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Unit 1 The written word(一)教材分析:本单元以The written word为话题,旨在通过单元学习,使学生能了解如何欣赏文学作品。通过介绍Charles Dickens 的著名小说The Great Expectations 和 Robert Burns 的著名诗歌A Red, Red Rose让学生亲身感受文学作品的魅力,激发阅读愿望,增加其古典文学以及文学评论的了解。通过阅读让学生讨论关于古典文学的知识,并背诵经典诗歌。通过就所给文学评论发表观点,让学生根据要求写出自己的文学评论文章。1.1 Welcome to the unit是本单元的一个热身活动,通过四幅图片和三个开放性问题让学生结对谈论不同娱乐方式。引发学生通过同伴合作讨论各种阅读方式和不同书籍之间的区别,从而也引出了本单元关于The written word的话题。1.2 Reading 包括A、B、C、D、E和F五项活动。A设置了几个阅读理解的问题,要求学生在快速阅读后回答。B呈现的是一篇关于古典文学作品欣赏的文章。C设置了两种题型,要求再读课文后对八个问题作出选择并列出各部分的要点,检验学生对细节以及小说要素的理解。D 设置了填空和配对题,帮助学生通过上下文语境猜测词义。E 要求学生通过上下文选择合适的单词填空,是对学生综合理解能力的培养。F 是一个会话练习,要求学生就某一问题提出看法并展开讨论,然后仿照范例进行会话练习。1.3 Word power 的主题是关于不同类型的文学,旨在语境中扩充词汇。它包括四部分的内容:第一部分要求学生阅读一学生关于文学分类的书;第二部分是各种文学作家的图解;第三部分是有关不同文学类型的短文填空;最后一部分要求填写一有关写作方面词汇的字谜。1.4 Grammar and usage 总结了否定句的分类、用法、构成和意义,并通过相关练习题帮助学生巩固对这种语法的掌握。1.5 Task的主要任务是写出一文学评论文章,其中包含了3种技巧并分别设计了三个步骤帮助学生掌握这些技巧:第一了解听关键词找信息的方法;第二询问并发表观点;第三如何写文学评论文章。学生在掌握这些技巧的基础上就能轻松完成写出自己的文学评论的任务。1.6 Project 部分提供了一篇Robert Burns的著名诗歌A Red, Red Rose,要求学生在理解大意的基础上,收集一些背景信息,并通过小组合作讨论后,根据提示步骤及指导选择一诗歌来背诵,并向全班展示。该步骤是一种开放性的探究学习活动,除语言能力外,也是对学生综合素质的一种锻炼。1.7 listening的前两部分是关于文学问题的谈论,要求复述概括听力材料的主要内容。(二)教学目标1语言知识词汇Classic, antique, literary, received, wisdom, dust, adaptation, work, chapter, harm, simple, uncertainty, tension, twist, plot, generous, fortune, abrupt, constant, reminder, shabby, shortcoming, shallow, prejudice, companion, rigid, civil, theme, wealth, fancy, settle, educated, acquaintance, novelist, abnormal, workhouse, master, abuse, criminal, millionaire, court, vice, pity, reform, crime, pressure, violence, resist, misfortune, home-made, kick, pale, spin, sneaker, swiftly, stout, envelope, muddy, talent, sorrow, sigh, anger, dot, gently, lovely, ugly, greedy, gravity, sugary, mistaken, shade, cheek, entertaining, poetic, rating, supreme, typical, reputation, debt, holy, fair, transform, overnight, urban, constitution, shorten, mourn, widow, statue, monument, publicly, exhibit, tend, dreamlike, rose词组be prejudiced against, be bent on, make the acquaintance of, brand new, at the sight of, from beginning to end, 语法Negative statement功能1. Describing forms of literature2. Describing literary people话题The written word, classic literature, Charles Dickens, Robert Burns2 语言技能听听懂关于Robert Burns的著名诗歌A Red, Red Rose内容的报道。说用表示观点、原因的句型来进行对一些文学作品评论进行功能表达;对“是否喜欢阅读小说远大前程”这一辩题训练学生综合说的能力。读略读、细读、语义场在段落篇章阅读中运用以及对文章风格特点把握的训练。写询问并发表观点;讨论如何写文学评论文章。3学习策略学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、合作学习、信息处理、英语思维能力以及综合运用语言能力(辩论、写作)的能力认知猜测、细读、速读、略读、演绎及说、说以及综合运用信息等技能调控小组活动中通过对同伴的意见归纳,用自己的方式表达出来,从前面的阅读和同伴处得到反馈,对自己在作文中的错误进行修改;同伴合作,探究发现规律并灵活运用交际积极地参与双人或小组的讨论,创设情景进行交际,有效完成任务4教学的重点和难点(1)重点1) 讨论各种书籍,文学分类,文学评论2) 学会表达观点和理由3)归纳复习语法项目-否定句分类、用法、构成和意义4)让学生学会就如何写文学评论文章5)让学生掌握谈话技巧,对提供的话题进行会话6)让学生参照要点,写出自己的文学评论文章。(2)难点1)让学生学会概括要点,就如何进行文学评论表达观点2)让学生掌握对话技巧,对提供的话题进行会话3)写关于文学评论的书面表达(三)教学安排 对课本内容进行优化组合,可将本单元分成7个课时 Period 1 Welcome to the unit Period 2 Reading Period 3 Word power Period 4 Grammar and usage (2)Period 5 Task (2)Period 6 ProjectPeriod 7 ListeningPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to talk about their favorite books 2. Train the students speaking ability by expressing their opinions on the differences between books. Teaching important points: Enable the students to express opinions about how to tell the differences. Teaching difficult points:3. Enable the students to tell differences between various books. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures:Step I Brainstorming1. Greeting2. Let the students enjoy some pictures about some books on literature and some famous writers and different ways of reading. Then activate students imagination by asking the following questions:T: As we know, literature plays an important role in our daily lives, lets enjoy some pictures. What are the books about? Do you know the genres of literature?Do you know these people? Are they very famous?What are they famous for? Do you know some ways of reading?Ask Ss to do group presentation about the questions above.Step Further discussion1. Ask Ss to match the writers with their masterpieces:1). Do you know these writers and their works? 2). Can you read a poem aloud?2. Get the Ss look at some pictures and give the answersStep conclusionAfter the discussion is finished, the teacher sums up the variety of books and different ways of reading different literatures. Step group discussion Ask the Ss to work in groups to discuss the questions on page 1.StepV Homework1. Find more information about books and literature.2 . Write a passage about various ways of reading.Period 2 Reading. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to learn about classic literature and how to write a persuasive essay.2. Train the students reading ability(skimming, detailed reading, consolidation). Teaching important points: Get the main points about theessay . Teaching difficult points: Enable the students to get some information about literature and understand the structure of persuasive essays. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures: Step Lead-in1. Greetings2. Ask Ss to talk about the pictures and answerDo you know about classic literature?Do you know some famous literary figures in the world?Who is he? What is he famous for?Then show a picture about Charles Dickens Step Pre-reading1 Look at the pictures about some famous literary figures and classify them.Discuss about this question:Who are they? What books did they write?Can you say sth. about Charles Dickens?What works did he write?2. Ask the students to look at the picture about The Great Expectations and ask: Do you know about the novel or film? What is the book about?.3. Prediction Look at the title and predict what will be talked about in the text(Who, what, how, the opinion, the conclusion)Step Reading1. Skimming Read the text fast and answer the three questions in Part A. 2. Detailed readingRead again and answer the questions in Part C1.Step ScanningAsk the Ss to work in groups to finish Part C2 .Step Reading strategy1.Explain the structure of a persuasive essay.2.find out in the text the places where this strategy is used.Step PracticeRead the text and finish Part D and EStep VII Post- Reading1) retell the plot of the novel The Great Expectations2) Discuss the relationship between money and happiness3) Finish part FStep VIII language points 1. explanation and practice1) Base on2) Make into3) harm4) at a time / at one time / at times5) seldom6) add to7) hardly8) companion9) be bent on 2. practicefill in the blanksmatch the words and meaningsStep IV Homework1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Recite the new words and phrases of Reading3. Preview the Word Power .Period 3 Word Power. Teaching aims:Enable Ss to use the new words about the literatureEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary. Teaching important points:Enable Ss to learn and master words about literature Enable Ss to know the classification of literature. Teaching difficult points:Enable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to classify literature. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder. Teaching procedures:Step GreetingsStep Brainstorming1. Are you interested in books? What kind of books are you fond of?2. How many categories of literature can you name? What does each of them include?Step PracticePart A1. Read the article and find out all the types of literatures mentioned.2. Read part A again and fill in the Chart below.Discussion1. Who are they?2. Match the names and worksPart B1. Look at the following pictures and describe their works and contributions 2. Use more information to introduce each literary figures.Part C1. Practice reading the words in bold from parts A and B. 2.Read the passage of Part C carefully3. Fill in the blanksStep IV. Vocabulary extension Work in groups1. match the words and their meanings2. complete the crossword puzzleStep V. Homework1. Try to find more names of literature.2. Do exercises about literature in your workbook.3. Talk about different literary figures.Period 4 Grammar and usage. Teaching aims:Enable the Ss to grasp the negative statements. Teaching important points:How to use correctly the negative statements. Teaching difficult points: The function and formation of the negative statements. Teaching methods:Inductive and deductive methods, task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard. Teaching procedures:Step I Revision and lead in1. Ask the students to recall what theyve learned about the negative statements 2. Ask them practice finishing some sentences using the negative statements.3. Conclusion of what has been learnt about the negative statements4. look at the pictures and make a comparison to introduce the negative statements Step II work on the negative statements 1. Ask the Ss to look at the two examples and ask1) What are negative statements used here?2) What are the most commonly used negative statements?2. tell the differences between the different kinds of negative statements by giving examples and making conclusions2. Ask them to summarize what has been learnt and practice using the negative statements 3. . some important points of the negative statements and more examples4. practice (part A and B)Step III Language points 1 . resist2. reform/ inform3. abuse/ scold/ complain/ blame4. fortune/ misfortune/ fortunate/ unfortunateStep practice and consolidation of the grammar pointsStep V Homework1. Go over the negative statements2. Finish the exercises of Part C1 and C2 on p102 in your textbook3. Preview Task.Period 5 Task. Teaching aims:Enable the Ss to learn how to write a literary review. Teaching important points: Enable the Ss to learn how to listen for key words, ask for and giving opinions. Teaching difficult points: Teach the Ss how to talk about and write a literary review. Teaching methods:Task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures: StepLead-in1. Greetings.2. Ask some students to talk about how to find informationStep Listening for key words1. Discuss what are the key words2. Why are key words used?3. Do you know how to listen for key words?4. practice finding the key words in a passage.5. give a speech about the passage.6. Listen to the recording and practice recognizing key words.7. Finish Part A, B and CStep Asking for and giving opinions1. list the phrases used in asking for and giving opinions2. read the literary review on page 12 3. practice asking for and giving opinions about the literary review.Step writing 1. Discuss about the tense and structure used in a literary review. 2. Write a literary reviewStep V Language focus1. at the sight of2. sigh/ sight/ signal3. shade/ shadow/ shallow/ narrow4. ugly/ dull/ boring5. transform/ translate/ transmit/ transfer6. shorten/ lengthen/ strengthen7. urban/ suburb/ ruralStep VI Assignment . 1. Review how to find information and try to mark the key words in the passage on Reading.2. Prepare a literary review.3. Preview projectPeriod 6 Project. Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss to read the passage about the poetry of Robert Burns2. Enable Ss to recite a poem. Teaching important points: Enable the Ss to understand the meaning of the poem A Red, Red Rose Enable the Ss to make a survey and recite a poem for the class. Teaching difficult points: Enable the Ss to list the characteristics about poetry Enable the Ss to recite a poem. Teaching methods:Task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures: StepIntroduction1. Discuss about poem2. Recite a poem to the classStep Discussion1. Talk about the famous poem and tell whats important in it.2. Talk about the elements of poetryStep Reading1. Read fast and list the main points2. Read carefully and give the main idea of each paragraph3. practice summarizing the text4. Read for detailed information and finish the diagram5. List the useful phrasesStep Project1. Introduce the project.2. Plan to work in groups and give clear assignment3. Decide the class and grade of each group4. prepare for the tasks for each group5. Interview the classmates6. Analyze the questions and answer them 7. Recite a poem to the classStep V Homework1.Do Part A, B on poetry in Workbook.2.Review words and phrases in this unit.


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