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( )1. Tom is lovely. He his classmates.A. gets along B. goes along withC. gets along with D. goes along( )2. Ill be back in days.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )3. Dont , little girl.A. be nervous B. nervous C. be happy D. lost( )4. Could you tell me the way to the station?The No. 3 bus can you right there.A. take B. bring C. get D. turn( )5. In front of our school many flowers.A. is B. are C. has D. have( )6. Theres a lot of outside when hes trying to sleep.A. noisy B. noises C. noisily D. noise( )7. The shops Oxford Street were full of people at that time.A. along B. between C. among D. up and down( )8. We have many problems .A. to balk B. talk about C. talking about D. to talk about( )9. Dont you agree? .A. Really? B. I like it! C. Absolutely! D. OK!( )10. What the animal ?Its long and thin.A. does, do B. is, like C. are, doing D. does, look like( )11. There are many of traffic accidents, but first of all, we must keep the rules.A. reasons B. causes C. examples D. situations( )12. John is ready others, so we all like him.A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help( )13. Its nice of you .A. to do something for Project HopeB. do something for Project HopeC. have done something for Project HopeD. doing something for Project Hope( )14. Is there any food in the fridge?No. There is nothing .A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. have( )15. We can protect animals in danger if we give them to live.A. safe somewhere B. a safe placeC. somewhere safe D. a safe somewhere( )16. A car accident last night and a girl was hurt badly.A. took place B. happened C. take place D. happen( )17. Hes angry with me, isnt he? .A. I hope not B. I hope so C. I dont hope so D. Yes, I hope( )18. The resuly of the survey that students know a lot about Lao She.A. says B. tells C. shows D. reads( )19. The today is easier and more comfortable than that in the past.A. live B. living C. life D. lives( )20. The Anti-Japanese War in 1945. Which of the following is WRONG?A. ended B. over C. came to an end D. finished( )21. After a long rest he his work.A. stopped B. finished C. continued D. went on( )22. I am free , you can come over to have a chat with me if you are free.A. between 8:00 am and 11:00 amB. from 8:00 am to 11:00 amC. at 8:00 am to 11:00 amD. among 8:00 am and 11:00 am( )23. Do you know the Peoples Artist Shi Guangnan?A. mamed B. call C. name D. is named( )24. do you like Beijing Opera?I like it very much. It is very interesting.A. How B. What C. Why D. Where( )25. When did the story take place?It took place a rainy night October.A. at, in B. on, on C. in, on D. on, in( )26. Mum, I need my sports shoes. Can you them to me?A. get B. bring C. carry D. show( )27. In the film the actor a policeman.A. showed B. had C. tried D. played( )28. There snow in winter in England.A. will sometimes be B. sometimes will beC. will be sometimes D. will sometimes have( )29. Dont forget to your coat. It is very cold.A. put on B. take off C. wear D. dress( )30. In Guangzhou itll be although there may be some .A. rainy, showers B. sunny, showersC. rainy, showery D. sunny, showery( )31. Li Lida is the youngest swimmer the Qiongzhou Channel.A. cross B. to cross C. to across D. crossing( )32. Remember your swimsuits to school, well have swimming class tomorrow.A. to take B. to bring C. talking D. brining( )33. Miyoko went to Beijing last summer and she of places of interest there.A. take many photos B. take many picturesC. took many pictures D. took many photoes( )34. There is somebody at the door. Who it be? Is it the postman?No. It be him. Its just seven oclock. Its too early.A. may, cant B. will, wont C. may, mustnt D. must, may not( )35. Mary go to New England in fall. Which of the following is WRONG?A. may B. will probably C. will possibly D. is possible to( )36. Many rivers the Yangzi River when it flows from the west to the east.A. go into B. join C. become D. enter( )37. I have visited many interesting places in China. And I will travel around the country.A. the left of B. the rest of C. the others of D. rest of( )38. warm clothes when its freezing is very important.A.Wear B. To wear C. Put on D. Wears( )39. Then doctor tries his best to whats wrong with him.A. find B. find out C. look D. look for( )40. Theres rain in summer in my hometown.A. much too B. too much C. too many D. a lot( )41. Linda is a lazy girl, she doesnt at home.A. do some cleaning or cooking B. do any cleaning or cookingC. make any cleaning and cooking D. make some cleaning and cooking( )42. Here is some advice English learners.A. to B. for C. with D. on( )43. There are only 200 people in this small village. Which of the following is WRONG?A. around B. about C. over D. more( )44. A lot of people like to have hamburgers a drink.A. with B. and C. in D. for( )45. Its good to make room for somebody when you are on a bus.A. polite B. impolite C. manner D. manners( )46. Jim had no time in the town.A. go shopping B. do shoppingC. to go to shopping D. to do shopping( )47. You go and see the lion dance at Spring Festival.A. can B. must C. may D. might( )48. Today is sunny but not hot, how about with us?A. go climbing B. going on a picnicC. go boat D. going to fishing( )49. ?Turn left and go long Kings Street, then turn right.A. Excuse me, where is the National GalleryB. How can I get to the parkC. Is there a churchD. Can you tell me how I can get to the museum1. I can understand you. I have the same (feel) as yours.2. The bank is n to the chemist.3. We should try our best the natureour home.4. Please be careful. There is ahead.5. Tom was to see a cat playing with a rat.6. We should do somethime (stop) people (kill) animals.7. We must do all we can (help)the animals in danger.8. His dream is (become) a vet a doctor for animals.9. There are many children (play) in the garden on Childrens Day.10. Pandas have become the symbol for the WWF and the symbol of all animals in danger.(改为同义句) Pandas have become the symbol for the WWF of all animals in danger.11. No one knows the (原因) of the matter.12. He is so strong that he lifts the huge stone with no (困难).13. Can you tell me the m idea of the passage in a word?14. 这个故事发生在一个小山村。 The story in a small village.15. 街道的尽头有一家电影院。 the street there is a cinema.16. My hope is (go) to the teahouse in Beijing again one day.17. Lu Xun is a famous (write). We know a lot of his writings.18. Daming sits Tony and Betty in the classroom.19. My parents work Monday Friday.20. Did you (失去) the way when you went to the city?21. There will be (windy/wind) in Shanghai tomorrow.22. C to China, Japan is a small country.23. Look at the dark clouds, it is p going to rain later on.24. To visit Alaska in July is pleasant. (改为同义句) 25. It doesnt often in the north but it is quite in the south of China.(rain, rainy)26. Its very . I think the is very beautiful. (cloud, cloudy)27. The English usually take u with them when they go out.28. We should (依靠) on ourselves.29. 他今天不可能在家里。He at home today.30. The Chinese eat with c while the English use knives and forks.31. Different countries have different t .32. Yesterday I saw a factory (倒) waste water into the river nearby.33. Would you please not make so much n ? I am doing my homework.34. Doctors say _(抽烟) is bad for us.35. 在教室里你们不可以大声谈话。You in class.36. 在春节互赠礼品是中国的一个传统。 a tradition in China to to each other in Spring .37. When it is (rain), it is rainy.38. The surprising thing is (听说)how many animals are in danger all over the world.39. Our villages and farms are growing bigger and bigger, but more and more animals have no place (居住).40. John is very easy to , and everyone likes him very much.41. He smokes too much, , he has had cancer.42. When you read an English book, try not (翻译) every word into Chinese.43. (幸运), Li Yinming can go to school now with the help of Project Hope.44. The granny lost her book and couldnt find it, so she looked (担忧).45. It is good (礼貌) to accept presents with both hands.46. He (更喜欢) rock music to classical music.


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