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六年级英语基础知识总结第一单元(16)课Lesson One应掌握词组:1.一个好学生 a good student 2.知道 know 3.学校的每个人 everyone in school4.遵守规则 obey the rules 5. 早 early 6.听老师讲课 listen to the teacher7.制造噪音 make noise 8.认真的 carefully 9.一位小组长 a group leader10.一张规则表 a list of rules 11. 上交 hand in 12. 准时 on time13. 迟到 be late for 句型:1. listen to the teacher carefully.认真听老师讲课2. Hand in your homework on time.准时交作业。3. Dont be late for class. 上课不要迟到。4. Dont make noise in class.课上不要制造噪音。Lesson Two词汇:1.问 ask 2. 制造 ;make 3. 吃:eat 4. 仔细地 carefully句型:1. Listen to the teacher carefully.认真听老师讲课2. Dont be late for school.上学不要迟到。3. Ask questions actively.积极问问题。4. Dont make noise.不要制造噪音。5. Be quiet.请安静。6. Dont eat in class.课上不要吃东西。7. Dont write or draw on the wall.不要在墙上乱写乱画。(P4)Lesson Three应掌握词汇:1.at school在学校 2.在家 at home 3. 乱扔乱放make a mess4.帮助布置餐桌 help to set the dinner table 5. 看电视 watch TV6. 整个晚上 the whole evening 7. 躺着读书 read in bed8.家规 home rules 9. 保持房间干净 keep your room clean句型:1. You should help to set the dinner table.你应该帮助布置餐桌2. You shouldnt read in bed. 你不应该躺着读书课文:必须背诵下来。Lesson Four词汇:1.应该should 2. 早的 early 3. 回家 go home词组:1.保持书桌干净 keep your desk clean 2. 乱认乱放:make a mess3. 帮助布置餐桌 help to set the dinner table 4. 回家太晚 go home too late句型:1. 你应该阿早点睡觉 You should go to bed early.2. 你不应该在你屋里乱扔乱放 You shouldnt make a mess in your room.3. 你应该保持你的书桌干净 You should keep your desk clean.4. 你应该帮助布置餐桌 You should help to set the dinner table.5. 你不应该回家太晚 You shouldnt go home too late.Lesson Five词汇:1.小心:look out. 2. 穿过马路:cross the road 3. 等 wait for4.绿灯:the greet light 5. 随地吐痰: spit on the ground 6.远离草地:keep off the grass 7.摘花:pick the flowers 8. 乱扔垃圾: litter 9.好好照顾 take good care of10.禁止乱扔垃圾: No litteringLesson Six词汇:1.小心 look out 2. 等 wait 3. 必须 must 4. 好的 good5.尊重respect 6.乱扔垃圾litter 词组:1. 尊重老人并帮助他们:respect old people and help them2. 好好照顾小朋友:take good care of young children3. 离开草坪: keep off the grass4. 在街道上玩:play on the street5. 随地吐痰:spit on the ground句型:1. 小心,你必须等。Look out, you must wait.2. 你现在不能穿过马路。You mustnt cross the road.3. 你不能在街道上玩。You mustnt play on the street.4. 你不能随地吐痰: You mustnt spit on the ground.Revision词组1.在医院前面:in front of the hospital 2. 想告诉人们; want to tell people3. 一条繁华的街道:a busy street 4. 举起他的标语:hold up his sign5.禁止穿过:No crossing. 6. 指着: point to7. 扔:throw 8. 香蕉皮: banana skin第二单元(7-12)课Lesson Seven词汇:1. 日常生活:daily life 2. 起床: get up 3. 每天早晨:every morning 4. 去上学: go to school5.在八点二十:at twenty past eight=at eight twenty6.开始上课:school begins 7. 上课:have classes8.从到. : fromto 9. 带到 bring.to10.放学:school ends 11. 到家: get home12.在3:30: at half past three=at three thirty13.做作业:do homework 14.吃晚饭:have dinner15. 晚饭后:after dinner 16.给我回电子邮件:e-mail me back17.衷心祝福你:best wishesLesson Eight词汇:1.吃早饭:have breakfast 2. 吃午饭:have lunch3. 吃晚饭: have dinner 4. 在早晨: in the morning5. 起床:get up 6. 去上学: go to school7. 上课: have classes 8. 回家: go home9. 去睡觉:go to bed句型:1. I go to school at 7:00 in the morning.=I go to school at 7:00 AM. (我早上七点起床)2. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.= I go to bed at 9:00 PM. ( 我晚上九点睡觉)Lesson Nine词汇:1.高兴读:be glad to read 2. 对我和蔼:be kind to me3.这些照片: these photos 4. 散步: take a long walk/ take a walk5. 读报纸:read the newspapers 6. 浇花: water the flowers7. 在花园:in the garden 8. 和.玩:play with.9.不出去:doesnt go out 10. 在晚Lesson Ten词汇:1. 起床:get up 2. 在晚上:in the evening3. 到家; get home 4. 去电影院:go to the cinema5. 弹钢琴:play the piano 6. 去购物:go shopping7. 熬夜:stay up 8.熬夜很晚;stay up very late9. 出去:go out句型:1. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. (我早晨七点起床)2. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning. (他早上六点起床)3. I dont go out in the evening. (我晚上不出去)4. He doesnt go out in the evening. (他晚上不出去)Lesson Eleven词汇:1. 一个著名的科学家:a famous scientist 2. 和交谈 :talk with3. 快餐:a quick lunch 4. 继续工作:go on with his work5. 有时: sometimes 6. 会见其他科学家:meet other scientists7. 很少:seldom 8. 从不:never9. 出去吃:eat out 10. 总是:always11. 吃饭:have his meals 12. 在办公室:in the office13. 甚至:even 14. 在实验室:in the lab15. 多努力呀: How hard 16. 向.学习;learn fromLesson Twelve词汇:1. 总是:always 2. 通常:usually 3. 时常:often 4. 有时:sometimes5. 很少:seldom 6.从不:never7.开始工作:begin to work 8. 会见其他科学家:meet other scientists9. 吃饭:have meals 10. 在办公室:in the office11. 在下午:in the afternoon/PM句型:1. He usually works in the office. ( 他通常在办公室工作)2. He always has his meals in his office. ( 他总是在办公室吃饭)第三单元知识Lesson Thirteen词汇:1. 每人:everybody=everyone 2. 爱好:hobby(复数)- hobbies 3. 收集:collect4. 邮票:stamp 5.喜欢:enjoy 6. 玩具小汽车:toy car7. 款式:type 8. 色彩艳丽的:colourful词组:1.集邮:collect stamps 2.对.感兴趣:be interested in3.喜欢做. enjoy +doing 4.一种新型小汽车:a new type of toy car5.收集玩具小汽车:collect toy cars 6. 我的糖纸册:my book of candy paper7.真艳丽:so colourfulLesson Fourteen词汇及词组1.收集玩具小汽车:collect toy cars 2.集邮: collect stamps3.收集糖纸: collect candy paper 4.收集图片: collect picture cards5.打乒乓球: play table tennis 6.打排球: play volleyball7.打篮球: play basketball 8.踢足球: play football句型:1. I like listening to music.2. He likes playing football.3. Im interested in collecting stamps.Lesson Fifteen词汇及词组:1.在农场: on a farm 2.喜欢耕种:enjoy farming3.喜欢种花:enjoy planting flowers 4.种蔬菜: grow vegetables5.养动物: keep animals 6.喜欢钓鱼:enjoy fishing7.擅长钓鱼:be good at fishing 8.去钓鱼: go fishing9.一无所获:catch nothing 重点句式;Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but catches nothing.Lesson Sixteen词组及词汇:1.种蔬菜: growing vegetables 2.耕种: farming3.制作工具:making tools 4.种花: planting flowers5.钓鱼: fishing 6.养动物: raising animals7.爱好: hobby-hobbies 句型:1. My grandpa enjoys farming.2. My grandpas hobby is fishing.Lesson Seventeen词组和词汇:1.制作有趣的东西: make interesting things 2.通过画画: by painting3.制作树叶画: make leaf painting 4.怎么制作: how to make5.搜集一些叶子 collect some leaves 6.拿一张纸: get a piece of paper7.描轮廓: trace the shape 8和.做一样的: do the same with.9.完成画画: finish painting 10.用不同的颜色: in different colours11.你自己的树叶画:your own leaf paintingsLesson Eighteen词汇:1.绘画:paint 2.黄色:yellow 3.绿色:green 4.蓝色:blue 5.红色:red6.拿一些颜料:get some paints 7.在白色的纸上:on the white paper8.剪下来:cut it out 9. 把它粘在.上: glue it onto10.My hobby is painting.


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