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小学课时教学设计 总第1课时 教学内容:Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?随堂备注教学目标:1、能“四会”掌握以下内容: 单词:tomorrow, start, always, never, before, London, toy, weekend, open. 句型:Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children?Yes, that would be fun.What time does school start ? At seven thirty.1 了解英国学生的日常生活情况。教学重点、难点:本单元的“四会”词汇和短语教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:一复习准备:1学习第4页的顺口溜。注意频度副词的理解。2 Free talk: About the day.T: How are you , children?What day is today?How many days are there in a week?二 新授课文 1、T: Today isthen tomorrow isWhats the Chinese for tomorrow?(板书并学习tomorrow,可以分音节记忆这个单词:to-mor-row。)2、Suppose, today isWhat day is tomorrow?(用日历操练这个句型。)3 T: What time do you usually get up?Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow?4 :(出示学校的时间表)提问并学习单词school, start:What time do our school start ? At seven thirty? At.?(出示Yongxian学校的时间表)What time does Yongxians school start? 第 页三 呈现与操练通过课文课件展示Tom和Rose以及有关他们日常生活安排的相关图片,进行介绍。1、T:This is Tom and Rose. Theyre from London. Tom never gets up before seven thirty. Rose usually gets up at 8 oclock(学习频度副词及其他新单词,同时复习动词第三人称单数时的用法。).2、分小组运用频度副词造句,看哪组造的句最多。P1:My mum often goes home at 5:00.P2:My dad never goes home before 5:003、在教师帮助下,学生描述Tom和Rose的routines.四、巩固操练。把Yongxian的生活习惯与Rose,Tom的生活习惯作比较,帮助学升记忆课文。YongxianRose&Tomgoes to school at 7:30go to school at 8:00gets up at 6:30never get up at 7:30has noodlessometimes have noodlesgoes shopping after dinnergo shopping at the weekendusually goes to bed eight thirtynever go to bed nine thirty四 总结:通过上面的练习,让学生小结有关一般现在时第三人称作主语的动词的变化和助动词的使用。五 作业(1)读Unit16的单词和句型.(2)抄背新单词。板书设计: Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children?Yes, that would be fun.What time does school start ? At seven thirty.教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第2课时 教学内容:Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?随堂备注教学目标:1、 本单元的“四学生能较流利地朗读课文,并能用所学讨论自己和他人的日常生活安排;2、通过课文的学习,学会与人交往。会”词汇和短语教学重点、难点:1课文的学习2一般现在时第三人称单数时的用法。教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:一、复习准备:1、朗读第4页的顺口溜。注意频度副词的理解。2、口头操练句型。二、新授课文1、分步呈现课文。课文背景介绍:(1)、先看下列问题,再观看课件第一、二段。边呈现边回答教师准备的问题。并板书学生回答的内容:(要求学生注意上述句子划线部分动词和助动词的变化。)(2)、继续观看课件第三段并回答下列问题,看课件前先读板书的下面的句子,并板书学生回答的内容:(要求学生注意上述句子划线部分动词和助动词的变化,此处引入How often?句型,)(3)、带着下列问题看课件第四段,板书下面的句子,教师板书学生回答的内容。(要求学生注意上述句子划线部分动词和助动词的变化。)2全班跟课件朗读课文一次。 第 页三 巩固操练:1、 根据提示,复述课文大意。2、 各小组分角色,朗读课文,熟练的小组准备根据提示进行课文表演。四总结:引导学生小结下面的句性和语法知识 五 作业1、听录音,熟读课文,记忆新单词。2、预习Work with Language and Fun with Language.板书设计: Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?Would you like to go to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children?Yes, that would be fun.Would you like to go shopping now?教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第3课时 教学内容:Unit1 What Is Our Life Like?随堂备注教学目标:,能“四会”掌握以下内容: 单词:museum, quite, walk, drink. 短语:go to work, do some reading, surf the net, go for a walk, How often.句型:How often do you watch TV, Li Hong? How often does Li Hong watch TV? She watches TV every evening.2, 联系生活实际,使学习的内容更能接受。教学重点、难点:1、 单词,短语的学习2、 一般现在时第三人称单数时的用法。教学过程:(一)Warming up1 读下面的顺口溜:Piggy likes sleeping all day.He always gets up very late.He never takes exercise on holiday.He always eats a lot every day.His parents say.Piggy is very,very lazy.2 听写有第一课时所学习的词组或句子。3学生分角色朗读课文,分小组表演课文。 4 听短文回答问题。 二 Presentation 1 学习频度副词,教师要对频度副词进行讲解,让学生了解每个词的区别。1)课件展示所有频度副词,要学生猜它们的正常的排列顺序;2)做P5的Work with Language Ex.1;3) 玩Fun with Language.的游戏,加深对频度副词用法的了解。2 Free talk:1)用下列句型进行小组讨论,进一步熟悉频度副词的用法;P1: What time do you get up?P2: I usually (sometime, often, never, always) get up at seven.P1: What time does your father get up?P2: He usually (sometime, often, never, always) gets up at six thirty. 第 页2) 做P5的Work with Language Ex.2,特别提醒学生动词第三人称单数时候的用法。(学习短语;go to work, do some reading)3 课件展示surf the net, go for a walk等内容。1)师生对话T: How often do you watch TV,Janet?P: I watch TV every weekend.T: How often does Janet watch TV?P: She watches TV every weekend.(用实际的例子让学生感受第三人称单数在一般现在时的用法现象。)2)学习P5的Work with Language Ex.3, talk in groups.(学习其他生词)三 Practise:1 看一组有关Rose的图片,用下列句型进行小组讨论。What does Rose usually do?What time does Rose?How often does she?2 小组根据图意编对话进行表演;3 做活动手册Ex.3。四 Summing up: 总结频度副词的用法 (五)Homework:1 复习有关频度副词的知识,并记忆新单词和短语。2 听录音,预习Unit2,Dialogue.3 做活动手册P1,Ex.1和 P2,Ex.4。板书设计: Unit1 What Is Our Life LikeHow often do you watch TV, Li Hong? How often does Li Hong watch TV? She watches TV every evening. 教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第4课时 教学内容:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year?随堂备注教学目标: Vocabulary: Chinese New Year, Childrens Day, Teachers Day, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,September, October, November, December and ordinal numbers Sentence Structure: When is Chinese New Year / your birthday? Its on the of What date is it today? Its 教学重点、难点:Children can say the date and months.教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:(一) Leading-in 1. Sing a song: Skip to my lou2. Free talk : What day is it today? Its What date is it today? Its (二)Pre-task 1. Review numbers Play a number game : 数数,碰到三以及三的倍数拍手2. lead in ordinal numbersfirst, second third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenthget pupils to say the rules out and try to write more on the blackboard.3. Practice ordinal numbersPlay a game : 看日历,玩剪刀石头布游戏,赢者走一天,看谁走的多。 What date is it today? Its September (每节课之前都要求学生说日期,学生会说September)4. Teach the names of the months利用学生感兴趣的节日和生日引出月份,进行归纳和总结,帮助学生找到记忆规律,解决难题,本节课主要是解决认读问题。 第 页5Play a game: T say the first letter of a word ,and children say the whole word out6. Learn the song: Months of the year.(三)While-task1. Do Exercise 1Listen to the tape twiceCheck the answersAsk children to read them out in the right order2. Do Exercise 2Children do it firstCheck the answersGet children pay more attention to the specials 3. Do Exercise 3Children do it first Check the answersAsk children to read them out (四)While-taskGet children talk their birthday first to use the structuresWhen is Chinese New Year / your birthday? Its on the of (五)Homework Copy the words of Unit 2 four times Listen to the tape and read the words for 20 minutes.板书设计:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year? When is Chinese New Year / your birthday? Its on the of What date is it today? Its 教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第5课时 教学内容:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year?随堂备注教学目标:Vocabulary: term, begin, end, autumn, summer, spring, winter, on holiday, Sentence Structure: When does the autumn term start / end ? It starts / ends in September/ December. Does your spring term begin in May? Yes.教学重点、难点:Children can read and understand the dialogue,and know the differences about the school year between that in England and China.教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:(一) Leading-in 1. Sing a song: Months of the year2. Free talk : What day is it today? Its What date is it today? Its (二)Pre-task 1Review numbers Play a number game : 说出自己的生日,在日历上画出来。2. Free talk to lead in the new words and the dialogueHow many terms do you have in a school year? Two.The first term is the autumn term and the second term is the summer term.When does the autumn /summerstart/ begin? It starts in September./ ends in January.When does the autumn/ summer end? It ends in December. / ends in July.3. Teach the new words: term, begin, end,autumn, winter, spring, winter4. Practise the new words: 老师说音节学生说单词帮助学生认读和拼写。 第 页5. Get children to practise the structures in pairs.6. Show their dialogues.(三)While-task1. Introduce the backgroud of the dialogue2. Show choldren some questions How many terms do you do Tom and Rose have in a school year? When does the autumn / winter/spring/ summer start/ begin? When does the autumn / winter/spring/ summer end? What do they do in Guangzhou now 3. Listen to the tape twice4. Get children to answer the questions 5. Finish Exercise 26. Read the dialogue after the tape once7. Read the dialogue together once8. Read the dialogue in pairs9. Read the dialogue in role play(四) Homework 1. Copy the dialogue of Unit 2 once 2. Listen to the tape and read the words and dialogue for 20 minutes板书设计:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year? term, begin, end, autumn, summer, When does the autumn term start / end ? It starts / ends in September/ December. Does your spring term begin in May? Yes.spring, winter, on holiday, 教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第6课时 教学内容:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year?随堂备注教学目标:Vocabulary: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, dateSentence Structure: When does the autumn term start? What date is this?教学重点、难点:通过学习,初步掌握年月日的正确表达。教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:(一)Warming up1 Sing a song Ten little in that boys2 Free talk.二 Presentation 1 课件展示班上一位学生的生日日期。1)T: Look what date is that? P: Its Oh, its my birthday. T: Your birthdayis on2) T: When is your birthday? P: Its on(学习相关序数词)3)Game:When is your birthday? 每组的开头同学问后面一个,开火车下去,最快的组获胜。4)分小组进行对话练习。P1:When is your birthday?P2:Its on What about you?P1:My birthdayis on2 通过表格对比学习基数词和序数词(见课本第10页)。Game:课件展示两种数词,当学生读到序数词的时候就拍拍掌。One,fourth,three,tive,first(游戏一方面增加学习兴趣,另一方面为课文的学习作铺垫。) 第 页3 学习日期的两种表达方法(用日历帮助表达。)五月十日:May the tenththe tenth of May八月十二日August the twelfththe twelfth of August.让学生尝试说下面的日期:(1)六月一日(2)四月三十日(3)二月五日(4)十二月三十一日(5)九月十五日三 Practise:1分小组访谈其他同学的生日或节日日期,填写下面表格。When is your birthday?NameWhen is your birthday?2 听教师读,完成Book P10,Ex.13 小组合作完成Book P10 Ex.3四 Summing up: 让学生小结序数词的变化规律。(五)Homework:板书设计:Unit 2 How many terms do you have in a school year? 五月十日:May the tenththe tenth of May八月十二日August the twelfththe twelfth of August.(1)六月一日(2)四月三十日(3)二月五日(4)十二月三十一日(5)九月十五日 教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第7课时 教学内容:Unit 3 Lets Go Further随堂备注教学目标:1 Reinforce the language in the unit.2 Consolidate the date and months.3 Develop the skills of making a dialogue.教学重点、难点:1 Practise reading simple language.2 RReview the questions “What holiday is it in Chinese?”and “Is Januare 1st New years Day?”.教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:一Warming up1. Sing a song: Months of the year2. Free talk : What day is it today? Its What date is it today? Its 二 Presentation1 Ask pupils to look at the pictures on the page and say what they think the story will beWhat the girls grandpas daily routine is.2 Read the story.3 Play the tape and let pupils follow along in their books.4 Ask pupils what their daily routines are or their parents.5 Demo with a pupil to show how to make the dialogue.6 Encourage pupils to try to guess the month for each picture and say what the celebration is. 第 页三 Practise:1 Group the children in 4, get them to make dialogues and fill in the table.2 Let pupils discuss whether they have any similar days of the year to these and what they do.3 Let the pupils look at the pictures and tell what these people in the pictures are doing. Then introduce them the holidays and tell them more about the customs.四 Summing up: 今天我们复习了什么内容?(五)Homework:The pupils could make a zigzag book showing hisher routine story.板书设计: Unit 3 Lets Go Further Story TimeProjectDid You Know?教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第8课时 教学内容:Module 1 随堂备注教学目标:1 训练学生的听力能力。2训练学生的记忆能力。教学重点、难点:句型的练习与运用。教具、学具: 录音机、录音带、图片、投影仪教学过程:(一)Warming up1 Free talk.Read Unit1 and Unit2 dialogue.二 Presentation1 听句子,选出句中所含有的信息,把其字母编号写在括号里。( )1. A . fine B. five C. fifth D. nine( )2. A . term B. turn C. team D.think( )3. A.autumn B.summer C. spring D.winter( )4. A. May B. April C. September D. December( )5. A. never B. always C . often D.usually2听句子,然后填写句子所缺的词。1)I get up at six .2)The autumn term starts in and ends in .3)How many are there in you school .4)Is the term the term?5)Does your term begin in ? 第 页3.听句子,选择正确答语,把它的字母编号写在括号内。( )1.A.Its seven thirty. B. At seven thirty. C.Seven yuan ( )2.A.At eight. B .Its eight oclock. C.Eight.( )3.A.No,thanks. B.Really? C.This breakfast?( )4.A.Every week. B.At six. C.Six thirty!( )5.A.Yes,he is . B. Yes he does. C. He likes it a lot.4.选择适当的单词填写在横线上.1. How (old , many) is he ? Hes seventy.2 .The woman (look, looks)young.3. What (does, is )she usually do in the morning?4. My grandpa (watches, watch) TV every night.5 .It (start, starts) in September.6. A: What time does your father get up?B: He gets up (at, in)six thirty.(五)Homework:Do exercise book 5 6.板书设计:1)I get up at six .2)The autumn term starts in and ends in .3)How many are there in you school .4)Is the term the term?5)Does your term begin in ? 教学后记: 第 页


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