors.完成对话(一空一词)A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the _ to the post office, please? B: Sure. Go _ this street and _ right. Then youll see a tall building. Thats the _ _, and its between the zoo _ the fruit shop. You can _ it. A: Is it _ from here? B: No, it s quite near. Itll only _ you about 10 minutes if you walk there. A:_ a lot. B: Youre welcome. 短文填空in car problem at do drive be city train bus rule test In America, driving is a way of life. Busy families often have more than one car. Its not because there 1._ no public transportation in America. There are taxis, buses, and subways in many 2._. Some schools even have 3._ to take students to school. Most people find it is much more convenient to drive, although they may face traffic 4._. Young people in America often get their drivers licenses 5._ 16 by passing a written test and a driving 6._. For teenagers, being able to 7._ and even having their own 8._ is great. Drivers need to follow road 9._. Here are some in America: 10._ cut in front of other cars.Drive within the speed limited. Follow all road signs and police officersThere be 句型专练1. There is a post office next to the hospital. ( 改为一般疑问句) _ _ a post office next to the hospital?2. I have five footballs in my bedroom.( 改为同义句) _ _ five footballs in my bedroom.3. There are some apples on the tree.( 改为否定句) There _ _ apples on the tree.4. There are some apples on the table. (用some bread 代替) _ _ some bread on the table.根据汉语提示补全句子1. The library is a _ (安静) place to _ (看) books.2. _ _ to school. (欢迎返校)3. Lets _ a _ (散步)4. 中心公园是个好玩的地方。 The Center Park is _ _ _ to have fun.5. 他通常打车的去桂林。 He usually _ _ _ to Guilin.6. 我希望他们呢旅途愉快。 I hope they _ _ _.用所给词的适当形式填空1. The children _ (be) from Shanghai.2. I enjoy _ (listen) to pop music very much.3. He _ (not live) in Paris.4. Li Lei wants _ (make) friends with Jim.5. _ (take) a taxi from the airport and pass a bank. Then you can get to the supermarket.6. A pay phone is a place _ (make) a telephone call.7. Mr. and Mrs. _ (arrive) in Shanghai next Friday.8. The boys have fun _ (play) football.句型转换1. There is a busy supermarket in the neighborhood.(改为否定句) There _ a busy supermarket in the neighborhood.2. The old hotel is across from the school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the old hotel?3. There are some students in the library.(改为否定句) There _ _ students in the library.4. Can you tell me how to get to the post office?(同义句转换) Can you tell me _ _ _ the post office?5. You can take a taxi to go there.(改为同义句) You can go there _ _ .6. There are six windows in the wall. (对划线部分提问) _ _ windows _ _ in the wall?7. This is a woman doctor.(将句子变成复数) _ are _ _.8. What does your father do ? (改为同义句) What _ your _?根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1. If you want to read or borrow(借) the books, you can go to the l_.2. The people usually put their money into b_ and get more together.3. There is a pay phone in the n_.4. If you want to go shopping, you can go to the s_.5. There is a five-star h_ in my hometown.6. The library is b_ the video arcade and teh supermarket.


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