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梅州市高三总复习质检试卷(2012.3)(一)英 语 本试卷共8页,满分为135分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将答题卡试卷类型填涂在答题卡上。在答题卡右上角的“试室号”和“座位号”栏填写试室号、座位号,并用2B铅笔将相应的试室号、座位号信息点涂黑。 2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 语言知识及运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 People s minds develop in several ways during their teenage years.Not only is this a time when you 1 better problem - solving skills and the ability to make 2 choices, youre also examining different values and 3 . Its not hard to see how these changes can 4 relationships with adults: Youre more 5 in your ability to decide things for yourself and 6 problems on your own, but your parentsmay still see you as the little kid who relied on them to make all the decisions. Youre trying out 7 approaches to life and beliefs, but these may not be the same as those 8 by your parents. Although its important for teens to 9 themselves from their parents as a way ofdiscovering their own identity,the separation process is a delicate balance. And its one of the bigge8t times of 10 between a parent and child. To achieve a sense of separation, some guys and girls may find themselves 11 with their parents for a time. Others may want to voice their 12 but they dont want to 13 a parent or other authority figure. All of these 14 can feel confusing to someone whos used to having a close rela- tionship with a parent or other adults. So how can you make sure your voice is not only 15 but listened to? .1. A. develop B. form C. take D. begin2. A. responsible B. valuable C. different D. independent3. A. minds B. beliefs C. cultures D. abilities4. A. lose B. make C. affect D. destroy5. A. careful B. helpful C. competent D. confident6. A. stop B. resolve C. request D. discuss7. A. old B. traditional C. new D. modern8. A. enjoyed B. got C. held D. caught9. A. keep B. separate C. distinguish D. identify10. A. relationship B. separation C. conflict D. cooperation11. A. disagreeing B. arguing C. quarrelling D. cooperating12. A. thoughts B. questions C. ideas D. opinions13. A. upset B. worry C. confuse D. discourage14. A. decisions B. changes C. relationships D. opinions15. A. watched B. seen C. understood D. heard第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Long long ago, a village had a strange tradition. Each spring, when a boy reached 18, he 16 ( give) land and money to build a house. The boy had to complete the house before winter, 17 if the house was damaged in winter, people would not help him and think him useless, 18 was demanded by the tradition. One spring, Marc and Paul reached this age and got the money and land according to 19 tradition.They both went to search for ideas to build their houses. 20 (collect) several good ideas, Marc went back and began to build 21 house.Paul continued collecting ideas and believed that he could find even 22 (good) ones. Marcs house was completed in autumn.Though it was not perfect, it was strong. Paul, however, rushed to build a house 23 the beginning of winter. Though it was beautiful, it was too weak to survive a storm and he froze to 24 (die). Marcs house surrived. Each year, he gradually improved his house, and eventually made 25 perfect.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(A) Five, six seven, eight! Music pulses as fifty - four dancers show off their moves.Camaria Lehman laughs and sways in rhythm. Its the end of a long day, but dancers at the Dance Because You Care workshops are still having fun. Camaria has been dancing since age four. Now thirteen, she is using her love for dance to help others in her community. Camaria organized a day of dance workshops to raise money for the Children s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Camaria did all the planning herself.First, she needed a location and found a church hall for the event.Next, she recruited dance teachers. Its hard when youre a kid. Some teachers were a little hesitant.But Camaria stuck with it and soon she had lined up four teachers. Her parents took great pride in her success. Camaria wrote letters-to local companies asking for sponsors to cover the events expenses At first, talking on the phone and in person was hard for her. With practice, she became more comfortable. I learned that the more confidence you have, the more effective youIl be, she says. To find dancers, she designed a sign - up sheet and passed it out at local dance studios and schools. When only a few dancers signed up the first week, she felt nervous. But soon registrations rolled in. Camaria handled everything from T - shirt sizes to lunch orders. It was hard to get the little details right, she says. In the moming, she stood at the registration table, signing in dancers and passing out T - shirts. It was great to see the kids coming in. It just makes you no excited. Throughout the day, dancers worked their way through four classes: tap, jazz, musical theater, and hip -hop. By the time it was over, Dance Because You Care had raiaed S2,300 for the Childrens Hospital. Camaria is already planning next years event. Its going to be bigger and better, she says with a laugh.26. Why did Camaria organize Dance Because You Care? A. To earn money. B. To realize her dream. C. To teach dancing for free. D. To collect money for a hospital.27. Camaria did the following for Dance Because You Care EXCEPT _. A. asking her parents for help B. looking for a suitable place C. inviting dance teachers D. finding financial support28. How did Camaria attract dancers to join Dance Because You Care? A. By visiting local companies. B. By providing free lunches. C. By passing out sheets. D. By writing letters.29. What do we know about Camaria from the text? A. She has become more confident. B. She once volunteered at a hospital. C.She has been dancing for four years. D. She herself taught at the dance workshop.30, From what Camaria said in the last paragraph we learn that Camaria is_ A. childish B. talented C. ambitious D. cautious(B) The Atacama Desert is located just west of the Andes,a 1000 - km strip (狭长的地域) of land next to the Pacific Ocean. In spite of its location beside the sea, several studies have shown that this region is the driest place in the world. In the Antofagasta Region of the desert, the average annual rainfall is ju8t 1 mm and some weather stations have never received rain at all. Atacama is no arid that the surrounding mountains that reach up to 6885 m, have absolutely no glaciers! In the region, the river beds have been dry for over 120,000 years. However, unlike the Sahara Desert, Atacama is surprisingly not that hot. It has an average daily temperature between 0 and 25 ! If you find that surprising, youd be shocked to find out that this desert has lakes ! When there was rainfall in the region ( many years ago) , this accumulated water created what we now know as the Salt Lakes.The name of these lakes was given as a result of the effect of the Atacama environment: the long dry period makes the water evaporate (蒸发) , resulting in the higher concentrations of salt in the remaining water. This region has been tested by scientists to see if life is present in the Atacama soil with the same instruments that would be used to detect life in the soil on Mars! As a result of the soils similarities to that of Mars, the Atacama land is used to test instruments for future Mars missions. In addition, the region has been used in movies as a set for filming Mars scenes, most famously in the television show Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets. The Atacama Desert is truly a unique place, due to its lack of rain as well as its similarities to Mars. You would think that this place would be a bare ghost town (鬼城) , but think again! Many people have lived here for centuries, giving this desert its own culture and economic significance.31.What does the underlined word arid in the first paragraph mean? A. Big. B. Dry. C. Hot. D. Long.32. Compared to the Sahara Desert, the Atacama Desert is _. A. smaller B. wetter C. less famous D. less hot33. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The origin of the Salt Lakes. B. The rainfall in the Atacama Desert. C. The weather in the Atacama Desert. D. The current situation of the Salt Lakes.34. The TV program mentioned in the text _. A. tells Atacama8 similarities to Mars B. focuses on the soil of Mars C. explores life in Atacama D. was filmed in Atacama35.According to the author, the Atacama Desert _ A. is a very frightening place B.is as mysterious as Mars C. is somehow livable D.has many poor towns(C) The best tool you can use in communicating with parents is to keep talking to them, no matter what. Strong relationships depend heavily on keeping the lines of communication open. Try to talk about everyday stuff with your parents as a way of building a connection. David knew perfectly how a lack of communication can grow into bigger problems. When he casually mentioned at dinner that he was thinking of trying out for the school play, his mom kept asking about it for weeks. To David, it seemed like she just couldn t let up , and her endless questions added to the pressure he placed on himself to do well. He thought his mother asked too much and he didnt want to share every detail with her. Instead of telling his mom how he felt, David decided it would be easier not to fill her in on anything he was doing in future. Unfortunately, this built into a trust barrier between the two of them. When David stopped talking to his mom about his friends and activities, his mother assumed he was hiding, something. She began setting up curfews and limits tbat David found unreasonable. What David didn t realize is that his mom wasnt intending to pressure him. She just tried her best to show her concern and support. A better approach for David would have been to talk to his mom directly about the pressure he was feeling. Your parents may have understood you really well as a little kid, but dont assume this carries over to your life as a teenager. Tell them -as kindly as you can - how you feel about things. Another way to get a parent to ask fewer questions is to offer some information on your own. This puts the communication in your hands. The more you keep adults informed about everyday things, the less they need to ask. Communicating everyday things has another advantage: It can show your parents that you re mature and responsible enough to make good decisions. It may take a bit for a parent who is used to making all the decisions to adjust to the independentthinking person their child is becoming. If you feel thats the case with your parents, talk to themabout it.36. How can you build a connection with your parents effectively?A. Dont depend heavily on them. B. Talk to them as much as you can. C. Set up strong relationships with them. D. Don t inform them of all your school activities.37.The phase let up in the second paragraph most probably means _ A. Stop B. forgive C. accept D. bear38. David was annoyed with his mother partly because_. A. his mother urged him to be the best B. he was forced to tell her everything about his school life C. he didnt like the way his mother raising the questions D. her endles8 questions left no room for his own freedom39. What is the good measure that David should have taken to solve the trust barrier? A. to talk to his mother first B. to tell his mother he is grown up already C. to speak directly to his mother as a teenager D. to tell his mother what he feels in a sincere manner40. Which of the following statement can best summarize this passage? A. Make decisions by yourself. B. Keep the lines of communication open. C. Let your parents know everything about you. D. Avoid telling your parents what you think directly.(D) Ban Fur? Then Why Not Leather? Much to the displeasure of some local businesses, the City Council in West Hollywood, California,voted without opposition last week to ban the sale of fur products.Should laws be involved in this issue? Is it unfair to ban sales of fur, but not sales of leather and hides (兽皮) ?Animals Do Not Have Rights By Tibor R. Machan My view is that animals do not have basic rights. It is a matter of ethics (伦理学) and not of the laws of human societies.If animals had such rights as human beings do, they would have to be held responsible for killing fellow animals in the wild. That way of thinking about animals makes a category mistake.Using animals, including their fur or organs, to improve peoples lives is acceptable.A Small Step Against Cruelty By Kate Carter Both fur and leather are the skins of dead animals. Why should we think that the lovable furry ones deserve more of a life than the less pleasing ones? Some say leather is less cruel because its a byproduct (副产品) of the meat industry. But this isnt really true. Some cheap leather may be a byproduct of the meat industry, but often it s the other way round. In South Africa, where there is a developing market for ostrich (鸵鸟) farms, the skins account for roughly 80 percent of the slaughtered (宰杀) birdsvalue, a mere 20 percent of which comes from the meat.Who Are You Wearing? By Marc Bekoff West Hollywoods ban is a move in the right direction.However, we must work to ban the sales of leather and hides, too. Furs come from animals who are attacked to become clothing, while some leather and hides come from sIaughterhouse animals. We must remember that when people choose to wear fur, leather and hides, they are wearing formerly conscious beings.So it s a matter of who they are wearing, not what they are wearing because these animals must be referred to as who and not what or that,41. What is the text mainly about? A. West Hollywood s ban on fur products. B. Differences between fur and leather sales. C. The governments role in protecting animals. D. The ecological imbalance in West Hollywood.42. Tibor R.Machan seems to believe that _. A. laws should be passed to protect animals B. humans are responsible for killing animals C. it is not reasonable to use animals to improve life D. animals and humans aren t supposed to share equal rights43. What is Kate Carter s opinion about wearing fur and wearing leather? A. Both are decided by the meat industry. B. There is little distinction between them. C. Wearing fur is generally more acceptable. D. Wearing leather is cheaper tban wearing fur.44.In the ostrich farms of South Africa ,_. A. ostriches are mainly kept for their skins B.leather is a byproduct of the meat industry C. most ostriches are slaughtered for their meat D. ostrich meat production has developed quickly45. What is Marc Bekoffs attitude towards sales of fur? A. Sympathetic. B. Careless. C. Tolerant. D. Opposed.第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列海报及其提示性文字:A. Getting to Green An administrator pushes, on a shoestring budget, to move his universityand the world toward a more sustainable balance. Sustainable development isthe development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.B.High School Musical is a 2006 American television film, first in the HighSchool Musical film franchise. Upon its release on January 20, 2006, it became the most successful film that Disney Channel Original Movie ever produced, with a television sequel High School Musical 2 released in 2007 and the feature film High School Musical 3 to theaters in October 2008.C. Any task that is supposed to be completed at home can be termed as homework. There are a few students who are excellent in their classwork, but face difficulties while doing their homework.D. Learn the Basic Chinese Characters, based on an optimized learning se-quence that actually makes them easy to learn. Learn Basic Components, thebasic components make sure you can differentiate the characters that many beginners confused.E. Willpower and Self Discipline is a book that offers you a complete program for developing willpower, self-discipline and inner strength.Being the ultimate keys to achieving any goal and realizing any dream, wilpower and self discipline are of great importance for losing weight, body-building, sports, improving relationships, overcoming addictions, building positive habits andfor building wealth.F. Outstanding, good, satisfactory, needs improvement and unsatisfactory.And that s our evaluation - a teacher s evaluation checklist.Helpful, isn tit? Teacher evaluation is a must in improving achievement in the classroom and yet studies show that most teacher evaluations are usually rosy请阅读下列人物信息,然后匹配他们相对应的海报及提示性文字。46.James and other kids have different ways of learning. He prefers visual or audio contact, but the others prefer either rhythms or mathematical approach. The course has been designed to suit their needs. In a fun environment, these kids are engaged to speak Mandarin naturally and sing along the delightful songs rhymes and poems, which help develop an early understanding of the oriental vocabulary, culture and perspective.47.Ms.Jude values feedback that helps improve her instruction. She wants to be successful and wants them to leam as much as possible. She deserves a well - devised, collaborative system of feedback that improves instructional practices.48. Professor Thomson has explained the need for investment in renewable energy, primarily solar and wind, to undergraduate students as a matter of eliminating waste with a modicum of success.49.Silky hasnt exercised for years but recently rushes into running miles a day or pounding the treadmill.The struggle to do so leaves her feeling diacouraged. Meanwhile shes also more likely to injure herself and set her fitness levels back further.50. Jane never saves the difficult part of her schoolwork till the end, and finishes it off as early as possible. It may require more time, therefore, she may not be able to finish it on time. On the other hand, even if she manages to do it, she s likely to make mistakes and run into a risk of bad grades.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 基础写作(共1小题满分15分) 以下是小明与他父亲就“能否在高三时期上网”这一问题进行讨论的观点及达成的协议。观点:小明


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