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八年级英语第一次阶段测试题号一二三四五六总分得分一、单项选择。( ) 1. _ surprising news!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a ( ) 2. Today English _ by more and more Chinese people.A. speak B. spoke C. is spoken D. was spoken( ) 3. Ill help you take care of your dog _ you are away.A. during B. in C. except D. while( ) 4. While the boy was shopping, he saw the UFO _ .A. take off B. taking off C. takes off D. took off( ) 5. When the alien _ out of the restaurant, Tom _ the pizza. A. came, was eating B. come, was eating C. comes, ate D. was coming, ate( ) 6. Isnt it _ to see a UFO landing in front of me? A. amazed B. surprised C. amazing D. excited( ) 7. When he _ home, his mother was cooking. A. arrived in B. got C. got to D. reaching( ) 8. Do you know _ this time yesterday? A. what she is cooking B. what is she cooking C. what she was cooking D. what was she cooking( ) 9. Mother was ill _ , I must look after her. A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. at hospital D. at the hospital( ) 10. _ of us must do eye exercises every day. A. Every B. Everyone C. Every one D. No one( ) 11. She _ she _ a party for her sister the next week. A. says, were having B. said, had C. says, had D. said, was having( ) 12. Bill said they would have _ holidays. A. two weeks B. twoweeks C. a twoweek D. two months( ) 13. He is unhappy because he failed his math exam, but I think he will get _ it. A. on B. around C. about D. over( ) 14. Lily is often heard _ in the sitting room. A. sing B. sings C. to sing D. sang( ) 15.Our geography teacher told us that the earth _ round the sun. A. went B. turned C. to D. turns( ) 16. Our teacher often tells us _ copy the homework. A. dont B. not C. to not D. not to( ) 17. Playing basketball is _ better than doing homework. A. a lot of B. many C. much D. very( ) 18. The more exercise you take, the _ you will be. A. healthy B. health C. healthier D. weak( ) 19. Happy New Year! _ . A. Thank you. B. With pleasure C. The same to you D. And you?( ) 20. His homework _ at home this morning. A. forgot B. left C. was forgotten D. was left( ) 21. What about _ the high mountain tomorrow? A. climb B. to climb C. climbed D. climbing( ) 23. Its not far. Its only five _ walk. A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minutess( ) 24. Dont _ your mother. Its impolite(不礼貌的). A. say to B. speak to C. shout to D. shout at( ) 25. Ill go to visit you _ next month. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time二、 阅读理解。( A )Every time when I look at the moon, I wish I could go there. Do you wish you could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day?For hundreds of years, men have wanted to travel to the moon. When they looked at the moon, they asked many questions. Was the moon hot or cold? Were there any plants or other living things there? They asked many, many other questions. Some people said there were living plants on the moon. Others said nothing could live there because there was no air or water on the moon.We know much about the moon now. Scientists have studied the moon for many years and have found out many facts. Not long ago spaceships with men in them flew to the moon. What do we know about the moon? We find that the moon is much smaller than the earth. Its about one quarter size of the earth. Its traveling round the earth all the time.Days and nights on the moon are very long. One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth. One night is also as long as two weeks on the earth. In the day the moon is very hot. At night its very cold. The moon is much hotter and much colder than the earth.Theres another surprising thing. On the moon, things are not as heavy as they are on the earth.( ) 1. There are not any plants or other living things on the moon because _ .A. there is no air there B. there is no water there C. both A and B( ) 2. The moon is _ the earth. A. much smaller than B. much bigger than C. about as big as( ) 3. One day on the moon is as long as _ on the earth. A. one week B. two weeks C. one month( ) 4. The moon is much hotter in the day and _ at night than the earth. A. much hotter B. much colder C. as hot as( )5. On the moon things are _ they are on the earth. A. heavier than B. lighter than C. as heavy as( B )Pandas are very old animals. They have lived on the earth for over 3 million years! No wonder people call them “living fossils(化石)”.Chinese wrote about this “living fossil” more than 2,000 years ago. Pandas were always very valuable(珍贵的). They used panda skins as gifts. But the West didnt know about pandas until the late 19th century. Frenchman Pere Armand David told the west about pandas. On this trip to South China in 1869, he saw a panda skin. He bought two dead giant pandas from hunters(猎人). After that, a lot of Westerners came to China to get pandas. In November 1928, Americans Kermit and Theodore Roosevelt, sons of President Theodore Roosevelt came to China to hunt pandas. In the 1930s, the West wanted live pandas instead of (代替)dead ones. American Ruth Harkness was the first to take a panda out of China alive. She came to China in 1936. She took a baby panda, SuLin, back to the US. Her book, “The lady and the Panda” came out in 1938 and was a best seller.( ) 1. This passage mainly talks about _ . A. why panda are so valuable B. how pandas got to the West C. the first baby panda in the West D. panda hunters( ) 2. People call pandas “living fossils” because _ . A. they look very funny B. they have traveled very far C. they have a long history D. they are very expensive( ) 3. The West has known about panda for about _ . A. 100 years B. 20 centuries C. one and a half centuries D. 70 years( ) 4. The underlined(划线的) word “live” probably means _ . A. 活 B. 生活 C. 生命 D.真正的( ) 5. Which of the following statements is true? A. David brought the first baby panda to the West B. Ruth Harkness wrote a book about pandas C.The two sons of Roosevelt were panda hunters D. People used panda skins as gifts because they were good for the health.( C ) My sister is an air hostess(空中小姐). Yesterday morning my sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woman came up to her and said, “Excuse me, this is my first time in a plane. Could you please tell me where the ladies room is ?” “Certainly, Madam”, answered my sister. “Its right at the other end of the plane in the front.” The old woman went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her and saw the captain (机长)and his workmates in the small room. They were all busy with their work and didnt see her. She went out again and came back to my sister. “Oh, didnt you find it?” asked my sister. “Yes, I did,” said the little old woman. “But there were four men in the ladies room watching TV.”( ) 1. My sister works _ . A. at school B. in a plane C. in a shop D. in a train( ) 2. My sisters duty (职责)is _ . A. to take food and drinks to the passengers. B. to answer the passengers questions C. to show the toilets to the passengers D. to help the passengers( ) 3. The old woman didnt know where the ladies room was because _ . A. she traveled by plane for the first time. B. she was too old. C. she wanted to talk with my sister. D. there arent any toilets in the plane.( ) 4. The old woman went into the _ . A. mens room B. bedroom C. control cabin D. sitting room( ) 5. The old woman thought _ .A. the four men watched TV in the ladies room B. my sister fooled her C. the ladies room was at the back of the plane D. my sister fooled the four men( D )In the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the country and the small town to the cities, because there was more work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the country. But not every family had a horse. People wanted and needed another kind of transportation. Inventors in many countries tried to meet this need. The first bicycle was very simple. It was made in 1790. People called it “the horse on wheels”. Then in 1861, bicycles became popular.People liked the bikes, because they were not so expensive as horses. The didnt need to build a house to keep them in, and they wanted nothing to eat. They could ride them in the city and in the country. Everybody in the family could go and come by bike- men, women, girls and boys. Today people in every country in the world ride bikes.( ) 1. The passage mainly tells us_ . A. the bike has become a popular form of transportation B. transportation has changed a lot C. the cities became larger and larger in the 18th century D. traveling in the country is more difficult than in the city( ) 2. About 200 years ago, people from the country and small town moved to the cities to _ . A. have a good time B. get horses C. find work D. ride bikes( ) 3. Bikes were used as a popular form of transportation _ . A. before 1790 B. after 1790 C. between 1790 and 1861 D. after 1861( ) 4. People went back to the country when they had _ . A. holidays B. bicycles C. another form of transportation D. horses( ) 5. People like bikes because _ A. they were cheaper than horses B. everyone in the family could go and come on a bike C . they could be ridden in the city and in the country D. all the above( E )People have been watching TV for more than 70 years. Did the TV sets in the 1940s look the same as todays ? They were very different in the future. The future of TV is Digital Television ones. The screen looks just like that in the cinema. The best things that DTV gives people are clearer pictures and better sound. Pictures on a DVT set are very bright, clear and lifelike. The sound is as good as that of a CD. At home you will be able to enjoy watching TV as if you are in a cinema. Sometimes people call it Hight Definition TV ( HDV高清晰).HDTV is the best DTV. With DTV, people will have a bigger choice(选择) of programmes from the same station at the same time. For example, you can choose to watch the news, sports, a sitcom or a childrens programme on CCTV 1 at 7 pm. You can see DTV sets in some shops now. Most of them are still very expensive but the prices(价格) will come down in the future.1. When did people first watch TV?2. What is the future of TV?3. What are the best things that DTV gives people?4. Where will people be able to enjoy watching TV as if they are in a cinema?5. Will the prices of the TV sets be lower than those of today?三、 完型填空。Several years ago there was an old man in a village. He had _1_ fields, horses and sheep. He had only one son, but he _2_ bought any books, exercise books or things like that for him. Even he didnt want to _3_ the teacher. Of course they wouldnt teach his son. And four years _4_ , they boy didnt know how much one and one was.Now the boy was eleven, and he couldnt read or write. And the teacher didnt take _5_ back. The old man couldnt teach his son himself. He thought and thought _6_ he decided to get a tutor to teach the boy. He wanted a man who could work but eat_7_ . One of the villagers learned this and decided to play a joke _8_ him. He said to the old , “I know a young man. He can teach your son and he wants no pay.”“Does he eat much?” “No, _9_ but the northwest wind.” The old man was happy. Just as he was going to get the young man, his wife came out and said, “Dont leave so soon. What are you going to do_10_ the wind blows from the southeast?”( ) 1. A. a lot B. much C. most D. a lot of( ) 2. A. ever B. never C. even D. always( ) 3. A. give money B. get money C. cost D. pay( ) 4. A. past B. pass C. passes D. passed( ) 5. A. him B. his C. he D. he ( ) 6. A. at least B. at last C. at times D. at first( ) 7. A. more B. fewer C. less D. better( ) 8. A. against B. for C. on D. with( ) 9. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything( ) 10. A. if B. how C. whether D. since四、补全对话。A: Hello, you two. I hear you two have seen the UFO and the alien.B: Yes, I have and she has , too.A: So, can you tell me _1_ you saw here today?B: Well, I was walking _2_ the Center Street when a UFO _3_ .A: Where did it land?B: Right here.A: So what happened _4_ ?B: An alien _5_ out of the UFO.A: What were you doing?B: When the alien got out of the UFO, I was shopping.A: Then what _6_ ?B: Well! Then the alien went _7_ a store. Do you see the store over there?- And bought a souvenir. Then it _8_the Museum of Flight on Green Street.A: So what did you do?B: _9_ it was visiting the museum, I _10_ the police.五、 翻译。i. 2001年9月11日世贸中心被恐怖分子破坏了。The World Trade Center_ on September 11, 2001.ii. 李明被认为是最好的学生。LiMing _ be the best student.iii. 物理老师告诉我们光的传播比声音快。The physics teacher told us _ .iv. 她愿意成为孩子生活中的好的影响。She likes _ in childrens livesv. 如果我考试不及格我的父母将对我感到很失望。If I fail the exam, my parents _ .vi. 当今的年轻人需要经历不同的事情。vii. 对你来说抄别人的作业是不对的。viii. 我们确信我们能克服那个困难。ix. 家庭贫困没有钱受教育。x. 他环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。六、 写作。王林准备“十一”长假邀请他的朋友来北京玩。请根据提示信息给他发个电子邮件。Last week: have exams, do well, math teacher say, can do betterOctober 1st: if fine, go to the Great Wall. if rain, visit the Palace Museum. Evening, eat Beijing Roast Duck. Wear sports shoes, play footballAdvice: bring your camera


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