Module 1《Baskateball》Reading课件7(16张PPT)(外研版选修7)

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Module 1《Baskateball》Reading课件7(16张PPT)(外研版选修7)_第1页
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Language Date Bank,Language points for Reading,Module 1Baskateball,Language Date Bank -base-basis,basis n. The basis of morality, friendship Arguments that have a firm basis be based on/ upon 以为基础 base on/ upon These charges are based on facts. He good business was based on good service.,Language Date Bank- attend,attend school,去上学校,attend church,去做礼拜,attend a meeting,出席一个会议,1. 出席,到场(to go to an event such as a meeting or a class.),Two nurses attend (on) the patient.,2. 照料 (to look after someone, especially because they are ill.),3. attend to 处理,I may be late- I have got one or two things to attend to.,Language Date Bank- average,(adj.) 平均的 这个州的平均收入是约1,500美元一个月。,The average earnings in the state are about $ 1,500 a month.,2. (n.) 平均,平均水平,这儿冬季平均气温是1度,夏季为23度,Here the average of winter temperature is1,and in summer 23.,平均起来,吸烟的男人比女人多。,On average men smoke more cigarette than women.,average,3.(v.) 平均为 我猜想,我每天平均大约要喝五杯咖啡。,I suppose I average about 5 cups of coffee a day.,NBA MVP 1998,above / below the average 高于/低于平均水平 on (the )average 平均 be about up to the average 几乎达到一般水平,Language Date Bank -admire,赞赏,钦佩 I really admire the way she brings up those kids all on her own.,admire sb for sth.,我佩服她的勇气。,I admire her for her bravery.,Language Date Bank- motivation,动机,动力U (the reasons why you want to do sth) for 2. 积极性,主动性C (eagerness and willingness to do sth without needing to be told or forced to do it.),Whats your motivation of becoming a teacher?,Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.,Language Date Bank- tie,(v.) tie to/onto, tie up 2. (n.) 平局,Tie this label onto your suitcase.,他们把他捆在树上打了一顿。,把这个标签绑在你的手提箱上。,They tied him to the tree and beat him up.,你能帮我把这个包裹捆起来吗?,Can you tie up this parcel for me?,The match ended in a tie.,Language Date Bank- score,(v.)得分 score a point/ goal (n.)比分 The score in the football game was 4 - 1. 足球比赛的比分是四比一。 keep (the) score 记分 three score 六十 four score八十 scores of 许多,Language Date Bank- deserve (v.) 值得,应得,好的工作应得到好的报酬。,Good work deserves good pay.,他的确应该送去坐牢。,He certainly deserves _.,to be sent to prison,A forced kindness deserves no thanks,One good turn deserves another. Bad acts deserve punishment.,Language Date Bank- bring up,He was brought up by his aunt in the mountains. He stepped back and brought his hands up. She is going to bring up the plan at the meeting. He brought up his dinner.,bring up 1.抚养,培养 2 举起3 提出 4 呕吐,Language Date Bank -nature,Peter has a happy nature. He is a good-natured boy. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. by nature天生地,生来 against nature违反自然 true to nature 逼真,Language Date Bank -aggressive,dogs trained to be aggressive Aggressive nations threaten world peace. aggressive weapons. A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.,aggressive 1 (指人或动物)侵略的,好攻击的, 好争吵的 2 (指事物或行动)攻击性的 3 强有力的,坚持己见的,Language Date Bank -absorb,Dry sand absorbs water. Clever children absorb new knowledge easily be absorbed in 被吸引住,聚精会神做 The students were completely absorbed in their reading.,Language Date Bank -commit,commit 干(错事,坏事),犯罪 commit murder/ suicide / an error commit sb./ sth. to sth.交付,投入,记住 commit a man to prison She committed the instructions to memory. commit oneself to sth./ doing sth.承担义务 The President is committed to reforming health care.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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