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Unit 7 Mind and memory词汇和短语:1,weak , adj (能力)弱的,差的,可以指身体虚弱的或差的; be weak in at 在。方面差的 The illness made him weak . 疾病让他变得虚弱。 He is weak in scinece . 理科是他的弱项 。2,try doing sth 试着做某事 I am trying cooking this evening . 我打算今晚试着做晚饭 。 比较: try doing sth 表示尝试做某事,侧重于“试试看”的意义 Try to do sth 表示努力想做成某事,强调经过一番努力去完成某事(可能是教难的事) The car broke down .He tried restarting it but failled . We will try to finish the work in a week .3, be connected to 和。相关联 ;相当于 be connected with The gas pipe is connected to with the gas stove . 煤气管和煤气炉连在一起 。4,elderly , adj , (委婉语) 年纪较大的;上了年纪的 The elderly man lixes alone . 那个老人一个人生活。 比较:old 可以用来描述人和物,描述人时指“年老的”; elderly 用来描述人时指“上了年纪的” ,且比old 更有礼貌 ; older 用来描述人和物 ,意为“年龄较大的” elder 用来描述人,多指辈份或兄弟姐妹间的“次第“,不能和than 连用。5,weigh , v, 有。重,重; “weigh +重量 “表示重量是。 The turkey weighed 12 pounds . 那只火鸡中12磅 。 weigh sb sth 称。的重量 Do you know how Caochong weighed the elephant ? 你知道曹冲怎么称大象的重量吗?6,be better at (doing ) sth 在。方面更好,更擅长于。 Some players are better at defending . 有些队员更擅长于防守。7,recall ,v, 记起,回想起 ; recall (doing) sth 记起(做过)某事 I dont recall ever meeting her . 我想不起曾经见过他。 I recalled that he didnt like coffee . 我想起他不喜欢咖啡 。8,be away from school 缺课 be away from 离开。, 不在。 She was away from school yesterday . 她昨天没去上学 。9, kid v, 开玩笑,戏弄; 相当于 play jokes Dont try to kid me . 不要戏弄我 。10,pity , n 遗憾,可惜 ;out of pity 出于同情; Its a pity + that . 很遗憾。 Its a pity that you didnt pass the exam . 你没通过考试真实遗憾 。11, in need 贫穷;贫困 in need of sth 需要。 They provide food for mamilies in need . 他们给有困难的家庭提供食物 。 He is in need of money . 他需要钱。12,pick up 捡起,拾起,整理 ; pick sb up 接某人,乘车搭载某人 She picked up the books on the ground . 她捡起地上的书。13, pass sth on to 把某物传给;把某物转交 Please pass the salt on to me . 请把盐递给我 。14 at a time 一次,每次 at no time 从不,从没 ; at all times 总是,随时; at times 有时,偶尔 。Youd better do one thing at a time . 你最好一次只做一件事。15, stop sb (from ) doing sth = prevent sb (from ) doing sth 阻止某人做某事 The rain stopped prevented them (from ) going for a pinic . 下雨使他们不能去野餐。16, focus v, 集中(注意力精力)于 ; focus on 集中于。 ; focus ones attention (on sth ) 集中注意力 The discuss focused on three main problems . 讨论集中在三个主要问题上 。17, confuse v, 使迷惑,使糊涂 They confused me with too many questions . 他的问题太多,把我弄糊涂了。18,go wrong 发生故障;出毛病19,hear about 听说,得知; 相当于 hear of hear from 收到。的来信 ;相当于 receive get a letter We were happy to hear about of your success . 听说你成功了,我们很高兴 。 Yesterday I heard from my parents . 昨天我收到父母的来信 。20,She did visit him ,. 她确实是去看过他了。 did 在剧中表示强调;在肯定和祈使句中,可以将助动词do does did 置于谓语动词之前表示强调 I do want you to go with me . Do be careful . 21, Each cell is a thousand times more powerful than a computer ! 每个细胞都比一台电脑强大一千倍! . time(s) +形容词 副词比较级+ than 。 比。更加。多少倍 Their garden is three times bigger than ours . 他们的花园比我们的要大三倍。 22, Sound 泛指听到的任何声音或响声 ; Noise 令人不愉快的“噪音”; Voise 着重指人的嗓音,如说话或唱歌等声音23, less than 少于,不到;位于数词之前 no less than 不少于,多达 语法: If 引导的条件状语从句 If 的意思是“如果”, 它引导的从句用于陈述一个条件,所以我们把if引导的从句叫做条件状语从句。 If引导的条件状语从句有三种用法:一, if从句 + 祈使句; If you are ready , Please call me . If you want to get there on time , hurry up .二, if从句(一般现在时) + 主句 (一般现在时 ); 意义: 如果. 就. ; 表示条件成立必然有某种结果,常用于描述客观现象,定律等。 If you put the stone in water , it sinks .三, if从句(一般现在时) + 主句 (一般将来时 )。意义: 如果. 就会. ;表示如果条件成立,就会有某种结果,表示可能性。 If you take more exercise , you will be fit . If you go to bed too late , you wont sleep well .注意: if从句课位于主句之前或之后, 若位于主句之前时,常用逗号和主句隔开 。练习:Reading A :一, 单词拼写;1, You should do more exercise .You look very w_ .2, L_ memory means things happened a long time ago kept in mind .3, B_ is the most important part of our body .4, The students were asked to put the sentences in the correct o_ according to the picture .5, Its too dangerous for an e_- person to climb a tree .二, 单项选择;1, We are going to hold a meeting _ the topic of keeping healthy . A. on B. in C. at D. of 2, The leaves _ yellow in autumn . A. get B. turn C.grow D. fall 3, She is a nurse .She works _ . A. in hospital B. at hospital C. in the hospital D. with the hospital4, I tired harder _- English ,but I couldnt pass the exam ,either .A. studying B. studied C. studies D. to study5, If you put ice in a warm water ,it _ into water . A. turn B. turns C. will turn D. is turning 三, 完成句子;1, 很久以前,地球上到处是恐龙 。 There were dinosaurs everywhere on Earth _ _ _ _ .2, 当你老了,身体就会出现毛病。 The body starts to _ _ when you _- _ .3, 我爷爷 不认识我了,他失去了记忆。 My grandpa cant remember me any longer , hes _ _ _ .4, 我刚听到他被解雇的事 。 Ive just _ _ his dismissal .5, 我尝试回忆过去的事,但我失败了。 I _ _ things in the past ,but I failed .Reading B:一, 单词拼写;1, Students are always a_ in P.E class .2, Computers can s_ plenty of information and we can take it out when needed .3, You should eat and exercise r_ if you want to keep healthy .4, The white maters in our brains pass message within the nervous s_ .5, N_ , the temperature of our body is 36.8。C二, 选词填空 Billions of call a lot just like lose memory 1, There is another name of Guangzhou _ Goats City .2, _ cells are inside your brain .3, Thanks _ for helping me manage the problem .4, My teacher is nice to me _ my mother is kind to me .5, If you _ , you will forget all the things happened in the past .三, 完成句子1, 我们的新学校是旧学校的两倍大。 Our new school is _ _ _ _ the old one .2, 那些机器每天帮助我们完成大量的工作。 The machines _ us _ plenty of work every day .3, 正常情况下,那个名叫约翰的小男孩会在早上六点钟上街卖报。 _ , the little boy _ John goes to sell newspapers in the street at 6 in the morning .4, 人类需要新鲜的空气正如鱼需要干净的水。 Human beings need fresh air _- _ fishes need clean water .5, 教堂离我们的学校很近。 The church _ _ _ our school .Listening :一, 单项选择1, If he _ back , _ him at once . A. come , tell B. comes , tell C. comes , will tell D. will come ,will tell 2, I will send the personal introduction of tje famous artist _ five minutes . A. on B. in C. at D. before 3, Im too frightened .I dont know _ to deal with the problem now . A. what B. where C. when D. how 4, The glass vase _ if it drops to the ground . A. breaks B. break C. broke D. will break 5, The teacher tells the students to remember _ the lights before they leave the classroom . A.turn off B. to turn off C. turning off D. to turning off 二, 完成句子1, 如果你不多做练习,你将会在一个月内忘记这些单词。 If you dont do more exercises , you _ _ these words _ a month .2, 在90多岁的时候,我们仍会记起小时候的经历。 We will still recall experiences in our childhood _ _ _ .3, 每天人们都扔出大量的垃圾。 People throw away _ _ _ _ rubbish every day .4, 很多人不知道他们以后将会做什么。Many people dont know _ _ _ in the future .语法专练 :单项选择:1, Ill give him your message at once _ he comes back from lunch . A. until B. whether C. while D. when 2, I am not sure if I _ time this weekend .If I _ time . Ill go with you . A. have , have B. have , will have C. will have , have D. will have , will have 3, Jim was late for school this morning _ he missed the bus . A. though B. because C. while D. if 4, You ll pass the exam _ you work harder . A. if B. when C. but D. though 5, David gave me a note while I _ in the library . A. am reading B. was reading C. read D. will read 6, He hasnt told me if he _ . Ill telephone you if he _ . A. will come, comes B. will come , will come C. comes, will come D. comes , comes 7, I didnt go to buy the dictionary yesterday _ I had no time . A. until B. because C. if D. before 8, _ you eat too much of that meat ,you may fall ill . A. so B. Though C. If D. When 9, I didnt go to school yeaterday _ I was terribly ill . A. because B. if C. and D. so 10, Kates mothers leg was badly hurt ,_ she had to take care of her . A. but B. or C. because D. so 11, I was walking along the street _ I heard a cry from behind . A. when B. before C. while D. if 12, Youll be late _ you dont get up early tomorrow morning . A. if B. when C. before D. until 13, Water _ into ice if the temperature _ below zero . A. will turn ,will be B. will ture , is C. ture , will be D. tures ,is 14, He asked us _ we enjoyed our holiday or not .A. if B. whether C. when D. that 15, Mike wants to know if _ a picnic tomorrow . Yes, But if it _ , well visit the museum instead .A. you have , will rain B. you will have , will rain C. you will have , rains D. will you have , rains Skeaking and Writing :一, 单词拼写1, The view was so t_ that I didnt want to leave .2, He is just k_ . It is not true .3, Lily often finds an e_ for not doing her homework .4, What a p_ ! You cant go travellinf with us .5, Its e_ seven oclock now. We have to hurry to school ,or we will be late .二 , 单项选择1, I have much housework _ because the Spring Festival is coming . A. do B. does C. to do D. doing 2, You look so _ , Is there anything wrong with you? A. terribly B. thin C. happily D. happy 3, Lily caught a bad cold yesterday .She cant go for a picnic . _. I hope shell get wel soon . A. It doesnt matter . B. You are welcome . C. It sounds good ! D. What a pity ! 4, People _ plenty of information _ the computer and take it out when they need it . A. put , to B. put , in C. store , in D. store , to 5, The company is always ready to help people _ . A. on need B. in need C. in needed D. in needing 三 完成句子1, 自私的人总是把好的东西留给自己。 Selfish people always _ good things _ _ .2, 他毕业之后马上去了美国。 He went to America immediately after _ _ .3, 女孩子们总是想着如何减肥。 Girls always think about how to _ _ .4, 这个小男孩吃太多的巧克力以致体重很快增加。 The little boy ate so much chocolate that he _ _ _ quickly .5, 另找时间吧, 我今天有很多事要做 。 _ _ _ . I have too many things to do today .More Practice :一, 单词拼写:1, Many people are in danger in the accident .We must i_ action .2, I dont know the m_ of this word .I have to look it up in the dictionary .3, Water is the most n_ thing fro human beings .4, You are wise enough to _ (预防) a serious accident .5, What he said c_ me . I really didnt understand his words .二, 单项选择:1, Id like two _ for breakfast . A. piece of bread B. piece of breads C. pieces of bread D. pieces of breads 2, Either she or I _ going to attend the meeting . A. am B. is C. are D. were 3, _ morning exercises makes us healthy .A. Do B. To do C. Does D. Doing 4, Nobody can prevent us _ .A. get married B. to get married C. getting married D. got married 5, Teachers should focus students attention _ the class .A. in B. on C. at D. with 三,完成句子:1, 如果你每次搬两个箱子,你很快就可以完成这项工作。 If you carry two boxes _ _ _ , you will complete the work soon .2, 读好书对你一生都有好处。 Studying well is good for _ _ _ _ _ .3, 每天喝足够的水对人的身体是有好处的。 Drinking _ _ water every day is _ for our health .4, 老师要求同学们把注意力集中在黑板上。 The teacher asked the stdents to _ _ _ _ the blackboard .5, 太可惜了,他们把这条项链分成了两部分。_ _ _ ! They divided the necklace _ two parts .


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