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在小学数学教学中,教师除了要向学生传授知识,还要有意识地培养与训练学生的逻辑思维,确保其掌握一定的逻辑思维能力,并且能够灵活运用于数学题目的解答过程中。这样在遇到各种数学问题时,学生才能迅速理清思路,联想到与此相关的生活经验或数学模型,找准数量关系,高效解决问题。一、营造良好课堂氛围,促使学生思维发散小学阶段,学生的心智尚未发育成熟,习惯通过形象思维认知新事物,而数学教学的开展直接影响着其思维的开发程度。教师不能被传统教学观念限制,而应引导学生挣脱束缚,敢于质疑周围的事物,勇于表达自身观点,这样学生才会对自己好奇的事物保持较强的求知欲望。为了做到这一点,教师要营造良好的课堂氛围,具体而言,教师应根据教学内容创设教学情境,活跃课堂氛围,营造轻松、和谐的氛围,通过调动学生的学习兴趣,使其注意力集中、参与积极性提高,充分发散思维,发挥主动学习能力。例1:在超市买4块橡皮要花2元钱,如果要买15块同样的橡皮,一共需要多少钱?这是小学数学课程中常见的应用题,由于涉及到两次计算,对学生而言有一定的难度。为了帮助学生理解题目,教师可以要求学生两人一组,现场模拟在超市购物的情境,“收银员”要思考计算买15块橡皮的总费用需要知道什么条件,接着分析这些条件是否已知,如果是未知的应怎样求。通过分析,学生有了比较清晰的思路,即先求每块橡皮的单价:24=0.5(元),再求买15块橡皮的总价:0.515=7.5(元)。在这种情境中解题,学生不仅会将学习当作责任,也会将其作为一种娱乐,享受学习过程的乐趣,收获情感体验。在数学教学中,通过引导学生提出质疑,挖掘其学习潜力。二、合理选择教学方法,引导学生积极思考教学方法是教师完成教学任务、达到教学目的的有效手段。为了训练学生的逻辑思维,教师必须合理选择教学方法,精心设计教学环境,打造有趣、形象的数学课堂。通过教学内容激发学生的思维兴趣,从已学知识过渡到未知的新知识,引导学生独立思考和自由探索,享受探究的乐趣,收获成功的满足感。例如,讲解平行四边形面积的计算方法时,先引导学生回忆已经学过的矩形面积公式和推导方法,接着鼓励其用割补法自由切割、重组平行四边形,观察能得到怎样的新图形。学生在动手操作过程中发现平行四边形变为矩形,并尝试列出了面积计算式,进而归纳出平行四边形的面积公式。在这个过程中,学生不仅认真思考了问题,还做到了手脑并用,锻炼了动手能力。也训练了逻辑思维能力。通过这种方式,教师能够有效调动学生的思维积极性,保持其思维活跃。在教学过程中,教师应把握时机,灵活提出问题,这些问题最好具有开放性,不是教材中死板的问题,能够使学生充分发挥联想能力,体验探索的乐趣。另外,教师可以针对某个知识点设置悬念,为学生留出一定的时间,引导其展开思考、发散思维,培养思维的独立性,提高创新能力与逻辑思维能力。三、 有效把握学生特点,运用多元方法解题学生的数学基础、学习能力、性格、爱好等都有很大差异,教师在小学数学教学中不能直接讲解解题方法,而要尊重学生的差异,结合学生的实际情况给予引导,鼓励其思考新的知识点,通过分析和探索得到不同的解决方法。例2:某工程队计划修一条200米长的路,前5天修完了全长的25%,如果施工效率不变,那么还需要多少天能修完这条路?教师先给学生两分钟的独立思考时间,接着要求其分组讨论,结束后各组由组长代表,说出本组共得到几种解题方法,先由最少的讲解,多的补充,如果最后仍未说全则由教师负责补充。大部分学生想到了用剩余的路长除以每天修路的米数,所以得到第一种解法:(200-20025%)(20025%5)=15(天)或200(1-25%)(20025%5)=15(天);或者用总天数减已用天数:200(20025%5)-5=15(天)。这三种方法代表了学生的常规思维,教师先引导其观察不同方法的异同点,接着打破固有思维,提示学生如果将200米当作一个整体,用1来表示,又能怎样解答呢?学生通过转变之前的式子,得到了更为简单的方法,逻辑思维得到了训练。综上所述,在培养小学生的逻辑思维方面,教师必须选择正确的教学方法,转变传统、单一的教学模式,灵活运用多元化的教学方法,为学生思维的发展创造条件。在传授数学知识的同时,还要渗透有效的学习方法,通过适当引导提高学生的学习积极性和主动性。当学生提出疑问时,教师要从多方面给予指导和提示,促使学生思维发散,具备更高的逻辑思维能力,提高学习效率。In the elementary school mathematics teaching, the teacher in addition to imparting knowledge to students, but also consciously cultivate and train students logical thinking, to ensure its master certain logical thinking ability, and can be used for purpose of math problems to solve in the process of flexible. When the various mathematical problems so, students can quickly gain clarity, associated with the related life experience, or mathematics model, get the quantitative relation, efficiently solve the problem.First, create a good classroom atmosphere, to promote students thinking divergenceElementary school, the students mind is not yet mature, used by new image thinking cognition, and the development of mathematics teaching directly affect the development degree of mind. The teacher cannot be limited by traditional teaching concept, and should guide students from bondage, dared to question the things around, have the courage to express their own views, so that students will only be curious about his things keep strong curiosity. In order to do this, the teacher wants to create a good classroom atmosphere, to be specific, teachers should according to the teaching contents teaching situation, active classroom atmosphere, create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, through to mobilize students learning interest, make its attention, participation enthusiasm, divergent thinking, fully exert active learning ability.Example 1: in the supermarket to buy 4 pieces of rubber to 2 yuan, if want to buy 15 pieces of the same rubber, total need how many money?This is common problems in the elementary school mathematics curriculum, because involves two calculation, has the certain difficulty for students. In order to help students understand the topic,www.dgalbuy.com www.zjljy.net teachers can ask students in pairs, the scene simulation situation of shopping in the supermarket, cashier thinking to calculate the total cost to buy 15 pieces of rubber needs to know what conditions, and then analyze whether these conditions are known, how should if is unknown. Through the analysis of the students have more clarity of thought, namely the unit price of each piece of rubber: first 2 present 4 = 0.5 (RMB), to buy a total of 15 pieces of rubber, such as: 0.5 x 15 = 7.5 (RMB). Problem solving in this situation, students will not only as a responsibility, also as a kind of entertainment, enjoy the fun of learning process, gain emotional experience. In mathematics teaching, through guiding the students, developing their learning potential.Second, choice of reasonable teaching method, guide students to active thinkingThe teaching method is a teacher finish the teaching task and achieve the goal of teaching. To train students logical thinking, the teacher must choose reasonable teaching methods, carefully designed teaching environment, creating interesting and image of mathematics classroom. Through teaching content arousing students interest in mind, learn from the transition to the new knowledge of the unknown, guide students to independent thinking and free inquiry, enjoy the fun of exploring, gain the satisfaction of success. For example, to explain in detail the area of the parallelogram method, to guide the student to recall has learned of the rectangular area of formula and the method is derived, and then encourage them with cut and fill free cutting, reorganization of the parallelogram, observe how can get the new graphics. Students in the process of hands-on found parallelogram into a rectangle, and try to list out the calculation formula for the area, and summed up the area of the parallelogram theorem. In this process, students not only think seriously about the problem, also do it using the brain and hand, exercise the ability. The logical thinking ability and training. In this way, teachers can effectively arouse the enthusiasm of the students thinking, and keep the mind active. In the teaching process, teachers should grasp the opportunity, flexible question, these problems have openness, best not rigid problems in the teaching material, can make the students to give full play to the ability of lenovo,www.meiguoqianggen3.com www.hanyu100.net experience the fun of exploring. In addition, teachers can be set for a knowledge suspense, set aside some time for the students, to guide their thinking, divergent thinking, cultivate the independence of the mind, improve the innovation ability and logical thinking ability.3, to grasp the characteristics of students, use multiple problem solving methodsMathematical foundation of students, learning ability, personality, hobbies and so on have very big difference, the teachers in the elementary school mathematics teaching can not directly on the problem solving methods, and to respect the students differences, combined with the actual situation of the students to give guidance, encouraging its thinking of new knowledge, through analysis and explore different ways to solve.Example 2: a construction team plans to build a 200 - metre - long road, completed 25% of the total length of 5 days before, if the construction efficiency is constant, so you also need to how many days can finish all the way?Teachers give students two minutes of independent thinking, and then asked the group discussion, after the end of each group, by a representative of the group leader to say this group of received several problem solving methods, first by the least explanation, supplement, if finally still not said by the teacher in full. Most of the students think of the way with the remaining length divided by the road on the number of meters every day, so get the first solution: (200-200 (25%), present (200 x 25% present 5) = 15 (day) or 200 x (1-25%) present (200 x 25% present 5) = 15 (day); Or use the total number of days has damping days: 200 present (200 x 25% present 5) - 5 = 15 (day). These three methods represents the conventional thinking of students, teachers to guide its first observe the similarities and differences among different methods, then break the inherent thinking, prompt the students if the 200 m as a whole, with 1, but also how to solve? Before students by changing formula, obtained the more simple method, logical thinking has been training.To sum up, in the aspect of cultivating pupils logical thinking, the teacher must choose the right teaching method, to transform the traditional, single teaching mode, the flexible use of diversified teaching methods, create conditions for the development of students thinking. To teach math knowledge at the same time, also penetrate effective study method, through appropriate guidance to improve students learning enthusiasm and initiative. When students ask questions, the teacher should give guidance and tips from various aspects, inspire students thinking divergence, have higher logical thinking ability, improve the learning efficiency.


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