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英语阅读理解题(一)Its Sunday . There are many people in the bus . And an old man is looking here and there . He wants to find an empty(空的) seat . Then he finds one . He goes to it . But a small bag is on the seat(座位) . And a young man beside (在旁边) it .“Is this seat empty?” ask the old man .“No , its for an old woman . She goes to buy some bananas .” says the young man .“Well ,” says the old man , “Let me sit here , please . Ill leave(离开) here when she comes back .”The bus starts (出发).“She doesnt come , but the bag is here . Let me give her the bag .” the old man says . Then the old man throws(扔) the bag out of the window .The young man jumps (跳) and shouts(呼喊), “Dont throw ! Its my bag!”根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1、Today is Suturday.( )2、An old man and an old woman are in the bus.( )3、There is an empty seat beside the young man.( )4、The old woman comes back when the bus starts.( )5、The bag on the empty seat is the young mans.(二)I have a haooy family . There 1 three people 2 my family , my father , my mother and I . My father 3 in a hospital . He works hard . My mother is a teacher . She 4 English . Shes very busy . My mother 5 singing . I love them very much .( )1、A、are B、is C、have( )2、A、at B、in C、of( )3、A、works B、working C、to work( )4、A、is B、teaches C、to teach( )5、A、like B、liking C、likes(三) Tom is seven . He goes to school every day. The school is near his home , so (因此) he goes (动词第三人称单数形式) there on foot (步行) and comes back on time . But today he is late (晚). His mother asks him , “Why are you late today?”“I was in the headmasters (校长的) office(办公室) .” said Toms mother .“Why did you go to the headmasters office?” said Toms mother .“Because(因为) my teacher asks us a question in class , and nobody (没有人) could (能,can的过去式) answer it , but me .” said Tom .“Its good to answer the teachers question .” said Tom s mother .“But the question was who put ink (墨水) on my chair?” said Tom .根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、Tom lives near his school.( )2、Tom goes to school and comes by bike every day .( )3、Today Tom went to school late .( )4、Tom put some ink on the teachers chair .( )5、The boy is very maughty .(淘气)(四)Its eleven thirty . Its sunny outside . Diana and her friends are not having lunch . They are having “morning coffee” . They are talking about their husbands(丈夫) . One of them is wearing a very strange(奇怪的,陌生的)hat . Frank is Dianas husband . Hes eating in the factory(工厂)now . He always eats there . A lot of men are standing in a queue(队伍,行列)and waiting for their lunch .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1、-Whats the weather like today?- A、Cloudy B、Rainy C、Windy D、Sunny( )2、Diana is .A、having breakfast B、having lunch C、having “morning coffee” D、having supper( )3、-What are they talking about ? - A、About their children B、About their husbands C、About their friends D、About their students( )4、-Where does Dianas husband usually have lunch?A、In the factory B、At schoolC、At home D、In the restauromt(餐馆)(五)I have two friends . They are Bill and Kate . Bill is an England boy . And Kate is an American girl . Bill is eleven . Kate is twelve . I am twelve ,too . We are in Class 2, Grade 6 . Kate is Number 4 ,Row(排,行)2. Bill is Number 6 , Row 4 . I am Number 8 ,Row 6 . Miss Gao is our English teacher . We like her very much . We are all good friends .根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、Bill is younger than Kate .( )2、Kate is from England .( )3、Bill ,Kate and I are in the same row.( )4、Kate is as old as me .( )5、Our English teacher is a good teachet .(六)Today is Childrens Day . I get up very early . I go to school at six . Our school is very clean . The sky is blue . Birds are singing happily . All the boys are in white coats and girls are in nice skirts . We sing and dance , run and jump . We look like little birds . How happy we are !根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、Today is Childrens Day .( )2、I go to school at seven .( )3、All the boys are in white skirts .( )4、Girls are in nice skirts .( )5、We are very happy .(七)This is my school . There are many trees and flowers in it . The classroom building is big and high .There is a big playground in our school . Many students come to the playground to play basketball and football after 4:30 in the afternoon .There are 1200 students in 25 classes in our school . The students all like study(学习) . The teachers in our school are very good . They help the students to study and the students like them , too .根据短文内容,填入所缺的词。(单词第一个字母已给出)1、The school looks b .2、There are m students in this school .3、The students dont h lessons after 4:30 .4、After school the students often go to the p .5、The teachers in the school do their w well.(八)Wang Fang is a pupil . She is in Class One , Grade Six . She likes English very much . She works hard(努力学习). She likes(喜欢做某事后面动词用现在分词) reading English every morning . She often listens to the radio(收音机). She watches TV every Fridays and Saturdays . Does she like running ? No , she doesnt . But she likes singing and dancing . Her parents(父母) like her . And all teacher like her ,too.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1、Wang Fang is in .A、Class 1 , Grade 1 B、Class 6 , Grade 1C、Class 1 , Grade 6 D、Class 6 , Grade 6.( )2、Wang Fang likes reading English .A、every morning B、every eveningC、every Sunday D、every Monday ( )3、Wang Fang watches TV .A、every day B、on Sunday C、on Saturday D、every Friday and Saturday ( )4、Wang Fang often listens to .A、the radio B、music C、the teachetr D、I dont know(九)One day an elephant is walking to the town(小镇). He is very glad (高兴) to run to the bridge(桥) . When he is on the bridge , it bends down(弯腰) . Its dangerous (危险的). “What could I do?” he thinks hard . An idea comes to him . He makes this bridge upside down(倒过来). It is strong . He stands on the bridge . Oh? Wonderful( 真精彩)! He smile(笑).根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、The elephant and his friends are walking to the town( )2、When the bridge bends down , the elephant has an idea.( )3、The bridge is falling down .( )4、At the end , the elephant is very happy .( )5、The story is about a building .( )6、“Dangerous” means “安全的”。(十)Now people know a lot about the moon . It is smaller than the earth . There is no air or water on the moon , so there are not any trees or people on the moon . The moon gets its light from the sun , but some places (地方) on the moon are quite dark . The days on the moon get hotter than boiling water (沸水)。The nights get colder than the North Pole(北极)。根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )1、People know about the moon now.A、much B、a little C、little D、nothing( )2、The moon is .A、bigger than the earth B、bigger than the sun C、smaller than the sun but bigger than the earth D、smaller than the earth( )3、The sun the moon .A、gets its light from B、gives light to C、gives water to D、gives air to( )4、 can live on the moon .A、People B、Tree C、Nothing D、Animals(十一)I am Tom . Im eleven years old . I live near the school . I go to school every day . In my family there are three people ,my father , my mother and me . My father is a worker . He has a lot of friends . My mother is a teacher . She works at my school . She does housework every day . I love them.根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、Tom is ten years old .( )2、His father is a teacher .( )3、Tom does housework every day .( )4、Toms father has a lot of friends .( )5、Tom and his mother are in the same school .(十二)My name is Kate . I 1 from England . I 2 twelve . Im in 3 . 4 the morning I get up at six . I wash 5 face and put on my clothes . Then I have break-fast 6 my family at six thirty . At six forty I go to school 7 bike . Classes 8 at eight . I am never late . 9 Tom is sometimes late and Mary is always late . 10 often run to school.( )1、A、is B、am C、are( )2、A、am B、is C、are( )3、A、Class1,Grade6 B、Grade6,Class1 C、Class1,Grade6( )4、A、On B、At C、In( )5、A、I B、my C、me( )6、A、with B、for C、from( )7、A、with B、by C、on( )8、A、begin B、begins C、beginning( )9、A、and B、Then C、But( )10、A、They B、Them C、Their(十三)There is a shop in our school . Its not big . But it sells(卖)many things . We can buy school things(学习用品)in it . Some of them are very cheap . Many pupils come here and buy things after class . They buy pens ,pencils, rulers , knives and rubbers(小刀和橡皮).Mr Wang and Miss Gao work in this shop . They are very busy (忙)every day . They are very friendly(友好的).The shop opens at eight in the morning and closes at seven in the evening .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1、The shop is .A、in our school B、near our school C、near my home( )2、We can buy in the shop .A、all the things B、school things C、some meat( )3、Many pupils come to the shop .A、every morning B、after class C、after school( )4、The shop opens at in the morning.A、8:00 B、8:30 C、9:00( )5、The shop closes at in the evening .A、8:00 B、8:30 C、7:00(十四)Today is Sunday . Its a fine day . The sky is blue. Mr White is with his family . There are four people in his family . They are Mr White , Mrs White , May and Jim . They are walking on the bridge(桥). There are some boats on the river . Mr and Mrs White are looking at them . May is not looking at the boats . She is looking at a big ship . Jim is looking at the birds in the sky . They have a good time .根据短文内容,选择填空。( )1、-How many people are there in their family?A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6( )2、-Who is looking at the birds ?A、Mrs White B、May C、Mr White D、Jim( )3、-What is May looking at ?A、Some boats B、Some birds C、ship D、The bridge( )4、-Are they sitting on the bridge ?A、Yes , they are . B、Yes , there are . C、They are sitting D、No , they arent .(十五)Our English teacher is Chinese . She is a girl . I can spell(拼写) her name GAO, Gao , HUI , Hui . She is Miss Gao . She is double(双倍的) twelve .Look ! This is a picture of Miss Gaos family . Who is the old man ? He is Miss Gaos father . Who is the old woman ? She is Miss Gaos mother . How old is Miss Gaos mother ? Oh ! Its a secret(秘密) . The girl is Miss Gao .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1、Gao Hui is .A、Miss Gao B、Mrs Gao C、Mr Gao( )2、Gao Hui s mother is .A、Miss Gao B、Mrs Gao C、Mr Gao( )3、-How old is Miss Gao ? - .A、10 B、12 C、24( )4、-How old is Mrs Gao? - . A、I dont know B、Double twelve C、60( )5、The wrong one(错误的那个)is .A、Our English teacher is old .B、Mr Gao is Miss Gaos father .C、Im Miss Gaos student.(十六)My name is Wang Fang . Im a girl . Im in Class One , Grade Five . Miss Li is our English teacher . Mr Zhang is our Chinese teacher . They are good teachers . They like me . I like them , too . After school , I always(总是)read and write . I watch TV after supper . I go to bed at ten .根据短文内容回答下列问题。1、 Whats the girls name ? 2、 Is she in Class Five , Grade One ? 3、 Who is her English teacher ? 4、 When does Wang Fang go to bed ? 5、 What does she do after supper ? (十七)Kate is from England . She is ten . Her brother is twelve . Their father is a doctor . Their parents go to work by bus . Jack goes to school by bike , but Kate walks to school . Kate loves her family . Kate is very happy .根据短文内容,判断正误。( )1、Kate comes from England .( )2、Kate is twelve .( )3、Her mother is a worker .( )4、Her father is a doctor .( )5、Her brother goes to school by bus .


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