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新标准小学英语第一册-第八册一定要掌握的主要单词、词组 (要记熟的)一、冠词:a一个,一 an一个,一(用法要记住) 连系动词:现在的:be(am, is , are)是.过去的:be (was单数连用、 were复数和你连用)是 .情态动词:Can能、cant不能 .have got有、havent got没有 has got第三人称单数的有hasnt got 没有.havehas的过去式had.do第一、二人称和复数的助动词疑问句时出现.dont否定句时出现.does第三人称单数他.她.它疑问句时出现.doesnt第三人称单数他.她.它在否定句时出现. did一般过去时的助动词在疑问句时出现.didnt 一般过去时的助动词在否定句时出现.will在一般将来时中出现.will not或 wont在一般将来时的否定句中出现。名词的特殊复数形式:child-children小孩, man-men男人, woman-women女人, foot-feet脚 ,mouse-mice老鼠,policeman-policemen警察 , 人们tooth-teeth牙单复数不变:people-people人, fish-fish鱼, Chinese-Chinese中国人,people-people人,人们二、不可数名词:water 水 ice 冰 tea 茶 meat 肉 milk 牛奶coffee(咖啡) rice(米饭)bread(面包) juice (果汁) food食物chicken鸡肉paper纸chocolate巧克力fruit水果cake蛋糕cheese奶酪soup汤1. 不可数名词前不能直接加数词或a (an)。切忌犯以下错误:a meat, two tea, 应说a piece of meat一块肉, two cups of tea两杯茶。2. 不可数名词无单复数变化,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: There is some milk in the glass. 杯里有一些牛奶。3. 能修饰不可数名词的词有: much许多, a little一点, little很少, , some一些, any一些,lots of许多,How much多少等,以此来表示不确定的数量。如:much bread 许多面包a little milk 一点牛奶a lot of work 许多工作some meat一些肉 any rice?一些米饭,lots of food很多食物.4. 表示具体的数量时应用单位词加of结构。如: He ate three pieces of bread. 他吃了三块面包。Would you like a cup of coffee? 你想喝杯咖啡吗?三、指示代词: this这个 that那个 these这些 those那些 here这里 there那里 (over there在那边)四、There be结构,某地有某物,现在的有There is有(和单数、不可数名词连用) There are有(和复数连用).过去的有There was(有和单数、不可数名词连用) There were有(和复数连用)五、some 一些/any一些 用法:some用在肯定句中 any用在否定句和一般疑问句中肯定句:I have some toys in my bedroom.一般疑问句和否定句中这三句例外:询问想要什么时:Would you like some juice?你想要一些果汁吗 ? Can I have some bread?我能吃一些面包吗?Do you want some rice?你想一些米饭吗六、疑问词归纳:1.what class什么班2.what day星期几3.what grade什么年级4.which哪一个5.which one哪一个6.what time几点7.how怎么8.what什么9.where哪里10.why为什么11.how much 多少(后接不可数名词)12.how many多少(后接可数名词)13.whose谁的(后面接名词)14.who谁15.what colour什么颜色16.how old几岁17.how long 多长18.how big多大19. when什么时候七、一般现在时用法:表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用every Sunday每个星期天once a week一周一次 every year.每年always总是 usually通常often经常 sometimes有时 never决不every day每天 every week每周every每个, at.在几点钟 .只有第三人称单数用动词三单,其余动词均用原形第三人称单数 动词+s+es的变化规则(以下单词是碰到主语是第三人称单数它、他、她才加s或es)1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks,like-likes, talk-talks ,swim-swims. wantwants, workworks, knowknows, helphelps,getgets 不规则变化have-has有,2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses猜, wash-washes洗, watch-watches看, go-goes去,do-does 做, catch-catches接住,miss-misses 思念,pass-passes通过,finish-finishes完成,cross-crosses 穿过fish-fishes钓鱼,teach-teaches教brush-brushes刷.3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies学习worry-worryies 担心try-tryies尝试,copy-copies模仿. flyflies放(飞),y前是元音字母的直接加-s :buy-buys买,enjoy-enjoys 享用,play-plays 打(球)玩stay-stays 停留八、现在进行时:表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。(1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now正在,look看,listen听九、一般过去时:表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 ago 以前last 刚过去的,最近的then那时yesterday昨天last week,上星期 just now,刚刚 in 1982,an hour ago一小时前last year去年 last summer去年暑假 four years ago 四年前last night昨晚many year ago许多年前 一般过去时的be是was,were go去-went、 buy买-bought 、take拿-took、 eat吃-ate、 do做-did、 havehas有-had、 come来-come 、make制作-made 、give给-gave、drink喝-drank、 sing唱-sang、 meet遇见-met、 see看见-saw、 write写-wrote、 send发送-sent、 am,is是-was、 are是-were、 run跑-ran、 draw画-drew、 lose失去-lost、 teach教-taught. put-put read-read fly-flew ride-rode十、一般将来时:表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tonight今晚.next下次,紧接在后的;接下去的;下一班的tomorrow,明天 next Sunday((week,month, year,summer)下个星期天、下个月、明年、明年暑假soon不久、很快the day after tomorro(后天)等时间状语连用。十一、比较级:fat 肥的-fatte较肥的good /well好-better较好的many/much许多-more较多的 little少- less较少的big大的bigger较大的easy容易的- easier较容易bad差- worse较差的hot热- hotter较热的thin瘦的- thinner较瘦的big大的-bigger较大的old老的-older较老的young年轻的-younger较年青的tall高的-taller较高的 short矮的-shorter较矮heavy重的-heavier较重的 strong强壮的-stronger较强壮的 clever聪明的- cleverer聪明的 nice好看的- nicer较好看的small小的- smaller较小的easy容易的easier较容易的 long长的-longer较长的十二、代词:主格:he他 I我 it它 she她 they(他、她、它)们 we我们 you你(你们)主格的用法:一般在句子前面或动词的前面I like her.我喜欢她I是主格,her是宾格Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗?you 是主格宾格:them(他、她、它)们me我 us我们you你(你们) him 他her她it它宾格的用法:一般在句子后面或动词的后面。如:I miss you.我想念你。I是主格you是宾格,miss是动词. 物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词:my,我的our,我们的your,你(们)的his,他的her她的its,它的their他们的(后接名词)一般在句子中间如:This is my book.这是我的书.my是形容词性物主代词,book是名词名词性物主代词:mine,我的ours,我们的yours,你(们)的his,他的hers,她的its,theirs他们的(后面不接名词)一般在句子后面如:This book is mine.这本书是我的.mine名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词在句中起形容词的作用,在句中一般后面要紧接名词。名词物主代词在句中起名词的作用,实际上名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词 词”,因此名词性物主代词后面不再接名词。my book= mine Come back回来 notat all一点都不会walk to走到十三、词组的固定搭配:stand up 起立 point to 指向sit down 坐下go to work 上班walk to school走路去学校take pictures/photos 照相excuse me对不起,打扰一下turn left 向左转turn right 向右转talk to 和交谈next to 临近的,在旁边get on 上(车)get off 下车by plane 乘坐飞机hurry up 快点in a hurry匆忙out of往外get up 起床a bit 有一点turn on 打开come in 请进of course 当然in line成一条直线fell off (fall off的过去式) 跌落every day 每天all over到处fly away飘走good luck 好运气come on 快点,赶快,加油high jump 跳高long jump 跳远lots of 许多look at 看着go straight on 直着走play with和 玩,摆弄listen to 听have breakfast 吃早饭half past点半go to school上学have lunch吃午饭go home回家have dinner 吃晚饭live in居住在play the guitar 弹吉它play the piano弹钢琴 play the chess 下棋 play the drums 打鼓play the violin拉小提琴play the flute 吹笛子play the trumpet吹小号play the erhu拉二胡play the zither弹古筝 play football 踢球play basketball 打篮球play table tennis打乒乓球 play ping pong打乒乓球play baseball打棒球play computer game打电脑游戏go to school上学be good at善长于I am good at English我善长于英语go into进入 wait for us等我们give out 分发give them out分给我们Theres our bus车来了a kilo of noodles一公斤面条 two kilos of noodles两公斤面条a pair of shoes 一双鞋two pairs of shoes两双鞋.a glass of water一杯水 come with us跟我们来 late for迟到put on穿上put on your coat. 穿上你的外套 put on把.放在上去put on desk放在桌子上put them on it把它们放在上面go for热情的投入到某事we go for a walk.我们去散步I went for a bike ride yesterday.昨天我骑自行车over there在那里He is over there.他在那边.ready for对.有适合准备Are you ready for your picnic 你准备好去呀餐了吗?click on点击get to到达 stay with同.住在一起thank sb for sth/doing sth 感谢某人某事/做某事Thank you for telling me the story 谢谢你告诉我这个故事 Thank you for come谢谢你能来far away远处go swimming去游泳go home回家how old多大all around到处,处处of course当然in a row排成一行hurry up快点wake up醒来go out外出give .to给.到say hello to向问好十四、介词1.in在里 2.on在上 3.at在4. to向 5. for为,给6.about大约,关于 7. by乘坐,以方式(指交通等)乘;用 8. with和一起9. of的10. from从11.past过12.next to临近13.near靠近,接近14.behind在后面15.before在前面16. after 在之后17. under在下十五、连词1.and“和“连接两个单词或句子2.or.连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,表示或者的意思否定句中,我代替我的大哥and ,表示和的意思。如: He has no brothers or sisters.他既没有兄弟也没有姐妹I dont like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥.3.so所以4.but但是,然而十六、学生容易错的和改写句子1-6册1.like+名词 如:I like apples(名词) 2.like+动词+ing如:I like playing football. I like swimming.(like喜欢)的用法 like+名词:I like football.我喜欢足球I like apples 我喜欢苹果I like teachers我喜欢老师I like basketball我喜欢篮球I dont like table tennis我不喜欢乒乓球I dont like banana我不喜欢香蕉like+动词(动词+ing)变成动名词 I like swimming我喜欢游泳I like skipping我喜欢跳绳I dont like skipping.我不喜欢跳绳I like riding bikes我喜欢骑单车.I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球 I like playing basketball我喜欢打篮球。I like riding a bike我喜欢骑自行车。(请做下面的练习)( )1Sam likes a bike. A.rides B.riding C.rideing( )2.I like basketball. A.play B.plays C.playing( )3.He likes . A.apples B.play C.plays( )4.They like A.swim B.swimming C.swimimg( )5.We dont like . A.skipping B.skiping C.skip3.Be quiet 安静Be careful 当心,小心 play the drums打鼓sit down 坐下stand up起立4. He played on the computer.他玩电脑.in the sky在天上5.画线的词出现动词要原形:DO you often go to school? Does she often go to school. Can you swim. Will you go to school? Did you go to school? I want to go to school. you should look .you shouldnt walk. I dont often go to school. she doesnt often go to school. What did you go yesterday. I cant run.Do you want to be our football team. I wont go to school. I didnt go to school. Lets go to school. It will be windy in Beijing( )1.She didnt_ a radio. A. had B. have C/ has( )2.She didnt a television or a radio. A.has B.had C.have( )3.I am going to tomorrow evening. A.swim B.swims C.swimming( )4.Did you in London yesterday?A. lived B. lives C. live( )5.Please _ careful.A. is B.be C. are( )6.Please quiet. A. is B.be C. are( )7.Do you want to _in our football team? A.be B.are C.am( )8.We used to _with a fire. A. cooking B. cook C at( )9.Lets _our classroom. A.cleaned B.cleaning C.clean( )10.What did you yesterday? A.do B.does C.did( )11.Sam wants to my coat. A.wear B.wears C.wearing( )12.Do you want to in our chess team? A.be B.am C.is( )13.She will_ basketball tomorrow. A.play B.playing C.plays( )14.Did you your grandma yesterday? A.phone B.phoned C.phones( )15.I will_ a ball. A.taking B.takes C.take( )16.Were going to the Jinniu Zoo. A.visit B.visiting C.visited( )17.Daming can a bike. A.ride B.riding C.rides( )18.Were going to the tigers at the zoo. A.visit B.visiting C.visits6.America is also called the USA “美国”也称为美国7.your hair is short.你的头发是短的.hair头发是不可数名词当作单数看8.There isnt enough time.没有足够的时间。time是不可数名词当作单数看9.He has no brothers or sisters.他既没有兄弟也没有姐妹(在否定句中,我代替我的大哥and ,表示和的意思。)10.时态的认识 (做时态的练习一定要注意时间,然后选择正确的时态,接着根据每个时态的公式来做)( )1.When you come back? Next week(下个星期). A. did B.will C.do一般将来时表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tomorrow,明天 next Sunday((week, month, year)下个星期天、下个月、明年soon不久、很快next最近的等时间状语连用。特殊疑问句:疑问词+will或者be going to+主语+动词原形?( )2.When you come back? Last Monday(上个星期). A. did B.will C.do表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 last上次last week,上星期 just now,刚刚 yesterday昨天 in 1982,an hour ago一小时前last year去年.特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?( )3.When you come back? Every week(每个星期). A. did B.will C.do特殊疑问句: 疑问词+do /does+主语+动词原形 ( )4.Look,Tom is _ a cake.A. making B. makesC. make现在进行时通常用“now现在,look看,listen听基本形式:主语(人称或事物)+ be(am,is, are) + 动词+ing. 有am is are和动词一起出现动词要加ing。what did you do yesterday?你昨天干什么?问的是过去时,回答的时候也要用过去时I went shopping with my mother.我和我的妈妈去买东西11.be good at在.方面(学得)好,善于 Im good at English我善长英语 Im good at basketball我善长于打篮球12.Heres present for him. for后面要宾格.如:for me for her for them13.Give it to him. to后面有时也使用宾格 Give me动词后也要宾格He gave a present to her他给礼物给她.14.Its+颜色: Its red(yellow,blue,black,white,green,pink,orange)它是红,黄,蓝,白,绿,粉红,橙色的Its+a(an)+颜色+单数名词:Its aan (redyellow,blue,black,white,green,pink,orange) bag. Its+a(an)+ 颜色+ 单数名词它是一个红,黄,蓝,白,绿,粉红,橙色的书包15.This is a yellow one这是一个黄色的16. How well do you play football/basketball .你打足球/篮球怎么样?I can do it very well我打的很好I cant it at all我一点都不会.17.You should say hello to your classmate.你应该向你的同学问好.18.Mike is a new pupil in our class.迈克我们班的新同学Lets say hello to him.让我们向他问好.19.Grandma phoned Amy yesterday.外婆昨天大电话给埃米.20. How long did they walk.他们走了多久?They walked for one hour他们走了一个小时21.On childrens day在儿童节 what s the matter with you? 你怎么搞的?22.How much is it going to cost?多少钱?cost花费的意思23.I went for a bike ride yesterday.昨天我骑自行车24.What are you thinking about? 你正在想什么?25.I often stay at home on Sunday.我在星期天经常呆在家里.


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