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课题Unit 2 My favourite season共6课时教学目标1、 能够掌握A.B部分Lets learn / Read and write的四会词。2、 能够听、说、认读A.B部分Lrts talk中的单词和句型。3、 能够掌握A.B部分Read and write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。教学重点教学难点四会词、句的掌握和听写的能力教学准备Tape, Pictures and cards.教学过程Period OneStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Review some words: warm, cool, hot, cold,etc. And let Ss do some actions about these words.3. Review the sentence: Whats your favourite ?Step 2 Presentation1. Ask and answer: Whats the weather like today? Fiest, T asks Ss, then let Ss do pairwork.2. Show Ss the picture of spring and ask : The leaves are green now. What season is it now? And learn to say the word “season”. Then learn to say other words in the same way.3. Read these words in different ways.4. Show Ss the cards, ask and answer: Whats the weather like? What season is it now? Whats your favourite season?5. Show Ss the pictures and ask: Whats the weather like in this picture?6. Game: Who is the first?7. Group work: finish the exercise of Lets start.8. Listen and chant.修改意见教学过程Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Read A Lets learn.2. Lets find out.3. Copy the four-skill words.4. Finish the exercises of the AB.Peroid TwoStep1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Lets chant.3. Listen to a song: Whats Your Favourite Season/4. Read th words learned last class. And ask and answer: Whats the weather like in spring in Beijing?Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and read the words of A Lets learn. Then let Ss spell these words.2. Rearrange the sentences.3. Lets try: listen and match. Then check the answers and learn to say the new sentence “ Which season do you like best?”4. Ask and answer in different ways.5. Listen and repeat the dialogue of A lets talk.6. Make a survey.7. Listen and sing the song.Step 3 Consolidation and extension.1. Spell the words.2. Read Alets talk.3. Finish the exercises on AB.教学过程Period ThreeStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Listen and sing.3. Practice the dialogue.4. Spelling-match.Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and read the dialogue of Read and write.2. Ask some questions.3. Read the four-skill sentences.4. Fill in the blanks.5. Lets play: Guassing game.6. Pronunciation: listen and read.Step3 Lets check1. Listen and circle, then write down the sentences.2. Check the answers.Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. Finish the exercises of AB.2. Copy the sentences.课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第2课时教学内容A. Lets try Lets talk Make a survey C. Lets sing教 学目 标1. Ss can understand and say the sentences: Which season do you like best? Apply the sentences in situation.2. Ss can listen to Lets try and finish the exercises.3. Finish “Make a survey”4. Ss can understand and sing “Whats your favourite season?”教 学重 点Sentences: Which season do you like best? And the answer.教 学难 点Ss can ask and answer their favourite season properly. 教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, pictures预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程781852Step 1 Warm-up(1)Lets chant: Spring is green, green, green, green. Summer is hot, hot, hot, hot(2)Free talk: Two pairs talk about their day.(3) Lets sing: Whats your favourite season?Step 2 Preview(1)Teacher shows the word cards of Lets learn. (2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”. Check the answer. Step3 Presentation(1) Ask questions about Lets try: Which season does Mike/ Amy/ Chen jie like best? Ss: Winter/Fall/ Spring.(2) Teacher asks the students about their favourite seasons, and tell them to express the reason.(3) Chain game: S1:Which season do you like best? S2: Fall. I canS3: Which season do you like best?S4: Winter. I can(4) Play the tape, students follow the tape.(5) Students make up new dialogues in groups.(6) Make a survey. Students ask each other about their favourite seasons.Step4 Lets singStep5 Brief summary and homework布置作业1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading.3. Make up dialogues.板书设计Unit 2 A. Lets talkWhich season do you like best?= Whats your favourite season?Fall. I can课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第3课时教学内容A. Read and write Lets play C. Pronunciation Lets check教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the sentences: Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is may favourite season.2. Ss can understand the dialogue.3. Ss can understand the pronunciation and read the words.教 学重 点The four skilled sentences: Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is may favourite season.教 学难 点Ss can understand the features of the four seasons and the activities in four seasons.教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, exercises paper.预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程462055Step 1 Warm-up(1)Lets sing: Whats your favourite season?(2)Free talk: My favourite season.(3)Ask and answer: Which season do you like best? I likeStep 2 PreviewSs do some exercises on the exercise paper. (Teacher rewrites the dialogue as a passage. Ss read the passage and answer the questions.) After doing the exercises, students can understand the dialogue.Step3 Presentation Read and write(1)Play the tape and students follow the tape.(2)Ss practice reading the dialogue. After reading the dialogue, finish the exercises.(3)Ss act the dialogue in groups.(4)Students practice spelling the four-skilled sentences. Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard. (5)Ss memorize the four-skilled sentences and practice writing the sentences.Lets play: Ss play the game in groups.Step4 Pronunciation (1)Find out the rules of pronunciation.(2)Practice reading.Step5 Lets check(1) Play the tape, students finish the exercises.(2) Check the answers.布置作业1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.2. Practice reading the dialogue. Write their favourite season.板书设计Unit 2 A. Read and writeWhich season do you like best? I like winter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第4课时教学内容B. Lets learn Group work C. Good to know教 学目 标1. Ss can listen, say, read and write the phrases: swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.2. Ss can use the sentences: What would you like to do ? Id like to 3.Ss understand “Good to know”教 学重 点Four-skilled phrases: swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees教 学难 点Sentences: What would you like to do? Id like to 教学准备Tape, recorder, word cards, pictures.预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程322852Step 1 Warm-up(1)Lets chant: Spring is green, green, green, green. Summer is hot, hot, hot, hot(2)Free talk: Two students talk about what season they like and the reason.Step 2 PreviewAsk and answer: T: Which season do you like best?S1: Winter. T: Why? S1: I canStep3 PresentationLets learn.(1) T: I like summer. Do you know why? Guess. Students say the reason. T: Wow, you are so clever. Yes, I can swim in summer. Do action and practice “swim”.(2) T: Which season do you like best? SA: Winter. T: Why? SA: I can play with snow. T: Yes, you can make a snowman and skate. Do action and practice the phrases.(3) Teacher presents the phrases: fly kites, plant trees in the same way.(4) Practice:A. Do action and say the words. Teacher does action, students say the words. Then students practice in groups. Act before the class.B. Ss look at the teachers mouth and say the words.C. Make sentences with the new words.Step4 Group workSs go around the class and ask other students: What would you like to do? Id like to Then talk about the result.Step5 Good to know Teacher and students discuss the four season in China and Australia, and find out the months in four seasons.布置作业1. Copy the new words.2. Practice reading 3. Do some exercises on the exercise book.板书设计Unit 2 B. Lets learn swim fly kites skate make a snowman plant trees课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第5课时教学内容B. Lets try Lets talk Lets find out C. Story time教 学目 标1. Ss can understand and say the sentences: Whats your favourite season? Spring. Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees/2. Ss can listen to Lets try and finish the exercises.3. Ss can understand “ Story time”.教 学重 点Students can use the sentences to ask about other peoples favourite season and reason.教 学难 点Students can use the sentences to ask about other peoples favourite season and reason.教学准备Tape, recorder, pictures , word cards预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程45238Step 1 Warm-up(1)Lets do: A. swim, make a snowman, skate Teacher and students do action together. B. A student say words, another one does action. (2)Free talk: Two pairs have a talk.(3)Spelling game.Step 2 PreviewLets sing: Whats your favourite season?(2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”. Students listen to Lets try and finish the exercises. Check the answers. Step3 Presentation(1) Ask questions according to “Lets try”: Whats Zhangpeng/ Sarahs favourite season? Ss: Summer/ Spring.(2)T: What about you, boys and girls? S1: Winter. T: Why? S1: I can T: Because you can Present “because” and write on the blackboard.(3)Ss use “why” and “because” to practice asking the reason.(4)Listen to Lets talk and follow the tape.(5)Students practice the dialogue and act the dialogue.(6) Ss make up a new dialogue according to their favourite season.Step4 Story time (1) Play the tape and enjoy the story.(2) Ss discuss and understand the story.布置作业1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading and make up a new dialogue.3. Do the exercise book.板书设计Unit 2 B. Lets talk Whats your favouite season?Winter.Why?Because I can课 时 计 划课 题Unit 2 My favourite season第6课时教学内容B. Read and write Lets find out C. Task time教 学目 标1. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the sentences: Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.2. Ss can understand the passage.3. Ss can make up a season book. 教 学重 点The four skilled sentences.教 学难 点Sentences leading by “because.”教学准备Tape, recorder, pictures of the passage.预 习提 纲时 间教 学 过 程44248Step 1 Warm-up(1)Free talk: What can you do?(2)Play the train game: T: Why do you like summer? S1: Because I can swim. Why do you like winter? S2: Because I can make a snowman. Why do you like spring? S3: Because I can plant trees.(3)Spelling game.Step 2 PreviewLet the students show their dialogues which are made up on their own.Step3 Presentation(1)Teacher shows the pictures in this lesson. T: Look, what season is it? What can Zoom and Zip do? Ss: Its summer. Zoom and Zip can swim in the lake.(Show other seasons and talk about what Zoom and Zip can do.)(2)Teacher asks questions: Which season does Zoom like best? Why? Ss discuss the questions in groups and find out the answers in books.(3)Play the tape, Ss follow the tape.(4)Ss practice reading the passage and finish the exercises.(5)Ss practice writing the four-skilled the sentences.Lets find out.Place Season Activities Sanya QingdaoStep4 Task timeMake a season book.布置作业1. Practice writing the four-skilled sentences.2. Practice reading.3. Finish the exercise book.板书设计Unit 2 B. Read and writeWhy do you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake.Why do you like winter?


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