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Unit 1Pirates of the InternetTask IGlobal Listening1. A2. C3. B4. D5. C6. A7. D8. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. F3. T4. F5. TEpisode 21. 2. 3. Episode 3 (1) technology always wins(2) software (3) advertising supported(4) radio (5) Ten million people(6) music (7) video games(8) not liable for (9) typo(10) control (11) fig leaf(12) facilitating (13) steal(14) comfortableEpisode 41. Following the music industry and begin to sue individuals who download movies;2. Airing ads about people whose jobs are at risk because of the piracy;3. Keeping copies of movies from leaking in the first place;4. Hiring people to hack the hackers / serve up thousands of fake copies of new movies.Episode 51. Downloading off the Internet.2. 60 million.3. Embrace it and get paid too.4. A bunch of crooks.5. 3 5 dollars.6. Stopping piracy.Unit 2The New Space RaceTask IGlobal Listening1. A2. C3. B4. D5. C6. A7. D8. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. TEpisode 2(1) operable space plane(2) at a cost (3) monopoly on(4) incentive(5) business(6) dream(7) contests(8) a trophy(9) stunning looks(10) technological sophisticationEpisode 31. Nearly a decade ago.2. Turning his designs into models and testing them.3. He sought investment from Paul Allen.4. The vote of confidence.5. Gluing carbon fabric together with epoxy.6. Flying badminton shuttlecocks.Episode 41 (J)2 (A)3 (C, F)4 (B,H)5 (D)Episode 51. It has proved that the small guys can build a space ship and go to space.2. The deal is to invest $120 million to build five spaceships for paying customers. Flights are expected to begin in 2008.3. Yes. According to Virgin Galactic, 38,000 people have put down a deposit for a seat, and 90 people have paid the full price of $200,000.4. His next goal is affordable travel above low-Earth orbit, i.e., affordable travel to the moon.Unit 3New Orleans is SinkingTask IGlobal Listening1. B2. C3. A4. C5. C6. D7. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. F6. FEpisode 21. 5. 6. Episode 3(1) 81 years; Two times.(2) Three generations.(3) Its flat.(4) Land is all that the Fultons have, yet it is prone to disaster.(5) Several feet off the ground.(6) 80,000; $26,200.Episode 4(1) bad design(2) workmanship(3) fixed(4) next summer(5) withstand(6) Category 5(7) doubled(8) billionsEpisode 51. They made the assessment on the site and then Wi-Fied the reports to a city hall database, which is linked to aerial images of every single address, both before and after.2. The total cost of reconstruction will be given to the city authorities.3. Because his own home was flooded and ruined.4. It means that there are too few people to pay taxes or keep business going.5. He is asking the nation to commit billions of dollars and many years to protect the city.Unit 4Afghanistan Addicted to HeroinTask IGlobal Listening1. C2. D3. B4. B5. A6. C7. C8. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. T3. F4. F5. FEpisode 2(1) military alliances(2) private armies(3) drug lords(4) in high places(5) allegations(6) for drug offenses(7) small-timeEpisode 31 (A, G)2 (E, I)3 (F)4 (K)5 (D)Episode 41. To do something about senior officials and governors involved in the drug business.2. To remove them from office / from the country.3. The need to fight terrorism / insurgency.4. Destroy it.5. For fear of disrupting the flow of intelligence. Episode 51. The number of acres of poppy under cultivation dropped 20 percent this year.2. They were promised health clinics, schools and roads.3. They elicit tolls, protection money and drugs from traffickers in areas they control.4. Fighting narcotics is as important as fighting terrorism; It needs to be elevated to a rank that is commensurate with the threat it poses.Unit 5The Global WarningTask IGlobal Listening1. D2. A3. A4. B5. D6. C7. BTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. T3. T4. T5. T6. FEpisode 2(1) naturally(2) mans doing(3) expeditions(4) ice cores(5) fingerprint(6) burning fossil fuels(7) carbon dioxide(8) thousand(9) warmEpisode 32. 3. 4. Episode 41. Land of the great bear.2. Polar bears health.3. A tranquillizer dart.4. Bear population there is the healthiest.5. Changes in the bears fat, dimensions and teeth.6. They can only hunt on the ice.Episode 51. They say theyre no more reliable than the local weatherman.2. They made science as precise as it is today.3. The US cant flip its energy use overnight and its economy might get hurt.4. His job is to tell the government exactly what he knows scientifically.Unit 6The Coal CowboyTask IGlobal Listening1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. D7. A8. CTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. T3. F4. F5. FEpisode 21. 4. 6. Episode 3(1) Nazi era(2) coal-based fuels(3) apartheid(4) gasifying coal(5) pollutants(6) conventional diesel 7) engine performance (8) less than one(10) twice as much(11) conventionalEpisode 41. 920,000; One year.2. He has his eye on the national stage.3. Farmers and ranchers fighting the coal-to-diesel plan.4. Toxic eyesores.Episode 51. Mining companies have gotten around the law in the past.2. Montana has got all the land there that can be used to produce biofuels. It will be competitive.3. Biodiesel can only meet 15 percent of the US diesel demands even if all farmland is devoted to this cause.4. Not yet, because there will be a lot of engineering on the fly and cost overruns for the first plant of this kind.5. The price of oil will not drop back to $25 or $30 a barrel.Unit 7Can a Video Game Lead to Murder?Task IGlobal Listening1. A2. D3. C4. A5. B6. B7. C8. BTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. FEpisode 21. E2. C3. A4. D5. G6. B7. FEpisode 3(1) Aggression(2) Institute of Health(3) developed(4) impulse control center(5) under construction(6) consider consequences(7) urges(8) heightened(9) risk factors(10) upbringing(11) turn to violence32Episode 41. Selling Moore two versions of the game.2. Millions of law-abiding citizens.3. It makes the device that runs the game.4. Its becoming more dangerous. Episode 51. When a new medium comes along, it will be the subject of almost a hysterical attack.2. He cant understand why games targeting police officers were made by the manufacturers.3. They card teenagers in an effort to keep violent games from underage kids.4. They are considering laws that would ban the sale of violent games to those under 17.Unit 8The Star of StarbucksTask IGlobal Listening1. D2. B3. B4. B5. D6. D7. A8. ATask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. T3. F4. T5. FEpisode 2(1) Coffee masters(2) coined a phrase(3) filling souls(4) filling bellies(5) human connection(6) humanity(7) communities(8) home and workEpisode 31 3 4 Episode 41. 1971.2. He felt he was home.3. Adding an espresso bar.4. Coffee consumption was down.5. paper cups; 3 bucks each cup; Italian nameEpisode 51. Its located in Brooklyn. There are bullet holes in the door leading to apartment 7G2. He was from a poor neighborhood and his father was injured on the job.3. He was a delivery driver who picked up and delivered cloth diapers.4. There was no hospitalization, no health insurance, no workmans compensation for his father.5. He offers his employees heath care and stock options. He also pays farmers higher than market rate for beans.Unit 9Rescuing Roy HallumsTask IGlobal Listening1. C2. C3. D4. B5. D6. A7. B8. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. FEpisode 2(1) here(2) like a dream(3) November 1(4) contractor(5) relatively(6) working at(7) ski masks(8) abducting(9) beheading(10) videotape(11) dragged(12) constantlyEpisode 32. 3. 6. 8. Episode 41. No.2. That Susan tried to call the kidnappers.3. Two years ago.4. Because they remain best friends.5. For fear that it would endanger somebody else.6. $40,000; $12 million.Episode 51. He was happy for them. But on the other hand, he felt sorry for himself because nothing was happening for him.2. He pulled the mask off and hugged the soldier.3. They thought the US military wasnt doing anything to find Roy.4. The unit is still looking for three more kidnapped Americans.5. He is back home catching up with his two daughters, his granddaughter and his ex-wife.Unit 10Dying to Get inTask IGlobal Listening1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. C7. A8. DTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. TEpisode 2(1) special unit(2) distress call(3) condition(4) hovered(5) Mexican(6) wandering(7) rationally(8) 17 years(9) refrigerator truck (10) morgueEpisode 32 3 4 7 Episode 41. About six million.2. Illegal migrants in meatpacking industry.3. Over 3,500 migrants fled Nebraska within 30 days.4. Leave the state (before ruining its economy).5. A good story rather than a secure border.Episode 51. Its a $14 million pilotless drone that scans the desert for intruders and potential terrorists.2. They did so for fear of terrorism.3. No, terrorists dont need to come in that way because they can purchase the best forged document in the world and enter with valid visas.4. Their everyday job is to make arrests and drop migrants off on the Mexican side of the border.Unit 11Searching for JacobTask IGlobal Listening1. C2. D3. B4. D5. B6. B7. A8. BTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. T3. T4. F5. FEpisode 2(1) kid(2) 16(3) 7,000 miles(4) bush plane(5) scene(6) raining season(7) sank(8) axles(9) 12(10) government troops(11) 50 miles inside(12) intensifiedEpisode 31. F2. C3. E4. B5. D6. AEpisode 41. 20,000.2. She died in just a few hours.3. They carved them up and threw them in drinking water.4. No.5. Telling the same sad story.Episode 51. He signed a US-brokered peace agreement which never took hold.2. The deal is to give little tidbits of information about terrorist suspects around the world to blunt US outrage over whats happening in Darfur.3. He was the architect of the counter-insurgency strategy in Darfur; Last year, the US sent a private jet to bring him to CIA headquarters.4. Its really a heinous arrangement and one that history will judge very harshly.5. It has been pressing for peacekeepers; Its keeping refugees alive with half a billion dollars of relief a year.Unit 12Working 24 / 7Task IGlobal Listening1. A2. B3. D4. C5. B6. C7. B8. CTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. F6. TEpisode 21. B, E2. C, I3. D, J4. G, K5. AEpisode 3(1) high stress(2) share a job(3) working mothers(4) wives and children(5) in-house counsel(6) referred(7) six months(8) three days(9) overlapping(10) 40(11) 75 percent(12) off(13) on call(14) suckingEpisode 41. No; Number 52. Yes.3. She cant have substantive conversations with her husband.4. They are matter-of-fact about their lack of communication.5. They both reach for her favorite toy, the BlackBerry.Episode 51. He is such a workaholic that he has wired his house with Internet, telephone and television in every single room.2. He loses some days of his kids lives and some of those tender moments with family.3. He is always connected to the Internet. In order to relax, it actually takes a little bit of effort.4. He watches the business news, checks his e-mails and answers the phone; To make this happen, he wired his shower.5. They are waterproof but not foolproof.Unit 13Swimming with SharksTask IGlobal Listening1. D2. A3. C4. C5. B6. C7. B8. ATask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. TEpisode 2(1) inhabitant(2) surfer(3) concerned(4) Three years(5) associate(6) clamed down hard(7) forearms(8) out to sea(9) in his mouth(10) children(11) 70 yards(12) some useEpisode 31. 3. 6. Episode 41. Jaws.2. Nine; 791.3. Because we are on the meal list of sharks.4. being murdered, mugged or killed in a war.5. We may feel whats gonna happen to us.Episode 51. Sharks have far more to fear from humans because our industrial fishing fleets bring in 100 million sharks a year.2. Sharks fin soup is regarded as an expensive status symbol in China; Chefs in the emperors court were once beheaded if they prepared it incorrectly.3. Its fin would be cut off and then it would be thrown overboard alive to sink to the bottom and drown.4. It is hard to police because most of the sharks are caught in international waters where there is no law against finning.5. Authorities there raided several processing plants wined by Hong Kong Chinese. Seven tons of fins were confiscated.Unit 14Felicity HuffmanTask IGlobal Listening1. B2. C3. A4. B5. D6. C7. B8. CTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. T3. T4. F5. T6. TEpisode 2(1) starred(2) TV shows(3) died young(4) cursed(5) work(6) character(7) her wits end(8) touched a nerve(9) harried(10) authenticity(11) parallels(12) vindicationEpisode 31. Everybody assumes all the time that the girls I the play will get in a catfight.2. The catfight thought crept in her mind too.3. Those days they all shoot together were the funniest days on set; The group was wonderful because they were all grateful professionals who work hard.4. She was loud and obnoxious; Her mother threatened to send her to an acting camp.Episode 43. 5. 6. Episode 51. Two (girls).2. No, she resents the question.3. Its the best thing in my whole life.4. She doesnt know if she is a good mother.5. A more exclusive club of big actors.Unit 15Living LargeTask IGlobal Listening1. A2. B3. B4. B5. A6. B7. D8. CTask IIListen for DetailsEpisode 11. T2. F3. T4. T5. FEpisode 2(1) temporary moratorium(2) $726,000(3) 1,100 square feet(4) combined(5) 3,000(6) on both floors(7) triple(8) freedom(9) legislate taste(10) when and how(11) their life savings(12) jealousy(13) haves and have-notsEpisode 31. C2. I, J3. B4. F5. EEpisode 41. The sheer magnitude of the demand for ever-large living space.2. Robin, her husband and son, a dog named Coco and her cat.3. The old world style.4. Houston; 6,800 square feet; Yes.5. No; Six. Episode 51. The house has a huge entranceway somewhere between the US Capitol and a good-sized mosque.2. Theyre amazed by the dome more than anything else.3. There is a touch of old world charm for the billiard room, co-TV room, co-dry aquarium.4. Its a big bedroom with bathroom and closet the size of almost two New York studio apartment.5. The wife would like to enlarge the family eating area while the husband wishes he could have a little bit bigger gathering room for parties.


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