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新视野大学英语第三册Unit 1Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.You _ her in office last Friday; Shes been out of town for two weeks.A) neednt have seen B) might have seenC) must have seenD) cant have seen2.This candidate has far more chances of winning the election than _ recommended by the organizer.A) thatB) the one C) whomD) one3._ difficult it is to surmount the obstacles, were bound to achieveour goal.A) AsB) HowC) SoD) However4.Many a time _ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings.A) the child being toldB) the child has been toldC) has been told the childD) has the child been told5.He _ writing the paper now. He hadnt written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.A) shouldnt beB) cant have finishedC) cant beD) mustnt have finished6.Isnt it lovely to think that I _ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time.A) will enjoyB) am enjoyingC) will be enjoyingD) shall enjoy7.Dont you know its the first time he _ this kind of meeting?A) attendsB) attendedC) has attendedD) is attending8.If you _ my advice, you _ your failure now. You _ your victory.A) took . wouldnt cry over . would celebrateB) had taken . wouldnt have cried over . would have celebratedC) had taken . arent crying over . are celebratingD) had taken . wouldnt be crying over . would be celebrating9.I would rather _ out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday.A) to go B) goingC) went D) go10.I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _.I told you not to eat at a restaurant. Youd better _ at home.A) to throw up . to eatB) throwing up . eatingC) to throw up . eatD) throwing up . eat11.He always dreams of _ a chance for him to bring into full play his potential.A) there being B) there to beC) there is D) being12.You should keep an eye _ the slightest changes in the patient whilethe doctor is away.A) for B) onC) to D) about13._ is still a controversial issue.A) If he is the right person for the jobB) That he is the right person for the jobC) Whether he is the right person for the jobD) He is the right person for the job14.He has won the first place, _ is clear from the expressions on his face.A) that B) asC) what D) when15.His response was _ that he didnt say yes and he didnt say no.A) so B) whatC) what D) such16.Its time for us to _ the traditional Chinese architecture.A) preserve B) reserveC) conserve D) deserve17.Im afraid taking a parttime job might _ my time for study.A) cut off B) cut intoC) cut down D) cut away18.The innocent young man was _ of robbing the bank.A) sentenced B) chargedC) accused D) punished19.People should behave _ on such a solemn occasion.A) respectedly B) respectfullyC) respectingly D) respectively20.After second thought, she _ a better solution.A) came up with B) added up toC) put up with D) made up for1.【答案】D【译文】上星期五你不可能在办公室里见到她,她已离开小镇两个星期了。【试题分析】本题测试情态动词的推测性用法。【详细解答】选项A中neednt have done 表示“本不必做”;选项B中might have done表示“可能做”,选项C中must have done 表示“必定做过”,选项D中cant have done 表示“不可能做”。选项D合乎句意。2.【答案】B【译文】这位候选人要比组织者们推荐的那位候选人有更多赢得大选的机会。【试题分析】本题测试指代词的用法。【详细解答】A)that“那,那个”通常指物,指事,不指人;B)the one “那一位,那一个”,特指某一个人;C) whom 关系代词,引导定语从句,通常在句中作宾语成分;D) one “一个,人们”作代词时,类指“人们”。据题意B正确。3.【答案】D【译文】不管排除障碍有多么艰难,我们一定要达到目标。【试题分析】本题测试连接词及句子结构。【详细解答】A) as 引导让步状语从句时,将从句的补语或状语置于句首,如“Difficult as it is to”,B) how “多么地”,引导感叹句;C) so表示“因此,因而”;D) however “无论如何,不管怎样”,根据句意,D正确。4.【答案】D【译文】虽然多次警告过那孩子不要玩火,但是他听不进去。【试题分析】本题测试句子结构。【详细解答】此句中“but”是并列连词,连结两个并列句,因而“but”前面应是一个分句,选项A可排除。状语“many a time”放在句首,句子要倒装。选项D是正确的。5.【答案】B【译文】他不可能现在完成论文,十分钟前我离开他时,他还没有写一个字。【试题分析】本题测试情态动词。【详细解答】A) shouldnt do “不应该做”;B) cant have done “不可能做”;C) cant do “不会做,不能做”;D) mustnt have done 结构不常用。选项B合乎题意。6.【答案】C【译文】一想到明天的这个时候我就在阳光明媚的沙滩上玩耍,难道不是一件快乐的事吗?【试题分析】本题测试句子结构。【详细解答】“will+不定式进行体”表示将来时间。有两种用法:1)表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作。2)“单纯”表示将来要发生的动作。这一结构在口语中用得多。它与“will+不定式结构”有区别,在于它不带情态色彩,表示“纯粹”将来,但正由于其不带情态色彩,在某些场合便能表示婉转口气。从而现代英语用will+being 表礼貌的询问、请求等。eg. When will you be visiting us again? When will you visit us again?句不带请求意愿色彩,口气较随使,婉转;则有需求对方表态之意,口气不够婉转。7.【答案】C【译文】难道你不知道这是他第一次出席这种会议吗?【试题分析】测试句子结构。【详细解答】在“Its the 1st time that”结构中,that分句中的动词用现在完成体。8.【答案】D【译文】如果你采纳了我的建议,你现在就不会为你的失败后悔了。你就在为你的成功而庆祝了。【试题分析】本题测试混合虚拟语气。【详细解答】当主句与从句时态不一致时,主句与从句分别使用与各自时态相应的虚拟语气。此句中从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反,因而选项D正确。9.【答案】D【译文】我宁愿出去找一份工作,也不要每天在这里闲荡。【试题分析】本题测试短语结构。【详细解答】would rather+动词原形,表示“宁愿”。10.【答案】D【译文】我必定是吃了什么不好的东西了,想吐。我早告诉过你不要在餐馆里吃饭。你最好在家里吃饭。【试题分析】本题测试短语结构。【详细解答】feel like 表示“想要”,后接名词或动名词;had better 表示“最好”,后接动词原形,故选项D正确。11.【答案】A【译文】他总是梦想着会有机会让他充分发挥他的潜力。【试题分析】本题测试短语用法。【详细解答】dream of “梦到,梦想”,后面接名词或动名词;选项A)there being 是“there be”的动名词形式,因而A正确。12.【答案】B【译文】当医生不在时,你就该注意病人身上的任何一点变化。【试题分析】本题测试短语动词。【详细解答】keep on eye on sb./sth. 固定用法,“留心看着,注意”。13.【答案】C【译文】他是否是工作的合适人选,目前仍是一个很有争议的问题。【试题分析】本题测试名词性从句的用法。【详细解答】A) if引导条件状语从句,不合题意;B) that引导名词从句,但“that”是引导词,不做任何成分,此句意思肯定,即“他是工作的合适人选”与后面的“controversial”相矛盾;C) whether 引导名词从句,“是否”,合乎题意;D) 是B句中“that”的省略,也不对。14.【答案】B【译文】他得了第一名,他脸上的表情清楚地表明了这一切。【试题分析】本题测试句子结构。【详细解答】此句是定语从句,关系代词代的是前面整个句子,即“He has won the 1st place.”四个选项中C、D都不是关系代词,选项A虽是关系代词,但不引导非限制性关系分句。15.【答案】D【译文】他的回答如此,没有说是,也没有说不是。【试题分析】测试句子结构。【详细解答】句子中包含结果状语从句。such 后可直接跟that分句表示结构,这时such 是代词,一般用于主系表结构中。例如:His diligence was such that he made great progress.16.【答案】A【译文】是我们保存中国传统建筑的时候了。【试题分析】测试形近动词的辨义。【详细解答】A) preserve “保护,维护;保存,保藏”;强调防御破坏的意思;B)reserve “储备,留出,预定”,指“保留以作它用”;而不是保存以免受伤害等;C) conserve “保养,保藏,保存”,强调“节约使用,珍惜”;D) deserve “值得,应得”。根据句意,选项A正确。17.【答案】B【译文】恐怕做兼职工作会占用我的学习时间。【试题分析】测试短语词辨义。【详细解答】cut off 切断,隔绝;切掉,剪下;cut into 侵犯,打断;cut down 砍倒,删节;cut away 切掉,砍掉;根据句义,选项B正确。18.【答案】C【译文】这位年青人清白无辜,却被指控为犯有抢劫银行罪。【试题分析】测试近义动词的用法。【详细解答】A) sentence 宣判,判决,常用短语“be sentenced to”“被判处”;B) charge 控告,指控,短语be charged with“指控为”;C)accuse 指挥,指责,短语accuse sb. of“指控某人某罪”;D)punish 惩罚,只有选项C与介词of连用,表示指控。19.【答案】B【译文】在如此庄严肃穆的场合,人们的行为举止应该恭敬、得体。【试题分析】测试形近义近词用法。【详细解答】respectedly 来源于“respected”,不常用;respectfully表示“恭敬地,尊敬地”;respectingly 可能来源于“respecting”,不常用;respectively 各自地,分别地。选项B合乎句意。20.【答案】A【译文】再三考虑后,她提出了比较好的解决办法。【试题分析】测试短语动词的辨义。【详细解答】come up with 提出,提供;put up with 容忍,忍受(讨厌的人或物);add up to 合计达;made up for 补偿,弥补。选项A合乎句意。Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Teachers always plan down to the minute what their students will be doing. This is good for kids, because it teaches them to stay on task and follow a schedule.But most homes arent run this way. If parents do plan their childrens livesminute by minute, what happens when that child grows up and goes to college? At some point, kids need to learn to manage their own time. This can be one of the valuable skills you help your kids develop outside of school. But it generally wont happen all by itself, because theres a big transition that happens when kids leave the structured school environment and come home. If you have kid stay alone at home, think hard about trying to find an adult whocan be there and provide the support your child needs. If a supportive adult isnt available, an expert named Martin recommends you find an after-school program led by experienced professionals who will engage them in creative activities, nourish them with healthy snacks, and assist them with their schoolwork. If you are at home on the contrary, to take some break after the guys get started on diversions, because its hard to stop and do something like homework. “If that little bit of downtime is television, good luck . getting them to do theirhomework.” says a professor of child development at California State University, “TV is addictive.” A better way to help your child unwind is with a healthy snack. “Wait until dinner, make a plate full of energizing food. You could even dish up part of the dinner youre preparing a little early for the kids,” she says. While youre sharing a snack, you can make a list of what your kids will get todo during their study breaks. The types of breaks recommended include shooting baskets, getting a drink, using the bathroom, or even playing a quick card game with parents. Your kids can be the ones to decide which breaks theyd like to take. But, as Freimuth says, your children will have to be honest about what kind of break will energize them and not upset their momentum.1. The main purpose of this passage is _.A) to provide some advice for the parents about childrens educationB) to explain how to prepare a pretty snack for your children C) to explain why the parents spoil their childrenD) to describe childrens lives after school2. The words “this way” in the sentence “But most homes arent run this way” in the first paragraph most possibly means _. A) to stay on the taskB) to arrange everything in detailsC) to give some lessons to childrenD) to behave in the structured school 3. According to the passage, the expert named Martin, appearing in the second paragraph, most probably takes up the following jobs EXCEPT _. A) a specialist in children educationB) a professional consultant in a after-school programC) the leader of a research group about sports, such as basketball D) mostly the same as what Freimuth (in the last paragraph) does 4. According to the last two paragraphs, the appropriate snacks that theparents provide will _. A) upset the childrens momentumB) exhaust them by lots of dirty dishesC) make the children get addicted to TVD) bring more energy to children5. Which of the following is NOT recommended for the break during the childrens study after class?A) Shoot baskets.B) Play some games with parents.C) Go out to drink some beverage in a bar for a long time.D) Relax a bit by using the bathroom.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Doors and windows cant keep them out; airport immigration officers cant stopthem and the Internet is an absolute reproduction soil. They seem harmless in small doses, but large imports threaten Japans very uniqueness, say critics. “They are foreign words and they are infecting the Japanese language”. “Sometimes I feel like I need a translator to understand my own language,” says Yoko Fujimura with little anger, a 60-year-old Tokyo restaurant worker. “Its becoming incomprehensible.” Its not only Japan who is on the defensive. Countries around the globe are wetthrough their hands over the rapid spread of American English. Coca-Cola, for example, is one of the most recognized terms on Earth. It is made worse for Japan,however, by its unique writing system. The country writes all imported utterances - except Chinese - in a different script called katakana(片假名). It is the only country to maintain such a distinction. Katakana takes far more space to write than kanji - the core pictograph(象形文字)characters that the Japanese borrowed from China 1,500 years ago. Because it stands out, readers complain that sentences packed with foreign words start to resemble extended strings of lights. As if that werent enough, katakana terms tend to get confusing. For example, digital camera first appears as degitaru kamera. Then they became the more ear-pleasing digi kamey. But kamey is also the Japanese word for turtle. “Its very frustrating not knowing what young people are talking about,” says humorously Minoru Shiratori, a 53-year-old bus driver. “Sometimes I cant tell if theyre discussing cameras or turtles.” In a bid to stop the flood of katakana, the government has formed a Foreign Words Committee to find suitable Japanese replacements. The committee is slightly different from French-style language police, which try to support a law that forbids advertising in English. Rather, committee members and traditionalists hope a sustained campaign of persuasion, gentle criticism and leadership by example canturn the tide.6. According to the author, the reason why the Japanese is infected greatly by English is _.A) that nothing can prevent it from entering into JapanB) that English is the most recognized language in the worldC) that the government has not set up a special administration department to control this trend before it becomes popular in JapanD) not clearly mentioned in this passage7. By saying “countries around the globe are wet through their hands over the rapid spread of American English,” the author implies that _.A) even a restaurant worker in Japan may feel the English infection on JapaneseB) the flood of katakana has covered most of countries in the worldC) Coca-Cola is the most popular brand of beverage on the earth and this product occupy all the global marketD) many other countries are influenced greatly by American English8. According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT _.A) now there are two language systems, Kanji and katakana in JapanB) the word “digital camera” appears very different in JapaneseC) people are always confused by the young Japanese pronunciation of “turtle” and “camera” D) Foreign Words Committee is engaged in finding suitable Japanese replacements for the foreign words9. According to the author, the last paragraph mainly deals with _.A) how French-style language police has prevented the influence of EnglishB) how Japanese Foreign Words Committee prevents the infection of foreign wordsC) the suitable Japanese replacementsD) why committee members and traditionalists launch a war against the infection of foreign words10. Which conclusion can be drawn based on the opinions from the Japanese people (in paragraph 2 and 4 of this passage)?A) The elders are more strongly in favor of replacing the foreign words than young people.B) All the people dislike speaking the foreign words, such as “digi kamey”.C) They are so old that it is necessary to give some language assistance by a specialist.D) Peoples work determines the language they speak.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.The Security Council is the most powerful body in the UN. It is responsible for maintaining international peace, and for restoring peace when conflicts arise. Its decisions are binding on all UN members. The Security Council has the power to define what is a threat to security, to determine how the UN should respond, and to enforce its decisions by ordering UN members to take certain actions.The Council convenes(召集)any time there is a threat to peace. A representative from each member country who sits on the Council must be available at all times so that the Council can meet at a moments notice. The Security Council also frequently meets at the request of a UN member - often a nation with a grievance about another nations actions.The Security Council has 15 members; five of which hold permanent seats. The Assembly elects the other ten members for two-year terms. The five permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), and China - have the most power. These nations were the winning powers at the end of World War II, and they still represent the bulk of the worlds military might.Decisions of the Council require nine votes. But any one of the permanent members can veto an important decision. This authority is known as the veto right of the great powers. As a result, the Council is effective only when its permanent members can reach a consensus(一致同意). The Council has a variety of ways it can try to resolve conflicts among countries. Usually the Councils first step is to encourage the countries to settle their disagreements without violence. The Council can mediate a dispute or recommendguidelines for a settlement. It can send peacekeeping troops into a distressed area. If war breaks out, the Council can call for a ceasefire. It can enforce its decisions by imposing economic sanctions on a country, or through joint military action.11. Which is TRUE in the following statements according to the passage?A) The Security Council convenes annually.B) All UN members should abide by the decisions adopted by the Security Council.C) Although one member seriously complains about another members action, the Security Council will not convene at its request.D) The five permanent members of the Security Council hold less than one half armed forces in the world. 12. The Security Council is effective only when its permanent members canreach a consensus because _. A) every permanent member has the veto right of great powersB) all the permanent members won in the World War IIC) the other members of the Security Council are in the charge of the permanent membersD) of some other reasons not mentioned in this passage 13. One motion(提议)is adopted by the Security Council only if _. A) 14 of 15 members accept this motionB) all the members have no objection to the motion C) 9 members agree on it and all the permanent members approve of itD) all the permanent members pass it14. The passage introduces all things about the Security Council EXCEPT_.A) mission B) membershipC) rights D) history 15. The last paragraph of this passage may be concluded with the statement that _. A) UN gives priority to peaceful settlement of the conflicts among countriesB) the peacekeeping troops are most powerful in the conflicts between countriesC) economic sanction will be imposed on the countries involved in warD) joint military action is the last resort of the Security Council in dealing with conflicts between among countriesPassage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Few observers have a better view of that ocean of exchanging gossip called E-mail than Mark Sunner. The chief technology officer of E-mail management company MessageLabs, Sunner oversees a network that processes 4.5 million letters each day. Servers operated and maintained by MessageLabs manage mail delivery and routing for a number of companies, including Bank of England and Cond Nast Publications. In fact, all of MessageLabs customers are corporations whose daily E-mail output and inflow has soared with the growth of the Web. “E-mail usage has increasedmassively in the last couple of years,” he says. Indeed, MessageLabs estimates that it has gone from 10 a day per employee as recently as two years ago to more like 20 or 30 now. The implications for Corporate America are equally huge. According to E-mail researcher and consultant David Ferris, companies can expect the volume of E-mail coursing through their servers to grow 60% to 80% in 2002. And as individual messages grow in size - theyre now more likely to contain memory - companies couldend up


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