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Unit 3 配套巩固课本知识练习一,单词记识1. _ vt.& n.缺乏,没有缺乏 2. _vt.系牢,扎牢 3. _ vt.& n.按,逼迫,印刷 4. _ vt.吞下,咽下5. _ vt.回收利用,再利用 6. _n.方面,层面7. _.面具,伪装 8. _.垃圾箱9. _.公民,居民,市民 10. _ v.(使)闪光11.material n. _ 12.guide n. _13.switch n. _ 14.instant n._15.greedy adj. _ 16.previous adj._17.optimistic adj. _ 18.exhausted adj._19.tolerate vt. _二,词汇拓展1.impress v.压出印记;使深深印在 _n.印象;(书籍)一次印刷 _adj.给人留下深刻印象的 The first_(impress) of this book was sold very quickly so two more _(impress) were ordered. They produced a strong _ (impress) on me. The way he talks is really _ (impress).2.adjust v.调整,使适应_n.调整,调节_adj.可调动的,可调节的_搭配适应 The desks and seats can _ (adjust) to the height of any child. My eyes havent adjusted _the dark yet. An _ (adjust) electric lamp can be placed in various positions. Try to make some _(adjust) of your differences so that you can work together without quarrels.3.instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的_adv. 立即地 conj.一就_搭配一就 Please tell me_ (instant) he arrives. _ instant he opened the door he saw the thief.4.press v.挤,压,逼迫;n.新闻,印刷_adj.紧急的,紧迫的_n.压力,压强 The minister invited the _ (press) to a meeting to explain his actions. Villagers are unaccustomed to the_ (press) of modern life. What they discussed was a most _ (press) problem.5.optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的 _n.乐观主义者_n.乐观,乐观主义 Those _ (optimism) are optimistic_ their future. At the airport,he expressed _(optimistic) about the talks.6.settle v.解决;安居_n.定居者,移居者_n.定居,居住地;解决;协议 Now a number of farmers live in new _ (settle). Five years having passed,the government and the villagers havent reached any _ (settle) yet. With the problem _ (settle),we became good friends. It is said that the first _ (settle) of this country are prisoners.三,词组互译1.打扫,横扫 _ 2.看不见 _3.加速 _ 4.安全带 _5.恢复;复原 _ 6.拿起;接受;继续_7.the instant _ 8.slide into _9.remind of _ 10.suffer from _11.as a result _ 12.be used to (doing)_四,核心单词1. previous adj.在前的;早先的;从前的 previous to 在之前(to是介词)运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 有时候,我还翻看我以前写的文章。 I sometimes look through _. 在你上课之前,我们讨论到了这个问题。 _,we discussed the matter. 2. guide n. 指导;向导;导游;vt.指引;指导 guide sb. along/through/to 带领某人be guided by sb.由某人引导/指导 拓展:guidance n.指导;咨询 with ones guidance 在的指导下运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 在他的指导下,该村进行了一次大胆实验。_, the village took a risky experiment. 一个当地农民带我们穿过这片森林。A local farmer _. 在导游的指引下,我们观光了这个小镇。 _,we had a tour to the small town. 3. remind vt.提醒;使想起;回忆起remind sb. of sth. /that.使某人想起某事;提醒remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 Please remind yourself often_ your weak points. Pleas remind me _(call) Mother. 4. lack v.& n. 缺乏,没有 lack sth.缺乏某物(lack作 vt.) lack of sth.缺乏某物(lack作 n.) be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等),不够 lack for 缺(vi.否定式,无被动语态)运用:补全下列句子。 她缺乏常识。She _ common sense. 植物因缺水而枯死了。The plant died for _ water. 她缺乏勇气吗?Is she_ courage? 他父母亲确保他什么也不缺。His parents made sure that he _ nothing. 5. desert n. 沙漠;荒漠 vt. 抛弃;遗弃 注意:拼写相似的词 dessert (饭后的甜点心)运用:理解下列句子中desert的词性和词义。 Some rich husbands often desert their wives. If you go to the countryside,you will find there are a lot of deserted houses. Once an Arab was travelling in the desert on his camel. 五,重要词组运用1. take up拿起;开始从事,对发生兴趣;占据(时间、空间)运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 用QQ在网上聊天占用太多的时间,而且很无聊。 Using QQ to chat on line_ and its very boring. 安娜在小时侯对绘画产生了兴趣。 Anna _ in her childhood. 你打算接受这份工作吗? Are you going to _? 我不想把钢琴放在这里,因为它占了太多的空间。 I dont want the piano to be set here,just because it_. 2. be similar to 与相似运用:译下面的句子成汉语。 Your views on education are similar to mine. _ The country is very similar to China in the development of its economy. _ 3. be back on ones feet(困境后)恢复;完全复原运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我知道他迟早会东山再起的。I know he will _sooner or later. 病了十天后,西门终于又恢复健康了。After being ill for 10 days,Simon is finally _again. 4. lose sight of. 看不见;忘记;忽略运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。Only those short-sighted people will 在辩论激烈的时候,我们不应忘掉我们的主要目的。In the heat of the argument we mustnt _. 5. speed up 加速;(使)增速;促进运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 这种小车必须加速生产。Production of this kind of cars must _. 火车逐渐加快了速度。The train gradually_ . 六,课文填空 The passage is about a letter written by Li Qiang who is taking 1_ the prize that he won last year. At first he was nervous and 2_ (certain) about the journey. However,3_ Wang Pings guiding,Li Qaing was transported into the future safely. Hit by a lack 4 _ fresh air,his head ached and he tried to make the necessary 5 _ (adjust) to this new situation. Soon he was back 6 _ his feet again and flew after Wang Ping in a hovering carriages 7_ (drive) by computer. Arriving at Wang Pings house,Li Qing was shown into a large room with a green wall 8 _ (make)of trees,9 _ leaves provided the room with oxygen.10_ (exhaust),Li Qing slid into bed and fell fast asleep.七,语法填空1._ (beat) by the police and sent to jail,Gandhi created the principle of non-violent resistance.2.Though_ (warn) of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.3.The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons_ (finish) for the day.4.“We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob,_ (look) out of the window.5._ (dress) in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.八,佳句背诵 原句:No more typists working on a typewriter or computer. No more postage or postcodes! (P22,L6)再也不需要打字员在打字机或电脑上工作了!再也不需要邮费和邮政编码了!句型:No more. ! No more .! 再也没有/不用! 再也没有/不用!根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(1)再也没有桌子出现在这儿!也没有椅子提供给我们!No more desks appearing here! _ chairs provided to us! 再也没有书要读了,再也没有练习题要做了!_books to read! _! 没有剩下光阴和青春给我们挥霍了!No more time _to us! No more youth for us to cost!


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