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听写:1.你妈妈是做什么工作的? 2.他教我们的英语。3.她生病住院了。 4.她在医院当护士,协助医生的工作。5.他叔叔当警察,穿制服。 6.他与人和钱打交道。人们把钱给他或从他那取钱。 7.她每天都同我们说起你的事。 8.他是警察,这是危险工作。但人民爱他,小偷不喜欢他。9.我们班每个人学习都很努力。10.他上课常迟到。所以老师常说“下次别迟到.”11.没消息就是好消息。12. 警察在报上找你。 13. 他想当记者,因为他想认识了解有趣的人和物。14. 我常打这个电话(号码)给他。15. 作为记者,他喜欢写故事和讲故事。 短语1.工作很晚。 2.为工作3.危险工作4.给我5给我们弄点吃的6.对人说话 7.认识(迎接)某人8. 外出吃饭9.努力工作10. 在医院当护士11. 想当警察12. 晚报13. 等我 14. 5 到11岁的小孩15. 一个,另一个16. 一些,其他的 听写:1.你妈妈是做什么工作的? Whats your mother? What does your mother do? Whats your mothers job? 2.他教我们的英语。He teaches us English. (He is our English teacher.) 3.她生病住院了。She is ill in hospital. 4.她在医院当护士,协助医生的工作。She works as a nurse for a hospital and helps doctors with their work. 5.他叔叔当警察,穿制服。His uncle is a policeman and wears a uniform. 6.他与人和钱打交道。人们把钱给他或从他那取钱。He works with people and money. People give their money to him or get money from him. 7.她每天都同我们说起你的事。She talks to us about you every day.8.他是警察,这是危险工作。但人民爱他,小偷不喜欢他。He is a policeman. Its a dangerous job.(Its dangerous work.) But the people love him and thieves dont like him.9.我们班每个人学习都很努力。 All of us(We each/all) work/study hard in our class. =Each of us works /studies hard in our class. 10.他上课常迟到。所以老师常说“下次别迟到.” He is often late for class. (He often comes late to class.) So the teacher usually says,“Dont be late next time.” 11.没消息就是好消息。No news is good news. 12. 警察在报上找你。 The police want you in the newspaper. 13. 他想当记者,因为他想认识了解有趣的人和物。He wants to be a reporter because he wants to meet and learn some interesting people and things. 14. 我常打这个电话(62801810)给他。I often call him at this number-62801810. 15. 作为记者,他喜欢写故事和讲故事。As a reporter, he likes to write (stories) and tell stories. 短语1.工作很晚。Work late 2.为工作 work for 3.危险工作 a dangerous job (dangerous work) 4.给我 give it(them) to me. 5给我们弄点吃的 get soemthing to eat for us 6.对人说话 talk to /with /about sth(sb) 7.认识(迎接)某人 meet sb 8. 外出吃饭 go out to(for) dinner 9.努力工作 work hard 10. 在医院当护士 work as a nurse for a hospital 11. 想当警察 want to be a policeman 12. 晚报 Evening Paper 13. 等我 wait for me 14. 5到11岁的小孩 children of five to 11.15. 一个,另一个 one, the other 16. 一些,其他的 some, others

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