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新课标初中同步整合方案 七年级下 牛津译林版Unit 3 Find your way知识要点提示重点 单词 follow跟着, call给。打电话, robber强盗, drive开车, away远离, fail失败 , use使用, knife小刀, work有效, another另一个, stop停止, traffic交通, later以后, surprised惊讶, catch抓住, straight 笔直, corner角落, cross穿过, across经过, join加入, win赢, paper纸张, turning转弯 , towards朝, invite邀请, 重点短语 at once立刻, get a call,接到一个电话 in the end, 最后 fail to do 没能够做成某事,,look forward to doing,期望做某事 plan to do 计划做某事,at the traffic lights在红绿灯前, drive to开车到 , on 4th street在第四大道,run away逃跑, walk past 从.经过经典句型1. The Sunnyside Garden is northwest of the zoo.2. Dont be afraid. Come with me. 3. Paul tried to open the door but failed.4. Shall we take different routes? 5. Justin stopped talking. 6. Can you tell me the way to ? / Can you tell me how to get to .?7. He was surprised to see the three men in the police station.8. The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park.9. They tried to run away but we caught them in the end. 10. I dont think Ill.11. When you come to the corner of the road, turn right and youll see a hotel.12. Walk along South Road, youll see . on your right. 13. Walk straight on until you see the traffic lights.14. Its easy to walk from your building to mine.15. They want some ideas about where to go and what to see.16. It is so cloudy. I think it is going to rain.17. Search engines can help us find the information quickly and easily.18. We look forward to seeing you at our party. 语法要点Prepositions of movement( across, through, over, along, up, down, round)The use of “ will” and “shall”Talk about the future with “ be going to”交际用语 How to ask and show the ways How to write an invitation letter重点、难点、考点解析1.They read a story about robbers in a city in the USA.他们看了一个关于美国一座城市里的盗贼的故事。tell a story 讲故事a story about 一个关于的故事robber n. 强盗rob v. 抢thief n. 小偷steal v. 偷rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人某物steal sth. from sb. 偷了某人某物The robbers robbed me of my wallet. 那些强盗抢了我的钱包。The thieves stole the money from Susan. 那些小偷偷了Susan的钱。2.One day they got a call. 一天他们接到了一个电话。one day 一天(常用过去式,不可说a day,可以用the other day)get a call 接到一个电话answer the phone 接电话3.Help! 救命!help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人get help from sb. 从某人那儿获得帮助want / need help with sth. 在某方面需要帮助help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人干某事ask (sb.) for help (向某人)求助with the help of sb. / with ones help 在某人的帮助下help oneself to sth. 随便吃点什么help sb. to sth. 拿(食物、酒、菜等)给某人Uncle Wang often helps others with their work. 王叔叔经常在工作上帮助别人。Who can I get help from when Im in trouble? 当我身处困境时我能向谁求助呢?Peter told me that he needed / wanted some help with his study.Peter告诉我他在学习方面需要些帮助。Would you please help me (to) arrange the books? 你愿意帮助我排列书籍吗?Hes so helpful that anybody can ask him for help.他是如此乐于助人以至于任何人都可以向他求助。With the help of Frank / With Franks help, we arrive there on time.在Frank的帮助下,我们准时到达了。Help yourselves to some mutton, boys. 随便吃点儿羊肉吧,男孩们。He helped her to some cakes. 他给了她一些蛋糕(吃)。4.Susan shouted. Susan叫道。shout vi. 大声叫喊shout to 朝大声喊shout at 朝大声嚷I had to shout to Tim because he sat in the back of the classroom.我不得不朝Tim大声喊,因为他坐在教室的后部。He shouted at the boy angrily. 他生气地朝那个男孩嚷嚷。不及物动词+at通常带有感情色彩,+to通常没有。throw sth. to sb. 把某物扔向某人throw sth. at sb. 把某物砸向某人I threw the packet to Fred. 我把小包扔向了Fred.Dont throw the ball at the little boy. 不要用球来砸那个小男孩。5.Justin and Paul drove to Hill Building quickly. They got out of their car at once.Justin和Paul迅速开车去Hill大厦。他们立刻下了车。drive to = go to by car / in a car 开车去某处at once = right away = right now = immediately 立刻、马上注意区分:fast:动作、速度迅速的;early:时期、时间较通常为早的;soon:现在或指定时间之后不久;quick:强调行动的机敏。He ran fast. 他跑得很快。He arrived early. 他到得很早。He came back soon. 他很快回来了。He found the answer to the question quickly. 他迅速找到了问题的答案。6.Three men in police uniform ran out of the building.三个穿着警服的人跑出了大厦。uniform n. (C&U) in a police uniform = in police uniforms 穿着警服的run after 追赶He ran after the cat. 他追赶这只猫。run away 逃跑The thief ran away. 这小偷逃跑了。7.Paul tried to open the door but failed. Paul试图打开门但是失败了(没成功)。fail v. 失败,不及格fail in the exam 考试不及格fail to do sth. 做某事不成功,没有做成某事Work harder, or youll fail in the exam. 工作再努力一点,否则你考试会不及格的。I failed to tell him the truth. 我没有能告诉他真相。8.It worked. 它奏效了。work v. 行、成、可以、行得通Does this light work? 这灯会亮吗?9.Shall we take different routes? 我们要不要走不同的路呢?Shall we do sth 这个句式表示建议的方式。类似的结构还有:Why not do sth 为什么不做?How/What about doing sth 做.怎么样?10.Ill go along 6th street. Then Ill turn left into Park Road.我会沿着第六大街走。然后左转进入公园路。11far,away用法辨析far既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,当它单独作状语表示距离时,常用在否定句或疑问句中,其后可接介词from。例如: We dont have to go far if we want help with our homework.如果我们作业需要帮助时我们不必走很远。(P22) How far can you walk in an hour? 你一个小时能走多远? The factory isnt far from his home.工厂离他家不远。 away是副词,一般用于肯定句中,其后可接介词from。例如: It is ten kilometres away from here. 它离这儿有十公里远。 (be) far away from用来泛指距离远,如果具体说明有多远时,应该用具体数字替代far。例如: The school is far away from here.学校离这儿很远。(泛指远) The school is two kilometres from here. 学校离这儿有两公里远。 Grammar(语法)重点、难点、考点解析一、一般将来时的用法:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与tomorrow, tonight, the day after tomorrow(后天),soon(很快),this afternoon(今天下午),this evening(今天晚上),this year(今年),before long(不久),next week(month,year,summer)下一周(月、年、夏天),in the(near)future在(不久的)将来,in two weeks (days)两周(天 )后,some day(将来的某一天)等时间状语连用。也可以和when, while引导的状语从句连用(主将从现)。二、一般将来时的构成:A.主语+be(am,is,are) going to+动词原形.B.主语+will(shall)+动词原形(注意:shall只用于第一人称I 和we, will 用于各种人称) (如果表示征示别人意见则用shall) 在现阶段即初中阶段来讲,“be going to +动词原形”和“will(shall)+动词原形”这两种表示将来时的结构没什么区别。但在现代英语中,特别是在口语中,表将来时多用“be going to +动词原形”这一形式。另外它们的主要区别在于“be going to +动词原形”表示一个事先考虑好的意图,相当于中文的打算、计划、准备,而will,shall则表示未经事先考虑的意图。三、具体实例:1. They are going to play football next Sunday . (肯定句) They are not going to play football next Sunday. (否定句) Are they going to play football next Sunday ? (一般疑问句) Yes, they are./ No, they arent. What are they going to do next Sunday? (特殊疑问句) 2. We shall/will meet at the school gate tomorrow morning. (肯定句) We shall not ( will not )meet at the school gate tomorrow morning. (否定句)Shall/Will we meet at the school gate tomorrow morning ? (一般疑问句) Yes, we shall (will)./ No, we shant (wont) Where shall/will we meet tomorrow morning ? (特殊疑问句)四、注意以下情况: 1.如果在将来时当中的时间状语是in 引导的一段时间,则用how soon (多久)来提问。 Eg. My father will come back in 3 days. How soon will your father come back? 2.There be 结构的将来时:There will be a football match tomorrow. = There is going to be a football match tomorrow.There will be two interesting films tonight. = There are going to be two interesting films tonight.3.有些动词,主要是位移动词可用现在进行时来表示将来时(常常不用一般将来时)。 如go , come, leave , fly, drive, arrive等。Mr Green is leaving for Beijing this afternoon. 今天下午格林先生就要离开去北京。I am flying to London tomorrow. 明天我要乘飞机去伦敦。 4.如果句子中含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句等各种状语从句,要注意主将从现。We will not go to the park if it rains tomorrow.(条件状从)He will call you when he comes back. (时间状从)She wont leave until she sees his father. (时间状从)(before , after, when ,while, until等引导时间状语从句,if 引导条件状语从句)五、典型例题:1. I will be (be) 20 years old next year. (不能用is going to be)2. Tomorrow _is_ (be) Sunday. (表示星期几或日期一般不用将来时)3. Look at the clouds! It is going to rain(rain)soon. (习惯用法)学法指导1 主题概述:(1)完形填空的特点:“完形填空”题是一种旨在考查学生语法和词汇知识综合运用能力的典型题型。它结合了单项选择题和短文填空的优点,既考查词语搭配、近义词辨异、动词时态、句型结构、复合句的关联和习惯用法等,又考查了逻辑推理和事理推断能力。文章的体裁,以记叙文和说明文为主,多为反映生活内容故事性较强的短文,个别也有科普性短文.文章不长,难度适中,全文10-15个空白处,空项间的距离不固定.短文的首尾句一般不挖空,短文尽量避免留空系数太小, 尽量避免设计出相互依存的试题. (2)“完形填空”题要求填入的词主要有:1. 语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词、连接代词、连接副词、关系代词、关系副词等。2. 具有语法变化的普通词,如动词的时态、语态、语气,名词的数,代词的格,形容词和副词的级等。3. 固定搭配短语或词组中的特定词。4. 同义词、近义词等易混淆词。5. 根据上、下文意思及结构必须填入的确定词。可见,完形填空是一种综合性较强的题型。它的突出特点是起点高、容量大。同学们只有具备了扎实的语言基本功、较好的阅读能力及归纳判断能力,才能适应这一题型。(3)完形填空题的考查目的:1. 考查同学们阅读理解能力。2. 考查同学们语法知识。3. 考查同学们综合运用英语知识的水平和实践能力。2 解题指导: 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从后面每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案. Once upon a time, a boy named Dick was born in a _1_ family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold the fish in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some_2_ for his family . When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man _3_ the river and wasnt found again. Dicks mother left her three-year-old son without saying goodbye. His aunt _4_ look after him. Twenty years passed. Dick _5_ a tall ,strong man. He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money. He often went to see his aunt _6_ some nice presents. The woman was very happy, but one day she _7_ in a traffic accident . The young man was very sad. After he buried(埋葬) her, he decided to buy a beautiful tombstone(墓碑) for her. He went to town and came into a shop, but all the tombstones were too _8_ . He asked , “Do you sell any old tombstones, please?” “Yes, we do, sir,” answered the shopkeeper. “Is it as expensive as a new one?”“No, its much cheaper,” said the man, “But _9_ name is on it.”“It doesnt matter, ” said Dick. “My aunt couldnt _10_.” ( ) 1. A. big B. small C. poor D. rich( ) 2. A. presents B. food C. clothes D. meat( ) 3. A. fell into B. fell offC. dropped in D. went down( ) 4. A. dared B. needed to C. had D. had to( ) 5. A. had B. grew C. became D. got( ) 6. A. for B. by C. from D. with ( ) 7. A. died B. was dead C. was dying D. was hurt ( ) 8. A. nice B. new C. expensive D. cheap( ) 9. A. others B. another C. any other D. the other( )10. A. hear B. watch C. read D. write 答案分析及说明:1.C.四个选项都可以修饰family,但是从His father had a small boat和When winter came ,they often hungry.中就不难判断C为正确答案。2.B.四个选项都可以作bought的宾语,但从Dick was born in a poor family和When winter came, they were often hungry.所提供的信息进行的综合分析,可判断正确答案为B.3.A.fall into的意思为“掉进、跌入”;fall off 的意思为“掉落、落下”;drop in 的意思为“投入、顺便拜访”;go down 的意思为“下去、落下”。根据下文wasnt found again 作出的暗示,可确定A为正确答案。4.D. 根据One morning the hungry man fell into the river and wasnt found again.和Dicks mother left her three-year-old son without saying goodbye.所提供的信息可判断D为正确答案。5.C.根据句意可先排除A和D.grow为不及物动词时,意思是“生长、成长”,其后不能接宾语;作及物动词时意思时“种植”;用连系动词时意思是“变得”,后常接形容词。become作为连系动词时的意思是“变得、成为”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。所以选C.6.D.for表示“为”,目的状语;by的意思是“通过”,方式状语;from的意思是“从”,地点状语;with表示“随身携带”,可和后面的名词构成介词短语作伴随状态,所以D为正确答案 。7.A.was dead 是系表结构,表示状态;was dying的意思是“要死,但还没有死”;was hurt表示“受伤”;died强调动作,再根据下文After he buried her所提供的信息,正确答案为A.8.C.从下文Dick询问店主Do you sell an old tombstone, please ? 和Is it as expensive as the new one?所提供的信息可 判断C为正确答案。9.B.others 是不定代词other的复数,其所有格后的 name应为名词复数形式;表示两者中的 “另一个”用the other;any other 为“另外、任何的”;another 表示不定数目中的“另一个”。此外泛指另外一个人 的名字,正确答案为B.10.C.四个选项从语法上讲都是正确的。但根据常识及行文逻辑只有填入read才和上文but another name was on it 才相对应。3 完形填空的解题步骤 (1).快速通读,掌握大意 首先将短文从头到尾跳过空格快速通读一遍,了解大意.必须认真阅读全文,找出关键词,了解背景知识.万不可在文章未把握前,仓促答题.(2).细读首尾,推测意图 一般首句是“源头”,尾句是“灵魂”. 抓住首尾对推测作者意图,把握文章的主旨和大意至关重要.(3).瞻前顾后,初选答案 在通读全文了解大意的基础上,初选习惯用法,固定搭配.并根据语感,前后对照,从上下文中先选出比较容易的答案.(4).每空细读,分析斟酌 逐句精读,逐题分析选项,有些空需要多角度的推敲分析,按照词不离句,句不离文的原则, 从句法结构,词类和语法功能,惯用法,逻辑推理常识等方面进行综合考虑.(5)复核全文,围歼难点 完成选择后,将答案代入短文,再从头至尾核查一遍.看看是否意义贯通,语法正确,逻辑合理.若有疑问,弄清原由,重新选答. 复核这一步,费时不多却很有必要!学习误点点拨1 I want to know what doing next.(错误) I wan to know what to do next.(正确)点拨:这是一个宾语从句中的结构: 疑问代词/副词+不定式。又如: Can you tell me when to leave tomorrow?你能告诉我什么时候离开吗?2 I opened the door use my knife. (错误) I opened the door with my knife. (正确)点拨:这里的用小刀为状语,所以要用介词结构 with my knifeuse my knife 是一个动词的词组,可以与with介词结构进行同意句的改写。I used the knife to open the door.=I opened the door with my knife.3 He swims cross the river easily. (错误) He swims across the river easily. (正确)点拨:cross 是动词在句中做谓语,而across是介词在句中与动词连用作动词词组。He crossed the road carefully.=He went across the road carefully.他小心翼翼地过了马路。4 We were playing football. Would you like to take part in us? (错误) We were playing football. Would you like to join us in it? (正确)点拨:take part in 是指参加一次活动(会议等)。Did he take part in the discussion yesterday?他昨天参加讨论了吗?join是指加入某个团体/组织,成为永久成员。join the party 入党。也可以是join sb in sth加入某人做某事的行列。Can you join us (in) playing football?5 There is going to have a meeting tomorrow. (错误)There is going to be a meeting tomorrow. (正确)点拨:there be 结构表示存在,当这个结构与将来是连用的时候用there is going to be/there will be ,而不可以误认为是开会(have a meeting)这个词组。经典考题探究1 Its time for supper now. Lets it. (2002年南京市)A. stop having B. stop to haveC. to stop to have D. stopping to have解析 选B。 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事。 Lets do sth是一个固定搭配,所以排除C 和D。句意是该吃晚饭了。让我们停下来去吃,晚饭还没有吃所以用不定式。2 Our team _ theirs by the score 2-1in the final football match. (2004年大连市)A. wonB. hitC. beatD. failed解析选C。 win sth 赢 后面接活动:比赛等。 beat sb后面接人/团体做宾语。这里的theirs=their team,所以用beat.3 . -Excuse me. _?-You are right. Youd better take a bus. (2004年甘肃)A. Where is the hospital B. Is there a hospital hereC. What time can I get to the hospital D. Is the hospital very far解析选 D。这是一个涉及问路的交际用语的题目。根据后面的回答: you are right得知前面应该是一个一般疑问句。Youd better take a bus.得知医院较远用far.4-I dont know if his uncle _.-I think he _if it doesnt rain. (2004年重庆)A. will come, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, comes D. comes, will come解析选A. if用在宾语从句中根据句意决定时态。if 表示如果。通常如果主句是一般将来时态的话,从句用一般现在时态来代替。5 -The room is so dirty. _ we clean it? -Of course. (2004年江西) A. Will B. Would C. Do D. Shall解析选D.句子的意思是“房间如此脏,我们打扫一下好吗”后面一句表示提出一个建议。而Shall we do sth 就是一个表示建议的固定搭配。6 Charlie cant go with us because he _ a professor around our company. (2005年上海)A. shows B. was showing C. has shownD. is showing解析选 D. 句子的意思是“查理不能够和我们一起去因为他正在带一位教授参观我们公司,所以根据句子的意思要用现在进行时态。 7-There _ a concert this evening. (2005年福州市) -Yeah. Exciting news! A. are going to be B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will have解析选B。There be 结构表示存在,当这个结构与将来是连用的时候用there is going to be/there will be ,而不可以误认为是开音乐会(have a concert)这个词组.8 I11 give a talk tomorrow. Im thinking about . (2005年苏州市)A. what to say B. how to say C. what can I say D. how can I say 解析选A。 本题涉及的知识是宾语从句的有关用法。选B say 后面要加宾语。选C 结构应该是what I can say 。 9 You will feel _to see so many four-star hotels in such a small city. (2005年河南省) A. surprised B. sorry C. tired D. sad解析选 A. 句子的意思是“在如此小的城市看到这么多的四星级的酒店你会感到惊讶。惊讶应该用surprised来表示。10 My watch is broken. I want to know how to make it _.(2005年黑龙江) A. work B. to work C. walking D. to walk解析 选A。 make sb do sth 这个结构的意思是:使。做。这里的work是正常运转的意思。基础训练I单项选择1. -Whats wrong with your clock? - It doesnt _.A. walkB. goC. doD. work2. Shall we go there_?A. by airB. by a planeC. on planeD. on planes3. Taiwan is _ of China.A. to the southeastB. southeastC. in the southeastD. on the southeast4.Daniel _ to London in a week.A. goesB. is goingC. will goesD. went5. It is said that there _ a new film tomorrow evening.A. is going to haveB. will haveC. has D. is going to be6. Its only ten _ walk from the bus station to the hotel.A. minute B. minutes C. minutes D. minutes7 -Whats in the box? -_.A. Nothing B. None C. No one D. No8. When and where shall we meet? Ill wait _ you _ the school gate _ 8 oclock.A.for, at, at B. for, in, in C. at, at, at D. for, at, in9. My father told me _ go near the windflowers.A. dont B. / C. not D. not to 10. Look! The ship from France to England is going _ the Channel.A. throughB. acrossC. overD. inII用所给词的正确形式填空。1. We are looking forward to _( see ) you . 2. Can you use a knife (open) to box?3. The map shows you how (get) to the Sunshine Park.4 He was _( surprise ) to see a man in the dark room.5.This is the (twin) room. Its very nice.6.We are looking for some (information) on the Internet.7.Who can answer the (follow) questions?8.We would like you two (come) to our party.9.The (wool) sweater belongs to me.10. The students _( not go ) to the Great Wall tomorrowIII 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1 我们将于什么时候举行晚会呢?_ _ we _ the party?2、为什么不从不同的路线爬山呢? Why not to climb up the hill?3、下课了,同学们走出了教室。Class is over. The students walk the classroom.4、一直走,直到你看到红绿灯。 you see the traffic lights5向右拐,你就会发现它。 ,and youll find it . ( )1.Jim, doesnt forget to bring your book here tomorrow. A B C D( )2.Can you see the twins school bag under the desk? A B C D( )3. .We are looking forward to go out. A B C D( )4.We can see some oranges in the tree. A B C D( )5.They jumped out of the Van and run away. A B C D( )6.Its easy walking from your building to mine. A B C D( )7.The train must go across the tunnel because its very dark outside now. A B C D ( )8.We often go swimming in summer when its warm and sun. A B C D( )9 Its easy and quick to get a information from Intemet . A B C D( )10.Paul tried to open the door and failed. A B C DII完形填空 Jack lost(丢失)his job last week. It was difficult for him to find another 11 . 12 told him that was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers(公里) 13 . He decided (决定) to get there 14 . So he went to the railway station and got_1_5_ a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a man came in 16 a gun and said to him,“Your money 17 your life!” Jack sat there without 18 up. “I 19 any money.”Jack answered“Then why are you so afraid of me?” the man asked angrily.“Because I 20 you were the conductor(列车员), and I didnt buy a ticket.”answered Jack.( ) 11Awork Bjobs Cones Done( ) 12ANobody BSomebody CAnybody DNo one( ) 13Afrom Bfarther Caway Doff( ) 14A,by bike Bon foot Cby train Dby bus( ) 15Aoff Bon Cup Dto ( ) 16Awith Bhas Chave Dto ( )17Abut Band Cso Dor( ) 18Astands Bstanding Cstood Dstand( )19Adont have Bhave no Cdidnt have Dhad( ) 20 Aknow Bdidnt know Cthink DthoughtIII、阅读理解。(A)Everybody has a home .People have homes. Animals have homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of homes, too.Some animals live in holes(洞)under the ground . The woodchuck(土拨鼠) lives under the ground .His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other . Some animals live


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