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【课堂检测】 Welcome to the unit1 一 词组翻译。1 想住在宫殿_7.想要做某事_2 住在饭店旁_8.如此多的饭店_3 最大的一个_9.坐在我隔壁_4 你最喜欢的地方_10.中国的首都_5 梦想中的家园_11来自不同的国家_6 法国的首都_12其他国家的首都_二 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. Swimming is my f_sports.2. The c_of the USA is Washington DC.3. This one is the b_among them,but that one is the smallest.4. What do you think of the country of J_.5. David comes from E_and he speaks English. 6. There are many r_in Beijing.You can have a nice meal in any of them.三、写出下面国家相应的首都。1.France _ 2.Japan_3. Russia _ 4.Thailand _-5.the UK _ 6.the USA_四动词填空。1. Would you like _(live)on the top floor?2.-Where _the children_(chat)at the moment? -Under the tree.3.Millie usually _(spend)her pocket money_(collect) stamps.4.Its not difficult for us_ (learn)about the other countries.5.Look!There is a girl_(cry)in the centre of the street.6.Dont talk.Mr.Green_(give)them a talk.7.-Who_(cook)meals in your family? -My mother_(do).8.How about_(go)on a school trip next week?五翻译句子。1.我最喜欢的运动是篮球。 My favourite_is _.2.他住在学校的旁边。 He _ _ _ the school.3你想要玩电脑游戏吗? Would _ _ _ play computer games?4.英国的首都是什么?英国的首都是伦敦。 _ _ _ _the UK?The _ _the UK is_.5.他是我们班级最瘦的学生之一。 He is one of _ _ _ in our class. 【课后小结(学生)】_.【课堂检测】Reading 一 单词辩音。( ) 1.A. dream B. beach C. bread D. meal ( ) 2. A. palace B. plan C. capital D. lazy ( ) 3. A. cut B. album C. hungry D. study ( ) 4. A. town B. down C. window D. brown ( ) 5. A. wool B. wooden C. cool D. good ( ) 6. A. climb B. size C. inside D. visit ( ) 7. A. wait B. again C. rain D. certainly ( ) 8. A. quiet B. science C. friend D. tired二词形转换:1. She lives with her family in a _ ( wood ) house.2. All the people in NanJing are very _ ( friend ).3. People like to talk with each other in the _ ( sit ) room.4. They want to learn about homes in different _ ( country ).5. Our flat has two _ ( balcony ).6. Do you know whos _ ( lie ) on my bed ?7. I would like to live next to _ ( big ) restaurant in Beijing.8. Frenchmen come from _ ( French ).9. In the _ ( dine ) room there is a big table. 10.Hawaii is one of the most beautiful _ ( beach ) in the world.三、动词填空。1. It often _( rain ) in spring here. But it _ ( not rain ) now. 2. She _ ( sit ) on the balcony and _ ( read ) comics on Sundays. Look ! she _( sit ) and _ ( read ) now ?3. Let her _ ( have ) some water first. 4. The boy tries _ ( reach ) the window. But he cant. 5. Would you like something _ ( eat )?6. Its difficult for him _ ( finish ) _ (do) .7.Sometimes Tom with his classmates _ (play ) sports there .8.The teachers often tell us _ (not play) in class.9. Youd better _ (not play) in the street .Its dangerous.二 选择填空。 ( )1. There is _ important person coming to our school. A . a B. the C. an D. / ( ) 2. My parents _ teachers at this school. A. are all B. all are C. both are D. are both ( ) 3. Its time _ us _ have the P.E. lesson. A. to ; for B. to ; to C. for ; to D. of ; for【课后小结(学生)】_.【课堂检测】Vocabuary and grammar (1)一、根据句意用所给中文写出单词的适当形式。1. There are many books on those _ (书架).2. There is a bridge _ (在.上面) a river.3.He has a nice bathroom with a _(抽水马桶)and a modern_ (淋浴房)4. There is a _ (台灯) on my bedside table.5. There is a hospital _ (在. 的对面) the bank .6. An _ (扶手椅) is comfortable to wear .7.There is a _ (冰箱) and a _ (碗橱) in my _ .(厨房)8. My favourite place in my house is the _ (阳台)9. He has a big room _ (有) twelve showers and four baths .二、 根据句意,用适当的介词填空:1.There is a lamp the desk my study.2. Her printer is her computer.3. He is shorter than Bob and Peter. He sits them.4.The shelf is the top bunk bed.5.Li Ping is shorter than Wu Dong but taller than Wei Hua. So he sits them.6.Which floor do you live ?7.They played a game school.8.Tom asked Kate some phone numbers his friends.三、单项选择: 1. There is an air conditioner _ the window,A. above B. between C.besides D.in 2. Wednesday is the _ day of a week .A. third B. fourth C. four D. three 3. Look ! They are swimming _ the river . A, in middle of B. in the middle of C. between D. behond 4. We will arrive _ Tokyo _ the morning of March 3rd . A. at,in B. in ,on C. in,in D. at ,at 5.We usually make dinner in the _. A. dining room B. sitting room C. bedroom D. kitchen 四、根据提示写一篇题为“我梦想的客厅”的短文。 .这是我梦想的客厅。有一张皮质的褐色的沙发和一张茶几。茶几上有各种各样的水果。在沙发的对面有一台彩电。我可以坐在沙发上欣赏精彩的电影。它一定是干净且整洁的。_【课后小结(学生)】_.【课堂检测】Grammar(2)一 根据所给的数字写出他们的基数词和序数词形式。123589基数词序数词121419304090基数词序数词二用英语书写出下列的数字。50 61 100 908 _ 3,200 _ 8,028 100,261 45,716 3,456,789 _ 三根据句意,用所给数词的适当形式填空:1.Look, there are _pictures of the Great Wall on the wall. The _one is bigger. I go to visit the Great wall_ a year. (two)2. The _ girl in the line is Amy. (four)3. Tomorrow is my _(twelve) birthday. Would you like to come to my party?4. Who came _in the English exam? (nine)5. Today we are going to learn Unit _(eight). 四 完成句子:1.她将在星期六到达南京。She will Nanjing on Saturday.2.他迫不及待地打开了门。He the door.3.他和他弟弟共享一个卧室吗? He a bedroom his brother?4.他们今天早上同时到校。They the school today.5.他在数学考试中得了98分,取得了第二名。 He in the maths exam and .6.老师得办公室在教学楼对面。 The teachers offices are .7.我有我自己的卧室和书房。I have .8.教室里没有其他的学生了。 There are in the classroom.【课后小结(学生)】_ 【课堂检测】Study and Integrated skills一 用所给词的适当形式填空:1.The students are doing a survey of homes in different (country).2.She lives on the floor.(twenty)3.He is very strong. He can move the teachers desk .(easy)4.She looks young, but shes at forty.(little)5. of children dream to go to the Disney World.(million)6.She has than two mirrors in her handbag.(many)7.Yesterday was my cousins birthday.(nineteen)8.Oh! You cant lie in any of the . We are in a shop!(bath)9.He is a polite boy. He is (friend) and (help)10.-Where is Jim? - He is (lie) in a bed.二 按要求改写句子:1.Her blouse is not the same as mine.(同义句)Her blouse mine.2.You say your house is small. I think it is very big.(合并为并列句) You say your house is small I think it is very big.3.That sounds great. (同义句)Thats .4.Who is calling? (同义句)Who is ?5.She sits between Lily and Lucy. (划线提问) she sit?6.Our neighbours are friendly. your neighbours?三 完成句子:1.请找约翰接电话好吗? 2.你的新家是什么样的?What ? 3.我可以替他捎个口信吗May I ?4.我恐怕他们还在打球。 that they still basketball.5.车站在学校的对面。The bus stop is .6.下个星期二我们召开班会。Well next Tuesday.7.在3月8日女教师有一天的休息。 will on March 8.8.英国的公寓真的与北京的不同。The flats in Britain those in Beijing.9.会议室在八楼。The meeting room is .10.请轮流读生词。Please read new words.11.他送给他的朋友一张他卧室的照片。He his friend a .12.我们学校至少有五千学生。There are students in our school.【课后小结(学生)】_【课堂检测】Main Task and checkout一 翻译词组1. 至少 _ 2. 超过_3. 三层楼_ 4. 在第三层楼 _5. 同时_ 6. 没有其他房间_7. 50米长_ 8. 在足球场_9.在一和二楼_ 10.比Wendy高两层_11.比Peter低一层_ 12.洗淋浴或盆浴_13. 有12个淋浴器和四个浴缸的房间_14长着蓝眼睛红头发的一个英国男孩_二、词形转换。1. There are lots of books on those _ ( bookshelf )2. There is wallet _ ( lie ) on the ground.3. The students should keep _ ( quietly ) in the reading room.4. _ ( final ),the baby got tired and went to sleep .5. The pencil is made of _ ( wooden ).6. My comic book is the same as _ ( he ).7. Are those notebooks these _ ( child ) ? Yes,they are. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.There are _floors in this building. I live on the _floor (twenty)2.Today is her _(twelve) birthday.3.Look! There is a purse _(lie) on the ground.4.Mary lives on the tenth floor, six floors _(below) Wendy. Wendy lives on the fourth floor.5.In our class only a few of the students have computers and _(print)6.There is a hospital _(在.对面) the bank.7.The children are running _ and _ the house happily.(房内房外)四、根据提示写一篇短文 我有一个漂亮的家,两层,三个房间,两个书房,两个卫生间.我最喜爱的地方是我的书房。我父母住在二楼.我的房间也在二楼,我的家非常干净.我们都非常喜欢它._ 【课后小结(学生)】_7B Unit 1词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语Page序号ChineseEnglishP61理想的家园dream homes 2想要做某事would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 想要某人做某事would like sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do sth.3住在宫殿里live in a palace 4餐馆隔壁next to a restaurant = beside a restaurant5最大的一个the biggest one (big-bigger-biggest)6在不同国家的家homes in different countries P77美国的首都the capital of the USAP88世界各地的家homes around the world9喜欢坐在地板上love to sit on the floor10向外看海滩和大海look out at the beach and the sea向窗户外面看look out of the window向窗户里面看Look into the window11在一个木房子里in a wooden house12在一条河的上方over a river13爬梯子进入我的房子climb a ladder to get into my house14我家里的老二the second child of my family15经常下雨rain a lot/often rainP916做饭make dinner/cook meals17在客厅/起居室in the sitting room18在六月五日on the fifth of June19睡在花园里sleep in the garden20住在莫斯科中心live in the centre of Moscow21在一条繁华的街道上on a busy street22在第七层楼上on the seventh floor23与某人分享某物share sth. with sb.24和我妹妹合用一个房间share a room with my sister25对某人友好be friendly/kind/nice to sb.P1026种花最好的地方the best place to grow flowersP1127十多个房间more than ten rooms = over ten roomsP1328在和两者之间between and 29在门对面opposite the doorP1530轮流做某事take turns to do sth.P1731迫不及待地干某事cant wait to do sth.32休一天假have a free day = have a day off33那听起来很棒。That sounds great.34担心某事/担心做某事worry about sth. / woryy about doing sth.P1935坐在这张扶手椅上真好。Its nice to sit in the armchair.36与不同be different from37与相同be the same as.P1938我可以找接电话吗?May I speak to ? (电话用语)39你是谁?(电话用语)Whos that/calling/speaking?40询问人或事物的外貌或人的品格如何be like41打电话给某人call sb.(up) = ring sb. (up) = telephone sb.phone sb. = make a telephone call to sb.P2242至少、最少at least43拥有我自己的卧室have my own bedroom44没有其它的房间no other rooms45一个游泳池a swimming pool46五十五长fifty metres long47带有十二中淋浴器的房间a room with twelve showers48在同时at the same timeP2349住在Wendy楼上二层live two floors above Wendy50住在Wendy楼下六层live six floors below Wendy二、重点句子1. Would you like to live in a palace? P62. The capital of the USA is Washington DC. P73. We love to sit on the floor and look out at the beach and the sea. P84.I live with my family in a wooden house. P85.I climb a ladder to get into my house. P86.It rains a lot. = It often rains. = There is lots of rain. P87.The house is over a river. P88. My family and I often sit it the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. P99.I share a bedroom with my sister. P910.A garden is the best place to grow flowers. P1011.The window is opposite the door. P1312.I cant wait to see you. P1713. It is really different from the flats in Beijing. P18 14.The swimming pool is fifty metres long. = It is a fifty-metre-long swimming pool. P22 15.I have a room with twelve showers and four baths. P2216.I would like all my friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time. P2217. Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. P2318.Mary lives six floors above Wendy. P23三、语法(详见课本和笔记)1、掌握方位介词:on, over, in front of, between, next t/beside, betweenand, opposite,behind, on the left/right of等的用法。2、掌握基数词的读法。注:百位与十位之间加and, 十位与个位之间加连词符号 “-”。3、掌握序数词的用法。特别注意:first, second, third, fifth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first等词.


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