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高考重点语法与词汇知识 形容词和副词的-比较等级01. As we all know, the Yellow River is the second _ river in China, but which is the longest?A. longB. longerC. longestD. length02. Which subject do you like _, physics or chemistry?A. moreB. bestC. mostD. better03. Of all the boys I know, I think Tom sings the song “Yesterday Once More” _. A. betterB. most bestC. bestD. very well04. The Summer Palace is one of the _ beautiful parks in Beijing, as is known to all. A. moreB. mostC. betterD. best05. He drives much _ than he did three years ago, when he often drove after drinking. A. carefulB. more carefulC. carefullyD. more carefully06. - Do you have a big library in your school? - No, we dont-at least, not _ yours. A. as bigger asB. so big asC. as big thanD. big than07. - John did badly in the sports meet. - I did _. A. much wellB. even worseC. more badlyD. even better 08. Can we do our work better with _ money and _ people? A. less; lessB. less; fewerC. fewer; fewerD. fewer; less09. Its no secret that Tom is cleverer than _ students in his class.A. every one of theB. all theC. any of the otherD. many more10. - She has been ill since last week. How is she now? r - She thinks she is feeling _ today than before. A. more worseB. more betterC. much seriousD. even worse11. - Have you bought a new bicycle? - Yes. In fact my bicycle is the same _. A. with yoursB. as yours C. as you D. with you 12. That was _ weather we had ever had in the past ten years. A. worstB. the worseC. the worstD. worse13. - Would you like to join us in playing basketball? - Sorry, but Im not _ as any of you. A. so a good playerB. so good a player C. a so good playerD. such good a player14. I dont think English is _ a language as Russian, whatever you think.A. difficult asB. as difficultC. such difficultD. more difficult15. Among us Zhang Hong swims _, which is no secret at all.A. the fastestB. the most fastC. much fasterD. so fast 16. He made the _ spelling and grammar mistakes in the dictation听写. A. lessB. leastC. fewerD. fewest17. Have you ever seen _ as this one? No, never before.A. a tree as tallB. a such tall treeC. so a tall treeD. a so tall tree18. Lungjiang tea and Wuyi tea are both famous, but which do you think tastes _? A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best19. If we had followed his plan, we could have done the work better with _ money and _ people. A. little; fewerB. little; fewC. less; fewerD. less; few20. Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than _ boy in the class.A. the otherB. any otherC. eachD. all21. The horse is getting older and older and cannot run _ it did. A. as faster asB. so fast likeC. such fast asD. as fast as22. John has three sisters and Mary is said to be the _ of the three.A. most cleverestB. more cleverC. cleverestD. cleverer23. _ writer is _ known in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?A. Which; betterB. What; betterC. Which; moreD. What; better24. He had never spent a _ day. A. more worryB. most worryingC. more worryingD. most worried25. As is known to all, the_ the temperature is, the_ water turns into steam.A. high; fastB. higher; fasterC. high; fasterD. higher; fast26. This year they have produced _ furniture _ they did last year. A. as less; asB. as few; asC. less; thanD. fewer; than27. If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with _ money and_ people. A. less; lessB. fewer; fewerC. less; fewerD. fewer; less28. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _ cars in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as29. The pianos in the other shop will be _, but _. A. cheaper; not as betterB. more cheaper; not as better C. cheaper; not as goodD. more cheap; not as good30. As we all know, Canada is larger than _ country in Asia and North America. A. anyB. any otherC. otherD. another高考重点语法与词汇知识 历年全真试题 形容词和副词的-比较等级31. The experiment was _ easier than we had expected.A. moreB. much moreC. muchD. more much32. - How did you find your visit to the museum? - I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ interesting than I expected. A. far more B. even much C. so more D. so much33. - Are you feeling ? - Yes, Im fine enough now.A. any wellB. any betterC. quite goodD. quite better34. Do you know which is _ country, Canada or Australia? A. a largeB. largerC. a largerD. the larger35. - If you dont like the red coat, take the blue one. - Ok, but do you have _ size in blue? This ones a bit tight for me. A. a bigB. a biggerC. the bigD. the bigger36. She doesnt speak _ her friend but her written work is excellent. A. as well asB. so often asC. so much asD. as good as37. It takes a long time to go there by train; its _ by road.A. quickB. the quickestC. much quickD. quicker38. Its no secret that John plays football _, if not better than, David. A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as39. It there were no examinations ,we should have _ time at school. A. the happiestB. a more happierC. much happiestD. a much happier40. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _. A. the better voiceB. a good voiceC. the best voiceD. a better voice41. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays. A. the bestB. moreC. betterD. the most42. - Are the new rules working? - Yes, _ books are stolen now. A. FewB. MoreC. SomeD. None43. In that case, there is nothing you can do _ than wait. A. moreB. otherC. betterD. rather44. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science A. an art much asB. much an art asC. as an art much asD. as much an art as45. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ 智商. A. a highB. a higherC. the higherD. the highest46. Four of Roberts children were at the party, including _, Luke. A. the oldestB. an oldest oneC. the oldD. an old one47. Our neighbor has _ ours. A. a house the same big as B. as big a house asC. the same big house as D. as a big house as48. The salesman showed her several bags and she chose _ expensive one as she didnt want to spend too much money on it. A. the lessB. lessC. the leastD. least 49. Its believed that _ you work, _ result youll get.A. the harder; the betterB. the more hard; the more betterC. the harder; a betterD. more hard; more better50. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose _ expensive one. A. the lessB. the mostC. less D. most51. With the help of the German experts, the factory produced _ cars in 1993 as the year beforeA. as twice manyB. as many as twiceC. as twice as manyD. twice as many52. If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _ choice.A. goodB. the bestC. betterD. the better53. - Are you satisfied with her answer? - Not at all. It couldnt have been _. A. worseB. so bad C. betterD. the worse54. _ book of this writer is East and West.A. Known to be the bestB. It was the best knownC. Known as the bestD. The best known55. We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got _60. A. more thanB. more ofC. as much asD. so many as56. Paper produced every year is_ the worlds production of vehicles机动车.A. the three times weight ofB. three times the weight ofC. as three times heavy asD. three times as heavier as57. Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did _ than her brother. A. more badlyB. much betterC. much badlyD. much worse58. Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move_?A. a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little far59. Greenland, _ island in the world, covers two million square kilometers. A. a largeB. a largerC. the largerD. the largest01. CDCBD 06. BBBCD 11. BCBBA 16. DACCA 21. DCACB 26. CCCCB 31. CABDB 36. ADBDD 41. CABDB 46. ABCAA 51. DDADA 56. BDBD


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