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Module 1 My first day at Senior HighWords:学术的adj. _省 n. _热心的adj. _令人吃惊的adj._信息n._网站n._极好的adj._理解n._指令(常复)n._方法n._厌烦的adj._尴尬的adj._态度n._行为n._以前的adj._描述n._吃惊的adj._技术n._是印象深刻v._纠正n._鼓励n._乐趣n._流利n._误解n._失望的adj._令人失望的adj._体系n._少年n._消失v._搬家v._助理n._包含v._文凭n._令人尴尬的adj. _Phrases:换句话说 _守诺/失诺 _总之 _盼望 _注意 _着手做_给某人留下印象(3)_在开始时 _在结束时 _上大学 _被分成 _参加 _课外活动 _用这个方法(3)_ _玩得高兴 _作弄某人 _根本不(像)_在很流利_对满意/失望_面带最灿烂的微笑_取得文凭 _考试学科 _表现好 _与相似 _Sentences:1. 对学习英语他总是持有非常积极的态度。 _2. 毫无疑问, 我的高中老师的教法跟初中老师的教法是非常不同的。 _ _3. 跟老朋友聊天真好啊! _4. 这根绳子是那根的四倍长。 _ _ _ _Module 1 My first day at Senior HighWords:学术的adj. academic省 n. province热心的adj. enthusiastic令人吃惊的adj. amazing信息n. information网站n. website极好的adj. brilliant理解n. comprehension指令(常复)n. instruction方法n. method厌烦的adj. bored尴尬的adj. embarrassed态度n. attitude行为n. behaviour以前的adj. previous描述n. description吃惊的adj. amazed令人尴尬的adj. embarrassing技术n. technology是印象深刻v. impress纠正n. correction鼓励n. encouragement乐趣n. enjoyment流利n. fluency误解n. misunderstanding失望的adj. disappointed令人失望的adj. disappointing体系n. system少年n. teenager消失v. disappear搬家v. move助理n. assistant包含v. cover文凭n. diplomaPhrases:换句话说 in other words守诺/失诺 keep/break ones word总之 in a word盼望 look forward to注意 pay attention to着手做get down to在开始时 at the start of在结束时 at the end of上大学 go to college参加 take part in 课外活动 after-school activities给某人留下印象(3)impress sb.be impressed by / at / withmake/leave/create an impression on被分成 be divided into玩得高兴 have fun/enjoy oneself作弄某人 make fun of sb.根本不(像) nothing like在很流利 be fluent in用这个方法(3)in this waywith this method by this means对满意/失望be happy/disappointed with面带最灿烂的微笑have/wear the biggest smile取得文凭 receive a diploma考试学科 academic subjects表现好 behave well/oneself与相似 be similar toSentences:1. 对学习英语他总是持有非常积极的态度。 He always has / hold / take a very active attitude to studying English.2. 毫无疑问, 我的高中老师的教法跟初中老师的教法是非常不同的。 There is no doubt that the teaching method of my Senior High school teachers is quite different from that of the teachers at my Junior High school.3. 跟老朋友聊天真好啊! What fun it is to chat with an old friend!4. 这根绳子是那根的四倍长。 This rope is four times as long as that one. This rope is three times linger than that one. This rope is four times the length of that one. The length of this rope is four times of that one.


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