广东省博罗县泰美中学七级英语上册导学案:module unit.doc

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七年级英语(上)导学案 Unit 1 Is this your mum? (1课时)主 备人完 成 时 间议 课 时间发放时间上课时间 审核人胡文达第三周第四周第四周第五周梁结彩班级姓名小组学习目标1. 能够理解关于家庭成员的对话和短文。2. 能够简单介绍自己或他人的家庭构成及成员。3. 能够运用知识代词和名词所有格。4. 通过复习,能运用人称代词的主格形式和形容词性物主代词。词汇:aunt brother cousin daughter family fathergrandfather grandmother grandparent mother parentsister son uncle photo these they mum left dad right who woman next husband those bus station hospital hotel police theatre actor manager nurse policeman same doctor farm worker man shop its their 短语:a photo of on the left on the right next to in front of a big family bus station police station bus driver at a school for example family tree句型: (1) Is this your family? Yes, it is.(2) This is a photo of Tonys family.(3) What a big family!(4) My mums parents are on the left.(5) Those are Pauls son and daughter.理解以下语法现象:(1)”this,that,these,those”的用法(2)人称代词和物主代词的理解和运用(3)名词所有格 学习 重点、难点1.能够掌握重点的词汇和词组并能正确运用。2.理解指示代词“this,that,these,those”的含义并能准确表达。3.能够结合图片听出并指出对应的家庭成员。学习内容一、课前预习1.根据音标拼读module 2(8-9)的单词并熟记中文意思。(个人独立完成。)2.完成同步导学与优化训练P21的自主预习部分。(个人独立完成。) 二、课堂学习1.根据Activity1认识Tony的家庭成员,完成Activity2。2.认真听Activity3的对话,回答下列问题。1、Whos on the left? 2、 Who is the woman to Tonys mum? 3、 Who are the boy and girl in front of Paul? 跟读Activity3的对话,并理解它的意思,完成Activity3的练习,然后分组,分角色朗读,最后根据课文回答下列问题。How many people are there in Tonys family? 3. 根据Acitivity1的图片,完成Activity4的练习。4. 认识/h/, /b/,/p/,接着听Activity5的录音,正确掌握单词的发音。5. 小组练习Activity 6,进一步掌握下列句型。- Is this your dad? - No, it isnt. Thats my uncle. - Are these your grandparents? - Yes, they are./ No, they arent.三、课后巩固课后先记熟单词的读音和写法,熟读课文,然后完成下列练习。(由小组交叉批改,下一节课由个别同学点评。)一、 单项选择。 ( )1.Your father and mother are your .A. grandparents B. parentsC. parent D. grandparent( )2. Toms mother is my aunt. My father is Toms .A. grandpa B. uncleC. father D. cousin( )3. My grandfathers daughter is my .A. aunt B. motherC. sister D. A/B ( )4. Is this your mum? No, .A. it is. That is my mum. B. it isnt. That is my mum.C. it is. That is not my mum. D. it isnt. That is not my aunt. ( )5. My mother is next to my father. I am in front of my mother. My father is me.A. on the right B. in front of C. behind D. on the left( )6. My grandparents sit behind me. My sister sits in front of me. My sister sits my grandparents.A. in front of B. behind C. next to D. on the right 二、看图填空。 This is a of Tonys .John is Tonys .John and Mary are Tonys .David is Peter s .Peter is his parents.(填表方位的短语) Peter has a .Lily is her brother. (填表方位的短语) My aunt and uncle are . (填表方位的短语) My parents are . (填表方位的短语) 三、根据你个人的实际情况,画出你家的family tree(家庭树)。


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