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高考英语总复习:“七选五”题型高三(7)、(8)班“七选五”题型的命题分析现在,全国多个省市都采用“七选五”型阅读理解题,试题模式为:给出一篇缺少五个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。考试说明对该题型命题目的的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。”阅读理解选择题部分的文章是完整的,在通读文章或查读细节时,思路不会被打断。而此题型文章中有5处空白,在阅读过程中,如果不明白文章的主旨和段落主题、作者的写作意图,就很难顺畅地读下去、读明白,自然就很难选出正确答案。而一个空填错势必又影响到对另外一个空的选择。另外,此题有5个空白处,却提供7个选项,因此有2个选项是多余的干扰选项,从而又加大了选出正确答案的难度。该题型要求同学们从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握。七选五的考查要点这一考查题型对阅读理解提出了更高层次的要求,即不仅要有阅读速度,要对所读文章的主旨要义、具体信息要有所了解,尤其重要的是要掌握作者的写作意图、观点,区分出论点和论据,并且能够把握文章的写作结构和脉络层次。不过,只要了解了这种新题型所考查的要点,出题位置,在阅读文章时有意识地加强对文章写作思路和结构组织安排的理解,掌握英语文章常见的几种写作结构,对迅速增强此类新题型的应对能力还是非常有帮助的。七选五的解题步骤1)在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义,如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考虑文章的写作方式是否为“结尾总结”式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意首段与末段的提示作用。2)边读边做题,重点阅读各个问题附近的句子,圈定线索词,然后从选项中寻找相关的特征词,以确定答案。做题时可以采用代入排除法。如果一题做不出或拿不准,可先放过,继续往下读,先做容易的能做出的题,直到读完整篇文章。至此,文章的要点和主旨、各个段落之间的逻辑关系应基本清楚了。将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境。能否承接前后的写作线索。使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺。一篇文章作为一个整体,是有其写作的线索与思路的,在选项定位中,要尤其注意文章的写作线索,文章的写作思路的连贯使文章的每个段落、每个句子甚至每个短语均融为一体。如果代入选项后,发现文章写作线索中断或是前后矛盾,应更换其它选项。3)在完成选项定位后,应通读全文,检查文章内容是否完整,语义是否连贯合理、各段落内容是否紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确。同时,我们还应注意对相近选项的对比分析,个别干扰项由于与某个正确选项的内容相近具有很强的干扰性,这时就需要我们认真分析,仔细甄别,排除干扰,从而得出正确选项。要特别注意,除非有充分的理由否定向前的选择,否则不要仓促更改。只要前两步投入了精力,动了脑筋,第一印象往往可信度很高。七选五的解题策略1)从意思上判断在做题时最重要的是要读懂空白前后的句子,明白这几句话的确切意思,然后根据意思的连贯性或逻辑性从选项中选取正确答案。在读懂意思的基础上,再利用线索特征词等进一步确认答案。2)从词汇上锁定线索做题时很重要的一点是保持对一些线索词的敏感,最主要的线索特征词是空白前后的名词和动词,寻找答案时注意在选项中查找同义词、近义词、反义词或表示同一类事物的词语等。其次是代词、数词、表示时间/年代的词、地点/名称等专有名词等。尤其是在读不懂句子的情况下,利用这样的线索词寻找答案是很有效的方法。3)从关联词上查找由于英语的句段之间经常会运用关联词表示衔接和过渡,使文章逻辑更清楚和连贯,因此文章中和选项中表示各种逻辑关系的路标性信号词在选择答案时都是很重要的线索。在做题时可将这三个层面的线索很好地结合起来。例如,在看到表示并列或递进关系的关联词时,一般表示前后句子的名词或句意具有同指性;而表示转折让步关系的词则往往表示前后句子的名词同指,但句意对立,或褒贬对立或肯否对立;而表示例证关系的词则意味着在举例之前或之后有表述概念或某一观点的句子,往往会有复数名词出现。常见的关联词有下面这些:(a)并列与递进关系:and, or, also,neithernor,eitheror,likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same as, besides, additionally, furthermore, moreover, in addition to ,what is more(b)因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, sothat, consequently, accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason, of course(c)转折让步关系:but, however, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of, it is true that, of course,although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of(d)时间关系:afterwards, at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place, to start with,in the mean time, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third, thirdly, to begin with以及一些具体的时间。5. 根据试题所在的不同位置确定不同的解题策略1)如果问题在段首(a)通常是段落主题句。认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词或其他相关的词,推断 出主题句。(b)与后文是并列、转折、因果关系等。着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找 相关特征词。通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句间会 有某种的衔接手段。(c)段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有 机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。2)如果问题在段尾(a)空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。(b)通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可 发现前文的同义词句。(c)与前文是转折或对比关系。此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折、对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所 讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立、对比关系。(d)与前文是并列或排比关系。在这种情况下,通常是该段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,因此 根据段落一致性原则,在原文和选项中找到相关的特征词,通常在选项中会出现表示并列/递进关系 的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他信号线索。前面的一句与正确答案的第一 句是紧密相连的。要特别注意阅读这样相连的两句,通常会找到关键的线索词句。(e)所选答案是引出下一段的内容。如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段开头 是否有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。(f)如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章的主 题,如果在段尾提出主题,会用一些信号词如转折词引出来,正确答案中应有这样的特征词。3)如果问题是一整个自然段(a)这个段落应该是承上启下,而且自成一体,即有一个段落的中心,因此可重点阅读选项中较长的选 项,以此类推直至找到正确答案。(b)着重阅读前一段结尾和后一段开头的一两句查找相关的线索,而且重要线索通常会在后一段开头, 因此后一段开头往往比前一段结尾更为重要。(c)分析段落之间的逻辑关系及内容的连贯性,注意段落间的衔接手段。将选项代入原文,如果前后内 容连贯,符合逻辑,就能得出正确答案。例题分析:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways 71Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.72 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.73The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words.74Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.75A. Use words, not complete sentences.B. There are three practical note-taking methods.C. You must write your notes on separate paper.D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.思路分析:这篇文章整体分为四个段落层次,每个段落均由几个语段构成相对独立的语义单位,各段都围绕“Taking good notes”这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构。第一段讲述的是做笔记是好学生在多方面的一项省时技巧,第二段讲述的是不管何时、用何种方法做笔记,都要有选择性的做记录,第三段讲述的是做笔记的最佳方法,第四段讲述的是要记住自己的速记符号,这就形成了文章的层次结构,这对下一步的做题有了明确的整体方向。第一段的第一句“Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways”与下面几句是解释关系,解释关系是指后面的句子对前面的句子解释、引申、例证,使意思更加明了、具体。后三句之间是平列关系,平列关系指句与句之间处于平等并列地位,互不相属,而只是组合在一起共同说明一个问题。平列关系组合的语段,在次序上并不固定,如果局部改变句子的相互位置并不改变整个语段的意思。第二段的第一句与第二句是层递关系,层递关系是一种固定的顺序关系,但又不同与顺序关系,顺序关系指构成语段的各句子只能按事物发展的过程由先而后地顺序排列,不可随意改变次序,通常在记叙文或描述固定的操作程序的说明文中用得普遍,而层递关系组合的语段是按语意的轻重、认识的深浅作由轻到重、由浅入深的排列。第三句与第四句是解释关系,第一、二句组合为一个语段,第三、四句组合为另外一个语段,语段与语段之间是总分关系,总分关系是指前面的句子陈述两个过两个以上的对象,后面的句子紧接着分别对它们加以说明。用这种方式组合的语段能够前呼后应,彼此配合,使语脉清楚,条分缕析,如“Whenever or however you take notes”一句与前两句前呼后应,彼此配合,为前句选“E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. ”埋伏了一笔,逻辑性很强。第三段的第一句与下面几句是解释关系,而后列举的方法是平列关系。第四段的最后两句是转折关系,转折关系指句与句之间存在意义的转折,通常表达对比或对照的意思。答案:GEFAD第一部分:单项选择定语从句出题思路预测先行词 n./pron -被定语从句修饰的,根据先行词选择连接词物:which/that/whose 人:who/whom/that/whose当先行词与连接词后面的名词n存在所属关系时(的)2012定从预测1My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him. A. which B. that C. where D. it 2012定从预测2The road conditions there turned out to be very good, _was more than we could expect.A.it B.what C.which D.that2012定从预测3Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _I met in the English speech contest last year. A. who B. where C. when D. which2012定从预测4The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of left their village homes for a better life in the city. A. whom B. which C. them D. those2012定从预测5A person _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever2012定从预测6In china, the number of cities is increasing _development is recognized across the world. A. where B. which C. whose D. that2012定从预测7Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from effects the people are still suffering.A.thatB.whose C.those D.whatas与which均可替代整个主句在非限制性定语从句中,均可替代整个主句. 如从句在主句之后,两者皆可用;如从句在主句之前,用as。 介词/逗号后, 永远不用that!They failed in the exam,as/which is natural.As is known to all,the earth moves around the sun. He passed the College Entrance Examination, made his parents very happy. A. as B. which C. that D. it2012定从预测8_is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What比较:_is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.2012定从预测9Jim passed the driving test, surprised everybody in the office.A.whichB.thatC.thisD.it2012定从预测10_ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.A. It B. As C. That D. What 2012定从预测11Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _, of course, made the others envy him. A. who B. that C. what D. which2012定从预测12_ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month. A. That B. As C. It D. What 地点:where/which /that 时间:when/which/that2012定从预测13The Science Museum, we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of Londons tourist attractions.A.which B.what C.that D.where2012定从预测14I can think of many cases _ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. A. why B. which C. as D. where2012定从预测15Occasions are quite rare .I have the time to spend a day with my kids.A.who B.which C.why D.when2012定从预测16We are living in an age _ many things are done on computer. A. which B. that C. whose D. when2012定从预测17The film brought the hours back to me_I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where怎么确定关系代词前用什么介词?(1)定语从句中动词和什么介词搭配Gun control is a subject _ Americans have argued for a long time. (about which- argue about sth) There is no one _ she can turn when in trouble (to whom-turn to sb for help)(2)先行词常和什么介词搭配。The reason _ he was late was that he got up late.(for which- the reason for)2012定从预测18Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the near future. A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which2012定从预测19Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time. A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which2012定从预测20For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, New York is an example.A.for whichB.in which C.of whichD.from which2012定从预测21By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, appeared a rare rainbow soon.A.of whichB.on which C.from which D.above which易错点:插入语和定语干扰!2012定从预测22She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction had taken more than three years.Afor whichBwith whichCof whichDto which2012定从预测23The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work. A. that B. it C. what D. which2012定从预测24Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of course, made all the others upset.A. who B. which C. what D. that2012定从预测25She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.A. them B. who C. whom D. these2012定从预测26Last week, only two people came to look at the house, wanted to buy it.A.none of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom定语从句真题练习2009辽宁Theyve won their last three matches, _I find a bit surprising A. that B. when C. what D. which 2007辽宁Eric received training in computer for one year, he found a job in a big company.A.after thatB.after whichC.after it D.after this2006辽宁I was told that there were about 50 foreign studentsChinese in the school, most were from Germany.A.study;of whomB.study;of themC.studying;of themD.studying;of whom2004辽宁The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that DBDA名词性从句出题思路预测区别什么从句应看主句,主句不完整时从句肯定是名词性从句。主句完整时,从句可能是定语从句,状语从句,或者同位语从句。I have forgotten where we went yesterday.Where we went yesterday is covered with all kinds of flowers.Oh! This is where we came yesterday. This is the place where we came yesterday.Here, he made the promise that he would come here 10 years later.I will make a mark where he made the promise.where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.需要用什么引导词看从句。名词性从句中缺什么意思用什么意思的引导词; 缺名词性成份时,指人用who/whom,指物用what; 不缺意思和成份时用that。That只有在宾语从句中可以省略。2011江西卷The villagers have already known well do is to rebuild the bridge.AthisBthatCwhatDwhich2011四川卷Our teachers always tell us to believe in we do and who we are if we want to succeed.A. why B. how C. what D. which2011陕西卷Id like to start my own business thats Id do if I had the money. A.why B.when C.which D.what易错点:插入语干扰!2012名词性从句预测1The companies are working together to create they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A. which B. that C. what D. who2012名词性从句预测2 was most important to her, she told me, was her family.A.It B.This C.What D.As2012名词性从句预测3The shopkeeper did not want to sell for he thought was not enough.A.where B.how C.what D.which1 In my eyes, _ is known to all _ Chinese economy has taken off.2 _ is known to all, Chinese economy has taken off.3 I took some medicine for the bad cold, but _ didnt help.4 I took some medicine for the bad cold, _ didnt help.5 I find _ is a pity that he failed in the driving test.A. which B. that C. it D. As2012名词性从句预测4 is known to us all is that the 2014 Olympic Games will take place in L.A.It B.What C.As D.WhichWhether是解! 不充当从句的任何成分,表示“是否”表明从句内容的不确定性。不可以省略。通常,引导主语从句、表语从句和引导同位语从句时,要用连词whether,不用if;习惯上也只能说whether or not,而不说if or not。_ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That试题中的从句位于句首,不难知道这是一个主语从句,所以答案是C。但是在宾语从句中表达“是否”既可用if也可用whether。主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,只能用 whether 引导,不能用 if .主语从句Whether it is true remains a problem. 这件事是否真实还是个问题。表语从句What the doctors really doubt is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.医生真正怀疑的是我母亲能否很快从重病中恢复过来。同位语从句I am in doubt whether I should agree to the plan. 2012名词性从句预测5Weve offered her the job, but I dont know_ shell accept it.A. whereB. whatC. whetherD. which2012名词性从句预测6Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and it is rough or smooth.A./ B.whether C.how D.what2012名词性从句预测7What the doctors really doubt is _my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. why 名词性从句真题练习2006辽宁 makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A.What B.Who C.Whatever D.WhoeverA状语从句出题思路预测转折关系:but,however,Altough,Though,什么时候选?2011四川卷Frank insisted that he was not asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up.A. whether B. although C. for D. so2009湖南_ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him.A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as2007全国Between the two generations, it is often not their age, their education that causes misunderstanding.A.like B.as C.or D.but2007湖南Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, _ the way they actually are.A.as B.or C.but D.and2012状从预测1Excuse me for breaking in, _ I have some news for you. A.so B.and C.but D. yet1 It was in this city _ he was born.2 It was this city _ he was born.3 It was in 1989 _ he was born.4 It was three days _ he was born.5 It is three days _ he was born.A. where B. which C. that D. before E.since20100陕西John thinks it wont be long he is ready for his new job. A. when B. after C. before D. since2008北京Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _Brian gets back. A. before B. since C. till D. after2011四川卷 As it reported, it is 100 years Qinghua University was founded.A. when B. before C. after D. since2012状从预测2The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time we meet them again.A.after B.before C.since D.when2012状从预测3He was told that it would be at least three more months he could recover and return to work.A.when B.before C.since D.that2012状从预测4That was really a splendid evening. Its years I enjoyed myself so much.A.when B.that C.before D.since but,however, although didnt Unless/if .not never Without 接名词,主句有would或could until so, therefore, as a result, accordingly because, since, as, for前后两句一肯一否,除了转折关系,2009-2011年考的更多的是因果关系,until和unless. However和 instead同时出现在选项中时,容易选instead ;However和otherwise同时出现在选项中时容易选otherwise;but和so同时出现在选项中时容易选so(therefore) ;but和because同时出现在选项中时容易选because(as,since),具体结合语境。2008北京Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to _Ill see him tomorrow. A. though B. unless C. when D. because2006北京He found it increasingly difficult to read, his eyesight was beginning to fail.A.and B.for C.but D.or2007天津It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life_weve actually had that lesson.A.until B.after C.since D.when2006广东“You cant have this football back_you promise not to kick it at my cat again.” the old man said firmly. A.because B.since C.when D.until2010上海 our manager objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After2010全国The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story.A. or B. unless C. but D. whetherso that(宾语从句后面有can)是解!2005北京Id like to arrive 20 minutes earlyI can have time for a cup of tea.A.as soon as B.as a result C.in case D.so that2004全国IRoses need special care _ they can live through winter.A. because B. so that C. even if D. as 2003安徽春Sally worked late in the eveni


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