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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语3月月考试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Michael rises every morning at 4: 00, in good and bad weather, and walks into his sandwich shop. By 5:50, hes making the rounds of the shelters on Centre Streets. He gave out 200 sandwiches to the 1, before beginning his workday.It started 20 years ago when Michael met a homeless man named John. He began to help him 2effort then. Day after day, he brought John some food. When it was really 3, he invited John to rest in his car while he worked. Once he asked John if he wanted to get cleaned up. It was a(n) 4offer, because Michael thought John would refuse. 5, John said, Are you going to wash me? Michael knew that he was looking at a test of his promise. It was at the moment that Michael 6to help the homeless.Michael began his work. He received no sponsorship, saying, Im not getting media 7. I just want to do some good in my way. There are snowy days, and I have a hard time leaving my warm bed to go downtown with sandwiches. But Ive 8.Michael makes 200 sandwiches every day for the past 20 years. I dont simply lay the sandwiches on a table for the homeless to 9. I shake their hands and wish them a good day, says Michael. Once Mayor Koch came to help him. They ignored the media, and it seemed like it was just the 10of them. Of all Michaels memories, working with the Mayor was not as important as working next to someone else.A man 11was one of the sandwich takers left, and Michael thought about him from time to time. He hoped he had moved on to a better environment. One day, the man came back, greeting Michael and 12sandwiches of his own. He said Michaels daily food, warm handshakes and wishes had given him the encouragement he badly needed. 13he achieved some success, he decided to do the same thing as Michael.The moment needed no 14. The two men worked silently, side by side, handing out their sandwiches. It was another day on Centre Streets, but a day with just a little more 15.(1)A . kids B . women C . old D . homeless (2)A . with B . around C . from D . over (3)A . sunny B . warm C . cloudy D . cold (4)A . silly B . empty C . crazy D . free (5)A . Luckily B . Disappointedly C . Surprisingly D . Thankfully (6)A . succeeded B . agreed C . answered D . determined (7)A . benefit B . attention C . news D . information (8)A . suffered B . worried C . managed D . wondered (9)A . take up B . pick up C . give up D . put up (10)A . one B . two C . three D . four (11)A . what B . which C . who D . whom (12)A . eating B . carrying C . selling D . treating (13)A . After B . Before C . Unless D . If (14)A . purpose B . dialogue C . trust D . doubt (15)A . luck B . fun C . pride D . hope 二、 阅读理解(每小题2分,共26分) (共3题;共26分)2. (10分)阅读理解 It is easy for people to have a flu in spring. We should learn something to protect ourselves from it.Typeset of flu virus: Type A flu: This virus includes H1N1 and sub-type H3N2.Type B flu: This virus can cause seasonal epidemics.Type C flu: This virus causes epidemics that are generally at a stable level in different years.Type D flu: This virus can infect pigs and cattle but not human beings.Spreading:Two main sources of seasonal flu epidemics(流行):flu patients and infected(被感染的)people in sick.The airway is the main route of spreading.Common latent (潜伏)period:1 to 4 days, 2days on average.Direct and indirect connect with the mouth , nose and eyes. People who are easy to have a flu:Children, the elder, pregnant women, medical workers, patients with some diseases such as breathing, diabetes and heart disease.Good personal healthy care:Wash hands frequently;Avoid crowed in flu season.Cover mouth and nose and dont touch them after the beginning of the flu:Reduce contacts with people who are easy to have flu;Wear masks if you should go to the hospital. (1)The number of flu viruses that the article tells us is .A . 5B . 4C . 3D . 6(2)Mr.Li works in a middle school . There are some people who have a flu this month. So he should keep himself from flu EXCEPT .A . keep away from the flu patientsB . exercise more every dayC . open the window as often as possibleD . talk to sick people without a mask(3)From the passage, we know that .A . its easy for the medical workers to have a fluB . the flu will last for only 1 dayC . if your classmates have a flu, you have to cover your mouth and noseD . children arent easy to have a flu(4)According to the passage, which of the ways are NOT right to keep yourself from flu? A . If someone has a flu, he should keep clean and wash hands as often as possible.B . In flu season, youd better not go to the crowded places.C . Parents and children shouldnt wear face masks when they go to see the doctors.D . Youd better not stay with your best friends who have a flu on weekends.(5)You can most probably find this passage in .A . an advertisementB . a posterC . a bookD . a health magazine3. (6分)阅读理解 Eric and Doris King Turner are packing their bags for New Zealand. Theyre busy deciding what to pack and what to leave behind in Britain and are making plans to extend their new home in Nelson. Doris is looking forward to getting the garden into shape and Eric has his heart set on a spot of fly fishing. The difference is that Eric is 102, Doris is 87. Eric thinks hes Britains oldest emigrant. In January next year Eric King Turner and his wife of 12 years will wave goodbye to their neighbors, and set sail from Southampton on the voyage of a lifetime. The ocean liner(远洋客轮)Saga Rose will take six weeks to get to Auckland and the couple are expecting a red-carpet welcome from family. Doris was born in New Zealand but gave up her homeland when the couple met and married in the late 1990s. But New Zealand is close to both their hearts and the attraction of family and friends, and the good fishing helped to persuade them to move. Doris, who has five children and nine grandchildren, supported her husbands application to settle in New Zealand. The paperwork took five months. Eric says. We not only had to produce a marriage certificate(证书)but we had to produce evidence that we were in a long and stable relationship! He also said he was not asked about his age but had to show that he could support himself financially(财政上)in New Zealand. I like New Zealand. The way of life is very much the same as it is here but it is not so crowded. His wife has always been a little bit homesick but has never complained. Now the couple are in the middle of the task of sorting out possessions and selling their flat. (1)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A . They decided to leave all the things behind in Britain.B . The wife always complained about the life in Britain.C . The couple will set up their new home in Nelson.D . Doris and Eric will go to New Zealand to hold the wedding.(2)The underlined word emigrant in Paragraph 1 probably refers to a person who . A . lives in a country foreverB . moves from one place to settle in anotherC . travels around the worldD . visits many places in a country(3)What makes the couples move to New Zealand special? A . Their age.B . The red carpet.C . The ocean liner Saga Rose.D . Their marriage certificate.(4)The best title of the passage may be . A . Better late than neverB . Eric and Doris King-Turner are packing their bagsC . To leave or not to leave, thats the problemD . Eric, 102, leaves Britain with his wife4. (10分)阅读理解 What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly, loved or hated by someone? Yes, the answer is chilies(辣椒).Many of us in China enjoy putting chilies to our food, but did you know that this spicy vegetable could also be dangerous? A 34-year-old US man ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper, the spiciest chili people have ever known so far. After taking just a small part of the chili, the man had a serious headache in the following days, reported BBC News.In fact, eating spicy food causes stomachaches and headaches. But if chilies are harmful, why do people like to eat this vegetable? So what makes people love chilies so much? The human body is influenced(影响) by something natural that produce a sense of happiness, noted BBC News.And chilies are good for people in another way. Scientists found that the death rate(死亡率)of those who eat spicy food once or twice a week is 10 % lower than those who eat it less than once a week. The death rate is 14 % lower for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week .This encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and bring less death risk(风险) at an early age. So dont worry if you love spicy food. It seems that chilies are actually good for us.(1)The spiciest chili that people have known so far is_. A . Carolina ReaperB . Sichuan ReaperC . Hunan ReaperD . American Reaper(2)People like to eat chilies because_. A . chilies do no harm to peopleB . the chili is a kind of vegetableC . they can get personal enjoymentD . chemicals in chilies make them mad(3)What does the underlined word spicy probably mean in Chinese? A . 甜的B . 辣的C . 咸的D . 苦的(4)According to the last paragraph, which of the following is TRUE? A . The more chilies you eat, the longer you must live.B . Scientists encourage us to add chilies to our food.C . We should eat spicy food six times a week.D . Spicy food isnt good for our health.(5)Which of the following can be the best title? A . Eating Chilies, A Healthy Life StyleB . A Kind of Chinese VegetableC . ChiliA Harmful VegetableD . Causes of Stomachaches三、 选词填空(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次。 strawberry; teach; I; thousand; rise(1)Is this your book or _? (2)There are about five _ students in our school. (3)Miss Xia is _ us English words now. (4) Can I help you? Yes, Id like some _.(5)The sun _ in the east every day. 四、 语法填空。(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Man has been interested in the outer space for thousands of years. It has been almost over forty years _mans first landing(登陆) on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration(探索) is a waste of time and money. It is true that it _(cost) billions of dollars to develop the space research, but people just get _little information.However, every coin has two sides. There _(be) still a lot of other people who believe that space exploration has more _(advantage). And I agree with them. Many new products, such _weather and communication satellites(交通卫星), are also products of space programs, and they are good _people all over the world. And whats more, people _(know) about some scientific knowledge of the outer space already.We believe that it will bring much_(many) advantages in the future, which we can not even imagine now. Thats why several countries are trying hard _(carry) out space exploration all the time. Lets wait and see.五、 根据所给字母或中文填空。(每小题1分,共9分) (共9题;共9分)7. (1分)At last, he decided _ (not leave) the room. 8. (1分)Blue can represent _ (悲伤). When youre feeling sad,you may say Im feeling blue. 9. (1分)My uncles son is my c_. 10. (1分)Everybody should keep s_ when we are listening to a concert and not to make any noise. 11. (1分)Mary was so _ at the result that she could hardly believe it. (surprise) 12. (1分)语法填空 I had a great winter vacation last year. I went to the mountains _ my family and we stayed with some friends. _ (they) house was really big, with lots of trees around it. You could get lost very _ (easy).Last year, the weather was very bad. It was windy, wet and snowy. _, the mountains were beautiful. I love climbing, so we climbed every day. I took quite a few _ (photo), usually of different animals.The countryside was very quiet, but across from the house there was _ farm. The farmer had many cows, and they were _ (loud) than cars! Every day we walked to the farm to get milk. It was so delicious!There was a village that I _ (ride) my bike to. It was very small. There wasnt anywhere to go shopping, but it was the best place _ (go) on vacation! I even met two women from Canada. We are now friends. In _ (fact), we are the same in many ways.13. (1分)The boy_(look) like a student in Grade 9. 14. (1分)Can you tell me the way to the zoo_(exact)? 15. (1分)Whats the t_?I have a fever.六、 书面表达。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)最近,同学们就我们应该怎样度过周五晚上进行了调查,结果见下表。请你就此用英语写一篇短文,在英语课上汇报,并谈谈你的观点和理由。观点理由许多同学做作业1).作业第一;2).周末有时间做自己喜欢的事。部分同学休息1).学习了一周,应该放松一下;2).周五晚上有更多有趣的电视节目。我注意: 1. 文章必须包括表中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;2. 理由至少两条;3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;4. 词数:80-100。Recently, weve had a survey on how we should spend Friday evenings. Here are the results. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解(每小题2分,共26分) (共3题;共26分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、三、 选词填空(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、四、 语法填空。(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)6-1、五、 根据所给字母或中文填空。(每小题1分,共9分) (共9题;共9分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、六、 书面表达。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、


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