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牛津初中英语8B Unit 6 A charity walk学习案Period One (Comic strip and Welcome to the unit )学习目标1.了解不同种类的残疾和需求。2.讨论如何帮助那些需要帮助的人。重点难点Words: blind deaf disabled elderly homelessPhrases:P921 train for a charity walk 为一个慈善步行活动受训2 support me 支持我3 Its meaningful to do sth. 做某事是有意义的。4 need some more food 需要更多的食物5 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事6 organize a charity walk 组织一次慈善步行活动7 design a web page to advertise the event 设计一张网页为这个活动做广告P931 people who need help 需要帮助的人2 a disabled person 一位残疾人3 an elderly person 一位年岁大的人4 a homeless person 一位无家可归的人5 deaf people 聋人6 help them cross the road 帮助他们过马路 Notes:1. I dont think youll everfinish your walk,Hobo. 霍波,我认为你将不会完成你的慈善旅行。a.I dont think+that宾语从句宾语从句的谓语是否定形式,要把宾语从句中的否定词not放在主句谓语动词之前e.g. I dont think youre right.b. I dont think句型的反义疑问句应和从句一致。 e.g.I think he is a student, isnt he? I dont think she is a teacher, is she?练一练翻译下列句子。(A)我认为那不是一只小狗,是吗?(B)我认为她没在说谎。2. I need some more food during the walk. 在步行期间我需要更多的食物。a.walk 作名词,意为“步行”常用短语为go/take for a walk e.g. He is having a pleasant walk across the fields.b. walk 作名词,意为“步行的路程”练一练根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(A)我们去散步好吗?What about _ _ _ _?(B)从这儿到医院大约是步行5分钟的路程。The hospital is about _ _ _ from here.3. How can we help blind people?我们怎么样来帮助盲人?blindness是blind的名词 e.g. The boy is night blindness. 这个男孩是夜盲。课前预习根据汉语或首字母提示及句意写出单词。1. He cant hear anything, he is a d_ person.2. We should be polite to the _.(老年人)3. (2008 苏州)Sleep is _(必要的)to health.4. Its _(有意义的)to support charities.课堂互动根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We should try our best to help the _(able) people. 2. As an _(experience) teacher, he always has ways to make his class lively.3. Mr. Kings son has come to China for_(far) study.4. The old men do exercises every day to keep their_(health).5. The government(政府) should do something to help those_(home) people课后巩固选用所给句子完成对话。A: 1 What did you do today?B: We planted trees just now.A: Oh, I have remembered. 2 where did you work?B: At the foot of the hill.A: The one on the other side of the river.B: How did you get there?B: On foot. 3 .A: But what made your clothes so dirty?B: I fell into the river when I was carrying some water.A: Bad luck! Youd better go to see a doctor.B: 4 The river isnt deep and only my shoes are wet through.A: 5 .B: Thanks a lot. Ill do.A. Its Tree Planting Day today.B. Be careful next time.C. How dirty your clothes are!D. Its not far from our school, you know.E. It doesnt matter.F. Water it well as often as possible.G. Summer is the best time for planting trees. 翻译句子:1. 我正在为一次慈善步行做训练。2. 支持慈善是很有意义的。3. 步行期间我需要更多的食物。4. 我认为你不能完成这次步行。5. 我们可以帮助盲人过马路。Period Two-Three (Reading 1-2)学习目标1. 熟悉并理解文章的信息。2. 能通过图片、标题和上下文语境猜测课文大意。3. 理解相关细节和信息。4. 能学会用正确的语言介绍一项具体的慈善活动。重点难点Words: group tough within hill mountain excellent chance mountain excellent training spirit record chancePhrases:P94-951 a fund raising event called Oxfam Trailwalker 一个叫作乐施会毅行者的慈善基金募集活动2 one of Hong Kongs fund-raising events 香港慈善基金募集活动之一3 be known as 被作为了解4 people in other parts of Asia and Africa 亚洲和非洲其它地区的人5 be held in November 在11月举行6 group themselves into a team of four people四人一组进行分组7 tough hike 艰苦的远足8 finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours 在48小时内走完10万米路9 It means that 这意味着10 walk two days and night without sleep 不睡觉走两天两夜11 walk through parks 走过公园12 walk over hills and mountains 翻山跃岭13 an excellent chance 一个极好的机会14 team spirit 团队精神15 plan everything together 一起计划所有的事情16 the teams finishing time will be recorded 整个团队最终所用时间将被记录下来17 It is necessary/ useful for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事。 It is necessary/useful that.18 support teams 支持小组19 keep sb comfortable让某人舒服20 support development projects 支持发展计划21 try ones best to do sth 尽某人全力去做某事22 an experience you will never forget 一次终身难忘的经历P96-971 a path through the country 乡间小路2 collect money for 为筹集资金3 the process of growth 成长的过程4 a money-collecting event 一次资金筹集活动5 think of doing sth 考虑做某事6 take part in 参加7 fitness and training 健康和训练8 form groups of four 组成四人一组的团队9 the aim of sth 某事的目的10 the aim is to 目的是去 Pre-read:1. 快速阅读整篇课文后,回答:(1) Can you give me an introduction to Oxfam Trailwalker? Oxfam Trailwalker is _. It raises_.(2) Is Oxfam Trailwalker an easy hike? _(3) Team spirit is very important in it, isnt it? _2. 跟录音听读课文第一、二段,回答:(4) Where is Oxfam Trailwalker held every year? _(5) Who can join Oxfam Trailwalker? _(6) What is the aim of Oxfam Trailwalker? _(7) Is Oxfam Trailwalker a difficult walk? _3听读课文的第三、四两段,回答:(8) Is it necessary for team members to support and help each other before and during the event? Why? _ _(9) What is the job fo a support team? _(10) What will the money be used for? _4集体朗读课文第五段,回答:(11) What should we do if we want to take part in the charity walk?_5学生再阅读课文,完成书上P97 C1&C2练习,核对答案。Notes:1. Oxfam Tailwalker has been one of Hong Kongs biggest fund-raising events since 1981. 乐施会毅行者是自1981年以来香港最大的募捐活动之一。“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最之一”e.g. Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.2. People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four and join this charity walk.十八岁以上的人可以自行组成一队,四人一组,参加这个慈善步行活动。a.group 作动词,意为“分组”“组成小组” e.g.The teacher grouped the students into a team of ten. Please group them into a team of five.b.group 作名词,意为“组”“群”e.g.Have you ever studied with a group? Please let Group 4 water flowers.练一练根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(A)我们共有四个组。 We have four _ in _.(B)他把我们分成了十个组。 He _ us into ten _.3. Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough hike because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours. 乐施会毅行者是一项很艰难的徒步旅行,因为你得在48小时内走完100公里路程。tough a. 作形容词,意为“困难的,费力的”e.g. This is a tough job.b. 作形容词,意为“坚韧的,坚硬的”e.g. This meat is tough.finishfinish doing 表示“完成做”像finish一样后面只能跟动名词的动词常见的有:practice(练习),mind(介意),enjoy(喜欢),keep(一直),spend(花费),cant help(情不自禁地),consider(考虑)e.g.He is practising speaking Ebglish. Would you mind me opening the door? I spent five yuan buying the book. Why not consider visiting Paris?练一练用所给词的适当形式填空。(A)Has he finished _(do) his homework yet? (B)He is practising_(read) the words. (C)Would you mind my _(smoke)? (D)Tom spent ten dollars _(buy) the pen.4. The trailwalkers have to walk through eught country parks and over twenty hills and mountains. 毅行者得步行穿过八个郊野公园和二十多座丘陵和山脉。through 作介词,意为“穿过”He walked through the froest just now.The sun went into through the window.across指“横穿”“横过”含义与on 有关;through指“从某物内部穿过” 含义与in 有关;e.g. She walked across the street. Two friends were walking through the frost when they met a bear.练一练用through, across填空。(A)Look! The boy is walking _ the road.(B)There is a shop _ the road.(C)He left _ the door.5. It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit. 这是一次让人们了解团队精神的绝佳机会。excellent作形容词“极好的” e.g.He is an excellent student.chance作名词,意为“机会”the chance to do/the chance of doing表示有机会做某事e.g.I had the chance of visiting Beijing. I had no chance to see him.练一练翻译下列句子。(1)我有机会去泰山玩。_(2)机会不容错过。_ team spirit意为“合作精神”“团队精神”e.g.We should pay attention to team spirit in the match.6because only the teams finishing time will be recorded. 因为只记录整个团队的完成时间。record 作动词,意为“记录”e.g.Listen to the speaker carefully and record what he says. record 作名词,意为“记录”keep the record 保持纪录e.g.Keep a record of how much you spend.练一练用所给词的适当形式填空。(A) Listen carefully and _(record) what I said.(B) He keeps the _(record) for long jump.7. It is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.你有必要在这项活动开始之前进行几个月的训练。train 作动词,意为“训练”“培养”e.g. Please train the students to be good citizens.a fewa. a few 修饰可数名词复数a little修饰不可数名词e.g.She gave me a few flowers. Will you have a little bread?b. a few 有肯定的意思,few 倾向于否定。 都用于修饰可数名词复数e.g.He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友。 He has a few friends他有几个朋友。c. a little 有肯定的意思,little 倾向于否定。 都用于修饰不可数名词e.g.There is little time to think about. I only had a little milk for breakfast today.d. quite a few 表示数量多e.g. I havequite a few friends. 我有相当多的朋友。练一练用little,a little, few, a few 填空。(1)He is very poor,he has _ money. (2) I have made _ friends. (3) There is only _ meat in the plate. (4)There is _ water in bottle. Please get it. (5)_ of my classmates are there. They are doing some cleaning.8. Why not try your best to help people inneed? 为什么不去努力帮助需要帮助的人呢?try ones best to do “尽最大努力干”e.g.I will try my best to finish the work.a. try doing sth.意为“试着干某事”。try to do sth.意为“尽力干某事”e.g. He is trying reading the new words. I will try to catch up with others.b.类似的动词有:remember,forget,stop,go onin need e.g.A friend in need is a friend indeed.9. When does Oxfam Trailwalker take place every year? 乐施会毅行者每年什么时候举行?take place 表示有计划、有目的地发生happen表示(偶然)发生,常用happen to sb/sthe.g. Great changes have takeb place in my hometown. What happened to him?10.A support team can provides us with food and drinks during the walk.在步行活动期间支援队能提供给我们食物和饮料。providewith“提供“供给”provide sb with sth=provide sth to sb “为某人提供某物”e.g.He provideed food for us.=He provided us withfood.练一练(A) Ill _ the food for the picnic.A. offer B. provide for C. give D. provide(B)The brave young man _ a high salary to work in the company.A. is provided for B. is provided with C. is provided to D. is provided of(C)He _ some information about their company _ me.A.provided;with B.offered;for C.provided;for D.offered;with课前预习按要求变化句型。1. I came here to return the money.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you come here_?2. Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough charity walk.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Oxfam Trailwalker?3.The charity walk held every month.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the charity walk held?4. I think its impossible for him to finish it in ten minutes.(改为反意疑问句)I think its impossible for him to finish it in ten minutes,_ _?5. Its fun to play with them.(改为感叹句)_ _ it is to play with them.课堂互动选择所给词组的适当形式填空。(每词组限用一次)group into what for look down on be know as take as try ones bestget lost on the way for further information prodivewith1. This street_ the dirtiest part of the city years ago.2. Its wrong of you _ the disabled people.3. The centre _ the people in the town _ fresh milk every day.4. He never _. That was why he failed again.5. -You say you need to see a doctor?_?-My head hurts badly.6. Now lets _ ourselves _ a team of foure and play games.7. Take a map with you so that you will not _ in a new place.8. _, you can contact Mr.Zhang on this telephone number.9. The film festival _ in October every tear.10. We must hurry up. A rainstorm is _.单项选择。1._ is wrong to copy other students homework.A. This B. That C. It D. There2.It is bad for your eyes_ computer games too much.A. plays B. to play C. play D. to playing3. _ go to the theatre together with me?Good idea.A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What about4. Simon lived in Beijing _the years 2002-2004 Aduring Bbetween Cin D. at 5. Although he was a child, he tired to find ways _ people _ life more. A. to help ; enjoy B. help ; enjoy C. to help ; enjoying D. help ; enjoying6. How many members are there on the team?Eight this term. But there will be ten_ next term. Im not quite sure.A. at all B. at last C. at least C. at once7.What do you think of tomorrows football match?_ difficult for us_ the match.A. Were; to win B. Were; winning C. Its; to win D. Its; winning8.Harry Potter is an_ book for children, but my cousin doesnt seem at all_ in it.A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting9.Is your brother a League member?Yes, he_ the League three years ago. He_ a League member for three yearsA. joined; has been B. has joined; has been C. was joined; is D. joined; was10. I_ a newspaper _ the telephone rang last night.A. read; while B. was reading; when C. read; when D. was reading; while 课后巩固翻译句子:1. 我将尽我最到的努力学好英语。Ill_ _ _ _ learn English well.2. 老师通常把我们分成四人一组。The teacher usually_ _ _ teams of four students.3. 十年来我们学校发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _ _ _ in our school since ten years ago.4. 请提供给我们一些食品。Please _ _ _ some food.5. 患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend_ _ is a friend indeed.阅读理解Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey(新泽西)in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店)at the foot of a hill.One year, however, Mr Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around that famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They had expected that they would have to go to bed hungry , because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would take dinner there that night. “Are you still serving dinner?”asked Mr Smith. “Yes, certainly , sir , ”answered the waiter. “We serve it until half past nine. ”“What are the times of meals then?” asked Mr Smith. “Well, sir, ”answered the waiter. “We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine. ”“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London. ”said Mr Smith.1Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their holidays in _.A. New York B. LondonC. New Jersey D. Washington2When Mr and Mrs Smith had a lot of money, they decided to go to _.A. their hometownB. the capital of England C. New JerseyD. a small city in England3They went to London by _.A. seaB. planeC. trainD. bus4From the story we know that this was the _time for Mr and Mrs Smith to go to London.A. first B. secondC. thirdD. fourth5What does the sentence“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London”mean?A. We can go to see the sights of London at any time.B. We have enough time to see the sights of London.C. We can see more sights of London. D. We have little time to see the sights of London.Period Four ( Vocabulary)学习目标1能理解复合词的构成含义。2能根据提示构成和记忆复合词。重点难点Words: 构成复合词的单词。如:class+room=classroomphrases: P98 1create new words by putting two words together 通过连接两个词来创造新词2 add a hyphen between the two words 在两个词中间加上一个连字符3 add hyphens if necessary 如果必要的话加上连字符4 bring a first aid box 带上一个急救箱课前预习英汉互译:1.重大事件之一 6.group themselves into a team of four people2.带者疲惫的身躯走上山 7.walk two days and nights without sleep3.学习团队精神 8.finish a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours4.需要一起走完这个徒步行走 9.keep you comfortable5.支持发展工程 10.an experience you will never forget课堂互动Divide the new words into two parts. classroom pancake raincoat fund-raising toothbrush postmanhomework overcoat headache wildlife grandchild upstairs hometown weekday gentleman football countryside handwriting课后巩固翻译句子:1.我们希望你不要轻视这种工作。We hope you wont _ _ _ this kind of work.2. 咱们轮流打扫房间吧。Lets _ _ _ clean the room.3. 我认为团队精神最重要。I think that the _ _ is the_ _.4. 我想更多地了解电脑知识。I want to _ _ _ the knowledge of computers.5. 电脑可以用来学习英语。Computers can _ _ _ learn English.完形填空This morning I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my _1_ , and I had been doing this for a long time!Mum came into the kitchen asking,” Are you ready,_2_ ?”“Yes,” I answered quietly. _3_ in fact I wasnt ready, really!”On my way _4_ school, I could feel my heart beating fast. I hated this.I went into Mrs. Owens class. She is smiling, and saying _5_ to all her students as she did every morning .“Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked _6_ the classroom.“Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my _7_. I looked at the clock. The class was about to begin. Then Mrs. Owens started , “Sam, its time for you to give your speech.” _8_in front of everybody? Oh, no!I got up slowly, looking _9_ the ground as I walked to the front of the classroom. Then, I looked up , and everyone was looking at me. Mrs. Owens knew I was _10_, so she came beside me, and put her hand on my back.She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his _11_ and I know it is a very interesting report.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam, _12_ did you like best about report on Hawaii?”I thought about the funny things I _13_ about surfing , and I started to talk. I talked and talked _14_ the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great fun. I wasnt frightened. The class cheered as I finished and Mrs. Owens was _15_.( )1. A. class B. house C. party D. hometown( )2. A. friends B. classmates C. Owens D. Sam( )3. A. Then B. But C. So D. Or( )4. A. on B. from C. to D. in( )5. A. sorry B. hello C. goodbye D. thanks( )6. A. into B. out of C. away from D. far from( )7. A. bed B. seat C. dining- room D. reading room( )8. A. Putting B. Being shy C. Stand up D. Do well( )9. A. for B. over C. at D. after( )10. A. glad B. nervous C. active D. happy( )11. A. dictionary B. magazine C. newspaper D. report( )12. A. what B. who C. where D. whom( )13. A. will read B. have read C. am reading D. had read ( )14. A. in front of B. over C. beside D. near( )15. A. playing B. dancing C. singing D. smilingPeriod Five (Grammar 1&2)学习目标1.用It is +形容词+that来表达自己对某件事情的感受。.2.用It is +形容词+to do来描述行为和情境。3. .用It is +形容词+for+ (not) to do不定式具体说明正在谈论的对象。重点难点Phrases:P99-1011 look down on /upon sb 看不起某人2 do voluntary work 做支援工作3 exercise to kip fit 通过锻炼保持健康Notes:1. Itiswasadjforof sb动词不定式短语。对于这个句型中究竟用 for还是用of,一般遵循这样的规则:


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