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Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of excavation in hard rock, Boulder or long distance of soft hard lot, still using shield method construction will accelerate the tool wear, reducing driving speed, frequent replacement of tools will enable the artificial cost and engineering cost rises ceaselessly, and the construction safety risk, the project impact.Therefore in such areas may be considered mining method with shield method combining construction.Keywords:Shield; mining method; construction technology of combining.摘要 城市地铁通常为浅埋隧道,且穿越路线为城市繁华地段,上覆建筑物多、人口密集、交通繁忙,所以通常采用盾构法施工以减少对地面影响。然而在开挖过程中若遇到硬岩、孤石群或长距离上软下硬地段时,仍采用盾构法施工将会加速刀具磨损、降低掘进速度,频繁更换刀具将使人工成本及工程成本不断上升,且施工安全风险极大,对工程整体进度产生影响。故在此类地段可以考虑矿山法与盾构法相结合进行施工。关键词:盾构法; 矿山法; 结合施工技。1 .Introduction Along with our country city track transportation tunnel engineering construction development, the engineering geological condition becomes more and more complex, simple shield method construction technology and construction technology of simple mining method on the adaptation of formation increasing limitations.When the tunnel segments with uneven hardness and the difference is larger, if only using shield method construction, selection can also meet the cutting strength is low and soft soil excavation of high strength rock composite shield machine shield machine, not only the high cost, in hard rock excavation cost is high.And when the stratum uneven hardness difference in hard rock strength is high, the shield machine is very difficult to satisfy the requirements of both, will cause a series of problems and accidents.On the other hand, the soft rock of mine construction, high cost of construction, long construction period, and the construction risk is difficult to control.Especially in city subway tunnel, the buildings on the ground and pipes, the tunnel construction process of ground subsidence and deformation of high control requirements, when there is an accident, economic loss is estimated hard, social influence to bear.2. Principle and characteristic of subway tunnel construction2.1 Principle of Subway Tunnel Construction City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground, does not affect the city traffic, no pollution, no noise.2.2 Characteristic of Subway Tunnel ConstructionCity subway construction is one of the greatest features, is the project is located in flourishing region of the city, commerce, traffic is busy, many buildings on the ground.Therefore, in most cases, the city subway construction only by tunneling method. In city subway project, the construction time is the longest, the largest project is the construction cost of subway station construction.Especially in city subway tunnel shield construction after introduction, due to shield construction speed, interval tunnel construction speed and construction of subway station speed asymmetry of the contradiction is highlighted particularly.3.Technological Process of Shield Tunnel Shield construction is to shield the construction machinery on the ground below dark tunnel construction method. The shield is a can support the formation pressure and promote activities in the formation of steel tube structure.Steel cylinder is arranged at the front end of the support and excavation equipment, steel tube jacking installation has the desired jacks,Steel cylinder tail can be assembled prefabricated or cast lining ring.Each ring of a shield advance distance, at shield tail support of assembling a ring lining, and the lining ring to peripheral gap pressure injection of cement mortar, to prevent tunnel and ground subsidence.The shield advance force by a lining ring bear.Shield construction before the construction of a shaft, in shaft mounted within the shield, shield excavation soil by access shaft out of the ground.Because of its resistance to circular formation of earth pressure and water pressure on lining is better, assembly is simple, can use the general component, easy to replace, so it is widely used.Shield method is mainly characterized in that: except for shaft construction, construction operations are in the ground, which does not affect the ground transportation, but also reduce the residents in the vicinity of the noise and vibration;Shield tunneling, excavation, assembling the lining the main cycle of construction, easy management, construction personnel is relatively small; less quantity of earth;Crossing the river does not affect shipping; construction from the storms and other weather conditions; in poor geological conditions, high underground water level to the local construction deeply buried tunnel, shield method has higher technical and economic superiority.4.Technological Process of Mining Method Mining method originated in the1986 Beijing subway Fuxingmen reentrant line engineering, is the Chinese people to create their own suitable for Chinas national conditions of a tunnel construction method.Its outstanding advantage is not influence city traffic, no pollution, no noise, and is suitable for various sizes and cross section of tunnel.The principle is: use of soil layer in the excavation process in short time since the steady ability, take the appropriate support measures, rock or soil surface to form a close type thin wall supporting structure of slotted construction method, is mainly applied to the clay, sand, the sand and gravel layer and geological.As a result of shallow tunneling method in eliminating many approval, demolition, excavation and other procedures, this is construction unit commonly adopted.5. Combination of Two Technological ProcessConstruction scheme design for a range using mining excavation,anchor shotcrete lining, composite construction method.Firstly, using the tunnel primary support, and then use a shield segment air is pushed through the tunnel by mining method,Air push by the shield segments form mining method tunnel two lining, two lining and primary support between the pore with grain size of less than 10mm gravel ( stone ) filled, and then filling the spaces between the gravel, and ultimately by the grout and segments constitute the mining method tunnel two lining.6. Conclusion Therefore, take the mining method and the shield method of combination construction, which not only solves the shield method in hard rock section tunneling difficult problem, but also avoid the mining method in soft rock section construction risks.At the same time, because the city subway tunnel construction is often restricted to the construction site, the mining method and the shield method construction of shield in combination, has been applied to the mine tunnel air pushed past approaches, hard rock section ends without setting a shield machine, hanging out and then starting work well, can effectively reduce the construction site requirements, greatly facilitate the construction organization.The mining method and the construction technology of shield method combination, can shorten the construction period, reduces the engineering cost, and reduce the construction difficulty and the construction risk, can play two kinds of method the advantages and benefits.Bibliography1 铁建设2005160号,客运专线铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收暂行标准S2 TB10415-2003,铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准s3 GB50007-2002,建筑地基基础设计规范S4 JGJ79-2002,建筑地基处理技术规范s5 李闻铁路客运专线预制梁场存梁台座设计研究J铁道标准设计,2009(S1)6 李 昂建筑地基处理技术及地基基础工程标准规范实施手册M北京:金版电子出版公司,20031引言 随着我国城市轨道交通隧道工程建设的发展,面临的工程地质条件越来越复杂,单纯盾构法施工工艺及单纯矿山法施工工艺对适应地层的局限性越来越突出:当隧道各区段软硬不均且差异较大时,若单纯采用盾构法施工,需选用能同时满足掘削强度很低的软土和掘削高强度岩石的复合式盾构机,不但盾构机造价高昂,在硬岩中掘进成本也较高;且当地层软硬不均差异过大硬岩强度过高时,盾构机很难同时满足两者要求,将导致一系列工程难题和事故。另一方面,单纯采用矿山施工,软岩段建设成本高、工期长,且施工风险难以控制。特别是城市地铁隧道,地面建筑及管线密集,对隧道施工过程中的地面沉降和变形控制要求高,一旦发生安全事故,经济损失难以估量,社会影响难以承受。2地铁施工的原则和技术特点2.1地铁施工的原则 城市地铁通常为浅埋隧道,且穿越路线为城市繁华地段,上覆建筑物多、人口密集、交通繁忙,所以通常采用盾构法施工以减少对地面影响,不影响城市交通,无污染、无噪声。2.2地铁施工的特点城市地铁施工的一个最大特点,就是工程位于城市繁华地区,商业、交通繁忙,地面建筑物众多。故在大多数情况下,城市地铁施工只能采用暗挖法施工。在城市地铁工程中,施工时间最长,施工费用最大的工程即为地铁车站工程。特别是城市地铁区间隧道引进盾构法施工后,因盾构法施工速度快,区间隧道施工速度与地铁车站施工速度快慢不对称的矛盾尤为突出。3盾构法施工特点盾构法施工是以盾构这种施工机械在地面以下暗挖隧道的一种施工方法。盾构是一个既可以支承地层压力又可以在地层中推进的活动钢筒结构。钢筒的前端设置有支撑和开挖土体的装置,钢筒的中段安装有顶进所需的千斤顶;钢筒的尾部可以拼装预制或现浇隧道衬砌环。盾构每推进一环距离,就在盾尾支护下拼装(或现浇)一环衬砌,并向衬砌环外围的空隙中压注水泥砂浆,以防止隧道及地面下沉。盾构推进的反力由衬砌环承担。盾构施工前应先修建一竖井,在竖井内安装盾构,盾构开挖出的土体由竖井通道送出地面。圆形因其抵抗地层中的土压力和水压力较好,衬砌拼装简便,可采用通用构件,易于更换,因而应用较为广泛。盾构法的主要优点:除竖井施工外,施工作业均在地下进行,既不影响地面交通,又可减少对附近居民的噪声和振动影响;盾构推进、出土、拼装衬砌等主要工序循环进行,施工易于管理,施工人员也比较少;土方量少;穿越河道时不影响航运;施工不受风雨等气候条件的影响;在地质条件差、地下水位高的地方建设埋深较大的隧道,盾构法有较高的技术经济优越性。4矿山法施工特点 矿山法起源于1986年北京地铁复兴门折返线工程,是中国人自己创造的适合中国国情的一种隧道修建方法。它的突出优势在于不影响城市交通,无污染、无噪声,而且适合于各种尺寸与断面形式的隧道洞室。其原理是:利用土层在开挖过程中短时间的自稳能力,采取适当的支护措施,使围岩或土层表面形成密贴型薄壁支护结构的不开槽施工方法,主要适用于粘性土层、砂层、砂卵层等地质。由于浅埋暗挖法省去了许多报批、拆迁、掘路等程序,现被施工单位普遍采纳。 5盾构法和矿山法联合运用技术施工方案总体设计思路为一段区间采用矿山法开挖,锚喷初支,管片衬砌的复合施工方法。即先采用矿山法施工隧道初支,然后再利用盾构拼装管片空推通过矿山法隧道,空推的同时由盾构拼装管片形成矿山法隧道的二衬,二衬和初支之间的孔隙采用粒径小于10 mm的碎石(细石)填充,然后注浆填充碎石间的空隙,最终由注浆体和管片共同构成矿山法隧道的二衬。6总结因此,采取矿山法和盾构法组合施工,既解决了盾构法在硬岩段掘进困难的难题,又避免了矿山法在软岩段施工的巨大风险。同时,由于城市地铁隧道建设往往施工场地严重受限,采取矿山法和盾构法组合施工,盾构在已施作好的矿山法隧道内空推过去的办法,硬岩段两端不必设置盾构机拆卸、吊出和再始发的工作井,可有效减少对施工场地的要求,大大方便施工组织。采用矿山法和盾构法组合施工技术,既缩短了工期、降低了工程成本,又显著降低了施工难度和施工风险,可发挥两种工法各自最大的优势和效益。


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