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中专班二年级期末考试英 语 试 卷 班级; 姓名 分数I.搭配:把第II栏汉语意思与第I栏英语相搭配的字母写在第I栏题号前 I II1.easy A. 考试2.question B. 修理;固定;安装3.high C.丢失,遗失4.place D.最后5.experience E.困难6.expect F.克服7.break G.成功8.finish H.完成,结束9.success I.打破,折断 10.overcome J.期望,期待11.difficuty K.经验,经历12.finally L.地方13.exam M.高的 14.fix N.问题15.lose O. 容易的,轻松地II.选择填空:把方框里的五个选项的字母填到空中。A:Hi,peter. _1_This is the third time you have been late for football training!B:Uh,_2_.Whats the big deal? _3_A:Look,everybody is here.We dont like waiting for you._4_.B:Ok,_5_A: Im sorry,JimB: Im only a few minetes late.C: Im not happy about this.D: Please be on time next time.E. I will.III.用方框里的单词和短语的正确形式来填空:(填字母)A.active B.challenges C. failed D.perfect E.feel sorry for F.reminds of G. notuntil H. gave up often busy favorite stay because play an important role in fact make sure 1.Xiao wang is very in English classes2.With the help of other people, he finally smoking.3.They did_study English hard_they knew it was important.4.He is never afraid of_in life.5.The picture_the old man_his hometown.6.Your answer may not be_, but you have to answer my questions.7.If we dont study hard now, we will_ourselves later.8.Three of us_the English exam last Friday.IV阅读理解。(10分) Is Life Fair?One day,a friend of mine asdke me a question, “Do you agree with the idea that life is fair?”His question was a good one,It reminded me of something a teacher said when I was a high school student-”Life isnt fair”.We usually think that life should be fair,but we sometimes feel sorry for ourselves,In fact,life is not fair and will not be fair.Life is full of challenges.School is the most challenging place in the life of youth today.When we say that life isnt fair,we mean everyone is different,We look different and have different experiences.We cant expect life to be perfect.Life is what we make it.根据课文内容填空。1.Do you _ _the idea that life _ _?2.We usually think that life _ _ _,but we sometimes _ _ _ _.3.We look _ and have _ _.4.We cant expect life_ _ _.5.Life is full of _,Life is what we _ 答题纸I.1-5 6-10 11-15 II.1_2_3_4 5 III.1-8VI.写作:写“体育赛事海报”活动内容:一班和六班足球友谊赛时 间; 6月7日星期六下午4点地 点: 学校足球场举办单位: 学生会


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