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初一下册英语专题辅导书面表达【一、满分作文支招】用你最熟悉的单词和句型来组织材料,通过必要的修改和润色完成写作,这是英文写作的一般法则。具体来说,老师认为你可以这样做:1,用英语先将一个个内容要点写出来,并将写好的句子组成一段意思可能不很连贯,结构还比较松散的短文;2,在这个基础上进行调整和充实。如加上适当的连词使意义密切的句子联系得更紧凑,加适当的过渡句使内容要点之间的衔接更自然,增补适当的开头句和结尾句使文章结构更完整等。【二、易考作文辅导】sb have / has + (形容词)+ 名词。She has straight / curly hair. 局部适用He has long brown hair.They have black eyes.He has a small nose . He has a beard.A、人物外貌描写1、描述人物外貌时的用语: sb is / are / am + 形容词。(整体)He is tall / short.He is of medium height.She is fat / heavy / thin.They are of medium build.2、一篇描写外貌特征的文章,实际上就是要把所描述对象的外貌特征凸现出来,下面先让我们尽可能详细地回答这些问题:a, What does your father look like?b, What does your mother look like?c, What about you?d, Who do you look like?其实将以上所有的回答连在一起,就成了一篇作文。当然,文中的细节可根据实际情况做相应的变动,还可添加一些适当的修饰词。【经典例题链接】根据所给信息向你的同学介绍你的朋友。(60字)名字: Maria 年龄 : 14籍贯: Australia 学校: Apple Tree School外貌: 大眼睛,黑长卷发,中等身材,有点胖爱好:喜欢穿红色衣服,喜欢读书,爱好流行歌曲,网上聊天【参考范文】I have a friend. Her name is Maria. She is 14 years old. She is from Australia. She is a student in Apple Tree School. She has big eyes and long curly blonde hair. She likes wearing a red dress. She likes reading and she likes pop songs. Her favorite singer is Jay Zhou. Her dream is to be a famous pop singer in the future. She also likes chatting on the net. We are best friends.B、写英文日记(用一般过去时)描述周末I was very happy because it was sunny on May Day. I got up very early at about six oclock in the morning. At seven oclock, I had a bottle of milk and two eggs for breakfast. After breakfast, I cleaned my room. When my mother came to my room, she was very happy to see my room was so clean. At eleven oclock, I had lunch with my family. Then I played basketball with my friends. We played basketball well. In the evening, I watched TV and did my homework. I think I was very happy on that day. I enjoyed it very much. A、英文日记Sunday, May 15th Today the weather was cloudy all day. It was good for a trip, so I got up early and went to a beautiful mountain. I saw many animals, flowers and trees there. A rabbit ate grass and it was really relaxed. Later I found a tree. I was very surprised that the tree was so tall and big. At about 9:30, I went to a lake. There were some fish playing in the water. They looked interesting. Then I had a picnic under a tree. I ate some chocolate and sandwiches. They were delicious. In the afternoon, I visited a museum. There were many strange and interesting things. I saw some foreigners (外国人). They were friendly and I said “Hi” to them. That made me feel very happy. At night, I went to the hotel. I had great fun enjoying the nice music. And I talked with my friends about my trip. It was a really fantastic day. I hope I can have a good time every day. B、校规Dear Mr. Yang, Im tired and bored because there are many rules in my life. In the classroom, I cant play chess or listen to music. I cant eat in class. I have to listen to teachers carefully. We have to be in the classroom by 7:05. And I have to hand in (上交) homework on time (按时). In the dormitory, I have to get there by 8:50 and be in bed by 9:00. We cant use (使用) the washroom for a long time. We cant speak loudly or go to other dormitories. We have to clean the dormitory every day. We have a lot of homework. We often cant finish it on time. So we have to do homework in the dormitory. So were tired. I feel very sad and unhappy now. What can I do? Yours, Lin Qinxin C、根据“老四饺子店“(Laosi Dumpling House)设计一份广告。饺子品种齐全,个儿大味美。 2。现有两种特价水饺,蔬菜的2元20个,牛肉和蔬菜的5元20个。欢迎光临本店,地址:和平大道234号,电话:0373-2256。We have all kinds of delicious dumplings at Laosi Dumpling House. Here, the dumplings big and nice. Now we have two great specials. Special 1 has only vegetables and is just 2 RMB for 20. Special 2 has some beef and vegetables and is just 5 RMB for 20. Welcome to our dumpling house. Our address is 234 Heping Avenue. Our telephone number is 0373-2256. Thank you for coming.【五、各单元备选范文】Unit 7 Miss Li is my English teacher. She looks young and beautiful. She has long straight hair with big eyes. She often wears jeans(牛仔裤) and white shirts. We all like her because she often tell us interesting English stories and play basketball with us after class. She is a good basketball player.Unit 8House of DumplingsWe have two new specials. Special 1 has beef and cabbage, and is only RMB 10 for 20. Special 2 has pork and eggs, and is RMB 8 for 15What size bowl of dumplings would you like? Large, medium, or small? We also have orange juice and green tea. Come and your dumplings today! Unit 9 What did I do on Saturday? Well, I went to the supermarket on Saturday morning. After I came back, I cooked some food for my family. We had a big lunch. In the afternoon, I went to my grandmothers home and helped her with some cleaning. Shes pretty old now, you know. After that, we had a talk for a long time. That night, my friend and I went to a movie. It was great.Unit 10Thursday, August 18 I went to summer camp on vacation. On the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. The water was warm and we had great fun. Then the next day, we went to the mountains. There were many trees and I really enjoyed them. On the last day, we had a great party. We sang and danced happily(高兴地). We didnt want to leave(离开) the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to summer camp again(再,又) next year(明年).Unit 11 Im a school student. As for TV programs(节目), I love game shows because theyre very interesting. They can make me happy. But I dont like sitcoms, because I think the sitcoms are kind of boring. I often watch action movies at home. Jackie Cheng is my favorite action star. I like him a lot. I cant stand thrillers .Theyre too scary.I think pop music is exciting, so I like it. But I dont mind classical music(古典乐). I think its for my parents.Unit 12Im not happy. We have too many rules at school. We cant play on the street or go out at night because its dangerous. We cant play computer games on school nights because its bad for our study. After class, we have to do homework and practice English with our classmates every day. Its boring but its good for our study. I never have any fun, but I still have to fight for my dream. 英语写作是一项综合技能测试,需要扎实的词汇、语法、句型等方面的知识为基础,同时也需要一定的写作经验。一个从来没有写过作文的人,根本就适应不了英语写作题,更写不出高质量的作文。这就需要平时勤学苦练,其实很多同学都能做到,你能做到!


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