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高考听力涉及的日常交际话题及相关词汇一 吃饭1. 家宴 home party人物关系:男主人 host 女主人 hostess 家庭主妇 housewife相关词汇:中式餐 Chinese-meal 英式餐 English-meal 自家做的home-made 饿了hungryhgri 吃饱了full ( have enough ) 邀请 / 招待 invite invait invitation ,invitein wonderful delicious食料: 甜点desert wine 奶油butter bt coffee with milk tea with sugar 原汁咖啡black coffee 对话:Thanks very much for your party! We really had a time.考查方式:对话 人物关系,地点及时间2. 外宴地点: Restaurant 人物关系: 顾客customer kstm 男服务员 waiter weit 女服务员waitress weitris相关词汇:菜单 menumenju: 订餐(人数)book a table for three 点菜 order :d 买单 pay the bill bil 小费 tip 服务 service s:vis serve s:v 费用/ 收费charge t:d 一盘菜 / 菜肴dish di 筷子chopsticks tpstiks 刀叉knife and fork食料: 汤soup su:p 凉菜 cold dish beef 猪肉pork p:k 服务态度: 令人满意的 satisfactory stisfktri 不好 ill service 满意的 content kntent 愤怒的angry 抱怨 complain kmplein complaint kmpleint 苍蝇 fly 凉汤cold soup 臭肉 smelly smeli meat 对话:I booked a table for three 7 oclock This way please.考查方式: 对话的地点,人物关系,时间及说话人的态度。抱怨的原因二 购物1. 买衣物 Buy a piece of clothing地点:shop 人物关系:customer 售货员shop assistant sistnt salesman seilzmn 店主 store-owner un相关词汇:尺寸/ 大小 size 讨价还价/ 便宜货bargain b:gin 有货卖on sale 钱包parcel p:sl 团购group booking 原价:regular regjul price, normal n:ml price 试穿try on fashion 过时的out of date 新款 latest style 省钱 save减价:如打折20%或8折20% off 特价special offer / special price 25% discount diskaunt 让价30 美元 Knock 30$ off 颜色:褐/棕色的brown braun 灰白色的grey grei favorite color 咖啡色 coffee对话:What can I do for you, madam? Yes, please. Id like to buy a T-shirt. What about this red one? Its fashionable style these days. The coffee one looks nice, How much is it? The normal price is 30$. And if you buy two, well give you a 15%discount. Ok, I will have them.考查方式: 对话 地点,人物关系及数字Fit 体型/尺寸合适 suit 颜色/花样或款式适合 suit某人match款式颜色方面的搭配 and match go with物品与物品之间搭配2. 买日用品:daily commodities kmditi appliance plains地点:market / super market人物关系:customer 收银员 cashierki 售货员shop assistant sistnt相关词汇:区域 / 地段section sekn 促销 / 推销promotion prmun 兑换 / 找零钱 exchange iksteind 收银台 cash desk 现金 cash 信用卡credit kredit card 总计in total 对话:138.8¥please, how will you pay for it? By cash or credit card? credit card.考查方式: 对话 地点,人物关系,数字及方式3. 退货地点:货摊booth bu: 商店 shop 摊子/小贩卖部 stand人物关系:小贩 street vendor vend 买方buyer 卖方seller 相关词汇:坏了 doesnt work 掉了/ 脱落了 off 退色 fade (away) 收据receipt risi:t 退货还钱give money back 修理 repair rip / fix 修理 mend 换 change 商标label leibl对话:W. I bought this cell phone here last week, but it seemed that it hard to refuel / recharge. M. Ok, would you like to have it mended or change a new one? W. I just want to give my money back. Please show me your receipt.重点词:buy - bought - bought b:t mendmendedmended Have sth done I will have my bike fixed to the street.考查方式: 对话 地点,人物关系及说话人的意图及原因三 出行1. 旅行计划 Travel plan人物关系:visitor 旅行社travel agency eidnsi ( company ) guide 相关词汇:两日三夜游 a two-day and three-night trip to 景点 spot 观观旅游 sightseeing countryside度假胜地resortriz:t ( spot ) 门票 entrance ticket 费用fee 空中客车 airbus ( A380 ) 乘坐从A地到B地的长途大巴 take the coach from A to B. 提前 / 预先 in advance 订票 order tickets 退票 return tickets 到达arrive ( arrival ) 搭顺风车take a ride 中途卸下 drop sb. off对话:M. Shall we go to mount Tai this weekend? W. Good idea! How will we get there? M. By the coach from Qingdao to Taishan, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery si:nri along the road / way.考查方式:对话 人物关系,时间及方式2. 交通工具 means of transportation A汽车 长途大巴 coachkut 城际列车 intercity liner lain 人物关系:售票员 ticket seller coach driver相关词汇:售票处tickets office time table 时刻表schedule skedul safe ( safety ) 安全带seat beltbelt 晕车的carsick k:sik ( sick 想呕吐的 / 恶心的 ) 袋子bags 系牢fastenfsn考查方式:对话或独白 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to take our liner. I have something important to announce. First, for the sake of safety, please fasten your seat belt. 注意:说话人的身份,话语发生的地点B 火车 train rail station人物关系:售票员ticket clerk visitor 亲戚relative rltv 知交 / 伴侣familiar fmilj相关词汇:time table 箱子suitcase 排队line ( lining ) up 插队jump the queue kju: 乘客 / 旅客 passenger psind 出发 set out 查票ticket checking售票ticketingtkt从A地去B地 leave A for B ( leave for B ) 接某人 pick sb. up 给某人送行see sb. off 考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系,时间及方式C飞机 By plane地点:机场 airport 人物关系:乘客 passenger 乘务员stewardess stju:dis相关词汇:航班flight 护照passport 经济舱economy class 公务舱 business class 起飞take off 离开 / 起飞时间departure time 降落land 登机牌boarding b:di card / pass 登机口boarding gateflyflewfluflownflun flight plane = air考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系时间及方式3. 住宿Hotel人物关系:接待者receptionist risepnist 接线员telephone operator p,reit businessman 相关词汇:入住登记 check in 结账 check out 预定房间book a room 双人房 double room 单人房single room 床单sheet i:t 枕头pillow pilu 毛巾towel taul 食宿accommodation,kmden 房间号Room+数字 (313房 room313 ) 包含 include inklu:d (breakfast is included free breakfast)考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系及数字4. 邮局 Post office 人物关系:邮递员postman(deliverer diliv ) customer相关词汇:邮票stamp stmp 包裹parcel p:sl( package pkid / wrap sth. Up) 递送deliver diliv 邮件地址mail address 航空邮件air mail 平信ordinary mail 重量weightwet choosechosechosen tuzn 优先考虑 / 选择 top choice 考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系,方式及数字四 学习1. 工具书 参考书reference refrns 学习工具learning tools tu:l人物关系:图书管理员librarian laibrrin student 相关词汇:借borrow 还return 借10天 keep 10 days 书签bookmark buk,m:k 实验室lab Borrowborrowedborrowed returnreturned-returned考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系2. 学校生活 School life 校园 /大学生活campus kmps 人物关系:校友schoolmates 教授 professor prfes 讲师 lecturer lektr 舍友roommates 大一新生freshman fremn 大四学生senior si:nj (graduate )相关词汇: A. 学习 科目subject 专业major 授课大厅lecture hall 课程course k:s 上课 take lesson B饮食 餐厅dinning room ( hall ) junk food 快餐 / 小吃snackssnk 营养品nutritionnju:trin ( 有营养的nutritiousnju:tris )C起居 寄宿学校生boarding b:di student 走读生 leave ( leaving ) off campus 熬夜stay upD休闲 操场playground 健身房 gymnasium dmnezm favorite hobby ( interest )考查方式:对话或独白 地点,人物关系,态度观点及主旨大意修饰人的形容词:担心的 / 发愁的worried 感到满意的satisfied 挂虑的 /不安的concerned 感到惊讶的surprised震惊的shocked kt 害怕的frightened 好奇的curious kjuris 疲倦的tired修饰物的形容词:满意的satisfying (satisfactory ,stisfktri ) 惊人的surprising spraizi 令人疲倦的tiring tairi 令人生厌的 / 乏味的boring b:ri 骇人的 frightening3. 作业或考试人物关系:老师teachers 学生students 同学之间schoolmates相关词汇:exam grades 作业 / 功课assignmentsainmnt (homework ) failed ( not pass ) 努力make efforts to do 准备prepare prip ( preparation ,preprein try 错误 mistakes ( fault f:lt / error er ) 正确的 / 改正correct krekt 批评criticize kritisaiz进步progress prgrs ( improve impru:v improvement / advance dvns advancement ) 测验test 试验experiment iksperimnt考查方式:对话或独白 地点,人物关系及原因五 工作1. 面试 Interview人物关系:面试者interviewer intvju: 被面试者interviewee intvju: i: 毕业生 graduate grdu,et 雇主 / 老板employer impli 员工 / 受雇者 employee ,mpli相关词汇:介绍 introduce (introduction ) 主修科目 major meid 公司 / 企业 company ( firm, industry ) 贸易trade 百货公司 department store 工作领域 working area 简历 resume rizju:m 申请书application ,plikein 工资salary slri 工作经验working experience ikspirins 档案file 通告informinf:m 营销marketing m:kiti考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系,原因及主旨大意2. 工作环境 Working environment人物关系:总裁 president ( boss, manager ) 秘书 secretary sekrtri 同事 workmates ( co-workers )相关词汇:部门department (销售部 sales department) 办公室主任the boss of office 管理 / 经营management mnidmnt 首席执行官 CEO Chief Executive Officer 员工personnel ,p:snel / staff ( st:f ) 退休retireritai ( retirement )考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系,观点态度及主旨大意3. 假勤人物关系:老板boss / manager 秘书 secretary sekrtri 同事 workmates ( co-workers )相关词汇:开除 / 解雇 fire 雇佣 hire 放3天的假 3 days off考查方式:对话 人物关系及原因六 交际 Inter-personal relation communication 1. 约会 Appointment pintmnt人物关系: classmates co-workers ( workmates ) friends 相关词汇:有空availableveilbl free 方便的convenient knvi:njnt考查方式:对话 时间,地点,及人物关系2. 接待 Reception risepn人物关系:接待者receptionist risepnist guest相关词汇:安排 / 筹备arrangereind (arrangement ) 领路 lead 带领sb.参观show sb. around 漫游knock about 请这边走this way please考查方式:对话或独白 时间,地点,人物关系3. 咨询信息 询问enquire inkwair enquiry inkwairi information人物关系: 新手/ 新来者new comer 陌生人 strangers 电话接线员a telephone operator p,reit相关词汇: 方向direction 最近的 nearest 在的对面 opposite 在的旁边 beside / next to / be close to 穿过across ( cross ) 立交桥overpass 坐2路公交车take the No. 2 bus 站block / stop 前front 后behind / back 想知道wonder wnd难点:方位转换 A B ( 中 ) C A 与 C 的位置关系 前后 in the front of back ( back ) 左右 left right 上下 up down 楼上upstairs 楼下downstairs考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系及方式七 娱乐 entertainment ,entteinmnt1. 视听 人物关系:观众audience:dins 男/ 女演员actor actress ktrs 男主角hero 女主角heroin heruin 配角second banana相关词汇:视觉效果visualvul effect ifekt 情节plot 场景 setting 小说 novel nvl戏剧dramadrm / theaterit场面scenesi:n 悲剧tragedy trdd 喜剧comedy kmd 台词 lines / actors 感人的 moving / moved 浪漫的romanticrmntk 正在上演 be on ( is going on ) 考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系,时间及观点,态度2. 展览 exhibit igzibit exhibition,eksibin show 人物关系:visitor tourist turst guide相关词汇:博物馆museum mju:zim 大厅hall h:l 陈列 / 展出 display ( on show ) 收藏collect klekt (collection ) 绘画painting peinti ( drawing ) 摄影photography ftgrf Pictures 考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系及主旨大意3. 音乐会 Go to the concert人物关系:演出者performer pf:m fans 相关词汇:鼓drum 乐队band 现场直播live 演出 give / do a performance 偶像idol aidl ( hero ) 节奏 / 打击 beat 着迷的 / 狂热的crazy kreizi 激动人心的 exciting / excited考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系及时间4. 看报纸 / 杂志 Newspapers and magazines 和 电视人物关系:同事 workmates ( co-workers ) 夫妻 husband and wife (couple )相关词汇:(报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏column klm 关心 be concerned about 娱乐版块entertainment section 时事current k:rntnews 成天躺在沙发上看电视的人 ( 极为懒惰的人 ) couchkaut potato 视力eyesighta,sat 消磨时间kill time 广告advertisement 考查方式:对话 人物关系,观点态度及原因八 保健1. 健康饮食 Healthy diet 人物关系:母子 mother and son 师生 teacher and students 医生与病人 doctor and patient 朋友friends 相关词汇:汁juice 馅饼piepa 脂肪 / 肥胖的 fat 心脏病heart disease 失眠 sleepless导致 / 引起 / 病因 cause ( lead to ) 由引起的 the result of 建议 suggest ( suggestion ) 减肥 lose weight ( a few ponds ) 长膘 / 体重增加 put on weight ( gain several kilograms kl,grm ) 看着更胖了look fatter ( increase / decrease ) 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilogram 考查方式:对话 人物关系,观点态度及原因2. 病 ill sick sik ache eik 人物关系:病人patient 护士nurse n:s 外科医生surgeon s:dn 内科医生 physicianfizin 心理学专家psychologist sakldst 相关词汇:治疗(疗法)therapyrp treatment 治愈curekju (curable / curable ) 体检body examination 药 pill / medicine 咳嗽cough kf 取血样Take blood sample 检查run a test on you (病)突然发作 / 中风stroke struk 量体温 take temperature temprit 药片pill pil ( medicine mdsn / drug drg ) 瓶子上的用法说明instructions instrkn on the bottle 身体的physical fizikl 精神的mental mentl 康复 recover ( get over / feel better )考查方式:对话 地点,人物关系及原因3. 低碳生活 A low carbon lifestyle (climate-friendly lifestyles)人物关系:师生 teacher and students 夫妻 husband and wife 环境论者 environmentalist in,vairnmentlist 专家 expert eksp:t相关词汇:对环境无害的 environmental in,vairnmentl friendly 健康的healthy hl 生活方式 lifestyle 碳足迹carbon footprint the 3Rs 减少reduce rdjus-重复利用reuse-循环利recycle ri:saikl 有害的harmful 危险的dangerous 塑料袋plasticplstik bags 释放releaserili:s 把.分类sorts:t 考查方式:对话或独白 人物关系,主旨大意,原因及方式九 环保 environmental protection1. 全球变暖 Global warming人物关系:环境论者 environmentalist in,vairnmentlist 专家 expert eksp:t 相关词汇:温室效应green house effect 二氧化碳carbon dioxide daiksaid 大气atmosphere tmsfi 极端天气extreme ikstri:m weather 排放物 emission mn 矿物燃料fossil fuels 毁坏 / 破坏destroy distri 毁灭性的 destructive 毁坏 damage dmid 冰川消融melting meltiice考查方式:对话或独白 人物关系,主旨大意,原因及方式2. 治理与保护 deal with and protect 人物关系:环境论者 environmentalist 专家 expert eksp:t相关词汇:号召call upon 节能 energy saving 净化purification ,pjurfkein ( make water clean ) 节水装置water saving fixtures fikst ( device divais ) 节约用水 water conservation ,kns:vein 主题themei:m 采取措施 / 行动 take action ( measures me ) 污染pollute plu:t ( pollution ) 非再生的non-renewable ,nnrnjub!考查方式:对话或独白 人物关系,主旨大意,原因及方式3. 生命与环境 人物关系:环境论者 environmentalist 专家 expert eksp:t 师生 teacher and students相关词汇:濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife 酸雨acid rain 自然保护区 nature reserve riz:v 稀有物种 rare breed缺水water shortage 臭氧层 Ozone uzun layer lei 绝种extinct ikstikt ( die out / disappear ) 沙尘暴 sand storm 生态系统ecosystem ekusistm 对有灾难性的影响 have a disastrous diz:strs effect on 考查方式:对话或独白 人物关系,主旨大意,原因及方式十 新闻1. 经济 economy knm人物关系:经济学家economist i:knmist expert in 方面的专家相关词汇:国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund(IFM) 货币currency k:rnsi 金融finance fainns 金融危机financial crisis kraisis 农业agriculture griklt 工业 / 企业industry 服务业 Service industry 制造业manufacturing ,mnjufktri ( manufacture ) 进口import imp:t ( bring in, buy ) 出口export eksp:t 通货膨胀inflation inflein上涨:increase go up grow(增长率:growth gru rate ) up 下跌:decrease di:kri:s fall ( falling, fell ,fallen ) go down jump( 跳水) 考查方式:对话或独白 人物关系,主旨大意及数字2. 社会问题 social problems 人物关系:受害者victim viktim 幸存者survivor svaiv 目击证人 witness witnis相关词汇:犯罪率 crime kraim rate 罪犯criminal kriminl 校园枪击 school shooting 海盗 pirate pairit 人质 hostage hstid 威胁 / 恐吓threat ret 炸弹bomb bm 安全降落 land safely 火警fire alarm l:m 恐怖分子terroristterrist考查方式:对话或独白 时间,人物关系,主旨大意及原因3. 天气预报 Weather forecast f:k:st人物关系:news reporter 广播员radio station announce nauns 相关词汇:晴clear ( bright ) 阵雨shower au 暴风雨storm st:m 降雨量rainfall rein,f:l 雷雨thunder ndstorm 雾fogfg ( foggy ) 温度temperature 摄氏度centigrade sentigreiddegrees 零度以下below zero ( 结冰freezefri:z-freezing-frozen ) 降温 drop / fall / decrease 升温 rise / increase 考查方式:独白 细节理解及数字4. 失物招领 Lost and found人物关系:物主owner 拾者finder相关词汇:物品article:tikl (items aitm ) 容纳的东西content kntent 装有contain kntein ( include ) 描述describe diskraib (description ) 钱包 wallet wlt考查方式:对话或独白 时间,人物关系,主旨大意及原因5. 交通事故 Traffic Accident人物关系:交警traffic policemen 幸存者survivor svaiv 目击证人 witness witnis相关词汇:乘客 / 旅客 passenger psind 撞上run into ( know into ) 流血bleeding bli:di 救护车ambulance mbjulns 酒后开车 drunk drk-driving 事故现场accident scene 超速over-speed spi:d ( 时速90英里:at a speed of 90 miles per hour ) 无证驾驶 driving without a licence laisns( 许可证 ) 考查方式:对话或独白 时间,人物关系,主旨大意及原因6. 劫案 Robbery rbri地点: supermarket bank 人物关系:银行职员bank clerk 抢劫者robber rb 店主storeowner 警察policeman相关词汇:闯入break into 面具mask msk 保安 guard g:d 手枪pistol pistl 钱箱cashbox 抢夺snatch snt ( snatched ) 晕倒faint feint 珠宝jewellery du:lri 黄金gold 银silver silv考查方式:对话或独白 时间,人物关系,主旨大意7. 自然灾害 natural disaster diz:st人物关系:news reporter 受害者victim viktim 幸存者survivor svaiv相关词汇:发生occur k: ( break out / take place) 坠毁crash kr 营救rescue reskju: 消防队员firefighter 飞行员pilot pailt / aviator eivi,eit 船员crew kru: 财产损失Property prpti loss 受伤injure ind ( injured, injury ) 受伤 wound waund 受伤的wounded wu:ndid 泥石流mud-rock flow 洪水flood fld 干旱drought draut 失踪 missing ( not found ) 尸体 body ( bodies ) 导致 / 引起 lead ( led ) to cause 考查方式:独白 时间,人物关系,数字,原因及主旨大意时间与日期1. 时间的表达 不到/ 差To 过past 半half 小时hour 十五分钟quarter kw:t 分钟minute 秒钟 second 10:35 ten thirty five / twenty five to eleven9:23 nine past twenty three / nine twenty three8:15 a quarter eight / a quarter past eight 8:45 three quarters past eight / a quarter to nine / eight forty eight2. 日期号date 星期week 月month 年year 十年 decade dekeid 世纪century sntur过去:ago / earlier 十天前 ten days ago / ten days earlier 未来:later / by + 时间词 ( 截止 ) / in +时间词 (在 内)三天后 three days later 星期三交作业 your homework should be handed in by Wednesday. 你的包裹将在两天内送达 Your parcel will reach you in two days.即将到来 on the way around the corner in sight 3. 日期更改提前 in advance be ahead of time beforehand bif:hnd推迟 put off postpone pustpun defer dif:取消 cancel knsl call sth. Off draw back (from sth.) repeal ripi:l 数字及计算1. 数词百hundred 千thousand 百万millionmljn 十亿billion biljn成百上千tens of thousand 成千上万tens thousand of million 二 couple / double / pair p 十二 dozen dzn ( 半打 / 6 half dozen ) 十四天 fortnight f:tait ( two weeks ) 2. 倍数两倍 twice / two times 三倍 three times 三分之一 one third 五分之二 two fifths 四分之一 a quarter 四分之三 three quarters 3. 计算加减 add to plus pls and ( 1 +and 1 = is 2 ) 省了 save 剩下 left 乘除 单价 each / per ( 每一个) 折扣 percent ( 8 折 80% discount ) x 2 double 4. 约数大约 about nearly almost approximatelyprksimitli around more or less 对话的特点1. 表达观点看法 Express your ideas or point of view ( opinion )我想(认为)我能做I think / guess / wonder / suppose / suspect if /whether I can do I wonder if / whether the decision will do good to the local people. 我想知道这决定是否对本地人有好处。我可以做 May / can /could I do May I have your name please. 我能知道你的名字吗?让我们做 / 约在 时候 Lets make it Lets make it on next Saturday. 我们的(约会)订在下星期六。似乎 / 好象 It seems ( seemed ) / appears ( appeared )that It appeared that the fire was started by a cigarette end. 似乎大火是由烟头引起的。你介意做 吗? Do you mind ( if I ) doing ?Do you mind sentencing your cigarette to death, I m feeling sick. 你介意把你的烟判处死刑吗?我想吐。2. 赞同 Agreement / approval ( approve )Thats great. Good


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