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Unit 4 Whats the best movie theatre? 知识梳理句型转换Section A比较级 more cheaply 1.cheaply最高级 most cheaply 比较级 more comfortable2.comfortable 最高级 most comfortable3.close比较级 closer 最高级 closest新课 标第 一 网4.sit (n.) seat5.choose(pt.) chose 比较级 more carefully6.carefully 最高级 more carefully 比较级 最高级7.bad/badlyworse worst 比较级 最高级8. freshfresher freshest 9.comfortable(adv.) comfortably10.act(n.表人)actor(演员)Section B1.talent (adj.) talented2.beautiful (adv.) beautifully 比较级 more beautifully3. beautifully 最高级 most beautifully4.win(n.表人)winner(获胜者)5.performer(v.) performw W w .x K b 1 .c o M6.serious(adv.)seriously (最高级)most seriously7.give(pt.) gave8.crowd(adj.) crowded短语归纳Section A1. the biggest screens最大的荧幕14. be the closest to home 离家最近3. the shortest waiting time 最短的等候时间4. have the most comfortable seats 有最舒服的座位5. the best sound 最好的声音6. buy clothes the most cheaply 买最便宜的衣服 7. play the most boring songs播放最乏味的歌曲8. the worst music 最差的音乐9. the freshest food最新鲜的食物10. sit the most comfortably 坐得最舒服11. so far 到目前为止Section B2. the best performer 最好的演员3. the most talented person 最有天赋的人4. more and more popular 越来越受欢迎5. have.in common 有相同特征6. the funniest actors 最风趣的演员7. all kinds of 各种各样的8. play the piano the best 钢琴弹得最好9. sing the most beautifully 唱得最美妙 10. be up to 是的职责;由决定11. play a role 发挥作用;有影响12. make up 编造(故事流言等)13. for example例如14. take .seriously认真对待重点句子(1) It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒服的座位。(2) The DJs choose songs the most carefully. 那些音乐节目主持人们选择歌曲最细致。(1) How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你认为它怎么样?(2) Thanks for telling me. 谢谢告诉我。新 课 标 第 一 网(3) Which is the worst clothes store in town? 城镇里最差的服装店是哪一家?一、 Everyone is good at something. 每个人都各有所长。一、 Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 观看别人展示他们的天赋总是很有趣。13. All these shows have one thing in common. 所有这些节目有一个共同之处。1. Thats up to you to decide. 这由你来决定。(6) However, and everybody enjoys watching these shows.然而,并不是所有的人都喜欢看这些节目。合作探究 难点讲练讲一讲 1Whats the best clothes store in town?城里最好的的服装店是哪家?I think Millers is the best.我觉得米勒的服装店是最好的。(4) 此句中best 是good 的最高级形式,其前应加定冠词the。(5) in town 在城镇,town前加不加任何冠词或修饰成分。in the city 在城市, in the country在乡村;在农村。City/country 前加定冠词the。例如: Do you like living in town or in the city? 你喜欢住在城镇还是住在城市里? (3)此句中 Millers 是名词所有格的形式,表示场所、店铺等意义。例如:the barbers 理发店the doctors 诊所my uncles 我叔叔家 (4)clothes 本身是复数形式,后面动词应用复数。Clothing 是复合名词,衣服的总称,没有复数形式,后面动词应用单数。例如:The clothes in that shop are expensive. 那家店的衣服贵。All the clothing in the shop is very cheap. 这家店里的衣服很便宜。练一练1用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. Whats _ (good) clothing store in town?2. Who is _ (short),Ann, Sally _ or Mary?3. Among the three boys he works the _ . A. hard B.harder C.hardest D.most hard(1) Michael is taller than any other student in his class.(同义句转换) Michael is _ _ _ in his class.4.你认为谁是最佳表演者? Who do you think is _ _ _ ?讲一讲2It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒适的座位。You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.因为它们有最大的座位所以你可以坐得最舒服。14. comfortable 为形容词,意为“舒适的”,用来修饰seats。most comfortable 是它的最高级形式,在句中使用时,要在其最高级前加the.15. Comfortably 为comfortable的副词,意为“舒服地;舒适地”,用来修饰它前面的sit,即副词修饰动词之后,most comfortable 是它的最高级形式。在句中使用时,其最高级前可以加the也可以不加。拓展类似的词在本单元还有许多。例如:X k B 1 . c o mbeautifulbeautifully,cheapcheaply,carefulcarefully等练一练 2用所给词的正确形式填空。6. There are _seats in Town Cinema. Yes, you can sit there _ .(comfortable)7. Can you buy clothes the most ? Yes, I can buy the _ clothes.(cheap)8. He is a _ man, he does everything _ . (careful)9. Tom sings _in his class. He can sing many_ songs .(beautiful)10. Did your father have a _ breakfast this morning? Yes, he had breakfast_. (quick) 讲一讲 3Its the closest to home. 它离家最近。(1) close 在此句中为形容词,意为“近的,接近的”,既可指时间,也可以指空间上的。closest 为形容词 close的最高级形式。其反义词为far, 近义词为near。在表达“离近”时用(be)close to 结构。例如: The post office is close to the park. 邮局离公园近。 He sat close to us. 他挨着我们坐。拓展 close与near都意为“近的”,但close比near表达的距离更近,相当于very near,可以近至几乎相接触,而near意为“附近的;邻近的。”例如: My home is near our school.我家离我们学校很近。 close还是一个动词,意为“关;关闭”。其反义词为open。例如: Please close the windows before leaving. 离开前请将窗户关上。 Dont close your eyes, please. 请不要闭上眼睛。(2) home 在这里为名词,意为“家”,包含“爱;温暖;舒适;安全”等意义,通常不用冠词修饰。例如: Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,哪里就是家。练一练311. The store is the _my home. I often do shopping in it.A. Near B.closest C.farthest D.closes12. David ,where do you live? Its_ Taishan. A. Close from B.closing to C.close to D.far to 新|课 |标|第 |一| 网w W w . X k b 1.c O m13. My home is _our school, so I have to take the bus. A. Far from B.closed to C. Far to D.near.讲一讲 4Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents.观看别人展示他们的天赋总是很有趣。1. Its interesting to do sth. 意思是 “做某事有趣”, 它是Its +adj+to do sth.句型的一种形式,it 作形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语。例如: Its very interesting to play computer games. 玩电脑游戏很有趣。6. watch 在句中是感官动词。Watch sb.do sth. 意为“观看某人做了某事或经常观看某人做某事”,强调“观看动作的全过程”。例如:I watched them play football the whole afternoon.整个下午我在看他们踢足球。拓展 watch sb.doing sth. 则表示“观看某人正在做某事”强调“动作正在进行”。例如: Im watching them playing football. 新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 我正在观看他们踢足球。 hear,see, feel, notice 等感官动词的用法与watch一致。例如: I saw him get on the bus. 我看见他上了公共汽车。(动作已完成) I saw him getting on the bus. 我看见他正在上公共汽车。(动作正在进行)练一练 415. I saw my father_ . It made me _better. A.smiling; to feel B.smile; feeling C.smile ; feel D.smile; to feel15. The young woman watched her daughter_ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon. A.to play B.to play with C.playing with D.played16. I often hear her_ in the room. A.sing B.sang C.singing D.to sing9. Its nice of you _me with my math. A.help B.helping C.to help D.helped语法归纳形容词的比较级和最高级(二)1. 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法(1)形容词比较级用于两者(人或物)之间的比较,表示一方比另一方“更”或“较”,后面通常用比较连词than连接另一方所比较的人或物。than引导的是比较状语从句,但为了避免重复,从句中有些与主句相同的部分常常省略,而把相比较的部分省略出来。另外,在上下文明确时,形容词比较级也可以单独使用。例如:This room is smaller than that one (is).这个房间比那个房间小。He is younger than I(am).他年纪比我小。His English is better than his brother s (is). X k B 1 . c o m他的英语比他哥哥的好。1. 形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或事物之间的比较,表示其中一方在三者以上的人或事物中“最”。最高级前通常用定冠词the, 并用of或in短语来说明比较的范围。Of后面一般接表示同类的名词,in接表示范围的名词。例如:He is the tallest of all.他是所有人中最高的。Li Hua is the best student in his class.李华是他班上最好的学生。2.比较级与最高级的区别与联系(1)比较级是用来把彼此独立的适合人进行比较;最高级是把一个群体中的一员与整体进行比较,这个群体必须包括这个成员,请看下面例句:(A)Mary is taller than her two sisters. 玛丽比她的两个姐姐高。(B)Mary is the tallest of the girls.玛丽是这些女孩中最高的。【注意】句(A)中玛丽是在另外两个姐妹之外,是玛丽一个人同另外两姐妹(作为一方)来比较,所以用比较级。句(B)中玛丽是这些女孩之一,所以用最高级。(2)比较级可以用来表示最高级的含义。例如:Jack is taller than any other student/the other students in his class.(=Jack is the tallest in his class.)杰克比他班里的任何一个/其余的学生都高。(杰克是他班上最高的学生。)any other表示“任何一个”,所以其后用单数名词,the other表示“其余的”,所以其后用名词复数。3.比较连词than的用法比较状语从句中的than是连词,连接的是一个句子作比较状语从句。than虽然后面常常接的是一个词,而不是句子,它仍然是连词,那是因为从句省略了系动词。She is younger than I (am) / me.她年纪比我小。【注意】than后接I是省略系动词am,尤其than后面用me,这时常会使我们误认为than是介词。than后用me(宾格形式)只用于非正式文体中,表示委婉、客气的语气,比I更有礼貌,而不要把than误认为是介词。正式文体中应用I(am).X k B 1 . c o m中考地带I单项选择。( )1You are doing great! Ive never had _answer before.(河北)A better B best C a better D the best( )2 -Why are you standing, Alice?-I cant see the blackboard clear. Two ball boys are sitting _me.(广东)A behind B next to C between D in front of ( )3 Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. Its _one that I have ever heard of. (广东)A a very serious B a more serious C the most serious D the least serious ( )4You should practice more to improve your English, then youll be _at it.(南昌)A good B better C best D the best( )5 Do you think computers are more expensive than they were five years ago?-No,they are_.(沈阳)A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest( )6. Shu-how Lin is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA.(福州)A popular B more popular C the most popular( )7 Who listens _, Tom, Jack or Bill?(天津)A the most carefully B more carefully C the most careful D more careful( )8 We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_ we speak.(杭州)A as twice as much B twice as much as C as much as twice D as much twice as( )9 -Do you like this movie? w W w .x K b 1 .c o M-Yes, its the _one Ive ever seen.(广州)A better B best C good D wellII用所给词的适当形式填空。1Which river is the second _ (long) river in the world?(烟台)2Paris is one of the _ (lively) cities in Europe.(湖北)3The first computers were built in the 1940s. They were even_ (big) than cars.(南京)4Nowadays too many boys want to become_ (act) .(上海) 新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com

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