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1 七年级下册英语期末测试卷 一 单项选择 15 分 1 Please late for school A isn t B aren t C don t be D not be 2 How do you go to work I usually go to work A by a car B in a car C on car D by car 3 What about a party Good idea A have B to have C having D has 4 They each a CD in their bags A have B has C is D are 5 It is a good time A sing B to sing C singing D sang 6 Find the answer the question please A of B with C to D for 7 Mary is girl but she knows a lot about science A a eight year old B eight year old C eight years old D an eight year old 8 you stay in America every summer For two months A How many B How often C How long D How 9 She s good at A read B reading C to read D reads 10 the weather in Hangzhou It s cloudy A How s B What C How D What s 11 I m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday A Have a good time B Best wishes to them C Thand you very much D It s OK 12 Excuse me which is the way to the post office Sorry I m new here A Not at all B Bad luck C Thank you all the same D Thank you 13 Would you like to go for a picnic with us but I m too busy A No I can t B Yes I would C I d love to D Why not 14 There some bread and two cakes in the plate A is B are C has D have 15 Would you like soccer with us Sure I like soccer very much A to play playing B playing play C to play play D playing playing 词汇 15 分 1 It is r outside now Take a raincoat 雨衣 with you 2 My uncle w shopping yesterday 3 She has long hair and is of medium b 4 Does Jim j the swimming club 5 My father u goes fishing on Sundays 6 I feel terrible last night 7 There are many child playing in the park 8 I didn t real want to go to the zoo last weekend 9 He spent an hour clean the room last Sunday 10 Tom wants play the guitar 11 Look your English teacher talk with Helen 12 Gina and Tina not have lunch now 2 13 you make a cke now 14 The child enjoys listen to music 15 There are hundred of students here 句型转换 10 分 1 There is some rice in the bag 改为否定句 There rice in the bag 2 Children often have a good time on Children s Day 改为同义句 Children often on Children s Day 3 Brad did his homework in the bedroom just now 改为否定句 Brad his homework in the bedroom just now 4 The hospital is across from the bank 划线提问 the hospital 5 It s five kilometers from here 划线部分提问 is it from here 6 I ride my bike to school 改为同义句 I go to school 7 He would like beef noodles 改为一般疑问句 he beef noodles 8 The students go on a ropeway to school 划线部分提问 the students go to school 9 I have much time to eat lunch 一般疑问句 you much time to eat lunch 10 Put on your new coat Henry 改为否定句 on your new coat Henry VI 翻译句子 10 分 1 她对流行歌曲感兴趣 She is pop songs 2 你要哪种钢笔 pens would you 3 我想要牛肉西红柿面条 I soup with 4 你喜欢直发还是卷发 you like hair 5 瞧 格林一家正在吃晚饭 Look The Greens dinner 完形填空 10 分 Peter was a good boy in the past He studied hard at school But 1 his parents divorced 离婚 many people thought he wasn t a good boy any more Peter began to arrive 2 for school His teacher told him to get to school on time but he 3 did as the teacher said Sometimes when he got to school the first 4 was over In class he didn t 5 the teacher he slept He didn t like talking to others any more He often 6 with other boys after school Once he had to be in hospital for a week but he didn t stop His 7 couldn t stand him They told Peter he must leave school if he broke 违反 the school 8 again On weekends Peter stayed at home and 9 all day playing computer games When he felt hungry he only ate some snacks 零食 Nobody 10 for him He lived with his father But his father wasn t often at home Who can help Peter 1 A before B after C if D when 2 A late B later C early D soon 3 A really B often C never D always 4 A day B class C show D time 3 5 A agree with B wait for C look for D listen to 6 A played B talked C fought D ate 7 A teachers B parents C friends D classmates 8 A exams B rules C life D culture 9 A wanted B spent C hoped D worked 10 A reported B cleaned C washed D cooked 阅读理解 15 分 A One day Mr Smith went to a dinner party He was wearing very old clothes He came into the room But people in the room didn t look at him They didn t ask him to sit at the table He wasn t happy But he said nothing Mr Smith went home quickly and put on 穿上 his best clothes He went back to the party Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him They gave him good food to eat Mr Smith took off his coat and put it on the food and said Eat coat The other people were surprised and asked What are you doing Why do you do that Mr Smith answered I am asking my coat to eat food When I wore old clothes you didn t look at me You didn t ask me to sit down Now I am wearing these nice clothes And you give me good food Now I see you give the food to my coat not to me 1 One day Mr Smith went to A a birthday party B a dinner party C an English party D a movie 2 When he came into the room the people didn t look at him Why A Because the people didn t ask him to come B Because Mr Smith wore old clothes C Because Mr Smith didn t say hello to them first D Because it was night they didn t see him 3 Why did he go home quickly A Because he didn t want to stay here B Because he went home for his best clothes C Because the people there asked him to leave D Because he didn t like the food there 4 What s the meaning of surprised in Chinese A 高兴的 B 不满的 C 感到奇怪的 D 生气的 5 Which statement is right A A person in good clothes should eat good food B A good coat should eat good food C We can t judge 判断 a man by his clothes D Mr Smith is stupid 愚蠢的 B One day a Chinese student went to study English in England His family name is Sun It is the same as the word sun England is a country with bad weather It is often cloudy or misty and it rains now and again So the people there don t get much sunshine in the whole year When the Chinese student went to London a tall English policeman with a large face opened his passport to examine 检查 it The policeman was interested to find the Chinese name sun in the passport He thought it was pronounced just like the English word sun so he said to the Chinese student I see your name is sun You are wanted here The Chinese student was greatly surprised But after a moment the policeman began to smile Mr Sun you ve brought sunshine to 4 England So we don t want you to go away 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 1 The Chinese student s family name is pronounced just like the English word sun 2 London the capital of England is called The misty city 3 In London a tall Englishman with large eyes examined the Chinese student s passport 4 The policeman in London was interested in the Chinese name sun 5 Mr Sun was really to bring sunshine to England C It was very cold It snowed heavily and blew very strongly It was not a good night to go out But David had to walk home from work I can be warmer he thought I wear my coat backwards 反方向地 He took off his coat and put it on backwards That s much better He thought and walked on About ten minutes later a car hit him The driver stopped his car and got out of it He ran to help David Soon a police car arrived The policeman ran to look at David I m afraid he s dead The policeman told the driver The driver could not believe it He can t be dead He cried I did not touch him Look at my car There is not a mark 印记 on it He s dead The policeman said again I don t understand it The driver said As soon as I hit him I ran to help him He was lying on the road but he was breathing and there was no blood 血 Did you touch him The policeman asked Yes The driver said but I only turn his head around the right way Read the passage and answer the following questions 1 Why was David walking in such bad weather 2 How did David make himself warmer 3 Did the driver run to help David 4 What did the policeman say again 5 Who killed David I 补全对话 15 分 A 选用方框中所给句子完成对话 有一句是多余的 5 分 A Hello May I speak to Bill B Speaking A Hi Bill This is Jane speaking B Hello 1 A I called you yesterday but nobody answered the telephone 2 B I went to the World on Water 水上世界 with my parents A By the way why did you call me B How long did you stay there C Would you like to come to my birthday party D What s the matter E How was your trip F Where did you go 5 A Really 3 B It was great We saw the dolphin show 海豚表演 It was very wonderful A That sounds interesting B 4 A Oh the day after tomorrow will be my birthday 5 B Yes I d love to Thanks a lot A You re welcome 1 2 3 4 5 B 根据内容 补全对话 10 分 A 1 B Our school trip was really wonderful A 2 B We went to Beihai Park A 3 B Some of us went boating some flew kites and others played game A 4 B Me Well I played chess We had a match Can you guess who won the match A I think it s you right Congratulations B 5 书面表达 10 分 以 My pen pal 我的笔友 为题写一篇 60 个字左右的小短文 姓名 Lisa 年龄 13 籍贯 美国 纽 约 New York 学校 No 3 Middle School 外貌 金黄色长卷发 中等身材 有点胖 爱好 喜欢穿蓝色衣服 喜欢读书 下棋 游泳 6 七年级下册英语期末测试卷 二 按要求写出下列各词的相应形式 共 10 分 1 old 反义词 2 was not 缩略形式 3 brush 复数 4 sun 形容词 5 play 单三人称 6 clever 同义词 7 go 过去式 8 friendly 名 词 9 shop 现在分词 10 meat 同音 词 根据所给词的适当形式填空 共 10 分 1 The teacher is have a meeting now 2 Where did you go I go to the mountains 3 We decided visit friends 4 That made me feel very sad 5 Swimming in summer is real fun 6 I think she can dance very well 7 There are some tomato and some beef in the noodles 8 It s 7 15 am It s time go to school 9 As a student we can t a late for class 10 His uncle has medium b with black hair 单项选择 30 分 1 What did you do last Friday Tim played soccer and I played piano A the the B the C the D a the 2 you go to the museum with your father yesterday Yes We there in the afternoon A Did go B Do go C Did went D Do went 3 She is tall and thin A What is your sister B What does your sister look like C What does your sister do D What s your sister like 4 Where is your sister She my mom with cooking A helps B helping C is help D is helping 5 My grandma likes the big house a beautiful garden A with B have C has D for 6 Helping others can make us very happy A to feel B feeling C felt D feel 7 It was very humid A How is the weather B What is the weather like C How was the weather like D How was the weather 8 Hawk is talking a friend They are talking English A with with B with in C in in D about about 9 His brother likes to jokes We all like him A say B tell C speak D talk 10 What does your mother think of the news She says it s too boring A She doesn t mind it B She wants it C She likes it very much D She can t stand it 11 did you go last Sunday I went to the mountains A How B Where C When D Why 12 talking Keep quiet in the library A Don t B No C Not D Can t 13 it s a fine day What about 7 A to go out for a walk B going out for a walk C going out for a walking D to go out for walking 14 It s awful today Yes It s windy and it s A snow B snows C to snowing D snowing 15 We can walk or a bus to visit the museum A talk B by C take D go 16 Would you like to eat dinner with me A Yes please B Yes I d love to C I d like D You re welcome 17 Tim is only an boy but he knows a lot about movies A 8 year old B 8 years old C 8 year old D 8 years old 18 My father is a doctor My brother is a doctor A and B too C either D so 19 What do you think of the film about Dong Cunrui 董存瑞 A I can t see it B It s great C Thanks very much 20 Jim what does your father do A He is an English teacher B He is standing behind me C He is very strict with me 21 Hi Betty She is buying some food for her mother A What is Lily doing B What does Lily do C What did Lily do 22 you listen to the news yesterday morning No I A Were wasn t B Do don t C Did didn t 23 We to the beach yesterday afternoon A go B goes C went 24 My grandfather enjoys newspapers in the morning A reading B read C reads 25 The Art Festival is November this year A at B on C in D from 26 She likes comedies documentaries A but B not C with D and 27 She a great sports collection A is B are C has D have 28 You can talk your father some help A to for B for to C with to D at for 29 How much does she want A pear B oranges C milk D apple 30 There are seven days in a week Thursday is the day A Four B fourth C five D fifth 根据括号里的要求进行句型转换 每小题分 共 10 分 1 Jack doesn t mind the talk shows 对划线部分进行提问 Jack the talk shows 2 Nicole likes geography and history 一般疑问句 Nicole geography and history 3 They played soccer last afternoon 否定句 They soccer last afternoon 4 They are listening to music at home 对划线部分进行提问 are they at home 5 My weekend was very terrible 对划线部分进行提问 8 your weekend 完型填空 10 分 There is a zoo in our city My parents often take me there on I like animals I have toy animals in my room In the I can see the tigers elephants monkeys pandas bears snakes and many other Some animals are friendly but some are not Tigers bears and some snakes are 5 that is why they have to stay in But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages 笼子 They should be free The animals in cages can t be I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins I like them swim and jump They swim so fast and jump so high They can play with a ball They can stand up and walk water They are very to people If you fall into water and can t swim they may come to help you 1 A summer B month C weekday D weekends 2 A a lot B a lots of C a lot of D lot of 3 A zoo B park C bank D library 4 A tigers B people C friends D animals 5 A dangerous B friendly C interesting D ugly 6 A houses B buildings C cages D ponds 池塘 7 A angry B happy C friendly D boring 8 A looking B seeing C watching D hearing 9 A in B at C with D on 10 A friendly B interesting C warm D cold 阅读理解 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 共 30 分 A Jim is an English boy He comes to China with his father and mother They come here to work Jim comes here to study He is in No 15 Middle School He gets up early every day He is never late for school He studies har d He can read and write English well He often helps us with our Engl ish and we often help him with his Chinese After class he likes playi ng football swimming running jumping and riding He makes many friends here We re very glad to stay withhim On Sundays he often helps his mother clean the house mend something or do the shopping He likes Chines e food very much He likes living here He likes the Chinese students v ery much We all like him too 阅读短文 判断正 T 误 F 1 Jim comes from the USA 2 After class he likes singing and playing basketball 3 On weekdays he often helps his mother with housework 4 He gets up early every day 5 He often helps us with Chinese B Howie Henderson is a college student in New York City This week end he plans to study for an exam but he doesn t want to study He ju st wants to have a fun On Friday night he dances On Saturday morni ng he plays tennis with his friend Keith On Saturday afternoon his fri ends call him and they have a party in his friend Roger s home On Sunday he goes to see a movie The name of the movie is Cloudy Monday Howie doesn t like it It is a comedy and Howie doesn t like 9 comedy very much At last on Sunday night Howie studies for the ex am He studies from six in the evening to two in the morning On Mon day morning Howie goes to school and takes the exam He is tired and now he is sorry he didn t study 1 Where does Howie live A College B England C America D at home 2 What does exam mean in Chinese A 游戏 B 考验 C 面试 D 考试 3 Howie doesn t want to A study for the exam B have a fun C sleep D see a comedy 4 Howie studies on Sunday night A eight hours B from six in the morning to two in the evening C nine hours D all the time 5 How many things does Howie do on the weekend A Four B Five C Six D Seven C 1 The looks are for Tom s family 2 Here is a weather report in some cities in China WEATHER REPORT City Max 最高温度 Min 最低 温度 Weather Beijing Dalian Harbin Shenzhen Ji nan Xiamen Chongqing 50C 10C 160C 240C 60C 190C 200C 70C 110C 250C 130C 20C 130C 120C sunny cloudy to sunny light snow sunny to cloudy cloudy windy rainy 3 These are TV shows in Chongqing Station CQTV 4 7 30 Morning News 14 30 Soap Opera Dumpling king 15 30 Arts and Cultures 16 50 Sitcom Happy Family 18 20 Chinese cooking 19 00 Talk show 1 Tom s mother is and heavy with hair A tall curly B short black C medium long D short long 2 Beijing is but Chongqing is raining A sunny to cloudy B cloudy to sunny C sunny D cloudy 3 We can watch the sitcom at on TV A 4 50 p m B 7 30 a m C 3 30 p m D 6 20 p m 4 The highest temperature is and it is sunny to cloudy A Chongqing B Shenzhen C Xiamen D Beijing 5 Which of the following sentences is right A Tom s father is a cook He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15 30 B Tom s sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas C A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16 50 D Tom s mother went to Harbin she has to wear very warm clothes Family member His her looks father tall curly hair mother short black hair heavy sister long curly hair medium build brother looks like my mother short heavy 10 根据句意找出划线部分意思相近的选项 5 分 1 We like playing computer games at weekends A on Monday B on Friday C on Saturday and Sunday 2 I would like some apple juice A like B want C have 3 Some of the students go to school by bike A ride bikes to school B walk to school C run to school 4 I had great fun playing in the water A had a good time B get fun C Would like 5 David stays at home this morning A goes home B lives at home C is in 补全对话 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句填入空中 只 填序号 5 分 T What are your favourite sports B Well 1 T Now tell me what you like to eat B Err I like fish and eggs But 2 any meat T 3 B Oh yes I love vegetables T Do you drink wine 酒 B No I never drink wine or coffee 咖啡 4 T 5 B I drink a lot of milk It s very good for my health 七年级下册英语期末测试卷 三 一 单项填空 1 The pretty woman has hair A long brown B brown long C a long brown D a brown long 2 I played the guitar the morning of June 20th A in B on C at D with 3 It s cloudy A How s the weather like in Shanghai B How s the weather in Shanghai C What is the weather in Shanghai D Which is the weather in Shanghai 4 Carol some reading and English last weekend A did practiced B did practicing C do practiced D does practices 5 Who cleaned the classroom this morning Li Hong A does B was C did D is A Do you eat a lot of vegetables B What do you drink then C They re not very good for me D Swimming and running E I don t eat F They re very bad for me 11 6 Thank you me so help A for giving much B for give many C to give many D to give much 7 Would you like football with us I d love to I like football very much A playing to play B playing playing C to play playing D to play play 8 How was your vacation We had great fun on the beaches A play B plays C playing D played 9 Where is the pay phone It s next to the supermarket A Sorry B Thank you C Excuse me D You re welcome 10 does your cousin look like She is tall A How B Why C Where D What 11 I don t like hot dogs hamburgers A and B or C with D but 12 I found a little boy in the street on my way home A plays B played C play D playing 13 Would you like to go shopping with me Yes A I would B I d love to C that s all right D you are welcome 14 Tom often TV on weekends Today is Sunday He TV now A watch is watching B watches is watching C watches watching D watches watches 15 Where her pen friend She s from Tokyo A does from B is from C is come from D is come 16 James is good at sports He plays basketball very well And he plays piano well too A the the B C the D the 17 Her voice sounds I don t want to listen to her songs A good B well C bad D badly 18 The boys enjoy soccer ball very much A to play B plays C playing D play 19 your homework at school A Don t B Don t do C Doesn t do D Doesn t to do 20 There a banana and some apples on the table A are B is C am D be 二 单词拼写 1 Do you like to play volleyball w Jack 2 He r bike to school every day 3 Don t speak l in the library 4 The e has a long nose and two big ears 5 The D Boat Festival is a traditional 传统的 festival in China 6 Jeff isn t in can I take a m for you 7 The pay phone isn t in front of the bank it s b the bank 8 Mrs Smith is a little h so she needs to play sports every day 9 What k of cakes would he like 10 Bob it s too d Please turn on the light 三 用所给词的适当形式填空 10 分 11 Are you good at swim 12 It often t

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