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Book 6 Unit 1参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ABCDB 5-10 CACDB 11-15 CDACA 16. including 17. it 18. a 19. other 20. broader 21. referred 22. where 23. as 24. Although / Though 25. imaginative 26-30 DBAAC 31-35 ACCBA 36-40 AACDD 41-45 DDBCA 46-50 BAEFC 基础写作One possible version: Being the largest museum of art in Macao, the Macao Museum of Art covers an area of 10,192 square metres, of which about 4,000 square metres are exhibition areas. As a museum located in Macao, a famous historical city having both Asian and Western characteristics, what it wants to display here is the taste with the speciality of traditional oriental culture combined with the artistic flavour of the Western civilization. Its collections mainly include the series of early Western paintings, the contemporary art of Macao, poster designs and photographic works, which exactly reflect the history and culture, as well as art development, of Macao. Besides those exhibitions of long-term collections, it also holds exhibitions of many different types exchanged with other nations and regions from time to time. In addition to that, many different artistic activities and art classes for children are held frequently in it in order to meet the needs of those who are interested in these subjects.读写任务One possible version:Some people support city cops driving away street traders because they place more importance on safeguarding the citys image while others argue that it is more important to maintain that pattern of selling which brings us convenience. In my opinion, common citizens living is the best reflection of a citys image. The government cannot simply drive away street traders and pretend that the city is clean and prosperous. We should try to face and solve social problems instead of ignoring or escaping from them. It is great if we can both guarantee peoples living and the citys image, but living is always No. 1 concern at any time.At present, there are some reports about violent conflicts between city cops and street traders. The problem of street vending is a social-economic problem which cannot just be solved by those violent measures adopted by city cops. So to solve this problem every body must contribute in whatever small ways. When we stop buying from the streets, these guys will try to find other places of better advantage or places in legally designated market.部分解析完形填空话题:人际关系本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者为一位临终的病人和她的姐妹们举办的一个冰激凌聚会。1. A 。由文章第一句enjoy the tiniest moments that make the biggest memories和when she was having a foot rub 可推断,当作者给一位病人进行足部按摩的时候,病人应该是在“微笑(smiled)”。2. B。3. C。由文章第一句Being a home hospice volunteer 可知,作者是在家里对病人进行临终关怀,那么这个花园应该是病人家里的花园。病人已经两年多没有出去“看看(see)”自己的花园了。作者拍了花园的照片给病人看,病人应该非常“高兴(delight)”。4. D。由第四段的There was laughter and delight in the room 可知,作者为临终的病人买了冰激凌,给她和她的姐妹们带来了快乐。And sometimes . for them 这句话的意思是:有时候,总有机会为她们做一些能让她们“开心(fun)”的事情。5. B。由上一句wanted to know more about it very much 可知,这几位老太太对新开的冰激凌商店很感兴趣,因此作者“许诺(promised)”下次再来的时候,如果天气足够热,将请她们吃冰激凌。6. C。正如作者和老人们所“期待(expected)”的,天气果真很热。7. A。作者在冰激凌店“抄下了(wrote)”冰激凌的所有口味,然后到达了几位老太太的家里。8. C。9. D。然后作者坐下来,给老太太们读冰激凌的口味列表。姐妹们“想象着(imagined)”每一种冰激凌的味道,最后她们做出了买哪种口味的“ 决定(decisions)”。10. B。11. C。买好了冰激凌之后,作者快速地回到了病人的“家里(house)”,希望冰激凌没有“融化(melt)”。12. D。由the ice cream Id bought was too much for them 可知,老太太们在“抱怨(complained)”冰激凌买得太多了。13. A。正如人们通常吃冰激凌一样,“尝了(taste)”一口还想吃下一口。14. C。由There was laughter and delight 可知,屋子里充满了欢笑和快乐,屋里坐的仿佛是一群“活泼的(lively)”女学生。15. A。但是那个大热天冰激凌聚会的“景象(image)”却会永远留在作者的记忆中。语法填空16. including。考查非谓语动词。分词作定语,表主动。17. it。考查代词。代词it代指上文的Architecture。18. a。 考查冠词。 in a way 意思是“在某种程度上”。19. other。 考查代词。根据performing arts与上文的Music, theatre, film, dance的关系可知答案。20. broader。 考查形容词的比较级。根据句子意思及上下文的逻辑关系可知答案。21. referred。考查谓语动词。根据关键词Until the 17th century及下文的was not differentiated可知这里要用一般过去时。22. where。 考查定语从句。根据句子意思及结构可知答案。23. as。 考查介词。be seen as “被视为”。24. Though/Although。 考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系可知答案。25. imaginative。 考查词形变换。形容词imaginative修饰名词skill。阅读理解A篇(社会)本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一场迟到了七十年的班级聚会。26. D。细节理解题。由文章第二段中的内容可知,Pegnataro是James Hillhouse 中学1943届的毕业生,而珍珠港被袭是在1941年,所以他那时还是一个中学生。27. B。推理判断题。由后面的he introduced her to each of his classmates可以推知,他非常高兴带着自己的妻子来参加聚会并且将她介绍给他的每一位同学。28. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中Pegnataro所说的“Though we had been separated for so many years, the war brought my class closer together”可知,在Pegnataro看来,战争有其两面性,同学们因为战争而失散多年,不过战争也让同学们的心贴得更紧了。29. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中Pegnataro所说的“And the 70th reunion was a very important event in our lives”可知,这次聚会对Pegnataro和他的同学们来说意义非同一般。30. C。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了一场迟到了七十年的班级聚会,但是它的意义却非同一般,故用An unusual party作为标题最恰当。B篇(社会)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了人们进行闲谈的对象、场合以及时间。31. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的waitresses and hairdressers often make small talk with their customers可知,你在理发的时候最有可能与理发师闲聊。32. C。词义猜测题。由第三段中的最后一句In other words, they are expected to walk around and talk with others可知,Mingling表示人们在聚会上走来走去相互交谈,故Conversation与之意思最为贴近。33. C。段落大意题。根据in places where,in a doctors waiting room,office等关键信息可知,第三段主要谈论了人们进行闲谈的几种场合。34. B。写作手法题。作者在最后一段中通过几个例子说明了人们进行闲谈的恰当时间。35. A。推理判断题。由第一段中的It helps to fill time between people when it is completely quiet可知,闲聊可以帮助人们打破沉默。C篇(艺术)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了十七世纪荷兰绘画大师约翰内斯维米尔(Johannes Vermeer)的重要作品戴珍珠耳环的少女。36. A。推理判断题。由第一段中的it was not accepted by other artists until two centuries later可知,这幅画刚刚完成的时候并不受欢迎。37. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的最后一句No one knows exactly why she is wearing such a mysterious smile和第四段中的only the smile of Mona Lisa can be comparable可知,戴珍珠耳环的少女这幅画中少女的微笑使其作为“北方的蒙娜丽莎”而闻名。38. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的The main reason for this is that he produced a small number of paintings可知,Johannes Vermeer在他那个时代并不出名的原因是他的作品太少了。39. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的All his works are admired for the proper use of light and color可知,Johannes Vermeer在他的作品中善于运用光线和色彩。40. D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了戴珍珠耳环的少女这幅画的特点及其影响力。D篇(环境)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一项新的研究发现:未被人体吸收的抗抑郁药物进入河水之后会造成一定的危害。41. D。写作目的题。根据第一段末句Nobody is sure what effect they have和第二段可知,本文主要介绍了一项关于药物污染河水的研究结果,故选D项。42. D。推理判断题。由第五段中的The concentrations of the drug were the same to those found in the river可知,研究人员把这种抗抑郁药加入到鱼缸里是为了模仿鲈鱼的生存环境。43. B。细节理解题。由第六段中的They became more unsociable可知,鲈鱼变得不爱群居,更喜欢自己活动。44. C。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的内容可知,小鲈鱼变得大胆以后,很可能会被大鱼吃掉,故选C项。 45. A。推理判断题。由最后两段中的内容可知,在发达国家河水里残留的药物并不会给人们造成威胁,但在发展中国家情况就不同了。在印度,有的河流中药物浓度极高,可能会对人的健康造成威胁。Book 6 Unit 2参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ACABB 6-10 CADCB 11-15 DDBBC 16. fragrance 17. himself 18. his 19. greater 20. looking 21.would have thought 22.Or23. who 24. to 25. with26-30 ABCBC 31-35 DACBB 36-40 BDACC 41-45 BCACB 46-50 CADFE基础写作One possible version: The poem is written by Emily Dickinson, a famous American poet of the 19th century. The short structure of the poem shows its main theme life is short and unpredictable. The third line explains that many people, when they are young, have great dreams for their life but often seem to achieve so little. The temporary stop in the middle of the line suggests someone trying, and failing, to realize a dream, almost like trying to catch a butterfly but failing to hold on to it. Although the words Emily Dickinson used is simple and easy to understand, her poem conveys a great truth so powerfully that I am deeply impressed.读写任务One possible version: According to the passage, everyone has his own dream and different people have different opinions about it. From the authors point of view, his Chinese dream is to be a teacher when he grows up. Chinese dream put forward by our government, in my view, can be interpreted to call upon young people to dare to dream, work very hard to fulfill the dreams and contribute to the development of the nation. The Chinese dream I hold is that I want to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save peoples lives but also they can help people live a better life with their professional knowledge. Believe it or not, the way to success is difficult, so I should be ready to face the challenge at any time. To realize my dream, I must try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college, where I can prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Only in this way can I accomplish my goal. 部分解析完形填空:话题:人际关系 本文是记叙文。作者给朋友的母亲寄了一张贺卡,温暖了别人的同时也温暖了自己。1. A。由下文作者向她朋友的母亲寄贺卡的行为可知,作者在找不同的方式做一些“善(kindness)”事。2. C。由下文during treatment 可知,此处是说作者的朋友与她的母亲“住(living)”在一起。3. A。由下文the card I sent 可知,作者决定向素未谋面的朋友母亲“寄(send)”贺卡。4. B。5. B。6. C。由上文thank 及a wonderful person 可知,作者“告诉(told)”她朋友的母亲她的女儿是个很好的倾听者,可以“分担(share)”作者的烦恼,并能让作者“发笑(laugh)”,感到快乐。7. A。作者给朋友的母亲寄贺卡后感到有些“不安(uneasy)”,想知道她的朋友是否感到很奇怪。8. D。由下文The text lit up my whole day 可知,作者收到朋友的“短信(text)”。9. C。作者给朋友母亲寄贺卡,所以这张贺卡是她朋友所“读过(read)”的最美好的东西之一。10. B。由lucky 可知,作者的朋友为“拥有(have)”作者这样一个朋友而感到很幸运。11. D。朋友发来的短信让作者觉得很“高兴(glad)”仅凭直觉赠送了贺卡。12. D。由上文my friend would think it strange可知。13. B。由下文的they enjoyed sharing the kind words 可知作者很“幸运(lucky)”,事情没有发展到最坏的结果,而是相反。14. B。由下文的my child可知。15. C。由上文的for raising such a wonderful person 可知。语法填空16. fragrance。考查构词法。形容词fragrant转换为名词fragrance,在句中作宾语。 17. himself。考查代词。及物动词lift后需接宾语,用反身代词himself作宾语,意为“他自己” 。18. his。考查代词。短语make ones way意为“前往,朝走去”。19. greater。考查形容词比较等级。由空格前的修饰词even可知,great用形容词比较级形式。20. looking。考查非谓语动词。现在分词作伴随状语,表示look动作伴随谓语动作lean同时发生。21. would have thought。考查虚拟语气。Were it not for意为“如果不是,要不是”,其后的主句用虚拟语气,表示跟过去事实相反的假设。句意:如果不是遭受着死亡的痛苦,他会以为自己已经上天堂了。22. Or。考查连词。表示选择关系,用or连接。23. who。考查定语从句。因先行词为wife,指人,所以用who引导非限制性定语从句。24. to。考查介词。短语bring sb. back to意为“把某人带回”。25. with。考查介词。表示“用”某种工具,用介词with。阅读理解A篇(学校生活) 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一位细心的老师关怀一个缺乏自信的学生的故事。26. A。推理判断题。根据第一段的I was afraid that my classmates would make fun of the way I read and mispronounced words可知,作者当时担心朗读时会遭到同学们的嘲笑。故可推断她在朗读方面缺乏信心。27. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的I did not know that Mrs. Wilson wanted me to stay inside and read to her可知,Wilson老师让作者留下是想教她如何朗读。28. C。推理判断题。根据第三段的Mrs.Wilson told me that the glasses looked nice on me and that beauty comes from within a person 可知,Wilson 老师给作者讲她小时候佩戴牙箍的事情,目的是鼓励作者佩戴眼镜,不要考虑外在的影响。29. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,和Wilson 老师一样,作者也成为了老师,而且也十分关心学生的视力情况。由此可推断她深受Wilson老师的影响。30. C。标题归纳题。Wilson 老师的关心和鼓励使得作者有勇气戴上眼镜,而且作者当老师后也非常关心学生的视力,故那副粉红色的眼镜就是将师生二人联系在一起的纽带,是文章的主线。B篇(文娱) 本文是说明文。文章介绍了由“哈利波特”女星艾玛沃森(Emma Watson)主演,索菲亚科波拉(Sofia Coppola)根据真实事件编导的新片珠光宝气(The Bling Ring)。31. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的She stars in Sofia Coppolas latest work, The Bling Ring可知。32. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的but obviously its still very present, being played in peoples living rooms 可知,尽管哈利波特是在几年前拍摄的,但现在还有很多人看,说明它现在还很流行。33. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的who stole luxury goods from the houses of the rich and famous in order to copy their lifestyles及They wanted to pretend for two hours that they were Paris Hilton and to live that lifestyle for real 可知,这些年轻人偷富人或名人的物品是因为他们想体验一下他们的生活方式。34. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的I changed the names of the characters可知。35. B。写作目的题。文章介绍了电影The Bling Ring的主演、剧情等。C篇(文学与艺术) 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Elizabeth Bishop 的生平及她的诗歌。36. B。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Bishop的童年很不幸,故选B项。37. D。细节理解题。根据第三段的Simple family life . only an observer of these 可知,Bishop 在Filling-Station 一诗中流露出对普通家庭幸福的渴望,故选D项。38. A。推理判断题。根据第四段的Bishops struggle in a confusing world可知,Bishop在她的诗Sandpiper中所说的“在困惑的世界中寻找”的鸟实际上就是指代她自己。39. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段的It is believed that Bishop is a complex poet who uses her poetry to find this feeling of belonging 可知,Bishop 在其诗中表露出她在寻求归属感。40. C。推理判断题。根据文章首句可知,Bishop 很有才华;从第二段可知她很悲观。D篇(社会)本文是一则新闻。文章介绍了美国2013年年度教师的相关情况。41. B。细节理解题。由庆典的举办地点、参会人员等可知,这是教师界的一大盛事。42. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Over the past 11 years one of the best in the country可知。43. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的greatest achievements和when a student realizes that he or she hasan unlimited potential可知,他很看重开发学生的潜能。44. C。推理判断题。根据第六段中的She says this has helped her work with students who have similar problems at home及第七段中的These relationships are especially important to at-risk students可知。45. B。推理判断题。由第五段的the important role和末段的praised all her guests和wonderful可知。Book 6 Unit 3 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 ADCAD 6-10 ABCDB 11-15 CDDAA16. that 17. was rescued 18.with 19. It 20. surveyed 21. mainly 22. it 23. To overcome 24. a 25.which / that26-30 DABBC 31-35 BDCAD 36-40 CBBAD 41-45 BCAAB 46-50 CBFAD基础写作One possible version: A survey conducted recently shows that about 50% of the students of Senior 2 in our school do not exercise. Some students who stay up late into the night studying choose to ignore the morning exercise so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed. Besides, some prefer to sit in front of the computer or play with cellphones in their limited spare time. As a result, these students tend to feel tired during classes and have bad memories and poor health. In fact, wed better set aside some time each day for exercise,which can build up our body and sharpen our mind.读写任务One possible version: People use mobile phones more and more often and a research shows that it is twice likely for users to take out their phones and check text messages or email if their companions have done so. There is no denying that the mobile phone has become a very important object in peoples life. But I think people use their phones too frequently and depend on them too much. Every day, we can see people use their phones to read news, send information, watch videos and so on wherever they are: on the bus, in the train and at any get-together parties. In my opinion, mobile phones have good as well as bad effects on our life. There is no doubt that they bring much convenience to our life, making it much easier for us to keep in touch with the outside world. However, nowadays people depend too much on their mobile phones. They will feel anxious all day long once they do not have their phones with them. So its high time that people spent less time entertaining themselves with phones and valued face-to-face communication.部分解析完形填空话题:人际关系 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了在一家餐馆里,一对陌生的夫妇主动为两位年迈的老太太买单的故事。1. A。由下文的内容可知,作者受到一对夫妇的帮助,所以她觉得自己是个“幸运的(lucky)”人。2. D。由上一句My cousin has something wrong with her eyes 可知,作者的表姐“看(see)”不清东西。3. C。由下文的A nice young man showed us . 和Then a young lady introduced herself .以及We looked over the menu .可知,作者她们“走进(entered)”餐馆。4. A。由上文的As we 3 the restaurant, we came across an old couple who were just leaving 可知,作者姐妹二人进门时,老夫妇正要出门,所以这里应该是老先生顺手为作者她们“扶着(held)”门。5. D。那对老夫妇也是来就餐的顾客而并非餐馆的服务员,所以对于他们的帮助作者只是“开玩笑说(joked)”没有小费。6. A。由下文的We looked over the menu .可知,一个友善的年轻人把作者她们带到“餐桌(table)”前。7. B。来到饭店,作者受到了不少礼遇,再结合上文的They werent quite as old as we are, but they might have been in their sixties 可知,作者觉得所有的亚利桑那人都乐意帮助“老人(old)”。8. C。由下文作者二人开始点菜可知,这位年轻的女士是“服务员(server)”。9. D。由We looked over the menu可知,作者她们看着菜单准备“点菜(order)”。10. B。突然,作者她们在门口“遇到(met)”的那位太太出现在她们的餐桌旁。11. C。由上一句“Lunch is on me,”she said可知,那位太太说午餐她请客,这让作者她们很是“吃惊(amazed)”。12. D。作者她们都没有遇到过这样“慷慨的(generous)”帮助。13. D。作者她们长期生活在亚利桑那州,已经习惯了这里陌生的人们的友善行为,但是这次善意的“表示(gesture)”却不同寻常。14. A。15. A。作者她们想让那对友好的夫妇知道,她们永远不会“忘记(forget)”这件事,而且她们想让这对夫妇“相信(sure)”,她们也会尽力去帮助他人。语法填空16. that。 考查连词的用法。so. that意思是“如此以致。”17. was rescued。 考查动词时态。根据上下文的语境可知用一般过去时的被动语态。18. with。 考查介词的用法。介词with在这里表伴随。19. It。 考查it的用法。 It 代指上文的report。20. surveyed。考查非谓语动词。surveyed作后置定语,修饰名词students,它们之间是被动关系。21. mainly。 考查副词的用法。副词mainly修饰动词短语come from。22. it。 考查it的用法。这是it作形式宾语的句型。23. To overcome。 考查非谓语动词。To overcome depression 在句中表目的。24. a。考查冠词的用法。此处用不定冠词表泛指。25. which / that。 考查定语从句。先行词是activities,故用which/ that修饰皆可。阅读理解A篇(健康)本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了Craig Beck戒酒的故事。26. D。细节理解题。由第一段中最后的it was damaging his health, wealth and relationships seriously during these years可知,Craig Beck之所以减少酒量是因为喝酒严重影响了他的生活。27. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的continue to be among the best-selling books around the world可知。28. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的As he helped more and more people stop drinking too much, he began to be regarded as “The Stop Drinking Expert”可知,Craig Beck是个热心肠的人。29. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的There is no willpower required by his stop drinking system and people simply find that they no longer want to drink anymore可知,Craig Beck能够帮助人们轻易地把酒戒掉。30. C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了Craig Beck戒酒的故事,故C项说法正确。B篇(人际关系)本文是说明文。文章主要为7至17岁的女孩介绍了一个交友网站。31. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的内容可知,the Circle of Friends Club旨在帮助那些7至17岁的女孩在互联网上结交朋友,故B项说法正确。32. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的It has a special interest search that have the same interest可知,有相同爱好的女孩在这里很容易找到彼此。33. C。推理判断题。由第四段中的At least youll feel safe knowing that your daughters privacy is well protected here可知,作者认为给该交友俱乐部所交的费用是值得的。34. A。细节理解题。由文章第五、六两段中的相关内容可知,只有a、c和d三项说法正确,故选择A项。 35. D。篇章结构题。文章第一段先是对the Circle of Friends Club进行了简单介绍,然后详细介绍了其特点、规定等,在最后一段中对全文进行了总结。C篇(健康)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了“笑”的种种好处。36. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的内容可知,A、B和D三项说法都正确,C项说法在文中没有依据。37. B。写作手法题。作者在第二段中通过举例说明了“笑”对我们身体的好处。38. B。段落大意题。根据该段中的keep a positive, optimistic attitude, feel better等可知,第三段主要介绍了“笑”给我们精神上带来的好处。39. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Shared laughter create opportunities to laugh with others可知,和别人一起分享快乐可以加强人际关系。40. D。标题归纳题。文章主要从三个方面介绍“笑”的好处,即:身体上的好处、精神上的好处以及人际关系上的好处。正因为此,我们应该笑口常开。D篇(语言学习)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了the Gordian Knot这个短语的来历。41. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的an oracle had told in a wagon (a four-wheeled vehicle)可知,传神谕的人告诉佛里吉亚人,他们未来的国王将乘坐一辆四轮车进城。戈尔迪那天正好坐着牛车进城,人们就把他奉为国王。42. C。词义猜测题。由上下文语境可知,在亚历山大大帝到来之前,没有人能够解开戈尔迪之结。虽然很多人都试图解开这个结,但是他们的努力都没有成功。43. A。细节理解题。由第四段中的With that, he drew his sword and cut the Gordian Knot in half可知,亚历山大最后用剑把戈尔迪之结切断了,算是把它解开了。44. A。推理判断题。由最后一段内容可知,亚历山大的顾问们把那晚电闪雷鸣的暴风雨解释为众神对他解开戈尔迪之结的方法很满意。再联系第二段中的An oracle predicted that he who untied the knot would rule all of Asia可知,亚历山大解开了这个结,这意味着他将统治整个亚洲,所以这次暴雨是一种吉兆。45. B。写作目的题。第一段中的How did it become one?点明了本文的目的:介绍the Gordian Knot这个短语的来历。高二英语上学期阶段检测(三)参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BADCD 6-10 ACBDA 11-15 BCADB 16. to take 17. where 18. called 19. abusing 20. in 21. if 22. that 23. it 24. mentally 25. a 26-30 CBDAC 31-35 AABDA 36-40 ABBCC 41-45 BAACD 46-50 BCAFE基础写作One possible version: Written by the Brothers Grimm, Snow White is one of the most popular fairy tales,featuring such elements as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple and the seven dwarfs. The plot of the story goes like this: Having been badly treated for long by her stepmother, a jealous queen, Snow White left the palace. With the seven dwarfs help, she escaped two attempted murders from her stepmother. In the end, she married the kind-hearted prince and they lived happily ever after. I like Snow White very much because it tells us a very beautiful story,which sings the praises of the true, the good and the beautiful and criticises the false, the bad and the ugly.读写任务One possible version: Worrying about their childrens first long distance trip, many parents accompany their children to universities. While encouraged by universities and senior students, some freshmen prefer to finish enrollment procedure by themselves. After reading the passage, I was glad to see universities take measures to prevent parents helping with registration procedure, hoping to cultivate students sense of independence in the first year from the beginning. Are these parents wrong by accompanying their children to universities? As far as I am concerned, we should look at the issue in a reasonable manner. Most of the college students are the only children in their families, so their parents want to show their love by accompanying them on their first trip to universities which are so far away from their families. Im also the only child of my parents who are always in charge of everything. I never think about what path I should take and why. Thus, if I were a freshman, I would go to the campus by myself. For me, learning how to find my campus and finish the registration process is the first step into independence. 部分解析完形填空本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了旅游的一些好处。1. B。由后文的from his computer, his TV, or in books可知,作者的朋友拒绝(refuses)周游世界。2. A。由上文的travel around the world可知,作者的朋友通过电脑、电视、或书认识世界(world)。3. D。联系上下文可知,作者认为看一张蛋糕的图片不能(hardly)体验品尝真蛋糕的芳香和美味。4. C。由上文可知,作者的朋友谈到各地美丽风景时都是转述他人的体验(experienced)。5. D。由下文的He has never felt the wonder of a beautiful sunrise可知作者的朋


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