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必修4 UNIT5:THEME PARKSFUN AND MORE THAN FUN Reading 教学设计教材分析:本课的话题是“主题公园”, 主题公园作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文内容有趣、易于理解。作者不仅讲述了主题公园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公园。Theme Parks fun and more than fun这篇主题公园指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。设计思想: 本堂课为阅读课,是在多媒体的教学环境下实施的大容量,快节奏的课堂教学.教学设计主要是围绕培养学生的阅读技能而展开.在教学中先让学生观看有关公园场景的视频和图片,以激发学生对该话题的兴趣;之后,让学生运用略读、寻读、跳读、细读、精读等阅读方法,对文章逐层推进地进行阅读,从而达到对文章的深层理解.通过小组合作,鼓励学生参与各种活动,培养他们的探究、创新及合作意识和团队精神,促进学生相互学习,共同提高。最后通过对文章的阅读,增强学生世界意识,培养积极的生活态度。教学目标:1、使学生了解世界著名的主题公园并掌握有关主题公园的词汇,丰富文化知识;2、培养学生的略读、查读等阅读技能以及整体把握文章思路,快速获取细节信息的能力;3、通过小组合作,鼓励学生参与各种活动,相互合作、相互支持,培养他们的探究、创新及合作意识和团队精神,促进学生相互学习,共同提高。4、增强世界意识,培养学生积极的生活态度,形成健康的人生观.教学重点和难点:1、调动学生的学习积极性,让他们主动参与学习活动;2、掌握阅读技巧和方法,能筛选和提取文章的一些重要信息;3、提高阅读能力,根据文章的结构能理清文章的重要细节.教学过程:Step 1: Lead-in T: Enjoy a video of Disneyland,.please T: Do you know whats the video about? S: T: Have you been there? S: T: Then, what kinds of parks have you been? S: (Slide show some pictures about kinds of parks) T: What do you suppose a theme park is ? S: T: What can you enjoy there? S: T: Skim the passage to check your ideas, please!【设计说明】:展示一段迪斯尼乐园视频资料。由学生最熟悉喜爱的内容引入,符合学生的年龄特点,不仅激发了学生的兴趣,活跃了课堂的气氛,体现“兴趣是最好的老师”的教学理念。也为阅读作好认识上和思想上的准备,进一步挖掘主题公园的文化内涵。Step 2:Fast-reading Task : Skim read the passage and finish the exercises: Exercise 1: Whats the main idea of the passage? This passage mainly tells us _ _ Exercise 2: find out the topic sentences of each paragraph. Paragraphs Topic sentences Paragraph 1: _ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_ Paragraph 4:_ Paragraph 5: _ Paragraph 6:_【设计说明】: 学生通过略读全文,快速找出每段的中心句,从整体上把握文章内容,总结出全文中心含义,了解作者的意图。让学生快速默读课文,完成相关练习,培养学生阅读能力,特别是在阅读过程中快速获取和处理信息的能力,同时使学生对课文也有了浅层理解。Step 3:Careful-readingTask 1: Read the passage carefully and fill in the following table.Activities SizeFacilitiesChargeSouvenirsTraditional parks Theme parks 【设计说明】:学生先个人通过浏览细看快速找到特定信息,然后各小组成员之间交流并由小组长综合信息向全班汇报,旨在培养学生的协作精神,进而提高学习效率. 同时也促进学生对篇章结构有更深层次的理解,也利于调动全班同学的课堂参与性和学习积极性.Task 2:Work in pairs and make up dialogues between tour guides and tourists according to the Theme parks given in the text.you can begin like this: 1. A (tour guide): Now, here we are ! Attention ,please .Id like to introduce the theme parks to you . B(tourist): What is a theme park? 2、A :Now ,I am happy to show you around a sports theme park? B:What activities does a sports theme park offer to us? 3、A:Here we are in the history theme park.B:What can we see and do here?【设计说明】:通过对话练习既能很好地巩固课文,又能提高学生实际运用语言交际的能 力,且能培养学生合作学习的能力,达到了一箭双雕的效果。Step4:Post-reading Activity1: Discussion “As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province and many parks were destroyed. Should we build more ordinary parks or theme parks there? Why?” Work in groups to talk about their reasons freely.【设计说明】 联系四川汶川地震的社会实际,开拓学生的深层思维,让学生积极参与到讨论中,增强了与他人讨论、合作、沟通和协调的能力,并且培养了用英语有条理地阐述自己的观点、展示任务成果的能力。同时也可以积累更多的素材为下面的写作作准备.Activity 2: Our own theme park competition Work in groups to design your fantasy theme park with pictures and illustrations。 Procedures: (1) Think of your own theme park first;(2) Describe the feature of your theme park and make a map of it if possible;(3) Present your work (Make a poster after class);(4) Assess on students work. (主要从小组合作意识、设计创意、语言描述等几方面 进行评价) Possible questions: 1.What is the name of your theme park? 2. What is the theme? 3. Any attractions? 4. What do you want to show visitors and tell visitors? 5.Why do you want to design it?【设计说明】:本活动是本课教学有效性的一个检测手段,同时可培养学生组内合作,组际竞争的能力,把课堂教学过程转化为学生主动参与教学的过程。Step 5. Homework assignment 1Make a survey of the theme parks in your city or other cities and fill the form below.Name of the parkthemePurpose(s) Popularity and the reasons 2. Surf on the Internet for more information about theme parks.【设计说明】:培养学生的实践能力,发挥课堂教学的后续延伸作用。


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