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人教版中考英语专题复习任务型阅读(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 任务型阅读 (共24题;共159分)1. (5分)C)匹配 阅读下篇材料,从所给的 A-F 六个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺,内容完整。Homework is a problem for students all over the world. As a student, you have a lot of homework to do every day. _. And it helps you understand important knowledge. Luckily, therere several things you can do to make homework less difficult._. Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to. Dont be afraid to ask questions about it. Understand why you should do your homework._. Many schools have study halls. The students can study there. Its more interesting to play with your friends. But the more homework you finish at school, the less youll have to do that night at home._. It is difficult to hold your attention for too long. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people._. If you dont finish your homework at school, think about how much you have left. Its a good idea to make a homework plan, especially when you want to enjoy sports or other activities.A. Be sure you understand the homeworkB. Use some time to do homework at schoolC. Its the best way to review what you have learned in classD. Make a planE. Take a breakF. Its necessary for you to do more homework at home2. (4分)补全对话, 其中有两个多余选项。A: Sorry Im late, Alice.B: Its all right, Rose. _A: To the LostFound-I lost my mobile phone.B: _What happened?A: After I had dinner with a friend, I went out for a walk. I was about ready to call my mother when I realized I couldnt find it anywhere.B: _I hope that someone will pick it up and going to begin?A: _B: At 7: 00 pm. Thats 15 minutes from now. We dont have enough time to get there.A: _B: OK. Lets goA. Never mind.B. What bad luck!C. Where have you been?D. What should we do then?E. Oh, Im so sorry to hear that.F. Then lets go to the cinema by taxi.G. I hope so, but I guess that someone else stole it.3. (5分)任务型阅读Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish (丹麦的) writer, is very famous for his fairy tales (童话). He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperors New Clothes and The UglyDuckling. His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world. The tales have versions (版本) of over a hundred languages.Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805. When he was still a young boy, he was already very clever and imaginative (富于想象力的). He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets (木偶). He also loved reading.In 1816, his father died and he learned to be a tailor (裁缝). Later he worked in a factory. At the age of fourteen, Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances (演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre. However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop. Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didnt get well again. He lived until 1875 and died peacefully at the home of his close friends.(1)Hans Christian Andersen is very famous for ._(2)Andersen created a small toy theatre and _for his puppets. (3)Andersen moved to _to become an actor. (4)Andersen couldnt give performances because_ . (5)In 1872, Andersen _and didnt get well again. 4. (13分)任务型阅读Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness._In other words, we make our own happiness.Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier._Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future for example, getting into college or getting a good job that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.Another secret of living a happy life is to be active. _Many people experience this by dancing, swimming or playing a sport. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others._You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.A. Having hobbies makes you forget about your problems and time.B. Happiness depends on ourselves.C. Happiness is important to everyone.D. The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.E. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone.5. (6分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. skilled kids may forget green handsB. so an adult should always be presentC. But swimming can also be dangerousD. a few seconds can make a big differenceE. Or you could hit your head on the bottomSummer is here. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool. Swimming is great exercise, and a trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends. _, so its important to stay safe as you do it. Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.Swim only in areas set for swimming.Dont swim unless there is a lifeguard (救生员) on duty. If youre on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. In some places, fast currents (急流) can sweep swimmers away without warning. So if a sign says no swimming, please take care.Be careful when diving (跳水) into the water headfirst.Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe. In natural water, dont dive unless you know that the water is deep enough. _, causing injury (伤害) or death.Make sure you have a partner with you.Nobody knows what will happen while you are swimming. If something goes wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible. In this situation, _.Pay close attention to childrens safety.Kids who dont know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough, _. If you have a pool at home, put a fence (围栏) around it in case children fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.6. (5分)任务型阅读。Music has always been an important part of Chinese peoples life. People enjoy listening to music at home and in concerts halls. As time goes by, music changes.Traditional music is part of our culture, so it often stays with us for a long time. Many of the traditional Chinese songs have been around for many years. Young musicians learn songs from older musicians and the music changes only very little. Modern Chinese music, which is loved by many young people, however, is mainly pop music. That means the songs will be popular for a short time and then replaced by new songs. Todays musicians write new songs every year and we hear new songs on the radio every day.Before radio and TV were invented, music could only be heard live that is you had to go places where musicians gave performances. The best musicians were very busy, so it was difficult and often expensive to hear really good music. For most people, the best chance to hear good music was during a festival or at a wedding. Today, people hear music all the time. Radio and TV play songs every day and night and you can even hear music played on the street.One thing that hasnt changed very much is what the songs are about. Both modern and traditional Chinese songs are about love and life. Some songs tell stories about past and some are about the news or the future. All of the songs have something to do with what it means to be a human being.Music, traditional or modern, Chinese or international, seems to be a world language that everybody can understand and enjoy. Music changes and styles come and go, but nothing changes our love for good music.Music changes as _goes byPassage OutlineSupporting detailsThe changes of different kinds of musicTraditional music _ nearly the same because it is part of the culture._music changes a lot because it is welcomed only for a short time and new songs soon takes its _The changes of _of enjoying musicBefore radio and TV were invented, music could only be heard live in a _or during a festival or at a wedding.Today, people hear music all the time on Radio and TV and can even hear someone _music on the street.The changes of contents of musicThey havent changed much because they are about _ and life.ConclusionMusic is a world language. _ music changes and styles come and go, our love for good music _ changes.7. (4分)任务型阅读The Maldives is a country in danger. This small country made up of over 1,000 islands (岛) in the Indian Oceanis under threat from rising sea levels ( 面临海平面上升的威胁)._As the water in the sea gets warmer, it expands (膨胀). Very slowly, sea levels are rising. Over the next 100 years they may rise by 50cm or more._Thats because its islands are very low (低的)! The highest place in the country is only about 2m above sea level. Many of its islands are less than lm above sea level. Every year, a lot of people come to the Maldives to enjoy its beautiful islands and beaches. _People have already had to move away from some islands. Many have moved to the capital city, Maid._A high wall (墙) around the island keeps the city from the sea.For the people of the Maldives, its hard to know what will happen in the future._And thats a future no one wants.根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。A. If sea levels rise a lot, they may all have to move to other countries.B. But many of these places could go underwater in the future.C. Sea levels are rising because the earth is getting warmer.D. More than 130,000 people live there, on a small island.E. For the Maldives, thats a real problem.8. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致。 There are 24 solar terms (节气) in China, and the Grain Rain (谷雨) is one of them. It falls on April 19 this year.This solar term is called the Grain Rain because it is known for rain that helps the grain grow. From its name, we can guess it means a time of more rain. So if you go out in the next two weeks, you may need to bring an umbrella with you.But this is a great time for planting crops. If you miss the time for planting during the Grain Rain, you will feel sorry later. So maybe you can try to plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden. When the spring rain falls, farmers begin to grow crops. Farmers often say, Spring rain is as precious (珍贵的) as oil. It brings farmers hope for a good year ahead.There are also many interesting customs during the Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eat Chinese toon (椿芽) mixed with eggs. The food made during the Grain Rain tastes wonderful and is good for your stomach. In the southern part of China, the tea leaves are picked during the time. They are called Grain Rain tea, which is famous for its freshness and sweet smell.(1)The Grain Rain _ April 19 this year. (2)Spring rain is as precious as oil means _ in Chinese. (3)People like to eat Chinese toon mixed with eggs in _ of China. (4)The tea leaves which _ during the time is famous for its freshness and sweet smell. (5)The Grain Rain is a great time for planting the crops because _. 9. (5分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 What do you do when you begin to read an English newspaper?Youd better know what sections there are. Usually, there is international news, business, science and technology, entertainment or lifestyle, sports and cartoons. You can choose your favourite section to read carefully.That you come to the article itself. If you dont have time to read thewhole article, the headline(标题) and photo give you a general idea of the story.Different kinds of articlesA news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it. It usually puts the most important information at the very beginning. If you dont have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph.A feature article is an in-depth(深人的) report on an event or a person. It usually has an interesting opening. You get to know the idea of the article as you read.Another kind of article is an opinion article. Usually, some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way. Opinion article is different from news stories that are all facts.Be a critical(批判性的) readerThere are advertisements in newspapers. They can provide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You dont have to do everything advertisements tell you to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not.(1)How can you catch the general idea of an article in a short time? (不超过6个词) (2)Where is the most important information in a news article? (不超过4个词) (3)How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?(不超过1个词) (4)What is the passage mainly about? (不超过6个词) (5)What do you usually do as a critical reader? (请自拟句话作答) 10. (5分)完成表格。阅读下面材料,完成表格所缺信息。BConversation 1Policeman: Excuse me,whats your name?Lim: My name is Lim Brown.Policeman: Is this your dictionary?Lim: Yes,it is.Thank you.Policeman: Are these your keys?Lim: No,they arent.I think they are Mikes.Is that yours,Mike?Mike: Yes,they are my keys.Policeman: Whats your last name?Mike: Smith.Policeman: Ok.Whats your telephone numbers?Mike: My telephone number is 329-0769 and Lims is 568-8215.Conversation 2Rick: Excuse me,sir,I lost my ID card.Policeman:Whats your first name?Rick: Rick.Policeman:Whats your last name?Rick: Cooper.Policeman: How do you spell Cooper?Rick:C-O-O-P-E-R.Policeman:And your telephone number?Rick: 678-0987Policeman:Yes,its your ID card.Lost thingsOwners(失主的) name_DictionaryLim Brown_329-0769ID card_678-098711. (5分)根据短文内容,回答问题。When you are learning a language, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also learn how to use them. When you read a passage, it gives you a good example for writing. Here are some good reading tips.Firstly, try to read at the right level (水平). Read something that you can understand. If it is too hard for you, it is not interesting.Secondly, try to understand the new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, dont use a dictionary. Instead, try to guess their meanings as you read. Mark (作标记) them with a pencil. Then look them up in a dictionary when you finish reading, and write them in your own vocabulary book. Try to remember them.Thirdly, try to read for a short time once a day. Fifteen minutes or half an hour every day is better than two hours every Sunday. For example, you can read before you go to bed, or after you get up or at lunchtime.Lastly, read something that interests you. Choose a newspaper, a book or a magazine about a subject that you like. It will be easy enough for you to understand.(1)What is helpful in learning a language? (2)How many reading tips does the writer give? (3)What can you do first if you meet a few new words on a page while reading? (4)How long you read in a day will be better for your progress? (5)Please write a title for the passage. 12. (5分)七选五A.Never be afraid to giveB.Plan ahead as much as possibleC.Work out your priorities(优先考虑的事)D.Be disciplined(有纪律的) at all timesE.Make sure everything has its placeF.Stick to a scheduleBeing Well-Organized And Getting Things DoneBeing well-organized and getting things done and what we have done is tried to make them as easy to follow as possible to allow you to implement(实施) them immediately. There is no doubt that being organized does make a difference ._It is something that you should do every single day and the best way to approach this is to place things in order of importance. Watching that movie may sound like a good idea, but put that at the bottom of the list and focus on things that influence your work, health, or anything else that is key to your survival(生存)._Next, you should consider trying to plan ahead, so if you know that there is an appointment at a certain location for a certain time, then plan your day around that appointment._Knowing where everything is really will allow you to get more things done as you will waste less time hunting for that object that you require to complete your task. Too much time is wasted hunting for keys or that piece of paper and it also just stresses you out and can upset your pace._Giving tasks to others will always lead to you getting more done, but it is not just a case of picking anybody to do a task. Instead, you need to make sure that they are capable of doing it without running into any problems and that they do have the correct tools to complete the job._Having a schedule will help to force you into completing tasks on time and actually getting more done in the process. The only problem here is that you need to be sensible when working out how long something takes or you will put undue pressure on yourself and this is where mistakes can occur and you will actually then start to get less done.13. (25分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容回答问题。I come from Singapore. Singapore is a lovely country. It is small in size, but large in fun. Do you know Singapore is called theGarden Country? There are so many trees and flowers in my country.Hainan chicken riceHainan chicken rice is popular in Singapore. Do you know it came from Hainan in China? In the 1920s, a Chinese man named Mo Lurui came to Singapore from Hainan. He made chicken rice for a living. You can find Hainan chicken rice in most restaurants in Singapore.The musical fountain(喷泉)The Fountain of Wealth in Singapore is one of the largest fountains in the world. Its a musical fountain. Usually, there are musical fountain shows at night. The water from the fountain can reach thirty metres high.Good habitsSingapore has different kinds of laws. People have good habits to keep our country clean. Chewing gum(口香糖)is not allowed(允许)in Singapore.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题(1)Why is Singapore called theGarden Country? (No more than 10 words)_(2)Where did the chicken rice come from? (No more than 6 words)_(3)How high can the water from the Fountain of Wealth reach? (No more than 6 words)_(4)Can we chew gum in Singapore? (No more than 3 words)_(5)How many aspects(方面)of Singapore does the writer give? (No more than 2 words)_14. (7分)阅读下面短文,把A-D四个选项中的文字重新排序,使全文意思通顺连贯,然后完成问题。 (1)把A-D四个选项中的文字重新排序,使全文意思通顺连贯 Using buses in Japan can be difficult for foreign tourists because there are usually few English signs, and there are different systems of ticketing in different companies. Below is a description of the most common system:Enter the bus through the back door (or front door) if there is only one door.A. When your stop is nearing, press one of the buttons (按钮) on the wall to tell the driver that you wish to get off at the next stop.B. A screen above the driver shows the next stop and the money for that stop. To decide how much you should pay, match the number on your ticket with the number and money on the screen.C. When getting off, put your ticket and the exact money into the box next to the driver. If you do not have the exact money, use the changing machine to get small coins.D. When entering, pick up a


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