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在高中阶段教学过程中,图书室是一个不可或缺的部门,并且图书室与教育、教学有着非常密切的联系。我校是省级示范性普通高中,面积360多平米、能容纳260多名学生阅览,我校对图书室的投入一直是非常大的,近几年来随着素质教育的不断改革以及发展,图书室在我校占据了非常重要的地位。学生在图书室可以阅读自己比较感兴趣的书籍,不断拓宽学生的知识面。同时图书室也成为提高教师教学能力的一个主要阵地,为教师从事教研以及科研提供了一定的资料。一、高中图书室在学校教学中的地位近几年来各个学校都开始实施素质教育,此时图书室起着非常重要的作用。在学校教育事业中,高中图书室占据非常重要的位置,并且图书室也担负着指导学生课外阅读的重任。图书室对是补充师生知识的重要场所,也是培养学生自学能力的重要场所。学校应该正确认识图书馆的特有功能,引导教师以及学生对图书室有一个正确的认识。图书室是一个非常庞大的信息库,因此学校要加强对图书室的现代化建设,将图书室的作用发挥出来。现阶段,图书室不再是简单的搜集、整理相关的图书资料,而是要开发、研究以及利用信息资源,根据读者不同的需求来提供不同的资料。二、高中图书室在学校教学中的作用(一)图书室有助于拓展师生的知识面学校的主要任务就是为国家培养更多有用的人才,然而在培养人才的过程中,要依靠学校的德、智、体、美等方面的教育。在开展这方面教育的时候,教师起着主导性的作用,并且教师还要鼓励学生多多阅读课外资料,从资料中汲取相关的能量,促使自身的全面发展。高中图书室是以教学的实际需求为依据,为教师、学生提供他们感兴趣的资料。高中图书室是知识的宝库,并且也成为教师、学生进行学习以及开展科研活动的重要场所。高中图书室所服务的主要对象就是在校的高中学生。高中生面临着非常大的压力,他们要努力学习考入自己理想的学府。但是如果高中生仅仅依靠课堂中的知识是不够的,他们还应该到图书室阅读相关的资料,让自己学习到更多的知识。高中图书室服务的另一个对象就是老师。在整个教育过程中,教师占据主导地位,教师自身的教学水平会对教育的质量产生一定的影响。教师应该定期阅读相关的书籍来完善自身的专业知识,不断提高自身的教学质量。因此高中图书室也成为各科教师进行学习的重要场所。我校图书室为教师每年都订了各科教学参考书以及与各学科相关的书籍,如课课堂?教材?教法、中国教育报、数学通讯、英语周报、数理报、中国考试、中国音乐教育、生物学教学、历史教学、阅读与作文、中国学校卫生、班主任之友、等等。此外,还为学生订阅了如中学生、课堂内外、求学、文摘报、发明与创新、中国青年、时事报告、思维导读伴你学(物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、等)、阅读与作文。(二)图书室有助于推动教研、科研活动的顺利开展当前,教育事业处于改革的新时期,其最主要的动力就是要依靠科研实践。教育工作者往往会研究提高教学质量的方法、关于后进生的教育方式、培养学生创造性思维的途径等内容,在研究完之后再运用到实践中,从中再总结出宝贵的经验。然而以上的这些工作都离不开图书室,图书室为这些教育工作者提供了相关的资料。教育工作者在开展教研以及科研活动的时候,要将图书室中的资料利用起来。同时教育工作者也要经常阅读一些报刊杂志,了解到当前教研、科研发展的新动向,及时将新动向告诉其他老师。近几年来教学改革的步伐在不断加快,教材更新的速度也越来越快,因此图书室的负责人应该采购最新版的教材,从而可以满足教师的实际需求。有一些教师所需要的资料是比较罕见的,因此图书室的负责人应该将其记录下来,然后去购买,尽可能的满足每一位教师的需求。(三)图书室有助于培养学生思想政治素质高中图书室不仅仅是传播科学文化知识的场所,也是提高师生政治思想水平的场所。中国未来的发展离不开青少年,因此青少年的政治思想素质是非常重要的。对于高中生来说,他们正处于形成良好的思想品德以及行为习惯的重要时期,因此教师要抓住这个时期,引导着学生树立正确的价值观念。青少年担负建设社会主义事业的重任,因此教师要引导学生去了解我国的历史文化,了解我国在历史上所取得的辉煌,让他们树立崇高的理想,为建设社会主义事业而努力。在平时教学过程中,教师要鼓励学生在课余时间多多阅读优秀作品,如果学生可以将自己的课余时间利用好,那么就可以快速发展学生的智力以及体力等多个方面。但是有一些学生在读书的时候往往都缺乏明确的目标,因此图书室管理人员要适当为学生推荐一些优秀的书籍,让他们从中学习到相关的知识。思想政治课和历史课可以提高学生的修养,但是课本上的知识较为枯燥无味,不利于吸引学生的注意力。此时教师不妨给学生推荐几部名人传记、文学巨著等,然后让他们在课余时间去阅读,在阅读过程中让学生感受到其中人物的人格魅力,然后无形之中也感染着学生。这种教学方法不仅丰富了学生的知识,还有助于提高学生的思想政治水平,最终取得事半功倍的教学效果。三、总结图书室既是学生补充知识的重要场所,又是教师更新自身专业知识,补充能量的重要阵地。因此学校要重视对图书室的管理,认识到图书室的作用。对于图书室的管理人员要辅导学生怎样选择适合自己的图书,帮助学生养成良好的读书习惯。In the high school stage in the process of teaching, the library is an indispensable department and Library and education, teaching very close contact. Our school is a provincial demonstration of an ordinary high school, covers an area of 360 square meters, can hold more than 260 students reading, I proofread library input is always very large, in recent years with the quality education reform and development, library in my school occupy the very important position. Students can read more interested in their own books in the library, continue to broaden the students knowledge. Also library has become to improve teachers teaching ability is one of the main positions, for teachers engaged in teaching and scientific research to provide some information.The status of a high school in the school library in TeachingIn recent years, the schools are beginning to implement quality education, the library plays a very important role. In school education, the high school library occupies very important position, and the library is charged with the responsibility of guiding students extracurricular reading. The library is an important place for teachers and students of knowledge, but also an important place to cultivate students self-learning ability. The school should have a correct understanding of the unique features of the library, to guide teachers and students have a correct understanding of the library. The library is a very large library of information, so the school should strengthen the modernization construction of the library, the role of libraries play out. At this stage, library is no longer a simple collecting and sorting out the related books and materials, but to development, research and utilization of information resources, according to the needs of different readers to provide different information.Two, high school library in the school teaching.(a) knowledge library helps expand studentsThe main task of the school is to cultivate more useful talents for the country, but in the process of cultivating talents, to rely on the school moral, wisdom, body and beauty education etc. When carrying out this aspect of education, teachers play a leading role, and teachers should encourage students to read more extracurricular information, learn from the information related to energy, promote the comprehensive development of their own. High school library is based on the actual needs of teaching as the basis, to provide their interested information for teachers, students www.mowing.com.cn/nzz www.516j.net. The high school library is the treasure house of knowledge, and has also become teachers and students to learn and very important places to carry out research activities. The main object of high school library service is in the senior high school students. High school students are facing great pressure, they must study hard admitted to the ideal university. But if the high school students is not enough to only depend on the knowledge in the classroom. They should also to the library and read the relevant data, make yourself to learn more knowledge. Another object of high school library service is the teacher. In the whole process of education, teachers dominate, teachers teaching level will affect the quality of education. Teachers should regularly read books to improve their professional knowledge, constantly improve the quality of teaching. So high school teachers are library has become an important place for learning. Our school library for every teacher booked subjects teaching reference books and various disciplines related books www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net www.gzjjgyw.com, such as the classroom lessons? Textbook teachings? , China Education , mathematics communication, English weekly, mathematical newspaper, Chinese exam, Chinese music education, biology teaching, history teaching, reading and writing, Chinese Journal of school health, class teacher friends, and so on. In addition, for students to subscribe to such as students, both inside and outside the classroom, school, digest newspaper, invention and innovation, China Youth, a report on current affairs, thinking guidance with you to learn (Physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, etc.), reading and writing.(two) the library helps to promote the teaching and research activities carried out smoothlyAt present, education is in a new era of reform, its most important power is to rely on scientific research and practice. Educators often research to improve the quality of teaching method, about underachievers education, training students creative thinking ways, in study after and then applied to the practice, and summed up the valuable experience. However, these work cannot do without the library, the library provides relevant information for these educators. When educators carry out research and research activities, will use the data in the library. At the same time, educators should always read some newspapers and magazines, to understand the current teaching and research, the development of new trends, the new trends in a timely manner to tell other teachers. In recent years the pace of reform of teaching at a constant speed, the speed of updating teaching materials is also growing fast. Therefore library should be responsible for the purchasing the latest version of the materials, which can meet the teachers actual demand. Some teachers are relatively rare, so the person in charge of the library should record, and then to buy, as far as possible meet every teachers demand.(three) the library is helpful to cultivate students Ideological and political qualityHigh school library is not only the dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge of the place, but also to improve the level of teachers and students ideological and political place. The future development of China can not be separated from the youth, so the quality of young peoples political and ideological quality is very important. For high school students, they are in a good ideological and moral character and behavior of an important period, so teachers should seize this period, and guide the students to establish the correct values. Youth bear the construction society.


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